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Elizabeth Jean Robinson collection, 1943-1945

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Series I: Manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER MSS799/1 Clippings, undated
1 folder
MS01: Clippings include: "Vows Exchanged by Naval Couple At Ceremony in Miami, Florida, Lutheran Church;" includes an image of Robinson; "Four Missoulians Join Women's Navy;" Three Missoula Girls Together In Navy Service;" "While Dates Wait WAVES Fold Gauze;" includes 2 images of servicewomen volunteering to make bandages so that an adequate supply will be on hand at receiving stations; article on enforcing city laws.
BOX-FOLDER MSS799/2-7 Correspondence, 1943-1945
6 folders
MS02: 107 letters written between 1943 and 1945. The majority of the letters were written by Elizabeth Robinson to her parents, Cyrus and Rachel Shannon, and to her sister, Peggy Shannon. Elizabeth's husband, Walter, began writing to his mother-in-law as well, after the couple got married. Elizabeth wrote about schoolwork, her social life at the base in Miami, weather in Florida, financial transactions, and her daily routine. Additional topics covered include: military training, school, physical exercise routine, being turned down for officer's training, WAVES basketball team, her 22nd birthday, promotion to Yeoman 1st Class, studying for an exam to become a Chief, desire not to be transferred away from her husband, marriage, honeymoon, current status of lives, friends, joining a church.
BOX-FOLDER MSS799/8 Military Papers, 1945
1 folder
MS03: Original unused leave form; original news story questionnaire completed by Walter Robinson; loyal military service certificate; discharge certificate.
BOX-FOLDER MSS799/9 Printed Matter, 1943
1 folder
MS04: A pamphlet entitled "The Iowave" (04/1943); "Cook's Bathing Casino" flyer; flyer from Miami Chamber of Commerce that includes points of interests that can be reached by regular bus service or boat trips (05/03/1943).
Series II: Photographs
BOX-FOLDER MSS799/10 Copy Photographic Prints, 1943-1944
1 folder
PH01-PH79: Includes images of Robinson during her service in Iowa and Miami, Florida; friends and family; the Robinson’s apartment; a parade on Biscayne Boulevard in Miami.

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