Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Series I: Recordings (continued) | |||||||||||||
Subseries II: Video Recordings | |||||||||||||
BOX CDDVD221 | Interview with Kenje Ogata, August 18, 2008 , conducted by Kenjalin Ogata. | ||||||||||||
1 DVD | |||||||||||||
ID: AFC2001/001/76800 MV01 | |||||||||||||
Digital content available | |||||||||||||
Topics covered include: Boardwalks in San Francisco; parents from Japan, arranged marriage; childhood memories; leaves for the Army in January 1942; initial army experience with racism; sent to Medical Corps at Camp Grant with other Japanese-American GIs; Earns Pilot's license before the war; wanted to be in Air Corps but was not permitted; two years in Medical Corps; efforts to get into Air Corps; attempts to get Japanese language assignment; detained near Camp Grant for being Japanese American; other Japanese American GIs at Camp Grant; injured in target shooting accident; Gunnery school, meet crew, goes overseas via Newfoundland and Algeria, sealed orders; based in Foggia, Italy, 35 missions, shot down twice; missions to Germany; Oswiecim, Poland, after being shot down, return from mission to Russia over Hungary; bailing out, unusual experience saves his life; return to Hungary in 1985, given a piece of the fuselage of the plane he was shot down in; shot down a second time in Yugoslavia; return to the States; attends college on the GI bill; moves to Chicago, graduates from University of Illinois Dental School; Dental Clinic; birth of daughter; American citizenship; dangers of flying; ball turret and how it worked; wife discusses meat rationing; 6 weeks MIA; about veteran and his parents; keeping in touch with crew mates; veterans organizations. | |||||||||||||
Series II: Manuscripts | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER MSS2125/1 | Biography, 2001-2011 | ||||||||||||
1 folder | |||||||||||||
Digital content available | |||||||||||||
Digital content available | |||||||||||||
MS01: "Kenje's Story," (11/2001) | |||||||||||||
MS02: "Supplement to Biographical Data," (02/2011). | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER MSS2125/2-3 | Civilian Papers, 1944-1949 | ||||||||||||
2 folders | |||||||||||||
Digital content available | |||||||||||||
MS03: Correspondence, printed matter and coursework relating to veteran's undergraduate and graduate studies (1947-1949). MS04: Veterans Administration correspondence and forms concerning subsistence allowance (1947). MS05: Last Will and Testament and General Power of Attorney (1944). |
BOX-FOLDER MSS2125/4 | Clippings, 1944-2002 | ||||||||||||
1 folder | |||||||||||||
MS06: Clippings relating to veteran's service and family, and modern accounts looking back on his service. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER MSS2125/5-6 | Correspondence, 1942-1945 | ||||||||||||
2 folders | |||||||||||||
Digital content available | |||||||||||||
MS07: Correspondence from veteran to his Wife, Wilma, who lived in Sterling, Illinois. Topics covered include: Travel plans; finances; work assignments; mail deliveries; transfer to Air Corps and training; racial discrimination; family and friends; recreation; being shot down. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER MSS2126/1-3 | Correspondence, 1942-1945 | ||||||||||||
3 folders | |||||||||||||
MS07 | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER MSS2126/4 | Correspondence, 1945 | ||||||||||||
1 folder | |||||||||||||
Digital content available | |||||||||||||
MS08: Correspondence from the War Department to Mrs. Wilma Ogata concerning veteran's status as missing in action. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER MSS2126/5 | Correspondence, 1942-1943 | ||||||||||||
1 folder | |||||||||||||
Digital content available | |||||||||||||
MS09: Correspondence to and from veteran regarding his request to enlist in the Air Corps. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER MSS2152/1 | Correspondence, February 7, 1945 | ||||||||||||
1 folder | |||||||||||||
Digital content available | |||||||||||||
MS13: V-mail from veteran to his wife. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER OVZ135/1 | Creative Works, undated | ||||||||||||
1 folder | |||||||||||||
Digital content available | |||||||||||||
MS15: Sheet music, "Furlough in Paradise. Dedicated to all restcamps of the U.S. Army Air Forces." Words by Lt. Charles W. (Mickey) McGuire, music by S/Sgt. Paul Reif. Enclosed with February 10, 1945, letter from the veteran to his wife. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER OVZ105/1 | Maps, circa 1944 | ||||||||||||
1 folder | |||||||||||||
Digital content available | |||||||||||||
MS11: Silk map of Europe carried by veteran when he was shot down over Hungary on 12/26/1944. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER MSS2126/7 | Military Papers, 1943-1945 | ||||||||||||
1 folder | |||||||||||||
Digital content available | |||||||||||||
MS12: Orders, combat records, medical records, memoranda, discharge, financial documents, statement regarding an air accident, Thanksgiving menu. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER OVZ136/1 | Military Papers, 1943-1945 | ||||||||||||
1 folder | |||||||||||||
MS12: Orders, combat records, medical records, memoranda, discharge, financial documents, statement regarding an air accident, Thanksgiving menu. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER MSS2152/2 | Military Papers, 1945 | ||||||||||||
1 folder | |||||||||||||
MS14: Orders for veteran's third oak leaf cluster (03/29/1945); letter from War Department to veteran's wife with list of veteran's crewmates and their next of kin (02/15/1945). | |||||||||||||
Series III: Photographs | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER MSS2126/8 | Original Photographic Prints, 1924-1988 | ||||||||||||
1 folder | |||||||||||||
Digital content available | |||||||||||||
PH01-PH02, PH04-PH29: Includes family photographs, Ogata in during his service in the United States and in Italy, images of Ogata's 1985 trip to Hungary, reunions. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER OVZ111/1 | Original Photographic Prints, January 1942 | ||||||||||||
1 folder | |||||||||||||
PH03: Company B, 32nd Medical Training Battalion, Camp Grant, Illinois. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER MSS2126/9 | Digital Prints, 2008 | ||||||||||||
1 folder | |||||||||||||
PH30: 451st Bomb Group Reunion, Deerfield, Illinois. | |||||||||||||
Series IV: Artifacts | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER MSS2152/3 | Artifact, 1942-1945 | ||||||||||||
1 folder | |||||||||||||
Digital content available | |||||||||||||
AR01: Money from Hungary, Soviet Union, and Romania (1942 - 1945). |