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Oil Division (continued)
Oil Branch (continued)
REPORTS 123 Europaische Tanklager - und Transport A.G. (Finkenwarder Refinery), Finkenwarder, Hamburg, Germany. [Washington] : Oil, Chemicals and Rubber Division, 22 September 1945. (Oil Plant Report ; no. 10).
LC Call No. (1st edition): D785.U58O35 no. 10
LC Call No. (2nd edition): D785.U6 no. 123a
Available in the Science and Business Reading Room: PB 23382
1st edition cover title and 2nd edition have title Europaeische Tanklager und Transport A.G., Hamburg, Germany; 2nd edition published by the Survey's Oil Division.
1st edition published September 22, 1945; report reissued in January 1947, with minor changes to the cover, title page, and some drawings.
Catalog Record (1st edition):
Catalog Record (2nd edition):
16, [53] p. : illustrations, charts, diagrams, tables (some folded), maps (some folded).
Digital content available (2nd edition)
REPORTS 124 Ebano Asphalt Werke A.G., Harburg Refinery, Harburg-Hamburg, Germany. [Washington] : Oil, Chemicals and Rubber Division, 20 September 1945. (Oil, Chemical and Rubber Oil Refinery Report ; no. 11).
LC Call No. (1st edition): D785.U58O35 no. 11
LC Call No. (2nd edition): D785.U6 no. 124a
Available in the Science and Business Reading Room: PB 23383
1st edition cover and 2nd edition have title Ebano Asphalt Werke AG, Harburg Refinery, Hamburg, Germany; 2nd edition published by the Survey's Oil Division.
1st edition published September 20, 1945; report reissued in January 1947, with minor changes to the cover, title page, and some drawings.
Catalog Record (1st edition):
Catalog Record (2nd edition):
18, [37] p. : illustrations, charts, diagrams, tables (some folded), maps (some folded).
Digital content available (1st edition)
Digital content available (2nd edition)
REPORTS 125 Synthetic Oil Plant Meerbeck/Rheinpreussen, Meerbeck, Germany. Dates of plant survey, 17 March-30 March 1945. [Washington : Oil, Chemicals and Rubber Division], 8 November 1945. (Field Team No. 35 Plant Report ; no. 12).
LC Call No. (1st edition): D785.U58O35 no. 12
LC Call No. (2nd edition): D785.U6 no. 125a
Available in the Science and Business Reading Room: PB 23384
1st edition cover and 2nd edition have title Meerbeck Rheinpreussen Synthetic Oil Plant; 2nd edition has subtitle Volume I and Volume II, lacks series statement, and is published by the Survey's Oil Division.
1st edition cover has series Oil Plant Report ; no. 12.
1st edition published November 8, 1945; report reissued in April 1947, with minor changes to the cover, title page, and some drawings.
Catalog Record (1st edition):
Catalog Record (2nd edition):
2 v. : illustrations, charts, diagrams, tables (some folded), maps (some folded).
Digital content available (1st edition, v. 1)
Digital content available (2nd edition, v. 1-2)
REPORTS 126-129 Rubber Branch
REPORTS 126-128 Rubber Plant Report, no. 1-3. [Washington] : Oil, Chemicals, and Rubber Division, 31 August 1945-February 1946.
LC Call No. (1st edition): D785.U58R82 no. 1-2
LC Call No. (2nd edition): D785.U6 no. 126a-128a
Reports in the Rubber Plant Report series are also found in the General Collections under the LC call no. D785.U58R82.
Report no. 3 lacks series statement.
Report no. 3 (1st edition) not held by the Library.
1st edition of reports published August 31, 1945-February 1946; reports reissued in January 1947, with minor changes to the cover, title page, and some drawings.
Catalog Record:
3 v. : illustrations, tables, charts, maps.
REPORTS 126 Deutsche Dunlop Gummi Co. A.G., Hanau-on-Main, Germany. Prepared by Team 83. Dates of plant survey, 14 May-16 May 1945. [Washington : Oil, Chemicals and Rubber Division, 31 August 1945]. (Oil, Rubber and Chemical Division Plant Report ; no. 32 [i.e. 1]).
LC Call No. (1st edition): D785.U58R82 no. 1
LC Call No. (2nd edition): D785.U6 no. 126a
2nd edition has title Deutsche Dunlop Gummi Company, Hanau on Main, Germany and is published by the Survey's Oil Division.
1st edition cover has series Rubber Plant Report ; no. 1.
1st edition published August 31, 1945; report reissued in January 1947, with minor changes to the cover, title page, and some drawings.
Catalog Record (1st edition):
Catalog Record (2nd edition):
20, [56] p. : illustrations, charts, tables (some folded), maps (some folded).
Digital content available (2nd edition)
REPORTS 127 Continental Gummi-Werke, A.G., Hannover, Germany. Prepared by Team 83. Dates of plant survey, 14 May-25 May 1945. [Washington : Oil, Chemicals and Rubber Division], 8 September 1945. (Oil, Rubber and Chemical Division Plant Report ; no. 2).
LC Call No. (1st edition): D785.U58R82 no. 2
LC Call No. (2nd edition): D785.U6 no. 127a
2nd edition has title Continental Gummiwerke, Hanover, Germany and is published by the Survey's Oil Division.
1st edition cover has series Rubber Plant Report ; no. 2.
1st edition published September 8, 1945; report reissued in January 1947, with minor changes to the cover, title page, and some drawings.
Catalog Record (1st edition):
Catalog Record (2nd edition):
22, [64] p. : illustrations, charts (some folded), tables (some folded), maps (some folded).
Digital content available (1st edition)
Digital content available (2nd edition)
REPORTS 128 Huels Synthetic Rubber Plant. Dates of plant survey, 1 June-1 July 1945. [Washington] : Oil Division, January 1947. 2nd edition. ([Rubber Plant Report ; no. 3]).
LC Call No. (2nd edition): D785.U6 no. 128a
Available in the Science and Business Reading Room: PB 23385
Also available in LC Call No.: D785.U57 Vol. V
1st edition has title Synthetic Rubber Plant, Huels, Germany.
2nd edition cover has lacks series Rubber Plant Report ; no. 3.
1st edition published February 1946; report reissued in January 1947, with minor changes to the cover, title page, and some drawings.
Catalog Record:
iv, 77 p. : tables.
Digital content available (2nd edition)
REPORTS 129 Ministerial Report on German Rubber Industry. [Washington] : Oil Division, July 18, 1945.
Report no. 129 not held by the Library.
1 v. : illustrations.
REPORTS 130-133 Propellants Branch
REPORTS 130-133 Propellants Plant Report, no. 1-4. [Washington] : Oil, Chemicals, and Rubber Division, 1 September-7 November 1945.
LC Call No. (1st edition): D785.U58C47 no. 1-4
LC Call No. (2nd edition): D785.U6 no. 130a-133a
Reports in the Propellants Plant Report series are also found in the General Collections under the LC call no. D785.U58C47.
1st edition of reports published September 1-November 7, 1945; reports reissued in January 1947, with minor changes to the cover, title page, and some drawings.
Catalog Record:
4 v. : illustrations, tables, charts, maps.
REPORTS 130 Elektrochemische Werke Munchen A.G. (Munich Electro-Chemical Works, Hollriegelskreuth) (near Munich) Germany. Prepared by Team 83. Date of survey, 28 May 1945. [Washington] : Oil, Chemicals and Rubber Division, 1 September 1945. (Propellants Plant Report ; no. 1).
LC Call No. (1st edition): D785.U58C47 no. 1
LC Call No. (2nd edition): D785.U6 no. 130a
2nd edition has title Elektrochemischewerke, Munich, Germany and is published by the Survey's Oil Division.
1st edition published September 1, 1945; report reissued in January 1947, with minor changes to the cover, title page, and some drawings.
Catalog Record (1st edition):
Catalog Record (2nd edition):
7a, [29] p. : illustrations, charts (some folded), tables (some folded), diagrams (some folded), maps (some folded).
Digital content available (1st edition)
Digital content available (2nd edition)
REPORTS 131 Schoenebeck Explosives Plant, Lignose Sprengstoff Werke GmbH, Bad Salzeman, Schoenebeck, Germany. Dates of plant survey, 18 May-19 May 1945. [Washington] : Oil, Rubber and Chemical [sic] Divison, 19 October 1945. (Propellants Plant Report ; no. 2).
LC Call No. (1st edition): D785.U58C47 no. 2
LC Call No. (2nd edition): D785.U6 no. 131a
1st edition cover title and 2nd edition have title Schoenebeck Explosives Plant, Lignose Sprengstoff Werke GmbH, Bad Salzeman, Germany; 2nd edition is published by the Survey's Oil Division.
1st edition published October 19, 1945; report reissued in January 1947, with minor changes to the cover, title page, and some drawings.
Catalog Record (1st edition):
Catalog Record (2nd edition):
13, [21] p. : illustrations, charts, tables.
Digital content available (1st edition)
Digital content available (2nd edition)
REPORTS 132 The Plants of Dynamit AG (Troisdorf, Clausthal, Krummel and Duneberg). Dates of plants surveys, 8, 11, 16, 19, 20, 23, and 24 May 1945. [Washington] : Oil, Chemical and Rubber Division, 7 November 1945. (Propellants Plant Report ; no. 3).
LC Call No. (1st edition): D785.U58C47 no. 3
LC Call No. (2nd edition): D785.U6 no. 132a
Available in the Science and Business Reading Room: PB 23386
1st edition cover title and 2nd edition have title Plants of Dynamit A.G., Vormal, Alfred Nobel & Co., Troisdorf, Clausthal, Drummel and Duneberg, Germany; 2nd edition is published by the Survey's Propellants Branch.
1st edition published November 7, 1945; report reissued in January 1947, with minor changes to the cover, title page, and some drawings.
Catalog Record (1st edition):
Catalog Record (2nd edition):
15, [193] p. : illustrations, charts, tables.
Digital content available (1st edition)
Digital content available (2nd edition)
REPORTS 133 Deutsche Sprengchemie GmbH, Kraiburg, Kraiburg, near Muhldorf, Bavaria, Germany. Date of survey, 27 May 1945. [Washington] : Oil Division, 15 October 1945. (Propellants Plant Report ; no. 4).
LC Call No. (1st edition): D785.U58C47 no. 4
LC Call No. (2nd edition): D785.U6 no. 133a
1st edition cover title and 2nd edition have title Deutsche Sprengchemie GmbH, Kraiburg, Germany.
1st edition published October 15, 1945; report reissued in January 1947, with minor changes to the cover, title page, and some drawings.
Catalog Record (1st edition):
Catalog Record (2nd edition):
5, [41] p. : illustrations, charts, tables, maps (some folded).
Digital content available (2nd edition)
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