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United States Strategic Bombing Survey

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Munitions Division (continued)
REPORTS 101-108 Ordnance Branch
REPORTS 101 Ordnance Industry Report. [Washington] : Munitions Division, January 1947. 2nd edition.
LC Call No. (2nd edition): D785.U6 no. 101a
Also available in LC Call No.: D785.U57 Vol. IV
1st edition published October 9, 1945; report reissued in January 1947, with minor changes to the cover, title page, and some drawings.
Catalog Record:
iv, 39, [48] p. : illustrations, charts, tables.
Digital content available (2nd edition)
REPORTS 102-108 Ordnance Plant Report, no. 1-7. [Washington] : Munitions Division, 30 August-22 September 1945.
LC Call No. (1st edition): D785.U58M82 no. 1-7
LC Call No. (2nd edition): D785.U6 no. 102a-108a
Reports in the Ordnance Plant Report series are also found in the General Collections under the LC call no. D785.U58M82.
Some no. have series title Ordnance Section Plant Report.
1st edition of reports published August 30-September 22, 1945; reports reissued in January 1947, with minor changes to the cover, title page, and some drawings.
Catalog Record:
7 v. : illustrations, tables, charts, maps.
REPORTS 102 Friedrich Krupp Grusonwerke A.G., Magdeberg-Buckau, Germany. Dates of plant survey, 11 May-19 May 1945. [Washington : Munitions Division], 7 September 1945. (Ordnance Section Plant Report ; no. 1).
LC Call No. (1st edition): D785.U58M82 no. 1
LC Call No. (2nd edition): D785.U6 no. 102a
2nd edition has title Friedrich Krupp, Grusonwerke AG, Magdeberg, Germany.
1st edition published September 7, 1945; report reissued in January 1947, with minor changes to the cover, title page, and some drawings.
Catalog Record (1st edition):
Catalog Record (2nd edition):
12, [51] p. : illustrations, charts, tables, maps (some folded).
Digital content available (2nd edition)
REPORTS 103 Bochumer Verein fur Gusstahlfabrikation A.G., Bochum, Germany. Dates of plant survey, 4 May-20 May 1945. [Washington] : Munitions Division, 12 September 1945. (Ordnance Section Plant Report ; no. 2).
LC Call No. (1st edition): D785.U58M82 no. 2
LC Call No. (2nd edition): D785.U6 no. 103a
1st edition cover title and 2nd edition have title Bochumer Verein fuer Gusstahl-Fabrikation A.G., Bochum, Germany.
1st edition published September 12, 1945; report reissued in January 1947, with minor changes to the cover, title page, and some drawings.
Catalog Record (1st edition):
Catalog Record (2nd edition):
8, [33] p. : illustrations, charts, tables, maps (some folded).
Digital content available (1st edition)
Digital content available (2nd edition)
REPORTS 104 Henschel & Sohn G.m.b.H., Plant No. 1 - Gun Shops, Kassel, Germany. Dates of plant survey, 25 May-26 May 1945. [Washington] : Munitions Division, 5 September 1945. (Ordnance Section, Munitions Division, Plant Report ; no. 3).
LC Call No. (1st edition): D785.U58M82 no. 3
LC Call No. (2nd edition): D785.U6 no. 104a
1st edition has cover title Henschel & Sohn G.m.b.H. at Kassel, Germany; 2nd edition has title Henschel & Sohn, Kassel, Germany.
1st edition published September 5, 1945; report reissued in January 1947, with minor changes to the cover, title page, and some drawings.
Catalog Record (1st edition):
Catalog Record (2nd edition):
9, [39] p. : illustrations, charts (some folded), tables (some folded), maps (some folded).
Digital content available (1st edition)
Digital content available (2nd edition)
REPORTS 105 Rheinmetall-Borsig Aktiengesellschaft, Derendorf Plant, Dusseldorf. Dates of plant survey, 3 May-14 May 1945. [Washington] : Munitions Division, 7 September 1945. (Ordnance Section, Munitions Division, Plant Report ; no. 4).
LC Call No. (1st edition): D785.U58M82 no. 4
LC Call No. (2nd edition): D785.U6 no. 105a
1st edition cover title and 2nd edition have title Rheinmetall-Borsig, Dusseldorf, Germany.
1st edition published September 7, 1945; report reissued in January 1947, with minor changes to the cover, title page, and some drawings.
Catalog Record (1st edition):
Catalog Record (2nd edition):
5, [41] p. : illustrations, charts, tables, maps (some folded).
Digital content available (2nd edition)
REPORTS 106 Hermann Goering Werke, Braunschweig-Hallendorf. Dates of plant survey, 14 May-25 May 1945. [Washington] : Munitions Division, 11 September 1945. (Ordnance Section, Munitions Division, Plant Report ; no. 5).
LC Call No. (1st edition): D785.U58M82 no. 5
LC Call No. (2nd edition): D785.U6 no. 106a
1st edition cover title and 2nd edition have title Hermann Goering Werke, Braunschweig, Hallendorf, Germany.
1st edition published September 11, 1945; report reissued in January 1947, with minor changes to the cover, title page, and some drawings.
Catalog Record (1st edition):
Catalog Record (2nd edition):
9, [56] p. : illustrations, charts (some folded), tables, maps (some folded).
Digital content available (2nd edition)
REPORTS 107 Hannoverische Maschinenbau A.G. (Hanomag), Hanover, Germany. Dates of plant survey, 22 and 23 May 1945. [Washington] : Munitions Division, 30 August 1945. (Ordnance Section Plant Report ; no. 6).
LC Call No. (1st edition): D785.U58M82 no. 6
LC Call No. (2nd edition): D785.U6 no. 107a
1st edition cover title and 2nd edition have title Hannoverische Maschinenbau A.G., Hanover, Germany.
1st edition published August 30, 1945; report reissued in January 1947, with minor changes to the cover, title page, and some drawings.
Catalog Record (1st edition):
Catalog Record (2nd edition):
7, [105] p. : illustrations, charts (some folded), tables, maps (some folded).
Digital content available (2nd edition)
REPORTS 108 Gusstahlfabrik Friedrich Krupp, Essen, Germany. Dates of plant survey, 24 April-21 May 1945. [Washington] : Munitions Division, 22 September 1945. (Ordnance Section Plant Report ; no. 7).
LC Call No. (1st edition): D785.U58M82 no. 7
LC Call No. (2nd edition): D785.U6 no. 108a
1st edition published September 22, 1945; report reissued in January 1947, with minor changes to the cover, title page, and some drawings.
Catalog Record (1st edition):
Catalog Record (2nd edition):
20, [153] p. : illustrations, charts (some folded), tables (some folded), maps (some folded).
Digital content available (1st edition)
Digital content available (2nd edition)
REPORTS 109-133 Oil Division
REPORTS 109 Oil Division Final Report. [Washington] : Oil Division, January 1947. 2nd edition.
LC Call No. (2nd edition): D785.U6 no. 109a
1st edition published August 25, 1945; report reissued in January 1947, with minor changes to the cover, title page, and some drawings.
Catalog Record:
152 p. : illustrations, charts (some folded), diagrams, tables (some folded), maps (some folded).
Digital content available (2nd edition)
REPORTS 110 Oil Division Final Report : Appendix. [Washington] : Oil Division, January 1947. 2nd edition.
LC Call No. (2nd edition): D785.U6 no. 110a
1st edition published August 25, 1945; report reissued in January 1947, with minor changes to the cover, title page, and some drawings.
Catalog Record:
iv, [175] p. : illustrations, charts (some folded), diagrams, tables (some folded), maps (some folded).
Digital content available (2nd edition)
REPORTS 111-114 Ministerial Report, no. 1-[4]. [Washington] : Oil and Chemicals Division, 5 September-5 November 1945.
LC Call No. (1st edition): D785.U58C43 no. 1-3
LC Call No. (2nd edition): D785.U6 no. 111a-113a
Report no. 1 of the Ministerial Report series is also found in the General Collections under the LC call no. D785.U58C43.
Reports no. 2 lacks series information;' Report no. 3 lacks series numbering; Report no. 4 not held by the Library.
1st edition of reports published September 5-November 5, 1945; reports reissued in January 1947, with minor changes to the cover, title page, and some drawings.
Catalog Record:
4 v. : illustrations, tables, charts, maps.
REPORTS 111 Powder, Explosives, Special Rockets and Jet Propellants, War Gases and Smoke Acid. [Washington] : Oil and Chemicals Division, 5 November 1945. (Ministerial Report ; no. 1).
LC Call No. (1st edition): D785.U58C43 no. 1
LC Call No. (2nd edition): D785.U6 no. 111a
1st edition has cover title Powder, Explosives, Special Rockets & Jet Propellants, War Gases & Smoke Acid.
1st edition published November 5, 1945; report reissued in January 1947, with minor changes to the cover, title page, and some drawings.
Catalog Record (1st edition):
Catalog Record (2nd edition):
59, [173] p. : illustrations, charts (some folded), diagrams (some folded), tables (some folded), maps (some folded).
Digital content available (1st edition)
Digital content available (2nd edition)
REPORTS 112 Underground and Dispersal Plants in Greater Germany. Date of survey, 21 August 1945. [Washington] : Oil Division, January 1947. 2nd edition. ([Ministerial Report ; no. 2]).
LC Call No. (2nd edition): D785.U6 no. 112a
1st edition has title Report on Underground and Dispersal Plants in Greater Germany.
1st edition published October 23, 1945; report reissued in January 1947, with minor changes to the cover, title page, and some drawings.
Catalog Record:
iv, 176 p. : illustrations, charts (some folded), diagrams (some folded), tables (some folded), maps (some folded).
Digital content available (1st edition)
Digital content available (2nd edition)
REPORTS 113 The German Oil Industry. [Washington] : Oil Division, January 1947. 2nd edition. (Ministerial Report (Team 78) ; [no. 3]).
LC Call No. (2nd edition): D785.U6 no. 113a
1st edition published September 5, 1945; report reissued in January 1947, with minor changes to the cover, title page, and some drawings.
Catalog Record:
xiii, 89, [58] p. : illustrations, charts (some folded), tables (some folded), maps (some folded).
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