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Tasker Howard Bliss collection of World War I maps and related materials

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Manuscript Pages from Bliss' Unpublished Book on Early Modern Warfare
FOLDER 1 L'atlas du Congrès, contenant seize cartes, dressées et éditées par.
Manuscript pictorial map and text on reverse
FOLDER 2 Plate IX. Siege Operations, early seventeenth century
Manuscript pictorial map and text on reverse
FOLDER 3 Plate III. Siege Operations, middle sixteenth century
Manuscript pictorial map and text on reverse
FOLDER 4 Plate VII. The Battle of Luetzen, 1632
Manuscript pictorial map and text on reverse
FOLDER 5 Plate II. Development of Fortifications, from the introduction of gunpowder to the Thirty Year's War
Manuscript pictorial map and text on reverse
FOLDER 6 Plate IV. Order of Battle as proposed by Machiavelli
Manuscript pictorial map and text on reverse
FOLDER 7 Plate VI. Tactical Tables, sixteenth century
Manuscript pictorial map and text on reverse
FOLDER 8 Plate V. Examples to arms batialle
Manuscript pictorial map and text on reverse
FOLDER 9 Plate X. Siege Operations, Vauban system, end of the seventeenth century
Manuscript pictorial map and text on reverse
FOLDER 10 Plate XII. The Battle of Leuthen, 1757
Manuscript pictorial map and text on reverse
FOLDER 11 Plate VIII. The Battle of the Dunes, 1658
Manuscript pictorial map and text on reverse
FOLDER 12 Plate XI. March of an Army, eighteenth century
Manuscript pictorial map and text on reverse
Maps from Pre-War WWI Military Service
FOLDER 22 California Development Company File Map
Imperial Valley with handwritten annotations
FOLDER 23 Road Map Bexar County Texas
"Brig. Gen. Tasker H. Bliss Commanding So. Dept."
FOLDER 24 Panoramic View of Naco, Sonora and Naco, Arizona and Distribution of U.S. Troops 1915
"Prepared under the direction of Brig. Gen. Tasker H. Bliss Commanding Southern Dept."
FOLDER 233 Map of Maryland Showing State Road System..., 1925
FOLDER 234 Map of the Permanent System of Highways District of Columbia..., 1914
FOLDER 235 Railroad Map of Wisconsin, 1881
FOLDER 240 Sketch of Naco and Vicinity, 1914
Shows military base plans
FOLDER 247 [Map of Massachusetts, 1:62,500], 1909
Shows road map
Maps from WWI Western Front and Other Theaters
FOLDER 13 L'Illustration Journal Universal, 1919
French language publication
FOLDER 14 Leslie's Illustrated Weekly Newspaper, 1919
"The War in Pictures"
FOLDER 17 la Defense Nationale vous Aiderez nos Heroiques Soldats, 1919
Disbound page
FOLDER 20 [Mimeograph of Allied Troop Positions]
Depicts British, French and Italian troop positions on the Western Front
FOLDER 27 [Troop dispositions on the Italian Front], 1918
10 maps
Created by Italian High Command
FOLDER 28 Western Theater of War, 1915
Includes hand-drawn red line showing front line
FOLDER 30 Beauvais, 1832
Shows front lines at Antheuil, France
FOLDER 40 Sketch I. French Concentration, 1914
Shows disposition of French forces
FOLDER 41 Sketch 2. French Concentration, 1914
"Schlieffen Plan"
FOLDER 43 Stellungskarte der Armee-Abteilung C., 1918
Annotations in German; shows "Wilhelmzone"
FOLDER 49 M.T. Circuit Map, 1918
Shows roadways for military transport
FOLDER 50 [Allied Occupation of Germany]
Annotations; shows Allied advance into Germany
FOLDER 53 Extract of Metz-Commercy 1918
Annotations; shows St. Mihiel Offensive
FOLDER 54 Montdidier
FOLDER 55 Verdun, 1918
Annotations; shows front line positions
FOLDER 56 Extract of Meziers-Verdun-Metz-Longwy 1918
Shows Meuse-Argonne Offensive
FOLDER 57 Order of Battle on Western Front 11 A.M., Nov. 11, 1918
Annotations; shows status of Allied and German units on Armistice Day
FOLDER 58 Carte Routiere pour Automobile and Cyclists - Environs de Paris...
FOLDER 59 Frontiere Nord de L'Alsace, 1815
FOLDER 60 Buddecke, Taktische Entschluesse u. Befehle
Annotations; shows "tactical decisions and command"
FOLDER 61 Uebersichtsblatt Generalkarte von Mitteleuropa
14 maps
Annotations; shows Romania
FOLDER 168 Road Map Compiled From French Sources, 1919
Shows roads in Luxembourg and Germany
FOLDER 173 Political Europe End of February 1919
Shows Allied occupation of Europe
FOLDER 190 [Allied Occupation of the Balkans], 1918
3 maps
FOLDER 194 The Balkans, 1915
Shows railroads, fortified towns and forts
FOLDER 199 Carte de France, 1:6,000,000, 1918
Shows battle lines in Western Europe
FOLDER 202 Map Showing Allied Progress on the Western Front (1:25,000) from the Sea to Reims 1917
FOLDER 203 Carte de Francais et des Frontieres, 1:200,000, Nancy, 1918
FOLDER 204 Carte de Francais et des Frontieres, 1:200,000, Metz, 1918
FOLDER 205 Carte de Francais et des Frontieres, 1:200,000, 1912 - Chalons, 1918
FOLDER 206 Carte de Francais et des Frontieres, 1:200,000, 1912 - Troyes, 1918
FOLDER 207 Carte des Environs de Paris, 1:50,000
FOLDER 208 [Battle Lines of the Italian Army]
Disbound atlas pages
FOLDER 239 Cartes Michelin: La France, 1:2,400,000
FOLDER 241 [Coblenz Area - Road Map]
"Compiled from French sources"
FOLDER 242 Carte de France et des Frontieres, 1:200,000 - Metz, 1918
Road map; shows Alsace Lorraine border
FOLDER 244 Les Bords du Rhine-Mayence a Strasbourg
FOLDER 245 Carte Routiere pour Automobilistes... Est de la France - Nord, 1918
FOLDER 246 Carte Routiere pour Automobilistes... Environs de Paris - Nord-Ouest, 1918
FOLDER 248 Reims, 1:80,000
Annotated; shows battle lines
FOLDER 249 France, 1:100,00 - Beauvais, 1916
"For Official Use Only"
FOLDER 250 Carte Routiere pour Automobilistes...La Bretagnie et Normandie, 1916
FOLDER 251 Carte Routiere pour Automobilistes... Pyrennes, 1917
FOLDER 252 Carte Routiere pour Automobilistes... Pyrennes - Ouest, 1915
FOLDER 253 Carte Routiere pour Automobilistes... Sud-Est Auvergne, 1918
FOLDER 254 Carte Routiere pour Automobilistes... Bordeaux Toulouse, 1917
FOLDER 255 Carte Routiere pour Automobilistes... Belgique - Ouest, 1917
FOLDER 256 Carte Routiere pour Automobilistes... Sud-Ouest, 1917
FOLDER 257 Carte Routiere pour Automobilistes... Vendee, 1917
FOLDER 258 Carte Routiere pour Automobilistes... Frontiere - Nord-Ouest, 1917
FOLDER 259 Carte Routiere pour Automobilistes... Est de la France - Nord, 1918
FOLDER 260 Carte Routiere pour Automobilistes... Frontiere - Nord-Est, 1918
FOLDER 261 Carte Routiere pour Automobilistes...Centre de la France - Est, 1917
FOLDER 262 Carte Routiere pour Automobilistes...Est de la France - Sud, 1917
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