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Tasker Howard Bliss collection of World War I maps and related materials

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Maps from Peace of Paris 1919 (continued)
FOLDER 29 Allemagne Ouest
FOLDER 31 Carte Ethnographique de L'Europe
Shows location of ethnic groups
FOLDER 32 Roumaine 1919
Annotations; border questions
FOLDER 33 Krakau, 1916
Annotations; border questions; Hungary
FOLDER 34 Vilayet de Monastir
Annotations; border questions; Greece and Serbia
FOLDER 35 Ethnographic Map of Central and South Eastern Europe, 1916
Locations of ethnic groups
FOLDER 36 Carte de France
French borders 1814, 1815
FOLDER 39 New Frontiers in Central Europe and Danubian Territory
Border questions; proposed international railroads
FOLDER 42 Zones of Influence or Territorial Acquisitions in Western Asia
Inquiry 611
FOLDER 44 Repartition des Reserves en Houille et Lignite..
Border questions (Silesia); Poland and Czechoslovakia
FOLDER 45 Silesie Exportation du charbon en quantite et en direction...
Border questions (Silesia); Poland and Czechoslovakia
FOLDER 46 [Eastern Europe and Balkans Ethnic Groups]
8 maps
FOLDER 47 Les Pays Tcheques...
Population/border questions
FOLDER 48 [Traced Map of the Balkans Showing the Locations of Ethnic Groups]
Annotated; border questions; Balkans
FOLDER 77,78,79 [Maps of the Saarland]
Annotated; border questions; Germany
FOLDER 90-98 Europe, 1:100,000
8 maps
Moscow and other sheets
FOLDER 99-108 Europe, 1:100,000
10 maps
Rome and other sheets
FOLDER 109-118 Europe, 1:100,000
Annotated map of Hungary; other sheets
FOLDER 119-124 Europe, 1:100,000
6 maps
FOLDER 125 Poland, 1:200,00, 1919
Shows border questions
FOLDER 126 Historical Map of Poland, 1918
Shows border questions
FOLDER 127 empty
FOLDER 128 Poland: Racial Distribution, 1919
Shows ethnic groups
FOLDER 129 The Political Subdivision of the Polish Territory Before the War and Its Linguistic Areas
Shows border questions; ethnic groups
FOLDER 130 Partitions of Poland, 1919
Shows changes in Polish borders 1772, 1793, 1795
FOLDER 131 The Proposed Frontiers Poland
Shows border questions; ethnic groups
FOLDER 132 [Poland Provisional Boundary]
Shows border questions
FOLDER 133 [Poland Railroad Map] 1919
FOLDER 134 [Map of Poland]
Annotated border lines
FOLDER 135 Carte de la Roumanie et pays Limitrophes - Lemberg, 1912
Romanian border with Serbia
FOLDER 136 [Map of Swiss Railroads], 1920
FOLDER 137 Map of Eastern Turkey in Asia, Syria and Western Persia (Ethnographic ), 1917
Ethnic groups
FOLDER 138 [Map of the Middle East]
Shows Turkey
FOLDER 139 Turkey: Language
Shows ethnic groups
FOLDER 140 Turkey: Population Density; Railroads (white); Cities (black)
Shows British, French and Italian spheres of influence; shows natural resources
FOLDER 141 Caucasia, 1:100,000
Shows Russian and Persian border
FOLDER 142 Stanford's Useful Maps: Asia
"Outline series"
FOLDER 143 [Asie Occidentale]
Disbound page; maps front and back
FOLDER 144 Epire du Nord Thrace Asie Mineure, 1919
Shows ethnic groups
FOLDER 145 Asia, 1:1,000,000 - Tabriz, 1916
FOLDER 146 Asia, 1:1,000,000 - Erzerum, 1916
FOLDER 147 Asia, 1:1,000,000 - Izmir (Smyrna), 1916
FOLDER 148 Asia, 1:1,000,000 - Tehran, 1916
FOLDER 149 Asia, 1:1,000,000 - Baghdad, 1916
FOLDER 150 Asia, 1:1,000,000 - Konia, 1916
FOLDER 151 Asia, 1:1,000,000 - Esh Sham (Damascus), 1916
FOLDER 152 Asia, 1:1,000,000 - Beirut, 1916
FOLDER 153 Asia, 1:1,000,000 - Basra, 1916
FOLDER 154 Asia, 1:1,000,000 - El Djauf, 1918
FOLDER 155 Asia, 1:1,000,000 - Cairo, 1916
FOLDER 156 Asia, 1:1,000,000 - Batum, 1916
FOLDER 157 Asia, 1:1,000,000 - Baku, 1916
FOLDER 158 Asia, 1:1,000,000 - Tiflis, 1916
FOLDER 159 Asia, 1:1,000,000 - Sinob, 1916
FOLDER 160 Asia, 1:1,000,000 - Resht, 1917
FOLDER 161 Asia, 1:1,000,000 - Istanbul (Constantinople), 1916
Annotations showing proposed Italian and British-French demarcation lines for Greek and Italian occupation
FOLDER 162 The World Prepared Especially for the National Geographic Magazine... Showing Political Divisions, including those established after the World War
FOLDER 163 Oppression economique des Russes en Galicie
Shows ethnic groups
FOLDER 164 Allemagne et Autriche 1919
Shows border questions
FOLDER 165 Allemagne Est
Shows German border questions
FOLDER 166 Germany, 1:1,500,000, 1918
Ordinance survey of Germany
FOLDER 167 Allemagne Ouest
Shows German border questions
FOLDER 169 Frontieres Nord-Ouest de L'Allemagne, 1919
Shows French-German border questions
FOLDER 170 Vilayet d'Andrinople
Shows ethnic groups
FOLDER 172 Nouvelle Carte de l' Europe Centrale
Shows roads and bike routes
FOLDER 174 Map of Europe Showing Countries as Established by the Peace Conference at Paris
Printed by National Geographic
FOLDER 175 Europe, 1:6,000,000, 1919
Annotations; shows borders for Czechoslovakia, Italian sphere of influence, Yugoslavia, others.
FOLDER 176 Europe, 1:3,000,000, 1919
Annotations; shows historic migration patterns in Europe
FOLDER 177 Europe, 1:3,000,000, 1919
"With boundaries proposed at unascertained date"
FOLDER 178 Europe Propositions March 31, 1919
Annotations; shows border questions
FOLDER 179 Ethnographic Map of Central and South Eastern Europe, 1919
Shows border questions (appears to be duplicate of 35)
FOLDER 180 Europe Central, 1:2,000,000, 1919
"Traite de Paix" and shows areas undergoing plebiscites
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