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Hauslab-Liechtenstein map collection

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Series B/a (continued)
B/p (continued)
32 [Section of an untitled map of the environs of Vienna]
65 x 58 cm
1:288,000. C. Stein. Incomplete.
33 [Untitled map of a portion of Bessarabia]
45 x 38 cm
34 [Untitled village and environs which depicts physical relief]
75 x 56 cm
35 [Untitled mountain range]
25 x 29 cm
Hauslab. Manuscript. Annotation presumably by Hauslab.
36 [Untitled map depicting physical relief by contours]
49 x 64 cm
37 Schichten=Plan des sogenannten Türkenhügels nächst dem Dorfe Deutsch Altenburg… Swidjkovsky, 1845?
59 x 74 cm
Joh. Swijkovsky. Manuscript.
38 [Untitled map of an unidentifiable region depicting physical relief by contours and hachures]
54 x 75 cm
Manuscript. Two copies.
39 [Untitled bird's eye view of an unidentified city and environs]
31 x 47 cm
40 [Untitled manuscript map of the Enns River Valley, Austria]
33 x 23 cm
41 Schlach-ordnung am 5tn Aug. 139 Dero Roem. Kay. Koenigl. Cat. May. In Hungarn Stehenden Armee Commandirender General Ihro Excell. Feld-Marschall Graff von Wallis…
24 x 39 cm
42 Ordre de Battaille der Römischen Kayserlichen Armée, unter Hohen Comando des Herrn General-Lieutenant Hertzogen von Lotharingen etc…
19 x 39 cm
43 Manuscript copy of a report 0f [8] p. addressed to: "An Seine Durchlaucht den k.k. Feldmarschallieutentant und kommandierenden Herrn Generalen Prinzen Philipp von Hessen Homberg,"1828
40 x 26 cm
Puch. In lower right: C. Puch s.f.
44 Cavalerie-Division-Exercier-Disposition No. I im Jahre 1839.
50 x 34 cm
45 Durchsnitte des Kronlandes Niederösterreich von Süd gegen Nord…
29 x 43 cm
46 [Untitled map of a section of eastern Europe], 1870?
12 x 18 cm
Wildner. Photograph.
47 [Six examples on one sheet of an untitled print technique]
21 x 26 cm
48 [Untitled map depicting print technique]
21 x 27 cm
49 [[Two examples on one sheet of an untitled print technique]
21 x 26 cm
Two copies.
50 Profil der Stattmauren. Grundiss von der Attacquae vnd Approci.
29 x 23 cm
Two maps on sheet. Map may refer to a battle from the Thirty Years' War.
51 [Untitled frontispiece with allegorical presentation of the Peace of Münster-Osnabruck 1648], 1732
32 x 20 cm
Hamburgi. C. Fritzsch. Cartouche.
52 Postarum seu Cursorum Publicorum diverticula et mansiones per Germanium…
17 x 19 cm
Melch Rein. Cartouche only.
53 [Cartouche depicting Neptune, King of the Oceans]
17 x 19 cm
E. Bäck. Cartouche only.
54 Descrittione de Lvoghi Soggetti A.S. Maria di Farfa E.S. Salvatore Maggiore…
20 x 26 cm
Carlo Barberini. Cartouche only.
55 Principatvs Silesiae Oppaviensis novissima Tabula geogrraphica a I.W. Wieland …,1738
21 x 28 cm
Homman Heirs. Cartouche only.
56 Deutschlands Eisenbahnen…, 1850
36 x 21 cm
Magdeburg. 1:3,850,000. Fr. Kaegelmann. Left half of map only.
57 Mappa Maris Mediterranei Fluxus Currentes et Naturam Motionum explicans.
34 x 28 cm
Left half of map only.
58 Archiducatus Austriae Inferioris in omnes suas Quadrantes Ditiones divisi Nova et exacta Tabula e conatibus Io. Baptiste Homanni…
25 x 29 cm
Noribergae. Johann Baptist Homann. Cartouche only.
59 Neueste Karte Der Koenigreiche Bosnien, Servien, Croatien Und Slavonien : samt den angraenzenden Provinzen Temeswar, Dalmatien, Herzegowina, Ragusa, Steyermark, Kaernthen, Krain, Friaul, Gradiska, Und Istrien, einem grosen Theil von Ungarn, Siebenbürgen, Moldau, Walachei, Bulgarien, Albanien, Macedonien, und einem Stück des Kirchenstaats Und K.reichs Neapel / nach den besten Originalzeichnungen Charten, und Beschreibungen entworfen von Herrn Carl Schütz. Gestochen von C. Schütz und F. Müller,1788
49 x 73 cm
Wien. 1:1,100,000. Carl Schütz. Similar versions in Folios XXVII-105, IX-52c, IX-55.
60 [Lower right and lower left corner cartouche of an apparent map of Styria]
25 x 58 cm
Cartouche only.
61 Alsatiae superioris et inferioris accuratissima geographica descriptio,1677
61 x 36 cm
Basileae. Georg Fridericus Meyerus. Right half of map only. Similar map in Folio XIII-23.
62 Palerme,1719
14 x 10 cm
Franckfurt am Mayn. Johann Adam Jung. Title from Vierdter Theil of Alain Manesson Mallet's Beschreibung des gantzen Weltkreises… G1015.M332 1719 Vault. Phillips 4280.
63 Nanking,1719
14 x 10 cm
Franckfurt am Mayn. Johann Adam Jung. Title from Vierdter Theil of Alain Manesson Mallet's Beschreibung des gantzen Weltkreises… G1015.M332 1719 Vault. Phillips 4280.
64 Candie,1719
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