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Herman R. Friis cartographic manuals
ITEM 1 |
U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Latitude
Observations with Photographic Zenith Tube at Gaithersburg, MD. By Frank E.
Ross. (Special Publication No. 27). GPO, 1915
127 pages |
ITEM 2 |
U.S. Department of the Army Field Manual,
Topographic Symbols (FM 21-31), June 1961
102 pages |
ITEM 3 |
U.S. Department of the Army, Office of the
Chief of Engineers, Engineering and Design, Engineer Manual, Photogrammetric
Mapping (EM 1110-2-1000), January 7, 1963
37 pages |
ITEM 4 |
U.S. General Land Office, Manuscript Edition
Chapter on Plats. Manual of Instructions for the Survey of the Public Lands of
the United States. U.S. Geological Survey, 1928
68 pages |
ITEM 5 |
U.S. Geological Survey, Formulas and Tables for
the Construction of Polyconic Projections. (Bulletin 809). By C.H. Birdseye.
GPO, 1928
164 pages |
ITEM 6 |
U.S. Geological Survey, Results of Primary
Triangulation and Primary Traverse Fiscal Year 1901-1902. (Bulletin 201). By
H.M. Wilson, J.H. Renshawe, E.M. Douglas, and R.U. Goode. GPO, 1928
378 pages |
ITEM 7 |
U.S. Geological Survey, Topographic
Instructions of the United Geological Survey. (Bulletin 788). By C. H. Birdseye
GPO, 1928
432 pages |
ITEM 8 |
U.S. National Resources Committee, Suggested
Symbols for Plans, Maps, and Charts. GPO, June 1938
ITEM 9 |
U.S. War Department, The Williams System of
Classification, Cataloging, Indexing, Filing and Care of Maps as Adopted for the
General Staff Map Collection, Washington. Lt. Col. J.P. Terrell, Chief,
Geographic Division, 1939
36 pages |
ITEM 10 |
U.S. War Department Basic Field Manual (FM
21-25), Basic Field Manual. Elementary Map and Aerial Photograph Reading.
(Changes No. 3). War Department, 1942
190 pages |
ITEM 11 |
U.S. War Department Basic Field Manual (FM
21-26), Basic Field Manual. Advanced Map and Aerial Photograph Reading. War
Department, September 1941
190 pages |
ITEM 12 |
U.S. War Department Field Manual (FM 21-26),
Advanced Map and Aerial Photograph Reading. War Department, December
141 pages |
ITEM 13 |
U.S. War Department Basic Field Manual (FM
21-30), Conventional Signs, Military Symbols, and Abbreviations. War
Department, October 1943
104 pages |
ITEM 14 |
U.S. War Department Basic Field Manual (FM
21-30), Conventional Signs, Military Symbols, and Abbreviations. Changes No. 1.
Application of Special Symbols. War Department, 1939
1 page |
ITEM 15 |
U.S. War Department Basic Field Manual (FM
21-30), Conventional Signs, Military Symbols, and Abbreviations. Changes No. 3,
Part IV (Added) Photo Interpretation Symbols. War Department, February
28, 1945
16 pages |
ITEM 16 |
U.S. War Department Basic Field Manual (FM
30-20), Military Intelligence Military Maps. War Department, 1940
41 pages |
ITEM 17 |
U.S. War Department Tentative Technical Manual,
Use of Foreign Maps. War Department, 1942
ITEM 18 |
U.S. War Department Technical Manual (TM
5.9990), Kit Instruction Map Reading (Instructions for Use). War Department,
October 1946
36 pages |