Pre-World War I - World War I (continued)
A Merry Xmas - Allied Offensive, 1918 (continued)
W.F. Briggs
9th Duke's Regiment, 17th Division, London
A Tommy, armed with a bayoneted rifle, kicks aside the German opposition during the victorious Allied Hundred Days campaign in the autumn of 1918 and appears ready to march on Berlin.
FOLDER 46 [White Army Propaganda/Russian Civil War], 1918
Russian text
A rare pictorial map that promotes the White Russian cause during the Russian Civil War and shows the Bolsheviks beleaguered on all sides by an international coalition.
FOLDER 47 Freiheit der Meere, 1918
Militaerische Stelle des auswaertigen Amtes
Dietrich Reimer, Berlin
Germany scoffs at the Allied demand for "freedom of the seas" whilst Britain, shown as an octopus, controls the world's sea lanes.
FOLDER 48 Was von der Entente Ubrig Bliebe..., c.1918
F. Klimisch
Dietrich Reimer, Berlin
Germany poses the satirical question: "What would remain of the Entente" if its colonies had the right of self-determination.
Interwar Period
FOLDER 49 Oil in the Orient, 1931
Fortune Magazine, New York
A commodities map showing oil fields in the Far East.
FOLDER 50 Historical Map of the American Expeditionary Force, 1932
Ezra C. Stiles
Herbick and Held Printing Co., Pittsburgh
A pictorial map that pays tribute to the American Expeditionary Force and includes several insets discussing key battles and developments in World War I.
FOLDER 51 Colour Relief Map of Abyssinia, c.1935
S.J. Turner
Daily Herald, London
Bird's-eye view of North Africa that focuses on Abyssinia during the Italian invasion.
FOLDER 52 The Great Invasion of 19?? - A Jingo's View, Based on some Potent Realities, 1935
LeRoy H. Appleton
Fortune Magazine, New York
Xenophobia in a map -- Appleton, a regular mapmaker for Fortune, depicts an array of threats to America in all directions and explanations how the "most possible dangerous international...coalition of Great Britain and Japan" might carry out such attacks.
FOLDER 53 [New Grand Map of Europe], 1936
Editorial Office of the King
Dai-Nippon Yubenkai Kodansha
Japanese text
Japanese assessment of the military strength of the Western Powers, and Germany, prior to Hitler's prodigious remilitarization, is the weakest.
FOLDER 54 If We Enter a World War -- and Lose!, 1937
Howard Burke
Los Angeles Examiner, Los Angeles
The map imagines the defeat of the United States, showing its coasts and Great Lakes region conquered by foes and New York City bombed into a "No Man's Land."
FOLDER 55 We Need Another Canal to Aid Defense, 1938
Howard Burke
Los Angeles
A strategic proposal that shows the need for a canal in Nicaragua.
FOLDER 56 Holy Land in Turmoil from Terrorism, 1938
Los Angeles
With the world on the cusp of World War II, the map suggests a partition of Palestine between Jews and Arabs.
FOLDER 57 Oil: Life Blood of Nations, 1938
Edwin Sundberg
New York
A Sunday News map highlights the importance of oil in the coming war.
FOLDER 58 Armed Truce in the Far East, 1938
Edwin Sundberg
New York
A map that shows border tensions and hostilities between Russia and Japan during the Sino-Japanese War.
FOLDER 59 U.S.N. Ships-Bases-Men, 1938
Richard Edes Harrison
Fortune Magazine, New York
A pictorial map of the Pacific that details naval bases and ship build-up amidst America's increasing tensions with Japan.
World War II
FOLDER 60 1939 A.D. Pictorial History and World Map, 1939
The United Press and Columbia Broadcasting System
Lip and Ba, New York
The lead up to World War II from an American perspective.
FOLDER 61 Russia and Boundaries, c.1939
Wilhelm Freyhan
Dayag Press,Tel Aviv
A map that shows Germany and Russia's non-aggression pact and their partition of Poland.
FOLDER 62 Zog It Off, 1939
Frederick Garnett
John Bull tries to wipe Germany off the map shortly after the Invasion of Poland, but before the fall of France, and extending a third arm over Albania, where that country's King Zog had been driven out by the Italians in April 1939.
FOLDER 63 The Combat, 1939
Punch Magazine
A sinister, giant storm trooper menaces a British town.
FOLDER 64 Flying Visit of Truth to Berlin, 1939
Rex Whistler
The RAF, as angels and Athena, bomb Germany with leaflets of truth, as an impotent Nazi leadership -- Hitler, Goering, and Goebbels -- shake their fists in rage and the detested Nazi foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop cowers under his champagne table.
FOLDER 65 Nazi War Aims- Grab! Grab!! Grab!!!, c.1939
Allies decry German territorial ambitions.
FOLDER 66 [A Convoy in Wartime -- Merchant Men Escorted by Warships], 1940
Elias Silas
Convoys sail across the British Empire during World War II.
FOLDER 67 Struggle for Oil in the Balkans, Near East May Bring War Showdown, 1940
Howard Burke
Los Angeles
Germany and Russia join to topple England and France.
FOLDER 68 [Siegfried/Maginot Lines], 1940
Cloth map
A reassurance to the men of the BEF and their families that the French Maginot Line could repulse any Germany assault.
FOLDER 69 Italy Hopes War Will Bring New Roman Empire, 1940
Howard Burke
Los Angeles Examiner, Los Angeles
William Randolph Hearst, a purported supporter of Hitler and Mussolini, presents a neutral view of Italy's war aims and asks whether Italy will fight along with the Allies or Germany.
FOLDER 70 Sinclair News Maps of Europe and the Near East, 1940
Rand McNally
Neutral America views the strategic situation in Europe.
FOLDER 71 [Asia], c.1940
Militaries of combatants hold positions in Asia, and around them lie commodities and supply routes.
FOLDER 72 Invasion: Threat of Bugaboo?, 1940
Art Bimrose
The Axis threatens North America by many avenues of invasion.
FOLDER 73 How Nazi Bombers May Blast Britain's Hope, 1940
Los Angeles
Britain is vulnerable to Luftwaffe bombs.
FOLDER 74 A l'Est: l'Urss Indomptable, Serre les Kamerads, 1941
A satirical map that shows the German and Russian struggle on the Eastern Front.
FOLDER 75 Une a Une, On Lui Brisera les Pattes, 1941
Kimonevan Marengo
British propaganda directed peoples once under the control of French colonial authority.
FOLDER 76 Alaska, Our Northern Rampart, 1941
Howard Burke
Los Angeles
Alaskan defenses set to prevent Japanese invasion.
FOLDER 77 Safeguarding our American Liberty, 1941
Lambert Guenther
C.S. Hammond and Co., New York
The American military, through its ships and planes, extend America's influence across the globe.
FOLDER 78 North American Towns and Cities now Shadowed by Axis Bombers, 1941
Harris Parlane
New York
The U.S. mobilizes its military and economy for war.
FOLDER 79 WGAN: 1941 International Radio News Map, 1941
Rand McNally
The world divides into alliances and neutral zones shortly before the U.S. entry into the war.
FOLDER 80 Confiance - Ses Amputations se Poursuivent Methodiquement, 1941
German propaganda, targeted at the occupied French population, maligns the British efforts in Africa that have adversely impacted French colonial holdings. Churchill is depicted as a cigar-smoking octopus.
FOLDER 81 Star Weekly Map of India, 1941
Harris Parlane
India's demand for independence grows.
FOLDER 82 Star Weekly Map of the Russian Caucus, 1941
Star Weekly
The Caucus is rich with oil wells and commodities.
FOLDER 83 Defense Map of America, 1941
Greyhound Corp.
Greyhound buses connect America with its army and navy bases.
FOLDER 84 Socony's World: The Strategy of Oil, 1941
New York
Socony Oil refineries (later Mobil) operate under "quisling observation" in Germany and Japan prior to the U.S. entry into the war.
FOLDER 85 The World Divided, 1941
Richard Edes Harrison
Fortune Magazine, New York
The world divides into Axis or Allies, while America remains militarily uncommitted.
FOLDER 86 Where Nazis and Reds Clash, 1941
Howard Burke
Los Angeles
Germany succeeds dramatically on the Russian Front in the first month of its invasion, which they called Operation Barbarossa.
FOLDER 87 America Extends Atlantic Patrol, 1941
Howard Burke
Los Angeles
American ships venture further into the Atlantic Ocean only to be threatened by Russia and Germany.
FOLDER 88 De Dollarpoliep, 1942
Louise Emile Manche
Afd. Propaganda van het Departement van Volksvoorlichting en Kunsten, Tijdsduur, Holland
Dutch fascists paint the United States as an octopus branded with a dollar sign to represent its financial and political power. Tentacles are marked with years the U.S. acquired territories, such as Alaska, Hawaii, and the Philippines.
FOLDER 89 Suez Canal, 1942
The Suez Canal strategically links the flow of men and material between Allies in Europe and Asia.
FOLDER 90 The War Map of Great East Asia, 1942
Japan proclaims that its war aims are to make Asia for Asians -- "Asia for the Asiatic!"
FOLDER 91 [Africa], 1942
Jean Fort
Bedos and Cle., Paris
Roosevelt and Churchill engage in a tug-of-war over Africa.
FOLDER 92 [Japanese Map of the Pacific Theater War], c.1942
The Japanese highlight their victories in the Pacific, including at Pearl Harbor.
FOLDER 93 Total War Map, 1942
Ernest Dudley Chase
Winchester, Massachusetts
War reaches every inhabited continent, as Allied navies and planes patrol across the globe -- "Certain Victory Will be Ours!"
FOLDER 94 The Victory War Map, 1942
Ernest Dudley Chase
Winchester, Massachusetts
Allied naval bases protect its interests around the globe and military insignias border the map.
FOLDER 95 The Atlantic and Indian Ocean War Map , 1942
Ernest Dudley Chase
Winchester, Massachusetts
Allied and Axis powers extend their military reach by way of naval bases spread across the Atlantic and Indian oceans.
FOLDER 96 The Chinese Front, 1942
The position of naval and air bases in China and Manchuria during the Sino-Japanese War.
FOLDER 97 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 1942
Star Weekly
The map analyzes Russia's military and economic strength against that of Germany.
FOLDER 98 North American Towns and Cities now Shadowed by Axis Bombers, 1942
Harris Parlane
Star Weekly, Toronto
Alarmist concern raised over North America's vulnerability to Axis bombers, following reports that foreign agents had entered Maine by way of Canada.
FOLDER 99 Map of Central Europe, 1942
Star Weekly
The locations of major population centers, military bases, and commodities are mapped in Central Europe, as they relate to the fighting in Russia.
FOLDER 100 The Arctic Front, 1942
Star Weekly, Toronto
Polar projection highlights the proximity of European and Asia zones of combat to North America.
FOLDER 101 Globe and Mail Dated Events War Map of the Pacific and the Far East, 1942
Stanley Turner
C.C. Peterson, Toronto
How military situation in the Pacific looked after Pearl Harbor.
FOLDER 102 Dated Events War Map - 14th Edition, 1944
Stanley Turner
The world's military events mapped in striking primary colors.
FOLDER 103 Dated Events War Map - 19th Edition, 1944
Stanley Turner
FOLDER 104 Dated Events War Map - 20th Edition, 1944
Stanley Turner
FOLDER 105 Dated Events War Map - 26th Edition, 1945
Stanley Turner
FOLDER 106 Dated Events War Map - 27th Edition, 1945
Stanley Turner
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