The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Jay I. Kislak Collection, 2000 BCE-2007 CE
Manuscripts, 1501-1998 (continued)
General Manuscript Collection, 1501-1903 (continued)
Letter, 1886 Jan. 7 (continued)
LC Call No.: Kislak MS 109
Catalog record:
Letter, 1890 Jan. 15
LC Call No.: Kislak MS 119
Catalog record:
Letter, 1890 Apr. 13
LC Call No.: Kislak MS 108
Catalog record:
Taylor, Joshua, property assessment for the hire on value of twelve adult and child negro slaves owned by Mr. A. China, 1854 May 9
LC Call No.: Kislak MS 212
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Taylor, Zachary, letter, 1838 Apr. 3
LC Call No.: Kislak MS 107
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Tovar, Juan de, historia de Mexico [with] the Tovar calendar, circa 1830-1862
LC Call No.: Kislak MS 1025
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Triplett, William, bond, 1786 Sept. 22
LC Call No.: Kislak MS 211
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Valderrama, Juan de, manuscript document, 1598 May 16, 18
LC Call No.: Kislak MS 238
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Washington, George
Diary, 1762
LC Call No.: Kislak MS 190
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Draft letter and Martha Washington final transcription, 1797 May 1
LC Call No.: Kislak MS 240
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Ship's paper of the sailing vessel Mary, 1794 June 13
LC Call No.: Kislak MS 134
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Wayne, Anthony, letter, 1782 Aug. 6
LC Call No.: Kislak MS 141
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West Florida. Governor (1763-1767 : George Johnstone), land grant signed by George Johnstone, 1767
LC Call No.: Kislak MS 143
Catalog record:
West Florida. Governor (1770-1781 : Peter Chester), two land grants signed by Peter Chester, 1778
LC Call No.: Kislak MS 142
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Wright, Arthur P.
Letter, 1862 Nov. 25
LC Call No.: Kislak MS 104
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Letter, 1862 Nov. 28.
LC Call No.: Kislak MS 103
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Letter, 1862 Dec. 3.
LC Call No.: Kislak MS 089
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Letter, 1862 Dec. 5.
LC Call No.: Kislak MS 105
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Yulee, David Levy, letter, 1851 Mar. 11
LC Call No.: Kislak MS 001
Catalog record:
Graphic Materials, 1516-1931
Locations: Geography and Map Division, Library of Congress; Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress
Graphic materials include three important watercolor paintings of scenes from the Popol Vuh, the creation myth of the ancient Quiché Maya, by the Mexican artist Diego Rivera; a series of eight large paintings of the conquest and the defeat of Montezuma II, the Aztec emperor of Mexico, by an unknown indigenous artist; and early photography of archaeological sites by Désiré Charnay. Also included are important maps like those of Baptista Boazio illustrating the voyages of Sir Frances Drake and the Carta marina navigatoria Portugallen navigations atque tocius cogniti orbis terre marisque, 1516, by the mapmaker Martin Waldseemüller .
Material types include maps, paintings, and photographs.
Arranged alphabetically by creator or title.
Graphic materials in this series are held in the Geography and Map Division and in the Rare Book and Special Collections Division. Researchers are advised to contact the appropriate division prior to visiting in order to determine whether the desired materials will be available at that time.
Almendariz, Ricardo, coleccion de estampas copiadas de las figuras originales, que de medio y baxo relieve, se manifiestan, en estucos y piedras, en varios edificios de la poblacion antigua nuevamente descubierta en las immediaciones del pueblo del Palenque en la Provincia de Ciudad Real de Chiapa, una de las del Reyno de Guatemala en la American Septentrional [graphic], [1787]
LC Call No.: Kislak MS 1010
Catalog record:
Location: Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress
Boazio, Baptista. [Map and views illustrating Sir Francis Drake's West Indian voyage, 1585-6]. [London? : s.n., 1589]
LC Call No.: G3291.S12 s000.B6
Catalog record:
Location: Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress
Catherwood, Frederick. [Study of a Mayan monument] [graphic] / [Frederick Catherwood]. ca. 1841.
LC Call No.: F1435.3.S34 C38 1841
Catalog record:
Location: Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress
Charnay, Désiré, 1828-1915. Les anciennes villes du Nouveau Monde : voyages d'explorations au Mexique et dans l'Amérique Centrale / par Désiré Charnay, 1857-1882 ; ouvrage contenant 214 gravures et 19 cartes ou plans. Paris : Librarie Hachette et cie, 1885.
LC Call No.: F1219.C48 Copy 3
Catalog record:
Location: Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress
Conquest of Mexico paintings, 1650-1690
Materials: Oil on canvas
Dimensions (cm): 121.9 x 198.1
Web URL:
Location: Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress
Eight detailed canvases by an unknown artist painting in Mexico tell the story of the 1521 Spanish conquest of the native Aztec people. These images highlight battles between the Spanish and the Aztecs, ceremonial encounters of the Spanish conquistador with the emperor Moctezuma, and other pivotal historic moments:
  1. The Entrance of Cortes into Tabasco
  2. The Arrival of Cortes at Veracruz and the Reception of Moteuhzoma’s Ambassadors
  3. The Meeting of Cortes and Moteuhzoma
  4. The Death Moteuhzoma at the Hands of His Own People
  5. The Sad Night
  6. The Battle of Outmba
  7. The Conquest of Tenochitlan
  8. The Capture of Cuauhtemoc
Keulen, Gerard van. Nieuwe groote en seer curieuse paskaart van geheel Westindien : vertoonende alle desselfs eylanden bayen, en rivieren mitsgaders alle droogtens en dieptens, nieuwelyks en seer naaukeurig by een gestelt uyt veele voornamen goede afpylingen en opservatien, door Ian Sikkena leermeester der wiskonst met privilegie = Nouvelle carte marine de toute les cotes de l'Amerique : montrant toutes les isles, bayes, et riviers aussi toutes les roches et profonts tous composé és plusieurs memoires de tres experimentes navigateurs par Jean Sikkena maistre mathematique /by Gerard van Keulen. Amsterdam : Gerard van Keulen, [1728?]
LC Call No.: G4391.P5 1728.K4
Catalog record:
Location: Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress
Rivera, Diego, 1886-1957. [Creation] [graphic] / Diego Rivera., [1931]
LC Call No.: N8214.5.A45C65 1750
Catalog record:
Location: Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress
Rivera, Diego, 1886-1957. [Human sacrifice before Tohil] [graphic] / D Rivera [partial monogram]. [1931]
LC Call No.: N8214.5.A45C65 1750
Catalog record:
Location: Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress
Rivera, Diego, 1886-1957. [Trials of the hero-twins] [graphic] / DR [monogram]., [1931]
LC Call No.: N8214.5.A45C65 1750
Catalog record:
Location: Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress
[Schöner Sammelband] [Saint Dié, France] : [Johann Schöner], [1517?]
LC Call No.: G1015 .S43 1517 Vault
Catalog record:
Location: Geography and Map Division, Library of Congress
Schöner, Johann, 1477-1547, cartographer. [Celestial globe gores]. [publisher not identified], [1517]
LC Call No.: G1015 .S43 1517 Vault
Catalog record:
Location: Geography and Map Division, Library of Congress
Schöner, Johann, 1477-1547, cartographer. [Fragmentary celestial globe gores]. [Strasbourg, France?] : [publisher not identified], [1517]
LC Call No.: G1015 .S43 1517 Vault
Catalog record:
Location: Geography and Map Division, Library of Congress
Schöner, Johann, 1477-1547, cartographer. [Fragmentary terrestrial globe gores]. [Saint Dié, France] : [publisher not identified], [1517]
LC Call No.: G1015 .S43 1517 Vault
Catalog record:
Location: Geography and Map Division, Library of Congress
Waldseemüller, Martin, 1470-1519, cartographer. Carta marina navigatoria Portvgallen navigationes, atqve tocius cogniti orbis terre marisqve formam natvram sitvs et terminos nostris temporibvs recognitos et ab antiqvorum traditione differentes, eciam qvor vetvsti non meminervnt avtores, hec generaliter indicat / consvmatvm est in oppido S Deodati compositione et digestione Martini Waldseemuller Ilacomili. [Strasbourg, France?] : [publisher not identified], [1516]
LC Call No.: G1015 .S43 1517 Vault
Catalog record:
Location: Geography and Map Division, Library of Congress
Waldseemüller, Martin, 1470-1519, cartographer. [Manuscript copy of sheet 6 of Waldseemüller's Carta marina]. [Saint Dié, France] : [Johann Schöner], [1516?]
LC Call No.: G1015 .S43 1517 Vault
Catalog record:
Location: Geography and Map Division, Library of Congress
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