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Books, 1485-2007
Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress
Rare books in this series include the earliest dictionary of the indigenous
language of Nahuatl, the Vocabulario en lengua castellana y mexicana (1571) by Alonso de Molina, the Historia de Nueva-Espana, printed in Mexico City in 1770, by Francisco Antonio Lorenzana y Butron,
and early printed archaeological tracts like the Descripcion Historica y Cronologica de las Dos Piedras (1792) by Antonio de Leon y Gama, as well as more modern works on Florida
and the southeastern United States. |
Arranged alphabetically by author or title. |
Books in this series are held in the Rare Book and Special Collections Division. Researchers are advised to contact the Division prior to visiting in order to determine whether the desired materials will be available at that time. |
Abbot, Abiel, 1770-1828. Letters written in the interior of Cuba, between the mountains of Arcana to the east, and of Cusco to the west : in the months of February, March, April, and May, 1828 / by the late Rev. Abiel Abbot. Boston : Bowles and Dearborn, 1829. |
LC Call No.: F1763.A13 Copy 2 |
Catalog record:
Abbot, George, 1562-1633. A briefe description of the whole worlde : wherein is particularly described, all the monarchies, empires, and kingdomes of the same, with their seuerall titles and scituations thereunto adioyning. At London : Printed by T. Iudson, for Iohn Browne, and are to
be sould at the signe of the Bible in Fleete-Streete, 1599. |
LC Call No.: G114.A1545 B754 1599 |
Catalog record:
Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot), 1805-1877. History of Hernando Cortez / by John S.C. Abbott. New York : Harper, 1855. |
LC Call No.: F1230.C913 Copy 5 |
Catalog record:
An account of what pass'd in the engagement near Toulon : between His Majesty's squadron under the command of Admiral Matthews, and the combin'd fleets of France and Spain, &c. London : Printed by Edward Owen in Amen Corner, [1744]
LC Call No.: LB2391.G8 G37 1721 |
Catalog record:
Acosta, José de, 1540-1600. Historia natural y moral de las Indias : en que se tratan las cosas notables del cielo, y elementos, metales, plantas, y animales dellas : y los ritos, y ceremonias, leyes, y gouierno, y guerras de los Indios / compuesta por el padre Ioseph de Acosta religioso de la Compañia de Iesus. Impresso en Seuilla : En casa de Iuan de Leon, año de 1590. |
LC Call No.: E141.A283 Copy 2 |
Catalog record:
Acosta, José de, 1540-1600. Iosephi Acosta, Societatis Iesu, De natura noui orbis libri duo : et De promulgatione evangelii apud barbaros, sive, De procuranda Indorum salute, libri sex. Coloniae Agrippinae : In officina Birkcmannica, sumptibus
Arnoldi Mylij, 1596. |
LC Call No.: E141.A20 Copy 2 |
Catalog record:
Adair, James, approximately 1709-1783. The history of the American Indians : particularly those nations adjoining to the Missisippi [sic], East and West Florida, Georgia, South and North Carolina, and Virginia : containing an account of their origin, language, manners, religious and civil customs, laws, form of government, punishments, conduct in war and domestic life, their habits, diet, agriculture, manufactures, diseases and method of cure, and other particulars, sufficient to render it a complete Indian system : with observations on former historians, the conduct of our colony governors, superintendents, missionaries, &c. : also an appendix, containing a description of the Floridas, and the Missisippi [sic] lands, with their productions : the benefits of colonizing Georgiana, and civilizing the Indians : and the way to make all the colonies more valuable to the mother country : with a new map of the country referred to in the history / by James Adair, Esquire, a trader with the Indians and resident in their country for forty years. London : Printed for Edward and Charles Dilly ..., MDCCLXXV
LC Call No.: E77.A213 1775 Copy 2 |
Catalog record:
Admission of Florida : memorial of the people of the territory of Florida for admission into the Union, February 20, 1839 : read, laid upon the table, and 5,000 extra copies ordered to be printed.[Washington] : Thomas Allen, print., [1839]
LC Call No.: F315.A36 1839 |
Catalog record:
Album pintoresco de la isla de Cuba [graphic].[Havana] : B. May y Ca., [ca. 1855] ;
Berlin : Oilprinting Storch & Kramer. |
LC Call No.: F1763.A39 1850 Copy 2 |
Catalog record:
Alcedo, Antonio de, 1735-1812. The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies : containing an entire translation of the Spanish work of Colonel Don Antonio de Alcedo ... with large additions and compilations from modern voyages and travels, and from original and authentic information / by G.A. Thompson ; in five volumes. London : Printed for James Carpenter, 1812-1815. |
LC Call No.: E14.A36 Copy 3 |
Catalog record:
Alègre, d'. Histoire de Moncade, dont les principales avantures se sont passées au Mexique, premiere[-seconde] partie : avec Le marquis de Leyva, nouvelle espagnole. A Amsterdam : Chez J. Wetstein & G. Smith, 1737. |
LC Call No.: PQ1951.A76 H57 1737 |
Catalog record:
Alsedo y Herrera, Dionisio de, 1690-1777. Compendio historico de la provincia : partidos, ciudades, astilleros, rios, y puerto de Guayaquil en las costas de la mar del sur / por Don Dionysio de Alsedo y Herrera. Madrid : Manuel Fernandez, 1741. |
LC Call No.: F3741.G9 A6 1741 |
Catalog record:
Altamira, Rafael, 1866-1951. Análisis de la Recopilación de las leyes de Indias, de 1680 / Rafael Altamira y Crevea. Buenos Aires : Instituto de Historia del Derecho Argentino,
1941. |
LC Call No.: KKT2680.A65 A483 1941 |
Catalog record:
Amati, Giacinto, 1778-1850. Viaggi di Cristoforo Colombo tratti dall'opera : ricerche storico-critico-scientifiche sulle origini, scoperte, invenzioni, ecc. ecc. / dell'abate Don Giacinto Amati ; aggiuntevi storiche notizie ed illustrazioni sopra le precedenti edizioni. Milano : Colle stampe di Giovanni Pirotta, 1830. |
LC Call No.: E111.A48 Copy 2 |
Catalog record:
American Antiquarian Society. Archaeologia Americana : transactions and collections of the American Antiquarian Society. [Worcester, Mass.] : [American Antiquarian Society], [1820-1885 (Worcester, Mass. : Printed for
the American Antiquarian Society by William Manning)] |
LC Call No.: E172.A3 |
Catalog record:
American Historical Association. Annual report of the American Historical Association. Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1890-
LC Call No.: E172.A60 |
Catalog record:
American journal of archaeology : the journal of the Archaeological Institute of America. New York : Macmillan Co., 1897-
LC Call No.: CC1.A6 |
Catalog record:
Anales de Tula : Museo Nacional de Antropología, Mexico City (Cod. 35-9) / comentario, Rudolf A.M. van Zantwijk. Graz, Austria : Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 1979. |
LC Call No.: F1219.56.M87 A53 1979 Copy 2 |
Catalog record:
Anales del Museo Michoacano. Morelia : Imp. y Lit. del Gobierno en la Escuela de Artes,
LC Call No.: AS63.M6522 Set 2 |
Catalog record:
Anghiera, Pietro Martire d', 1457-1526. De orbe nouo Petri Martyris ab Angleria Mediolanensis protonotarij c[a]esaris senatoris decades.Compluti : Apud Michaele[m] d[e] Eguia, anno 1530. |
LC Call No.: E141.A58 1530 Copy 3 |
Catalog record:
Anghiera, Pietro Martire d', 1457-1526. The historie of the VVest-Indies : containing the acts and adventures of the Spaniards, which haue conquered and peopled those countries : inriched with varietie of pleasant relation of the manners, ceremonies, lawes, gouernments, and warres of the Indians /published in Latin by Mr. Hakluyt ; and translated into English by M. Lok ... London : Printed for Andrew Hebb ..., [1625?]
LC Call No.: E141.A60 Copy 2 |
Catalog record:
Anghiera, Pietro Martire d', 1457-1526. The history of trauayle in the VVest and East Indies : and other countreys lying eyther way towardes the fruitfull and ryche Moluccaes, as Moscouia, Persia, Arabia, Syria, Aegypte, Ethiopia, Guinea, China in Cathayo, and Giapan : vvith a discourse of the Northwest passage / gathered in parte, and done into Englyshe by Richarde Eden. Imprinted at London : By Richarde Iugge, 1577. |
LC Call No.: E141.E23 Copy 2 |
Catalog record:
Anghiera, Pietro Martire d', 1457-1526. Opus epistolaru[m] Petri Martyris Anglerij Mediolane[n]sis protonotarij ap[osto]lici atq[ue] a co[n]silijs reru[m] indicaru[m]. Co[m]pluti: In aedibus Michaelis de Eguia, anno D[omi]ni 1530. |
LC Call No.: D226.8.A6 A32 1530 |
Catalog record:
Anghiera, Pietro Martire d', 1457-1526. Petri Martyris ab Anghiera Mediolanen ... De rebus oceanicis & orbe nouo decades tres : quibus quicquid de inuentis nuper terris traditum, nouarum rerum cupidum lectorem retinere possit, copiose, fideliter, eruditeq́ue, docetur. Basileae : Apud Ioannem Bebelium, 1533. |
LC Call No.: E141.A53 Copy 4 |
Catalog record:
Antidote to West-Indian sketches, drawn from authentic sources. London : Printed for Whitmore and Fenn, Charing Cross, 1816-1817. |
LC Call No.: HT1092.A685 1816 |
Catalog record:
Antiquitates Americanae, sive, Scriptores septentrionales rerum ante-Columbianarum in America = Samling af de i nordens oldskrifter indeholdte efterretninger om de gamle Nordboers opdagelsesreiser til America fra det 10de til det 14de aarhundrede / edidit Societas Regia Antiquariorum Septentrionalium. Hafniae : Typis officinae Schultzianae, 1837. |
LC Call No.: E105.R18 Copy 3 |
Catalog record:
Antiquités mexicaines : relation des trois expéditions du colonel Dupaix, ordonnées en 1805, 1806, et 1807, par le roi Charles IV, pour la recherche des antiquités du pays, notamment celles de Mitla et de Palenque : avec les dessins de Castañeda ... et une carte du pays explorés, suivie d'un parall̀èle de ces monuments avec ceux de l'Égypte et de l'Inde, par M. Lenoir ..., d'une dissertation sur l'origine et sur la linguistique des populations primitives des deux amériques, d'un historique des diverses antiquités et des fossiles du double continent, par M. Warden ..., avec un discours préliminaire des travaux et documents divers, MM. de Chateaubriand, Farcy, Galindo, de Humboldt et de St. Priest, et plusieurs autres voyageurs qui ont visité l'Amérique. Paris : Au Bureau des antiquités mexicaines ..., Imprimerie de
Firmin Didot, frères, 1844
LC Call No.: F1219.A67254 1844 |
Catalog record:
An appeal to the public, in behalf of George Johnstone, Esq., governor of West-Florida : in answer to the North Briton extraordinary and in consequence of other matters not taken notice of in that extraordinary publication. London : Printed for C. Moran ..., 1763. |
LC Call No.: F296.A64 Copy 2 |
Catalog record:
An appeal to the publick, or, A faithful account of the barbarous and cruel usage of Mr. Mitchell, in the first troop of His M-----y's horse-guards, in imprisoning him on a pretence of his being mad : with the true cause of his confinement / written by himself.London [i.e. Dublin] : Printed for Timothy Tremor [i.e. Samuel
Powell] near Temple-Gate, MDCCL [1750]
LC Call No.: LB2391.G8 G37 1721 |
Catalog record:
Arrowsmith, Aaron, 1750-1823. [Atlas to Thompson's Alcedo, or Dictionary of America & West Indies : collated with all the most recent authorities, and composed chiefly from scarce and original documents, for that work / by A. Arrowsmith, hydrographer to His Royal Highness the Prince Regent]. [London? : s.n., 1825?] |
LC Call No.: G1100.A7 1825 |
Catalog record:
L'art de voyager utilement : suivant la copie de Paris. A Amsterdam : Chez J. Louis de Lorme ..., 1698. |
LC Call No.: F1411.C437 Copy 3 |
Catalog record:
Arundel, Louis. Motor boat boys among the Florida Keys, or, The struggle for the leadership / by Louis Arundel. Chicago : M.A. Donohue & Co., 1913. |
LC Call No.: PZ7.A75 Mot 1913 |
Catalog record:
Atkins, Edwin Farnsworth, 1850-1926. Sixty years in Cuba : reminiscences of Edwin F. Atkins. Cambridge : Privately printed at the Riverside Press, 1926. |
LC Call No.: F1783.A86 Copy 3 |
Catalog record:
Atlantic journal, and friend of knowledge.Philadelphia : [C.S. Rafinesque], 1832-1833. |
LC Call No.: AP2.R16 |
Catalog record:
Atwood, Thomas, -1793. The history of the island of Dominica : containing a description of its situation, extent, climate, mountains, rivers, natural productions, &c. &c., together with an account of the civil government, trade, laws, customs, and manners of the different inhabitants of that island, its conquest by the French, and restoration to the British dominions / by Thomas Atwood. London : Printed for J. Johnson, 1791. |
LC Call No.: F2051.A88 Copy 3 |
Catalog record:
Audubon, John James, 1785-1851. Letters of John James Audubon, 1826-1840 / edited by Howard Corning ; in two volumes. Boston : The Club of Odd Volumes, 1930. |
LC Call No.: QL31.A9 A4 Copy 3 |
Catalog record:
Authentic papers relating to the expedition against Carthagena : being the resolutions of the councils of war, both of sea and land-officers respectively, at sea and on shore : also the resolutions of the General Council of War, composed of both sea and land-officers, held on board the Princess Caroline, &c. : with copies of the letters which passed between Admiral Vernon and General Wentworth, and also between the Governor of Carthagena and the Admiral. London : Printed for L. Raymond, and sold by J.M. ..., 1744. |
LC Call No.: F2272.5.A9354 1744 Copy 1 |
Catalog record:
Authentic papers relative to the expedition against the Charibbs, and the sale of lands in the island of St. Vincent. London : Printed for J. Almon, opposite Burlington House, in
Piccadilly, 1773. |
LC Call No.: F2106.A93 Copy 3 |
Catalog record:
Avila, Francisco de, approximately 1573-1647. Arte de la lengua mexicana, y breves platicas de los mysterios de N[uestra] Santa Fee Catholica, y otras para exortacion de su obligacion á los indios / compuesto por el P.F. Francisco de Avila, predicador, cura ministro por Su Magestad del pueblo de la Milpan, y lector del idioma mexicano, del Orden de los Menores de N.P. San Francisco. En Mexico, Por los Herederos de la Viuda de Miguel de Ribera
Calderó[n] en el Empedradillo, año de 1717. |
LC Call No.: PM4063.A8 Copy 2 |
Catalog record:
Baird, Charles Washington, 1828-1887. History of the Huguenot emigration to America / by Charles W. Baird. New York : Dodd, Mead & Company, [1885]
LC Call No.: E29.H9 B16 Copy 5 |
Catalog record:
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