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Jay I. Kislak Collection, 2000 BCE-2007 CE

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Books, 1485-2007 (continued)
Anales de Tula : Museo Nacional de Antropología, Mexico City (Cod. 35-9) / comentario, Rudolf A.M. van Zantwijk. Graz, Austria : Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 1979. (continued)
Catalog record:
Anales del Museo Michoacano. Morelia : Imp. y Lit. del Gobierno en la Escuela de Artes, 1888-
LC Call No.: AS63.M6522 Set 2
Catalog record:
Anghiera, Pietro Martire d', 1457-1526. De orbe nouo Petri Martyris ab Angleria Mediolanensis protonotarij c[a]esaris senatoris decades.Compluti : Apud Michaele[m] d[e] Eguia, anno 1530.
LC Call No.: E141.A58 1530 Copy 3
Catalog record:
Anghiera, Pietro Martire d', 1457-1526. The historie of the VVest-Indies : containing the acts and adventures of the Spaniards, which haue conquered and peopled those countries : inriched with varietie of pleasant relation of the manners, ceremonies, lawes, gouernments, and warres of the Indians /published in Latin by Mr. Hakluyt ; and translated into English by M. Lok ... London : Printed for Andrew Hebb ..., [1625?]
LC Call No.: E141.A60 Copy 2
Catalog record:
Anghiera, Pietro Martire d', 1457-1526. The history of trauayle in the VVest and East Indies : and other countreys lying eyther way towardes the fruitfull and ryche Moluccaes, as Moscouia, Persia, Arabia, Syria, Aegypte, Ethiopia, Guinea, China in Cathayo, and Giapan : vvith a discourse of the Northwest passage / gathered in parte, and done into Englyshe by Richarde Eden. Imprinted at London : By Richarde Iugge, 1577.
LC Call No.: E141.E23 Copy 2
Catalog record:
Anghiera, Pietro Martire d', 1457-1526. Opus epistolaru[m] Petri Martyris Anglerij Mediolane[n]sis protonotarij ap[osto]lici atq[ue] a co[n]silijs reru[m] indicaru[m]. Co[m]pluti: In aedibus Michaelis de Eguia, anno D[omi]ni 1530.
LC Call No.: D226.8.A6 A32 1530
Catalog record: https: //
Anghiera, Pietro Martire d', 1457-1526. Petri Martyris ab Anghiera Mediolanen ... De rebus oceanicis & orbe nouo decades tres : quibus quicquid de inuentis nuper terris traditum, nouarum rerum cupidum lectorem retinere possit, copiose, fideliter, eruditeq́ue, docetur. Basileae : Apud Ioannem Bebelium, 1533.
LC Call No.: E141.A53 Copy 4
Catalog record:
Antidote to West-Indian sketches, drawn from authentic sources. London : Printed for Whitmore and Fenn, Charing Cross, 1816-1817.
LC Call No.: HT1092.A685 1816
Catalog record:
Antiquitates Americanae, sive, Scriptores septentrionales rerum ante-Columbianarum in America = Samling af de i nordens oldskrifter indeholdte efterretninger om de gamle Nordboers opdagelsesreiser til America fra det 10de til det 14de aarhundrede / edidit Societas Regia Antiquariorum Septentrionalium. Hafniae : Typis officinae Schultzianae, 1837.
LC Call No.: E105.R18 Copy 3
Catalog record:
Antiquités mexicaines : relation des trois expéditions du colonel Dupaix, ordonnées en 1805, 1806, et 1807, par le roi Charles IV, pour la recherche des antiquités du pays, notamment celles de Mitla et de Palenque : avec les dessins de Castañeda ... et une carte du pays explorés, suivie d'un parall̀èle de ces monuments avec ceux de l'Égypte et de l'Inde, par M. Lenoir ..., d'une dissertation sur l'origine et sur la linguistique des populations primitives des deux amériques, d'un historique des diverses antiquités et des fossiles du double continent, par M. Warden ..., avec un discours préliminaire des travaux et documents divers, MM. de Chateaubriand, Farcy, Galindo, de Humboldt et de St. Priest, et plusieurs autres voyageurs qui ont visité l'Amérique. Paris : Au Bureau des antiquités mexicaines ..., Imprimerie de Firmin Didot, frères, 1844
LC Call No.: F1219.A67254 1844
Catalog record:
An appeal to the public, in behalf of George Johnstone, Esq., governor of West-Florida : in answer to the North Briton extraordinary and in consequence of other matters not taken notice of in that extraordinary publication. London : Printed for C. Moran ..., 1763.
LC Call No.: F296.A64 Copy 2
Catalog record:
An appeal to the publick, or, A faithful account of the barbarous and cruel usage of Mr. Mitchell, in the first troop of His M-----y's horse-guards, in imprisoning him on a pretence of his being mad : with the true cause of his confinement / written by himself.London [i.e. Dublin] : Printed for Timothy Tremor [i.e. Samuel Powell] near Temple-Gate, MDCCL [1750]
LC Call No.: LB2391.G8 G37 1721
Catalog record:
Arrowsmith, Aaron, 1750-1823. [Atlas to Thompson's Alcedo, or Dictionary of America & West Indies : collated with all the most recent authorities, and composed chiefly from scarce and original documents, for that work / by A. Arrowsmith, hydrographer to His Royal Highness the Prince Regent]. [London? : s.n., 1825?]
LC Call No.: G1100.A7 1825
Catalog record:
L'art de voyager utilement : suivant la copie de Paris. A Amsterdam : Chez J. Louis de Lorme ..., 1698.
LC Call No.: F1411.C437 Copy 3
Catalog record:
Arundel, Louis. Motor boat boys among the Florida Keys, or, The struggle for the leadership / by Louis Arundel. Chicago : M.A. Donohue & Co., 1913.
LC Call No.: PZ7.A75 Mot 1913
Catalog record:
Atkins, Edwin Farnsworth, 1850-1926. Sixty years in Cuba : reminiscences of Edwin F. Atkins. Cambridge : Privately printed at the Riverside Press, 1926.
LC Call No.: F1783.A86 Copy 3
Catalog record:
Atlantic journal, and friend of knowledge.Philadelphia : [C.S. Rafinesque], 1832-1833.
LC Call No.: AP2.R16
Catalog record:
Atwood, Thomas, -1793. The history of the island of Dominica : containing a description of its situation, extent, climate, mountains, rivers, natural productions, &c. &c., together with an account of the civil government, trade, laws, customs, and manners of the different inhabitants of that island, its conquest by the French, and restoration to the British dominions / by Thomas Atwood. London : Printed for J. Johnson, 1791.
LC Call No.: F2051.A88 Copy 3
Catalog record:
Audubon, John James, 1785-1851. Letters of John James Audubon, 1826-1840 / edited by Howard Corning ; in two volumes. Boston : The Club of Odd Volumes, 1930.
LC Call No.: QL31.A9 A4 Copy 3
Catalog record:
Authentic papers relating to the expedition against Carthagena : being the resolutions of the councils of war, both of sea and land-officers respectively, at sea and on shore : also the resolutions of the General Council of War, composed of both sea and land-officers, held on board the Princess Caroline, &c. : with copies of the letters which passed between Admiral Vernon and General Wentworth, and also between the Governor of Carthagena and the Admiral. London : Printed for L. Raymond, and sold by J.M. ..., 1744.
LC Call No.: F2272.5.A9354 1744 Copy 1
Catalog record:
Authentic papers relative to the expedition against the Charibbs, and the sale of lands in the island of St. Vincent. London : Printed for J. Almon, opposite Burlington House, in Piccadilly, 1773.
LC Call No.: F2106.A93 Copy 3
Catalog record:
Avila, Francisco de, approximately 1573-1647. Arte de la lengua mexicana, y breves platicas de los mysterios de N[uestra] Santa Fee Catholica, y otras para exortacion de su obligacion á los indios / compuesto por el P.F. Francisco de Avila, predicador, cura ministro por Su Magestad del pueblo de la Milpan, y lector del idioma mexicano, del Orden de los Menores de N.P. San Francisco. En Mexico, Por los Herederos de la Viuda de Miguel de Ribera Calderó[n] en el Empedradillo, año de 1717.
LC Call No.: PM4063.A8 Copy 2
Catalog record:
Baird, Charles Washington, 1828-1887. History of the Huguenot emigration to America / by Charles W. Baird. New York : Dodd, Mead & Company, [1885]
LC Call No.: E29.H9 B16 Copy 5
Catalog record:
Ballesteros Gaibrois, Manuel. Códice Tro-Cortesiano / introducción de Manuel Ballesteros Gaibrois; estudio crítico de Miguel Rivera Dorado. Madrid : Testimonio Compañía Editorial, 1991.
LC Call No.: F1435.3.R3 C63 1991 Suppl. Copy 2
Catalog record:
Bandini, Angelo Maria, 1726-1803. Vita e lettere di Amerigo Vespucci, gentiluomo fiorentino / raccolte e illustrate dall'abate Angelo Maria Bandini. Firenze : Nella stamperia all'insegna di Apollo, MDCCXLV [1745]
LC Call No.: E125.V5V49 Copy 2
Catalog record:
Barcía Carballido y Zúñiga, Andrés González de, 1673-1743. Ensayo cronologico para la historia general de la Florida ... / escrito por Don Gabriel de Cardenas z Cano dedicado al Principe Nuestro Señor. En Madrid : En la Oficina Real, y à costa de Nicolas Rodriguez Franco, impresor de libros,año de 1723.
LC Call No.: F314.B24 Copy 2
Catalog record:
Bard, Samuel A., 1821-1888. Waikna, or, Adventures on the Mosquito shore / by Samuel A. Bard ; with sixty illustrations. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1855.
LC Call No.: F1529.M9 S8 Copy 3
Catalog record:
Bartram, William, 1739-1823. Travels through North & South Carolina, Georgia, east & west Florida, the Cherokee country, the extensive territories of the Muscogulges or Creek Confederacy, and the country of the Chactaws : containing an account of the soil and natural productions of those regions, together with observations on the manners of the Indians : embellished with copper-plates / by William Bartram. Philadelphia : Printed by James & Johnson, 1791.
LC Call No.: F213.B28 Copy 2
Catalog record:
Bartram, William, 1739-1823. Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee country, the extensive territories of the Muscogulges or Creek confederacy, and the country of the Chactaws : containing an account of the soil and natural productions of those regions : together with observations on the manners of the Indians : embellished with copper-plates / by William Bartram. [London] : Philadelphia printed by James and Johnson 1791, London reprinted for J. Johnson ..., 1792.
LC Call No.: F213.B282 Copy 3
Catalog record:
Bartram, William, 1739-1823. Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, east and west Florida, the Cherokee country, the extensive territories of the Muscogulges or Creek Confederacy, and the country of the Chactaws : containing an account of the soil and natural productions of those regions : together with observations, on the manners of the Indians : embellished with copper-plates / by William Bartram. London : Reprinted for J. Johnson ..., 1794.
LC Call No.: F213.B285 Copy 3
Catalog record:
Bartram, William, 1739-1823. William Bartram : botanical and zoological drawings, 1756-1788 / reproduced from the Fothergill album in the British Museum (Natural History) ; edited with an introduction and commentary, by Joseph Ewan Philadelphia : American Philosophical Society, 1968.
LC Call No.: QH46.B35 1968 Copy 2
Catalog record:
Bartram, William, 1739-1823. William Bartram's Reisen durch Nord- und Süd-Karolina, Georgien, Ost-und West-Florida, das Gebiet der Tscheroeksen, Krihks und Tschaktahs : nebst urnständlichen Nachrichten von den Einwohnern, dem Boden und den Naturprodukten dieser wenig bekannten grossen Länder / aus dem Englischen, mit erläuternden Anmerkungen von E.A.W. Zimmermann ... Berlin : In der Vossischen Buchhandlung, 1793.
LC Call No.: F213.B298 Copy 2
Catalog record:
Basset, N. (Nicolas), 1824- Les Antilles françaises : observations sur la Martinique / par N. Basset. Paris : Imprimerie E. Capiomont et V. Renault, 1886.
LC Call No.: F2081.B37354 A585 1886
Catalog record:
Becher, H. C. R. (Henry Corry Rowley), 1817-1885. A trip to Mexico : being notes of a journey from Lake Erie to Lake Tezcuco and back, with an appendix containing and being a paper about the ancient nations and races who inhabited Mexico before and at the time of the Spanish conquest, and the ancient stone and other structures and ruins of ancient cities found there / by H.C.R. Becher. Toronto : Willing and Williamson, 1880.
LC Call No.: F1215.B39 Copy 4
Catalog record:
Belknap, Jeremy, 1744-1798. A discourse intended to commemorate the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus : delivered at the request of the historical society in Massachusetts on the 23d day of October, 1792, being the completion of the third century since that memorable event : to which are added four dissertations, connected with various parts of the discourse, connected with various parts of the discourse, viz. ... / by Jeremy Belknap ... [Boston, Mass.] : Printed at the Apollo Press, in Boston, by Belknap and Hall ..., 1792.
LC Call No.: E111.B43 Copy 2
Catalog record:
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas, 1703-1772. Carte de l'Isle d'Hayti aujour d'hui l'Espagnole, ou l'Isle de St. Domingue avec les isles voisines suivant la decouverte de l'année 1492 et les premiers etablissemens des Espagnoles / par M. Bellin, ingenr. de la marine. [Hague : P. de Hondt], 1754.
LC Call No.: G4930 1754 .B42
Catalog record:
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas, 1703-1772. Description geographique des isles Antilles possédées par les anglois. A Paris : De l'imprimerie de Didot, 1758.
LC Call No.: F2131.B44 Copy 2
Catalog record:
Bentley, R. (Richard), 1708-1782. Full and true account of the dreadful and melancholly earthquake, which happened between twelve and one o'clock in the morning, on Thursday the fifth instant : with an exact list of such persons as have hitherto been found in the rubbish / in a letter from a gentleman in town, to his friend in the country. London [i.e. Dublin] : Printed for Tim. Tremor [i.e. Samuel Powell], near the Temple Gate, Fleet-street, 1750.
LC Call No.: LB2391.G8 G37 1721
Catalog record:
Bentley, R. (Richard), 1708-1782. A second letter from a gentleman in town, to his friend in the country, on account of the late dreadful earthquake : containing a list of several more persons that have been since found in the rubbish. London : Printed for M.C., near St. Paul's, MDCCL [1750]
LC Call No.: LB2391.G8 G37 1721
Catalog record:
Benzoni, Girolamo, 1519-1572? Histoire nouuelle du Nouueau Monde : contenant en somme ce que les Hespagnols ont fait iusqu'à present aux Indes Occidentales, & le rude traitement qu'ils font à ces poures peuples-la / extraite de l'italien de M. Hierosme Benzoni Milanois, qui ha voyagé XIIII ans en ces pays-la ; [et] enrichie de plusieurs discours [et] choses dignes de memoire par M. Vrbain Chauueton ; ensemble, vne petite histoire d'vn massacre commis par les Hespagnols sur quelques Franc̜ois en la Floride ; avec vn indice des choses les plus remarquables. [Geneva, Switzerland] : Par Eustace Vignon, 1579.
LC Call No.: E141.B48 Copy 2
Catalog record:
Benzoni, Girolamo, 1519-1572? Nouae Noui orbis historiae, id est, Rerum ab Hispanis in India Occidentali hactenus gestarum, & acerbo illorum in eas gentes dominatu, libri tres / Vrbani Caluetonis opera industriáque ex Italicis Hieronymi Benzonis Mediolanensis, qui eas terras XIIII. annorum peregrinatione obijt, commentarijs descripti, Latini facti, ac perpetuis notis, argumentis & locupleti memorabilium rerum accessione, illustrati ; his ab eodem adiuncta est, De Gallorum in Floridam expeditione, & insigni Hispanorum in eos saeuitiae exemplo, breuis historia. [Geneva] : Apud Eustathium Vignon, 1578.
LC Call No.: E141.B47 Copy 3
Catalog record:
Bernardino, de Sahagún, 1499-1590. La aparición de Ntra. Señora de Guadalupe de México : comprobada con la refutación del argumento negativo que presenta D. Juan Bautista Muñoz, fundándose en el testimonio del P. Fr. Bernardino Sahagún, ó sea, Historia original de este escritor que altera la publicada en 1829 en el equivocado concepto de ser la única y original de dicho autor / publícala, precediendo una disertación sobre la Aparición Guadalupana y con notas sobre la conquista de México, Carlos Ma. de Bustamante, individuo del Supremo Poder Conservador. México : Impreso por Ignacio Cumplido, 1840.
LC Call No.: F1230.S1313 1840 Copy 2
Catalog record:
Bernardino, de Sahagún, 1499-1590. Histoire générale des choses de la Nouvelle-Espagne / par le r.p. fray Bernardino de Sahagun ; traduite et annotée par D. Jourdanet ... et par Remi Simeon ... Paris : G. Masson, 1880.
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