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Diroca World War II map
Newsmaps |
Descriptions of some maps taken from Worldcat. United States. Army Service Forces. Morale Services Division. Army
Information Branch. |
1 |
Monday, August 3, 1942
(Week of July 24 to July 31) |
4 maps on 1 sheet : b&w and col.;
sheet, 90 x 120 cm. ; scales vary ; Means modified Van der Grinten
projection. |
Text: New Guinea -- China -- Philippines -- Siberia --Mediterranean
-- Western Europe -- Russia. Large world map is keyed to text and illustrates time zones around
the world. Includes inset maps: Action in New Guinea -- Drive to the
Caucasas -- Vital distances in Europe, Africa, and Western Asia. Photographs: Combat photo taken through a submarine's periscope of a
sinking Japanese destroyer -- U.S. aid to Russia -- Tommy goes over
[method of crossing a river] -- Jap 'Belly tank' -- Stingers on the
Flying Fortress. |
2 |
Monday, October 12, 1942
(Week of October 2 to October 9) |
3 maps on 1 sheet : col. ; sheet 89 x 120
cm. ; scales vary ; Means modified Van der Grinten projection.
Text: Aleutians, New Guinea, Solomons, Far eastern waters, Russia,
Mediterranean, Western Europe. Large world map is keyed to text and illustrates time zones around
the world. Inset maps show Aleutian Islands; Southwest Pacific. Photographs: Nazi medium artillery field pieces, Long range patrol,
Canadian paratroopers graduate, "Paratroopers train for action".
Back: Convoy. 15 photographs with text describe a typical journey of
a convoy of troops across an ocean. |
3 |
Monday, May 3, 1943
(Week of April 23 to April 30) |
2 maps on 1 sheet : b&w and red ;
sheet, 90 x 120 cm. ; scales vary ; Van der Grinten projection.
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Tunisia,
Command, Air offensive, Russia, Southwest Pacific, Aleutians. Large world map shows the United Nations, Axis and Axis occupied
areas, countries with Axis relations broken, and neutral countries.
Inset maps show military activities across the globe during the
week; Battle of Tunisia. Photographs: American infantrymen advance towards Gabes; Army's M-12
155mm gun; Bristol Beaufighters enroute to Wau. Back: Don't [help
the enemy by making military information easy to get]. |
4 |
Monday, September 20,
1943 (Week of September 9 to September 16) |
3 maps on 1 sheet : col. ; sheet, 90 x
120 cm. ; scales vary. |
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Italy, Italian
fleet, Mussolini, Russia, Rhodes, New Guinea, Paramushiro. Inset maps of Eastern Europe from France to Turkey and of Papua,
Northeast New Guinea and New Britain. Includes photographs and captions "released by the Nazis and
received in the United States through neutral Portugal and
Sweden." Back: Battleground in Italy. Map of Italy with inset map of the
countries surrounding Italy. |
5 |
Monday, November 1, 1943
(Week of October 21 to October 28) |
3 maps : col. ; on sheet 89 x 120 cm.;
scales vary.; relief shown by shading, hachures, and spot heights.
Text: "Jinx," Russia, Italy, Air Offensive, Aegean Sea, Southwest
Pacific, Burma, Tarawa. Maps: Breakthrough above the Crimea -- Setting the range for Rabaul. Photographs: "Jinx" [the six-man crew and their tank destroyer
"Jinx" on the Italian front]; [Nazis in the Soviet Union] ;
Paratroops at Lae, New Guinea. Back: Map of Northern Italy. |
6 |
Monday, November 23,
1943 (Week of November 11 to November 18) |
3 maps on 1 sheet : col. ; sheet 89 x 120
cm. ; scales vary ; Means modified Van der Grinten projection.
Text: Eastern front, Air offensive, Italy, Aegean Sea, Southwest
Pacific, Losses. Maps: Battle area on the Eastern front, map showing main railways
and international boundaries in Europe, Turkey and northern Tunisia. Photographs: Capt. Herman Bottcher of San Francisco receives the
Distinguished Service Cross from Maj. Gen. W. H. Gill; British
Eighth Army Tommy sets up quarters in an empty wine barrel with a
pillow and bedspread near the Termoli front in Italy; Three Yanks
look over a 32 cm. incendiary rocket captured in Sicily; Correction
printed under photo appearing in the previous Newsmap shows ... |
7 |
Monday, November 29,
1943 (Week of November 18 to November 23) |
4 maps on 1 sheet : col. ; sheet 89 x 120
cm. ; scales vary. |
Text: USSR; New Guinea; Gilbert and Marshall Islands; Bougainville;
Air Offensive; Italy. Maps: Berlin; Global map. Inset map: Areas under Jap Control. Photograph: An American Army Signal Corps telephone lineman repairs
a line in Capriatti. Back : Surprise... a powerful weapon.
Photographic sequence of a hatchet attack on a Nazi soldier
illustrates text urging whole-hearted cooperation of all to guard
military information. |
8 |
Monday, January 3, 1944
(Week of December 22 to December 29, 1943) |
3 maps on 1 sheet : col. (b&w and
blue) ; sheet, 90 x 120 cm. ; scales vary. |
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: New Britain, Air
offensive, USSR, Italy, Scharnhorst, Command. Maps: Central Italy
showing rivers and roads, Distance from London to the coast of
France near Boulogne, Coastline of northern Scandinavia. Photographs: American 155mm gun fires on German positions at
Mignano; American soldiers temporarily reside in holes on Venafro
Ridge; Equipment retreating Germans used to tear up railroad tracks;
Allied troops clear the torn up tracks to use the road bed as a
highway; An LST lands at Mono Island. Back: Color map of northeast New Guinea/New Britain. |
9 |
Monday, January 17, 1944
(Week of January 6 to January 13) |
2 maps on 1 sheet : col. ; sheet, 90 x
120 cm. ; scales vary. |
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: USSR, Burma, Air
war, Italy, Southwest Pacific, Yugoslavia, Jet plane. Map inset: Enemy controlled areas across the globe Photographs:
Chinese workers and soldiers pack dirt for an airfield in
southeastern China; WACs Capt. Elizabeth Lutze, Sheboygan, Wis., Lt.
Sally Dean, Battle Creek, Mich. and Flight officer Margaret Maude,
WAAF, London, pause behind a sacred cow lying in front of a bazaar
in Delhi, India; U.S. engineers supervise the building of the new
Ledo Road in northern Burma; Lt. Gen. Krueger watches the plane
taking Gen. Marshall back to the U.S.; Gen. Marshall ... continued
below |
10 |
Monday, February 14,
1944 (Week of February 3 to February 10) |
4 maps on 1 sheet : some col. ; 85 x 117
cm. or smaller, sheet 89 x 120 cm. ; scales vary. |
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: USSR, Italy,
Marshall Is., Southwest Pacific, Paramushiru, Air offensive. Inset maps: [South Pacific], [Kwajalein], [Soviet border from Sept.
1, 1939 to Nov. 5, 1943]. Includes photographs: Captured Japanese light tank, Mt. Trocchio,
Nettuno beachhead, British anti-tank gun. Back: Central Italy. Map
with inset of oblique view showing difficult terrain. |
11 |
Quarta Sponda E Levante:
Litorale Mediterraneo Dalla Tunisia Alla Palestina |
Edizione a cura dell'istituto fascista dell'Africa Italiana. n.d. 1:2,500,000 In Italian. Includes printed quote from Mussolini. |
12 |
Trentino Venezia Giulia e
Dalmazia (considerazioni militari-politico-economiche sul contini
italci) Dicembre 1918 |
Girolamo Bottoni. Published by L'universelle in Rome. Text in Italian. Atlas, 24 pages with folded map plates ; 23 cm. Concerns Italian territorial claims in Trentino, Friuli-Venezia Giulia,
and Dalzmazi. |
13 |
Southern Russia. From Times
Atlas 1920. |
Disbound shee. 1:6,000,000 Edinburgh Geographical Institute John Bartholomew and Son Ltd. Index map on reverse. |
Time Magazine World War II
maps and supporting text |
14 |
Strategic Geography of
Southeastern England, Monday, July 22,
"On the two following pages TIME presents a map of Southeastern
England. For centuries men have been accustomed to describe it as
the political, financial and cultural centre of the British Empire.
Its military geography was generally dismissed with one word,
invulnerable. Across its wind-whipped moat—the English Channel—no
invader passed to establish a position on British soil in nearly 900
years, except with the consent of feuding Britons. Yet in this area,
at Pevensey in 1066, William and his mailed Norman horsemen beached
the open boats in which they had crossed from the estuary of the
Somme and marched inland..." |
15 |
National Defense: The
Strategic Geography of the Caribbean Sea, Monday, July 29, 1940
"On the two following pages TIME presents a map of the most important
strategic area in the Western Hemisphere: the approaches to the
Panama Canal. Until the U.S. owns a two-ocean fleet—and such a fleet
cannot be built in less than seven years—the Canal is the only
insurance the U.S. has against leaving one of its coasts undefended
against attack. If an enemy should succeed in blocking or capturing
the Canal, that insurance would no longer exist. Hence the first
paradox of U.S. strategy: the most vital point for the defense of
the continental U.S. is an..." |
16 |
Strategic Map: Britain's
Vulnerable Midlands, Monday, Aug. 19,
"Pennsylvania, New Jersey and the lower half of New England are not
the U. S. But the first two with their steel mills, coal mines,
munitions works, the other with its brass industry, machine shops
and airplane-engine factories, play a vital part in U.S. industrial
defense. If the industrial plants, railroads and highways of these
regions should be progressively destroyed by systematic bombing, or
if they should be seized by an invading army, any war effort of the
U. S. thereafter would be crippled. The Midlands of England—which
TIME maps on the... " |
17 |
World War: America's
Northeastern Frontier, Monday Sept. 02,
"For two generations the defense of the U.S. has faced west. Into
the naval bases at Cavite, P. I. and Pearl Harbor, Hawaii have gone
75-80 millions of dollars for defense against an invader from the
Orient. But today, although the U.S. Army and Navy are beginning to
develop Alaska air and sea bases as another bulwark against a thrust
from Asia, the U.S. defensively faces east toward Europe. For if
Germany displaces Britain as mistress of the seas, the U. S. will
have lost its insurance policy against trouble in... " |
18 |
Strategic Map: Northwest
Frontier, Monday, Sept. 30,
"On the following two pages, TIME presents a map of the U.S.'s
northwest frontier, and its name is Alaska. Its area is one-fifth as
large as that of the 48 States. At its westernmost point the
mainland of the territory is separated from the mainland of Asia
only by the 62 miles of Bering Strait. Its outpost, Little Diomede
Island in Bering Strait, is separated from Russian-owned Big Diomede
by only a mile and a half of open water. Its westernmost Pacific
Ocean island (Attu) is only 250 miles southeast of Russia's
advance... " |
19 |
Strategic Map: Gateway
to the Orient, Monday, Aug. 05,
"On the following two pages TIME presents a map of the strategic
geography of northeastern Africa and southwestern Asia. Between the
two lies the Red Sea, no mean body of water. It is approximately
1,500 miles long, roughly half as long as the Mississippi River from
Minneapolis to New Orleans. But with its width (up to 250 miles) it
is the size of 50 Mississippis. This immemorial gateway from the
Orient to the Mediterranean has an inner and an outer gate. The
inner gate is Port Said, which is the focus of British strategy...
" |
21 |
Strategic Map: The
Battlefield of Grain, Monday, Oct. 14,
"In the spring of 1938 Hitler took Austria. In the fall of 1938 he
conquered Czecho-Slovakia at Munich. In the fall of 1939 he took
Poland. If Britain and France had not called for a showdown at that
time he would not have attended to them until later. His next step
would logically have been to carve himself an empire in that part of
Europe which is mapped on the two following pages. For Germany
cannot be in prime condition to fight wars of conquest until she is
blockade-proof. To be blockade-proof she needs adequate supplies of
food for her people and... " |
22 |
Strategic Map: Europe's
Sinews of War, Monday, Oct. 28,
"In World War II the long-term measure of military striking power is
the power to produce, and production is on the side of the nations
with the heaviest industries. On the following two pages TIME
presents a map of Europe showing the distribution of Europe's
productive capacity among the combatants. It shows above all the
striking effects which Germany's conquests have had on her capacity
to wage modern war. The Industrial Revolution determined the
location of Europe's heavy industries—close to the sources of coal
and iron. Europe's major coal field lies roughly in..." |