| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Engineering Societies
(continued) |
European war zone-The
Balkans, 1916
(continued) |
Y4 Portf. 2. Map 6 |
European war zone-The
Balkans, 1916
Sheet count: 1 |
Europe |
2 sections |
Y4 Portf. 2. Map 7 |
European war
zone-Turkish-Allies operations, 1916
Sheet count: 1 |
Europe |
Y4 Portf. 2. Map 8 |
European war zone-Turkey in
Asia, 1916
Sheet count: 1 |
Europe |
Y4 Portf. 3. Map 1 |
Eisenbahn und
dampfschiffstouten-karte von Europa, 1874
Sheet count: 1 |
Europe |
Y4 Portf. 3. Map 2 |
Carte du Danube et de ses
embranchements entre Braila et la mer, 1886
Sheet count: 6 |
Europe |
Y4 Portf. 3. Map 3 |
Statistical chart of the
inland traffic of the system of navigable highways of Western Europe,
1905 and 1910
Sheet count: 2 |
Europe |
Y4 Portf. 4. Map 1 |
Ubersichts-karte der
einsubahmen und der bedwteraderer post-und dampfschiff - verbindungen in
Europa, 1867
Sheet count: 1 |
Europe |
Y4 Portf. 4. Map 2 |
Europe and the
Mediterranean, 1938
Sheet count: 1 |
Europe |
Y4 Portf. 4. Map 3 |
Europe and the Near East,
Sheet count: 1 |
Europe |
Y4 Portf. 4. Map 4 |
Reseaux de transport
d'energie d'elestrique d'Europe, 1961
Sheet count: 2 |
Europe |
Y4 Portf. 5. Map 1 |
International Geological
Congress. 21st, Norden, 1960. Mezhdunarodiaya tektonicheskaya karta
evropy, 1960
Sheet count: 16 |
Europe |
Y4 Portf. 6. Map 1 |
Carte Metalogenque de
I'Europa 1:2,500,000. |
Sheet count: 5 |
Europe |
5 maps and numerical listings |
Y4 Portf.1. Map 1 |
Eisenbahn Mittel Europen's,
Sheet count: 1 |
Europe |
Y421 Portf.1. Map 1 |
Map of Metropolitan Railways
and improvements, 1866
Sheet count: 1 |
London |
Y421 Portf.1. Map 2 |
Improved "District Railway"
map of London Ed.2, 1880
Sheet count: 1 |
London |
Y421 Portf.1. Map 3 |
Metropolitan District lines
and connections therewith, 1868
Sheet count: 1 |
London |
Y421 Portf.1. Map 4 |
London railway "Traveling
Made Easy", ed. 2, 1870
Sheet count: 1 |
London |
Y421 Portf.1. Map 5 |
Central London Railway,
Sheet count: 1 |
London |
Y429 Portf.1. Map 1 |
Isoval map of the South
Wales coalfield, 1944
Sheet count: 1 |
Wales |
Y43 Portf. 2 Map 1 |
Karte uber die production,
konsumption und circulation des roheisens in Preussen, 1879
Sheet count: 2 |
Germany |
Y43 Portf. 2 Map 2 |
Uebersichts berichts plan
der Main - Canalisirung von Frankfurt bis Mainz, 1885
Sheet count: 1 |
Germany |
Y43 Portf. 2 Map 3 |
Topographische karte der
gegend un Berlin, 18--?
Sheet count: 1 |
Germany |
Y43 Portf. 2 Map 4 |
Karte der deutschen
wasserstrassen unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der tiefin und
schleusen - Verhaltnisse, 1887
Sheet count: 4 |
Germany |
Y43 Portf. 3 Map 1 |
Plan von Dresden, 1905
Sheet count: 1 |
Germany |
Y43 Portf. 3 Map 2 |
Geophysikalische Kaarte von
Nordwest-Deutschland, 1948
Sheet count: 3 |
Germany |
Y43 Portf.1. Map 1 |
Plan von Leipzig, 1910
Sheet count: 1 |
Germany |
Y43 Portf.1. Map 2 |
Liebersichts harte der
Rheimischen eisenbahn und ihrer nachbarn. |
Sheet count: 1 |
Germany |
Y43 Portf.1. Map 3 |
Grundriss von
Berlin. |
Sheet count: 1 |
Germany |
Y43 Portf.1. Map 4 |
Hamburg und umgebung, 1898
Sheet count: 1 |
Germany |
Y43 Portf.1. Map 5 |
Umgehungen van Munchen,
Sheet count: 1 |
Germany |
Y43 Portf.1. Map 6 |
Geologische karte der
umgebung von Salzbrunu, 1892
Sheet count: 1 |
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