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Series III: Gulf of Mexico | |||||||||||||
Groups 26-43. | |||||||||||||
Holding: 17660815 | Group 26 - Gulf of Mexico Tracks. | ||||||||||||
14 items. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640487 | a0001 VEMA Tracks for Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. | ||||||||||||
a. Linen. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640487 | a0002 Abyssal Plain and Continental Rise, Western Gulf of Mexico - Research Vessel VEMA Sounding Lines Used for Contour Chart Columbia University, Lamont Geological Observatory. | ||||||||||||
a. Linen b. VEMA 3 and Atlantis 185 cores. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640487 | a0003 Assorted Tracks - Gulf of Mexico. | ||||||||||||
a. Positive print b. From 20˚ to 30˚ North and 80˚ to 98˚ West. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640487 | a0004 Gulf of Mexico Tracks. | ||||||||||||
a. Positive print. b. West.° to 98° North and 83° to 30°From 20. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640487 | a0005 Gulf of Mexico Tracks and Cores. | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid paper. b. West.° to 98° North and 70° to 30°From 20. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640487 | a0006 Gulf of Mexico, Western part – Stations occupied during Atlantis Cruise, 1947. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. West.° to 98° North and 85° to 29°From 23 Surveyed March 1951 by the Atlantis. Sponsored by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the Geological Society of America. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640487 | a0007 Buque Oceanographico Capitan Canepa Operacion Drake II. | ||||||||||||
a. Positive print. b. 30 North and 6°30’ to 41°From 41 West.° to 65°2 Shows Fondeo and Zarpo Tracks. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640487 | a0008 Gulf of Mexico Tracks. | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid paper. b. West.° to 96° North and 89° to 29°From 25 Track of the Capt. Canepa. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640487 | a0009 Gulf of Mexico Tracks. | ||||||||||||
a. Negative print. b. West.° to 88°From 81. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640487 | a0010 Insets from VEMA 3 Track. | ||||||||||||
a. Negative print. b. Shows Leg V (inset E), Leg VII (insets A, B, and C), Leg VIII (inset D). | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640487 | a0011 VEMA – 3 Inset F. | ||||||||||||
a. Linen. b. 10’°50’ to 85°45’ North and 84° to 26°From 26 West. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640487 | a0012 Insets from VEMA 3 Track. | ||||||||||||
a. Linen b. Shows Leg V (inset E), Leg VII (insets A, B, and C), Leg VIII (inset D). | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640487 | a0013 Insets from VEMA 3 Track. | ||||||||||||
a. Linen. b. Legs IV, V, VII, and A-185. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640487 | a0014 Gulf of Mexico Track Map for VEMA 3 and Atlantis 185. | ||||||||||||
a. Linen. b. West.° to 98° North and 76° to 30°From 22 Final ink version. | |||||||||||||
Holding: 17660826 | Group 27 - Gulf of Mexico Soundings. | ||||||||||||
56 items. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640475 | b0001 Selected Soundings for the Gulf of Mexico. | ||||||||||||
a. Film positive. b. Selected soundings from VEMA 3, 12, 17, 18, 21, 24, 26; Robert D. Conrad 9, 10, 12; Aliminos 4; and Atlantis 185. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640475 | b0002 Texas, Gulf of Mexico, Off-Shore, Galveston to Brazos Santiago U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, DC, Hydrographic Survey No. 6499a, May - Aug 39, 1:240,000. | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid b. Tracing paper overlay attached. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640475 | b0003 VEMA 10 Soundings for Gulf of Mexico. | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640475 | b0004 Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico - off Louisiana Coast U.S Coast and Geodetic Survey, Hydrographic Survey No. 6502, Oct 39 - Apr 40, 1:120,000. | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid b. Two insets showing hydrographic development in vicinity of Buoy Lop, 1940, 1:40,000. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640475 | b0005 Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico, South of Perrebonne Bay U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, DC, Hydrographic Survey No. 6546, Oct 39 - Jun 40, 1:120,000. | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid b. One inset showing hydrographic development in vicinity of Buoy Kim, 1:40,000. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640463 | b0006A Texas and Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico - off Texas and Louisiana Coasts U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, DC, Hydrographic Survey No. 6501 (Part 1 of 2 parts), Aug - Oct 39, 1:120,000. | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid b. Two insets showing hydrographic development in vicinity of Buoy Mix and Ink, 1:40,000. One inset showing hydrographic development in vicinity of As, 1:10,000. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640463 | b0006B Texas and Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico - off Texas and Louisiana Coasts U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, DC, Hydrographic Survey No. 6501 (Part 2 of 2 parts), Aug - Oct 39, 1:120,000. | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid b. One inset showing hydrographic development in vicinity of Buoy Elb, 1:10,000. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640463 | b0007 Florida, Gulf of Mexico - Southwest of Cape Blas U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, DC, Hydrographic No. 7603, Aug 47 - Aug 48. | ||||||||||||
. Ozalid U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, DC, Hydrographic No. 7603, Aug 47 - Aug 48. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640463 | b0008 Gulf of Mexico Soundings. | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid b. Note: "3800 M/S TO EPICC (Cedar Keys)" | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640463 | b0009 Florida, Gulf of Mexico - Southeast of Pensacola U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, DC, Hydrographic Survey No. 6691, Aug - Oct 41, 1:80,000. | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid b. Inset. 1:80,000. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640463 | b0010 Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico - South of South Pass U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, DC, Hydrographic Survey No. 6548, Jul - Aug 40, 1:160,000. | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640451 | b0011 Florida, Gulf of Mexico - Southeast of Pensacola U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, DC, Hydrographic Survey No. 6692, Oct - Nov 41, 1:80,000. | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640451 | b0012 Florida, Gulf of Mexico - Head of De Soto Canyon U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, DC, Hydrographic Survey No. 6690, Oct - Nov 41, 1:40,000. | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640451 | b0013 Gulf of Mexico Soundings. U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, DC, Hydrographic Survey No. 6499b. | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640451 | b0014 Tracks and Soundings for the Gulf of Mexico. | ||||||||||||
a. Photo positive. b. Compiled from USC & GS and Lamont Geological Observatory and U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office Surveys on the base of H.O. Charts 1126, 1127, 2056, 0966, 0944. Rolled item. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640451 | b0015 Sigsbee Knolls – Echo Soundings at 800fms/sec. | ||||||||||||
a. Negative print b. West.° to 93° North and 92°20’ to 24°From 22 Covers Sigsbee Knolls. Echo Soundings at 800fms/sec. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640451 | b0016 Sigsbee Knolls. | ||||||||||||
a. Positive print. b. West.° to 93° North and 92°20’ to 24°From 22 Covers Sigsbee Knolls. Echo Soundings at 800fms/sec. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027564044A | b0017 Gulf of Mexico Soundings – South of Heald Bank. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. 30’ to°40’ North and 93°40’ to 28°From 27 20’ West.°94 1937. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027564044A | b0018 Gulf of Mexico Soundings from Sombrero to Sand Key Fla. | ||||||||||||
a. Positive print. b. 30’°40’ to 82°15’ North and 79° 25°From 24 West. Historical Document, data from the USS Bibb, 1868. Register no. 1066. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027564044A | b0019 Gulf of Mexico Soundings and Contours. | ||||||||||||
a. Tracing paper. b. 20’°20’ to 94° North and 93°40’ to 28°From 26 West. Data plotted on chart H6501, pt.II. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027564044A | b0020 Gulf of Mexico Soundings and Contours. | ||||||||||||
a. Tracing paper. b. 40’°30’ to 92°20’North and 91°40’ to 28° From 26 West. Data plotted on chart H6502, pt.II. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027564044A | b0021 Gulf of Mexico Soundings - South of Terrebonne bay. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. 20’ to°20’ North and 90°40’ to 28° From 26 30’ West.°91 Survey dates- Oct 1939 to June 1940. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640438 | b0022 Gulf of Mexico Soundings – Off the Louisiana Coast. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. 20’ North and°50’ to 28° From 26 20’ to°91 40’ West. Survey dates – Oct 1939 to April°92 1940. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640438 | b0023 Gulf of Mexico Soundings – Off the Texas and Louisiana Coast. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. 50’° From 26 10’° North and 92O20’ to 93°to 28 West. Survey dates – Aug to Oct 1939. Chart H- 6501, Part I of two parts. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640438 | b0024 Gulf of Mexico Soundings – Off the Texas and Louisiana Coast. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. 10’° to 94° North and 93°10’ to 28° From 26 West. Survey dates – Aug to Oct 1939. Chart H- 6501, Part II of two parts. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640438 | b0025 Gulf of Mexico Soundings. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. 20’° to 95°10’ North and 94°35’ to 28° From 27 West. Hydrographic survey no. 6499b. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640438 | b0026 Gulf of Mexico Soundings – Offshore, Galveston to Brazos Santiago r. b. From 27º35’ to 28º10’ North and 94º to 95º20’ West. Hydrographic survey no. 6499b. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. 50’° to 96°50’ North and 94°40’ to 27° From 25 West. Survey dates – May to Aug 1939. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640426 | b0027 Gulf of Mexico Soundings – South of Barataria Bay. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. From 10’°30’ to 90°40’ North and 89° to 28°28 West. Survey dates – Aug and Oct 1936. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640426 | b0028 Gulf of Mexico Soundings – Southeast of Ship Shoal. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. °40’ to 91°40’ North and 89° to 28° From 28 West. Survey dates – Jun to Aug and Oct 1936. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640426 | b0029 Straits of Florida. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. West.° to 82° North and 79° to 27° From 23 US Coast Survey, Chart no. 2, 1869. Register no. 1091. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640426 | b0030 Gulf of Mexico Soundings. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. 40’°50’ to 88°45’ North and 86° to 27° From 26 West. No. 20250. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640426 | b0031 Gulf of Mexico Soundings. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. 40’°50’ to 88°45’ North and 86° to 27° From 26 West. No. 20250. Contours drawn on. Chart no. H-7873. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640414 | b0032 Gulf Coast Soundings. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. 50’° to 83°30’ North and 81°10 to 24° From 23 Hydrographic chart no. H-8017. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640414 | b0033 Gulf Coast Soundings. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. 50’° to 83°30’ North and 81°10 to 24° From 23 Hydrographic chart no. H-8019. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640414 | b0034 Gulf Coast Soundings. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. 50’ to°10’ North and 86°40’ to 27° From 24 30’ West.°88 Hydrographic chart no. H-8019. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640414 | b0035 Gulf Coast Soundings. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. 40’° to 86°44’ North and 84°10’ to 24° From 23 West. Hydrographic chart no. H-8061. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640414 | b0036 Gulf Coast Soundings. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. 40’° to 86°44’ North and 84°10’ to 24° From 23 West. Hydrographic chart no. H-8061. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640414 | b0037 Gulf Coast Soundings. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. °50’ to 89°40’ North and 86°10’ to 24° From 23 40’ West. Hydrographic chart no. H-8062. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640414 | b0038 Gulf Coast Soundings. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. °40’ to 84°15’ North and 82°25’ to 25° From 24 West. Hydrographic chart no. H-8016. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640414 | b0039 Gulf Coast Soundings. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. 30’ to°05’ North and 83°50’ to 27° From 25 20’ West. Hydrographic chart no. H-8014.°84. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640414 | b0040 Gulf Coast Soundings. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. 40’ to°20’ North and 82° to 27° From 26 30’ West. Hydrographic chart no. H-8013.°83. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640414 | b0041 Gulf Coast Soundings. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. to°35’ North and 82° to 24° From 24 05’ West. Hydrographic chart no. H-8011.°83. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640414 | b0042 Gulf Coast Soundings. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. to°35’ North and 81° to 24° From 24 West. Hydrographic chart no. H-7933.°82. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640402, 00275640414 | b0043 Gulf Coast Soundings. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. 15’ to°40’ North and 82°25’ to 27° From 25 15’ West. Hydrographic chart no. H-7934.°83. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640402 | b0044 Southwest of Boca Grande. | ||||||||||||
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