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Series IV: Mediterranean Sea | |||||||||||||
Holding: 17661304 | Group 43 - Mediterranean Sea Primary Sea. | ||||||||||||
11 items. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640955 | a0001 Track of R.V. Vema #. | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid b. From 37˚ to 42˚ North and 8˚ to 17˚ East. Based on H.O. 3918, 3-14 July and 20-29 August. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640955 | a0002 Track of R.V. Vema #10. | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid b. From 37˚ 30' to 39˚ 30' North and 14˚ 30' to 16˚ 30' East. Based on H.O. 3945, 13-14 July and 20 August. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640955 | a0003 Track of R.V. Vema #10. | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid b. From 38˚ 10' to 38˚ 20' North and 15˚ 30' to 15˚ 50' East. Based on H.O. 4035, 14 July and 20 August. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640955 | a0004 Track of R.V. Vema #10. | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid b. From 36˚ to 40˚ North and 1˚ West to 9˚ East. Based on H.O. 3916, 31 August - 2 September. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640955 | a0005 Mediterranean Track. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper b. From 40˚ to 44˚ North and 3˚ to 9˚ East. Colston, 1965. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640955 | a0006 Mediterranean Track. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper b. At 25º North and 35º East. 10 – 11 July 1958. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640955 | a0007 Mediterranean Tracks. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper b. From 40˚15’ to 41˚45’ North and 12˚ to 15˚ East. Plotted on Italian sheet “Da Fiumicino A Punta Licosa” 1959. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640955 | a0008 Mediterranean Track. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper b. From 34˚30’ to 39˚10’ North and 6˚40 West to 150˚ East. Plotted on Hydrographic office chart BC 3915 North, “Gibraltar to Cabo San Antonio and Cap Tenes” June 1952. Includes classification note. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640955 | a0009 Mediterranean Track. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper b. From 35˚10’ to 40˚30’ North and 14˚ to 24˚ East. Plotted on Hydro chart BC 3921 North. “Malta to Crete” June 1952. Includes classification notations. Vema present draft, 16ft. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640955 | a0010 Mediterranean Tracks with Time. | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid paper b. From 10˚ to 50˚ North and 10˚ West to 50˚ East. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640955 | a0011 Track of the R.V. Vema in the Gulf of Corinth. | ||||||||||||
a. Linen. b. From 37˚50’ to 38˚40’ North and 21˚40 to 23º30’ East. | |||||||||||||
Holding: 17661669 | Group 44 - Mediterranean Sea Soundings. | ||||||||||||
23 items. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027564092A | b0001 Multiple Sounding Overlays for Hydrographic Chart Korinthiakos Kolpos. Chart 3963. | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate. b. Two soundings overlays and one overlay showing ridges and troughs. From VEMA 10, #33. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027564092A | b0002 Soundings Off The Coast of Libya. | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid b. Highlighted with colored pencil. Based on Chart 3406. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027564092A | b0003 Soundings Off the Coast of Crete and Turkey. | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid b. Highlighted with colored pencil. Based on Chart 3407. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027564092A | b0004 Soundings Around the Island of Sicily. | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid b. Highlighted with colored pencil. Based on Chart 3507. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027564092A | b0005 Soundings: 30° - 35° North, 15° - 25° East. | ||||||||||||
a. Tracing paper. b. Computer plotted. Matches 0024. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027564092A | b0006 Soundings: 35° - 40° North, 23° - 25° East. | ||||||||||||
a. Tracing paper. b. Computer plotted. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027564092A | b0007 Soundings: 35° - 40° North, 10° - 25° East. | ||||||||||||
a. Tracing paper. b. Computer plotted. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640931 | b0008 Mediterranean PDR Soundings from VEMA 10. | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid b. Covers the area from Greece and Crete to Sicily and Italy. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640931 | b0009 Soundings Around the Greek Islands from VEMA 10. | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid b. Dates of soundings: 25 Jul to 5 Aug and 17 Aug to 18 Aug. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640931 | b0010 Soundings for the Strait of Messina. 3-7 July 72. | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate. Rolled item. b. R/V Bannock survey. SSS SPB calibrated to PGR transducer. Depth in 'tau'. Notes: "Many illustrations for the Straits of Messina paper were found by Marie Tharp in storage and given to Michael Rawson who was on the Bannock. Rawson gave them to Vlad. Nesteroff who wrote the paper, published after Bruce Heezen's death. These soundings, found in January 1995, may not have been included in the paper unless they were on another copy." | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640931 | b0011 Vema 10 Soundings. | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid. b. From 35˚ to 38˚ North and 2˚ East to 8˚ West. Based on H.O. 3915. Dates: 25 June, 27-28 June, 30 June - 1 July, and 1-3 September. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640931 | b0012 Vema 10 Soundings. | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid. b. From 35˚ 40' to 36˚ 10' North and 5˚ 10' to 6˚ 10' West. Based on H.O. 285. Dates: 26-27 June, 29 June, and 3 September. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640931 | b0013 Vema 10 Soundings. | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid. b. From 32˚ to 36˚ North and 24˚ to 33˚ East. Based on H.O. 3924 and 3925. Dates: 6-7 August. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640931 | b0014 Gibraltar Soundings. | ||||||||||||
c. Frosted acetate. d. From 35˚ to 37˚ North and 6˚ to 10˚ West. Data from the Rehoboth AGS-50 and the San Pablo AGS-30. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640931 | b0015 Mediterranean Soundings off the coast of Cyrenaica. | ||||||||||||
a. Negative Film. b. From 33˚ to 35˚ North and 20˚ to 23˚ East. May 1958. No.A-242. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640931 | b0016 Mediterranean Soundings off the coast of Cyrenaica. | ||||||||||||
a. Negative Film. b. From 32˚ to 34˚ North and 23˚ to 27˚ East. May 1958. No.A-243. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640943 | b0017 Mediterranean Soundings. | ||||||||||||
a. Positive print. b. From 37˚ to 42˚ North and 8˚ to 16˚ East. Preliminary information. Oct. 1953. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640943 | b0018 Mediterranean Soundings. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. From 30˚ to 37˚ North and 24˚ to 30˚ East. Preliminary information. Includes classification notation. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640943 | b0019 Mediterranean Soundings. | ||||||||||||
a. Positive print. b. From 31˚ to 38˚ North and 10˚ to 17˚ East. Plotted on HO-3920. Includes classification notation. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640943 | b0020 Mediterranean Soundings. | ||||||||||||
a. Positive print. b. From 41˚ to 45˚ North and 2˚ to 13˚ East. Plotted on HO-3917. Includes classification notation. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640943 | b0021 Mediterranean Soundings. | ||||||||||||
a. Positive print. b. From 31˚ to 37˚ North and 29˚ to 36˚ East. Plotted on BC-3924. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640943 | b0022 Mediterranean Soundings. | ||||||||||||
a. Positive print. b. From 36˚ to 42˚ North and 1˚ West to 9˚ East. Plotted on chart 3916. Includes classification notation. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640943 | b0023 Eastern Mediterranean Soundings. | ||||||||||||
a. Tracing paper over paper map. b. From 13˚ to 15˚ East and 38˚ to 41˚ North. Color-coded soundings and tracks. | |||||||||||||
Holding: 17661674 | Group 45 - Mediterranean Sea Select Soundings. | ||||||||||||
8 items. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640918 | c0001 Tracks: 30° - 35° North, 15° - 25° East. | ||||||||||||
a. Tracing paper. b. Computer plotted. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640918 | c0002 Tracks: 35° - 40° North, 10° - 25° East. | ||||||||||||
a. Tracing paper. b. Computer plotted. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640918 | c0003 Selected Soundings 107. | ||||||||||||
e. Tracing paper. f. West.° to 10° North and 0° to 40° From 35. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640918 | c0004 Selected Soundings. | ||||||||||||
a. Negative print. b. East. French° to 45° North and 0° to 46° From 7 map. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640918 | c0005 Selected Soundings. | ||||||||||||
a. Negative print. b. West.° to 15° North and 0° to 47° From 31 French map. Includes data for the Atlantic. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640918 | c0006 Selected Soundings. | ||||||||||||
a. Negative print. b. North. French map.° to 33° From 8. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640918 | c0007 Selected Soundings. | ||||||||||||
a. Negative print. b. North. French map.° to 33° From 7. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640918 | c0008 Mediterranean Sea. | ||||||||||||
a. Negative print. b. East.° West to 36° North and 6° to 48° From 20 Chart no. 4300, First edition June 1934. | |||||||||||||
Holding: 17661310 | Group 46 - Mediterranean Sea Precision Depth Recordings. | ||||||||||||
8 items. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027564089A | d0001A Eastern Mediterranean PDR Records. | ||||||||||||
a. Film positive. b. VEMA 10, 2 September. Three pieces. 0642-0830. 'A' shows scattering layer sinking at daybreak. 'B' appears to show a surface layer 0-15 fathoms (perhaps noise). | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027564089A | d0001B Eastern Mediterranean PDR Records. | ||||||||||||
a. Film positive. b. 1730-2009. West: 37% isohaline layer at 20-35 fathoms. East: 20- 40 fathoms blend in together. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027564089A | d0001C Eastern Mediterranean PDR Records. | ||||||||||||
a. Film positive. b. #3. 2000-2257. West: 38% isohaline layer at 40-70 fathoms. East: 20-40 fathoms blend in together. Possible #2 (West) is different density water from another source. #3 is 37%. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275640906 | d0001-d0012. | ||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027564089A | d0002 Mediterranean Sea Profile for 3924. | ||||||||||||
a. Graph paper. b. 'These profiles plotted East to West.'. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027564089A | d0003 Mediterranean Sea Profile for 0B2, B-C. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. 48’°15’ to 8°18’ North and 0°52’ to 44° From 37 East. Possibly Russian data. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027564089A | d0004 Vroma Spur, Fonias Through, and Kala Spur. | ||||||||||||
a. Linen b. Final Publication graphic. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027564089A | d0005 Profile through central axis of the Strait of Messina. | ||||||||||||
a. Tracing paper. b. Profile from the V.S. Giovanni. | |||||||||||||
Holding: 17672494 | Group 47 - Mediterranean Sea Cores. | ||||||||||||
8 items. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275641030 | e0001 Schematic Diagram of Ten Core Samples. | ||||||||||||
a. Linen b. Pen and ink representation. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275641030 | e0002 Reverse print of Mediterranean Cores. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. Cores 174 to 185, 65, 67, and 189-191. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275641030 | e0003 Mediterranean Cores. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper ° West to 36° North and 6° to 48°b. From 29 East. Cores from the Albatross, VEMA, Chain, San Pablo, and Atlantis. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275641030 | e0004 Mediterranean Refraction and Free Air Gravity Anomalies. | ||||||||||||
a. Paper ° West to 36° North and 6° to 48°b. From 29 East. Refraction in the Med. and Free air anomalies from many countries. Plotted on HO 4300. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275641030 | e0005 Core Station Locations in the Gulf of Corinth. | ||||||||||||
a. Linen. 40’ to°40’ North and 21°40’ to 38°b. From 37 20’ East.°23 Also shows location of profiles A through K. | |||||||||||||
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