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Series I: Pacific Ocean (continued) | |||||||||||||
Holding: 17688999 | Group 04 - Pacific Ocean Precision Depth Recordings | ||||||||||||
461 items | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671265 | 0001 [Profile Index for the South China Sea] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate b. From 11˚ to 23˚ North and 107˚ to 122˚ East. Profiles 1 thru 18 shown. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671265 | 0002 Profile Index Chart | ||||||||||||
a. Film negative b. Scripps Institution of Oceanography for the Bell Telephone Laboratories. Distribution and statistical analysis of sea-floor relief in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. December 1965, Chart No. 3A (North). 1:5,990,157 | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671265 | 0003 [Index to Dishon's Profiles] | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid. b. From 36˚ South to 10˚ North and 70˚ to 160˚ West. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671253 | 0004 [Profile of the South China Sea] | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. Thirteen profiles (A-T) shown. Selected depths annotated. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671253 | 0005 [Magnetic Profiles from Aries 5] | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. 6 May to 6 June 1971 | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671253 | 0006 [Glomar Challenger Leg 20 Profile] | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid. b. Shows profile of topography and magnetics in an area from the Marcus Island Archipelagic Apron, Mariana Trench, Ita Maital Guyot, Solomon Plateau and Fiji Plateau. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671253 | 0007 [Multiple Profiles - Snellius Expedition] | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid. b. From Volume 5, Part 1, Plate 8. Sections of the sea bottom, redrawn from construction based on echo soundings by F. Pinke, L. J. Veidman and P. H. Milo.Profile 24 covers the Pacific Ocean, 90-93 the Banda Sea, and 94-109 the Flores Sea. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671253 | 0008 Aries V Profile | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671241 | 0009 [C. S. Mercury Profile of the West Central Pacific Ocean - Hong Kong to Guam] | ||||||||||||
a. Graph paper b. From 13˚ 32" to 19˚ 57" North and 123˚ 29" to 144˚ 47" East. 1964 | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671241 | 0010 [Eltanin 39 Profiles] | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid. b. Profile 'B'. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671241 | 0011 [Eltanin 41 Profiles] | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid. b. Profile 'A'. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671241 | 0012 [Eltanin 5 Profile - Valparaiso to Valparaiso] | ||||||||||||
a. Graph paper b. 24 January 1975. Topo pl0t and Ans. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671241 | 0013 [Eltanin 6 Profile - Valparaiso to Punta Arenas] | ||||||||||||
a. Graph paper b. 5 February 1975. Topo. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671241 | 0014 [Eltanin 7 Profile - Punta Arenas to Monte Video] | ||||||||||||
a. Graph paper b. 21 January 1975. Topo. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671241 | 0015 [Eltanin 8 Profile - Monte Video to Talcahuano] | ||||||||||||
a. Graph paper b. 29 January 1975. Topo. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671241 | 0016 [Eltanin 9 Profile - Talcahuano to Valparaiso] | ||||||||||||
a. Graph paper b. 29 January 1975. Topo. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671241 | 0017 [Eltanin 18 Profile - Valparaiso to Talcahuano] | ||||||||||||
a. Graph paper b. 4 November 1974. Topo. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671241 | 0018 [Vema 21 Profile Crossing Japan Trench] | ||||||||||||
a. Graph paper b. From 30˚ 49.5" North and 141˚ 58" East to 30˚ 44" North and 142˚ 49" East. Uncorrected PDR soundings. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671241 | 0019 [Vema 15 Hackal Trench 'A' Profile] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate graph paper b. From 32˚ 32" South and 73˚ 5" West to 35˚ 01" South and 71˚ 48" West. Uncorrected PDR soundings. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671241 | 0020 [Vema 15 Hackal Trench 'A' Profile] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate graph paper b. From 32˚ 32" South and 73˚ 5" West to 35˚ 01" South and 71˚ 48" West. Uncorrected PDR soundings. Corrected track miles. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027567123A | 0021 Profile of Bottom off the Coast of Chile | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate graph paper b. From 35˚ 26.3" South and 74˚ 36" West to 36˚ 05" South and 73˚ 22" West. Uncorrected PDR soundings. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027567123A | 0022 Profile of Bottom off the Coast of Chile | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate graph paper b. From 35˚ 26.3" South and 74˚ 36" West to 36˚ 05" South and 73˚ 22" West. Uncorrected PDR soundings. Corrected track miles. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027567123A | 0023 [Vema 15 Hackal Trench 'B' Profile] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate graph paper b. From 30˚ 19.5" South and 73˚ 14.5" West to 32˚ 57.7" South and 72˚ 4.2" West. Uncorrected PDR Soundings. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027567123A | 0024 [Vema 15 Hackal Trench 'B' Profile] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate graph paper b. From 30˚ 19.5" South and 73˚ 14.5" West to 32˚ 57.7" South and 72˚ 4.2" West. Uncorrected PDR Soundings. Highlights sea level and shows thousand fathom lines. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027567123A | 0025 [Topographic Profile of Aries V - Fiji to Guam] | ||||||||||||
a. Graph paper | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027567123A | 0026 [Multiple Profiles Along South American Continental Margin] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate b. Profiles: 1 - 5, 6 and 7 (Glacier), 8 (Vema 17), 9 (Vema 15). 6 June 1961. Sheet No. 1. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027567123A | 0027 [Multiple Profiles Along South American Continental Margin] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate b. Profiles: 10 - 16 (Vema 15), 17 (Baird). 6 September 1961. Sheet No. 2. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027567123A | 0028 [Multiple Profiles Along South American Continental Margin] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate b. Profiles: 18 - 20, 23 and 24 (Vema 15), 20 and 22 (Baird). 6 June 1961. Sheet No. 3. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027567123A | 0029 [Multiple Profiles Along South American Continental Margin] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate b. Profiles: 26 (Vema 15); 25, 28 and 29 (Baird); 27, 30 and 31 (Horizon). 20 June 1961. Sheet No. 4. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027567123A | 0030 [Multiple Profiles Along South American Continental Margin] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate b. Profiles: 32, 33, and 37 (Horizon); 34 - 36 (Atlantis). 26 June 1961. Sheet No. 5. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027567123A | 0031 [Multiple Profiles Along South American Continental Margins | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate b. Profiles: 38 and 44 (Horizon); 39 - 43 (Baird). Sheet No. 6. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671228 | 0031.1 [Multiple Profiles Along South American Continental Margin] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate b. Profiles: 45 and 46 (Baird); 47, 48 and 51 (Horizon); 49 and 50 (Vema 15). Sheet No. 7. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671216 | 0031.10 [Index to Multiple Profiles Along West Coast of South America] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate b. From 25˚ to 41˚ South and 70˚ to 77˚ West. Profile tracks 44-67 along west coast of South America. Publication graphic. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671216 | 0031.11 [Index to Multiple Profiles Along Southern Tip of South America] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate b. From 40˚ to 60˚ South and 63˚ to 77˚ West. Profile tracks 67-80 along Southern tip of South America. Publication graphic. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671216 | 0031.12 [Vema 15 Profiles in the Gulf of Panama] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate b. From 4˚ to 10˚ North and 80˚ to 87˚ West. Profile tracks 1&2 in Gulf of Panama. Publication graphic. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671204 | 0031.13 [Vema 15 and 17 Profiles over Malpelco Ridge in the Gulf of Panama] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate b. From 0˚ to 10˚ North and 76˚ to 84˚ West. Profile tracks 1-8 in the Gulf of Panama. Publication graphic. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671204 | 0031.14 [Index to Carnegie Ridge Profiles off the Coast of Ecuador] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate b. From 3˚ North to 7˚ South and 79˚ to 87˚ West. Profile tracks 1-7 Publication graphic. Index for 0031.10 | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671204 | 0031.15 [Vema 15 and 17 Profiles Over the Carnegie Ridge] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate b. From 3˚ North to 7˚ South and 79˚ to 87˚ West. Profile tracks 1-7 Publication graphic. Indexed on 0031.9 | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671204 | 0031.16 [Index to Nasca Ridge Profiles] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate b. From 14˚ to 27˚ South and 75˚ to 92˚ West. Profile tracks 1-8. Publication graphic. Shown in 0031.12 | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671204 | 0031.17 Original Ridge Drawings off West Coast of South America | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate b. From 14˚ to 27˚ South and 75˚ to 92˚ West. Vema 15, Vema 17, Horizon and Baird profiles 1-8. Publication graphic. Indexed on 0031.11 | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671204 | 0031.18 [Profiles over the Iquique Ridge] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate b. Profiles: 1-3 (Horizon); 4 (Baird); 5-8 (Vema 15); and 9 (Vema 17). Publication graphic, 4 October 1961. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671228 | 0031.2 [Multiple Profiles Along South American Continental Margin] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate b. Profiles: 52, 54 and 55 (Baird); 53 and 59 (Horizon); 56-58 (Vema 15). Sheet No. 8, 3 August 1961. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671228 | 0031.3 [Multiple Profiles Along South American Continental Margin] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate b. Profiles: 60, 62, 65 and 66 (Vema 17); 61 and 64 (Vema 15); 63 (Baird). Sheet No. 9. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671228 | 0031.4 [Multiple Profiles Along South American Continental Margin] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate b. Profiles: 67 and 71 (Vema 17); 68- 70, 72 and 73 (Vema 15). Sheet No. 10. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671228 | 0031.5 [Multiple Profiles Along South American Continental Margin] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate b. Profiles: 74 and 75 (Discovery II); 76 and 77 (Vema 17); 88 (Vema 16); 79 (Meteor); and 80 (Capt. Canepa). Sheet No. 11. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671216 | 0031.6 [Index to Multiple Profiles In Gulf of Panama] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate b. From 2˚ to 10˚ North and 77˚ to 85˚ West. Profile tracks 1-9 in Gulf of Panama. Publication graphic. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671216 | 0031.7 [Index to Multiple Profiles In Gulf of Panama and Along West Coast of South America] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate b. From 12˚ South to 10˚ North and 77˚ to 87˚ West. Profile tracks 1-25 in Gulf of Panama and along west coast of South America. Publication graphic. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671216 | 0031.8 [Index to Multiple Profiles Along West Coast of South America] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate b. From 12˚ South to 3˚ North and 77˚ to 87˚ West. Profile tracks 10-25 along west coast of South America. Publication graphic. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671216 | 0031.9 [Index to Multiple Profiles Along West Coast of South America] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate b. From 10˚ to 27˚ South and 70˚ to 82˚ West. Profile tracks 24-49 along west coast of South America. Publication graphic. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671162 | 0032 [Multiple Profiles] | ||||||||||||
a. Film negative b. Profiles 1 - 23. Signed by Marie Tharp | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671162 | 0033 [Multiple Profiles Off New Zealand] | ||||||||||||
a. Tracing paper b. Profiles 1 - 23. Signed by Marie Tharp. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671162 | 0034 [Multiple Profiles] | ||||||||||||
a. Film negative b. Profiles 1 - 24. Signed by Marie Tharp. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671162 | 0035 [Multiple Profiles] | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid. b. Profiles 1 - 24. Signed by Marie Tharp. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671162 | 0036 [Pacific Ocean Profile Originating from Pt. Reyes California] | ||||||||||||
a. Graph paper b. Nautical miles from Point Reyes, California | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671162 | 0037 [Pacific Ocean Profile] | ||||||||||||
a. Graph paper | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671198 | 0038 [Profiles Off the Coast of South America] | ||||||||||||
a. Film negative b. From 30˚ to 65˚ South and 70˚ to 150˚ West. Displays topographic data plotted perpendicular to the ship tracks in corrected meters. Fracture zones are indicated by dashed lines. Magnetic anomalies are indicated by stripped patterns. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671198 | 0039 Pacific Ocean Worksheet - Profiles and Physiography | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate b. Profiles A thru G shown. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671198 | 0040 [Profiles of the Southeast Pacific Ocean] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate b. From 30˚ to 72˚ South and 60˚ to 150˚ West. Tracks with profiles plotted with selected soundings. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671198 | 0041 Point Reyes to Oahu - Route 'A' | ||||||||||||
a. Linen | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671198 | 0042 Point Reyes to Oahu - Route I | ||||||||||||
a. Linen | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671198 | 0043 [Multiple Profiles of the Pacific Ocean] | ||||||||||||
a. Tracing paper b. Profiles 1 - 19 shown. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275671186 | 0044 [Multiple Profiles] | ||||||||||||
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