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Series I: Pacific Ocean (continued)
Group 07 - Pacific Ocean Earthquakes (continued)
0010A Seismicity and Volcanism in Mexico and Central America (continued)
a. Negative print. b. From 5˚ to 30˚ North and 80˚ to 110˚ West.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670674 0010B Seismicity and Volcanism in Mexico and Central America
a. Positive print. b. From 5˚ to 30˚ North and 80˚ to 110˚ West.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670674 0011 Epicenters
a. Ozalid. b. From 30˚ to 55˚ South and 60˚ to 120˚ West. Epicenters using computers, April 1965. Other from August 1955 – 60.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670674 0012 Earthquakes in the Western Pacific
a. Linen. b. From 65˚ North to 50˚ South and 100˚ to 160˚ East. Final Publication graphic.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670674 0013 Earthquakes in the Western Pacific
a. Tracing paper overlay on paper. b. From 0˚ to 45˚ North and 90˚ to 180˚ East. Data plotted on JEBCO AIII, 1940.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670674 0014 Earthquakes North of Australia
a. Tracing paper overlay on paper. b. From 0˚ to 46˚ South and 90˚ to 180˚ East. Data plotted on JEBCO A’III, 1940.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670674 0015 Seismicity of Japan and the Kuril Islands
a. paper. b. From 15˚ to 60˚ North and 125˚ to 165˚ East. Dept. of Commerce, July 1970.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670674 0016 Seismic Reflection Coverage and Navigation Control
a. Ozalid paper. b. From 8˚ 57’ to 9˚ 42’ North and 158˚ 10’ to 159˚ 2’ East.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670649 0017A Earthquakes and Provenances in the Eastern Pacific
a. Positive print. b. From 65˚ North to 65˚ South and 70˚ 105˚ West. Final publication graphic.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670649 0017B Earthquakes and Provenances in the Eastern Pacific
a. Negative print enlargement. b. From 65˚ North to 65˚ South and 70˚ 105˚ West. Final publication graphic.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670649 0018 Hematite Petroleum PTY, Ltd - Velocity Analysis
a. Graph paper. b. Area: Young Rocks. Seismic Profiler line 1, 27 April 1970.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670649 0019 Hematite Petroleum PTY, Ltd - Velocity Analysis
a. Graph paper. b. Area: Young Rocks. Seismic Profiler line 2, 20 April 1970.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670649 0020 Hematite Petroleum PTY, Ltd - Velocity Analysis
a. Graph paper. b. Area: Young Rocks. Seismic Profiler line 3, 17 April 1970.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670649 0021 Hematite Petroleum PTY, Ltd - Velocity Analysis
a. Graph paper. b. Area: Young Rocks. Seismic Profiler line 4, 17 April 1970.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670649 0022 Hematite Petroleum PTY, Ltd - Velocity Analysis
a. Graph paper. b. Area: Young Rocks. Seismic Profiler line 5, 21 April 1970.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670649 0023 Earthquakes in the North Central Pacific
a. Linen. b. from 60˚ to 60˚ North and 140˚ West to 160˚ East.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670649 0024 Earthquakes in the North Central Pacific
a. Positive transparency. b. From 20˚ to 78˚ North and 150˚ West to 150˚ East.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670649 0025 Earthquakes, Magnetics, and Trends
a. Frosted acetate. b. From 57˚ to 65˚ South and 156˚ to 170˚ East.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670649 0026 Earthquakes in the Eastern 1/3 Pacific
a. Ozalid paper. b. From 60˚ North to 60˚ South and 70˚ to 150˚ West.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670649 0027 Color-coded Earthquake Plot
a. Paper. b. From 34˚ to 72˚ South and 120˚ to 180˚ East.
Holding: 17691709 Group 08 - Pacific Ocean Magnetism
41 items
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670637 0001 Magnetic Anomalies, World Scale, West Central Pacific
a. Film negative b. From 5˚ South to 15˚ North and 165˚ West to 160˚ East
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670637 0002 Magnetic Lineation of NP-9
a. negative transparency. b. From 29˚ to 49˚ North and 115˚ to 150˚ West. Plate No. 8. Standard Navy Ocean Area Region-9.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670637 0003 Magnetic Lineation of NP-9
a. Paper. b. From 29˚ to 49˚ North and 115˚ to 150˚ West. Plate No. 8. Standard Navy Ocean Area Region-9.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670637 0004 [Magnetic Tracks and Profiles - Southern Pacific]
a. Negative transparency. b. From 30˚ to 65˚ South and 70˚ to 150˚ West. Figure 2, topo data had been plotted perpendicular to the ships tracks.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670637 0005 [Magnetic Tracks and Profiles - Southern Pacific]
a. Positive transparency. b. From 30˚ to 65˚ South and 70˚ to 150˚ West. Figure 2, topo data had been plotted perpendicular to the ships tracks.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670637 0006 [Magnetic Tracks and Profiles - Southern Pacific]
a. Paper. b. From 30˚ to 65˚ South and 70˚ to 150˚ West. Figure 2, topo data had been plotted perpendicular to the ships tracks.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670637 0007 World Project - Southeast Pacific, Magnetics Profiles
a. Film negative b. Shows tracks and profiles
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670637 0008 Magnetic Anomalies
a. Paper. b. From 30˚ to 65˚ South and 70˚ to 150˚ West. Data by Herron.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670637 0009 World Project - Southeast Pacific, Magnetics Profiles
a. Positive transparency. b. Shows tracks and profiles. Figure 2, topo data had been plotted perpendicular to the ships tracks. Does not include number annotations.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670637 0010 Magnetics Anomalies Southeast Pacific
a. Positive transparency. b. From 30˚ to 65˚ South and 70˚ to 150˚ West. Figure 3. Residual magnetic anomalies have been plotted along the ship’s track.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670637 0011 Magnetics Anomalies in the Southeast Pacific Area
a. Negative transparency. b. From 30˚ to 67˚ South and 100˚ to 165˚ East. Figure 2. Magnetic lineation and offsets in the SE Indian Ocean, By Weissel and Hayes.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670637 0012 Magnetics Anomalies in the Southeast Pacific Area
a. Positive transparency. b. From 30˚ to 67˚ South and 100˚ to 165˚ East. Figure 2. Magnetic lineation and offsets in the SE Indian Ocean, By Weissel and Hayes.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670625 0013 Magnetics Anomalies in the Southeast Pacific Area
a. Paper. b. From 30˚ to 67˚ South and 100˚ to 165˚ East. Figure 2. Magnetic lineation and offsets in the SE Indian Ocean, By Weissel and Hayes.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670625 0014 Herron: Southeast Pacific
a. Positive transparency. b. From 40˚ to 70˚ South and 50˚ to 20˚ West.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670625 0015 Magnetics of the Gulf of Alaska
a. Paper. b. 4 Illustrations from 30˚ to 55˚ North and 110˚ to 175˚ West. Figures A,B, C, and D.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670625 0016 Early Version of the Magnetic Pattern in the Pacific
a. Paper. b. 20˚ to 60˚ North and 110˚ West to 120˚ East.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670625 0017 Total Intensity of Magnetic Field along Anomaly Flight Line
a. Paper. b. 3 graphs covering Midway and Wake Islands.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670625 0018 Magnitude of Earth’s Total Magnetic Field, Adak, Alaska, to Kwajalein Atoll
a. Positive print. b. From 8˚ to 52˚ North and 160˚ West to 160˚ East.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670625 0019 Magnitude data for the Northeastern Pacific
a. Positive print. b. From 0˚ to 70˚ North and 70˚ to 180˚ West.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670625 0020 Magnitude data for the Southeastern Pacific
a. Paper. b. From 0˚ to 70˚ North and 70˚ to 180˚ West.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670583 0021 Ocean Basement Age and Magnetic Reversals
a. Negative transparency.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670583 0022 Magnetic Anomalies in the Southwest Pacific Anomalies
a. Paper. b. From 40˚ to 70˚ South and 145˚ West to 155˚ East. Historic document of W. Pittman’s map, showing magnetic ages in the Pacific. Includes a track chart inset.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670583 0023 Magnetic Anomalies by Herron
a. Negative transparency. b. From 40˚ to 70˚ South and 50˚ to 120˚ West. Figure 1.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670583 0024 Magnetic Anomalies by Herron
a. Positive transparency. b. From 40˚ to 70˚ South and 50˚ to 120˚ West. Figure 1.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670583 0025 Magnetics of Chile Ridge, Southeast Pacific Ridge, and Sir Francis Ridge
a. Ozalid. b. From 40˚ to 70˚ South and 50˚ to 120˚ West. From Herron and Tuckahoe.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670583 0026 Pacific Ocean Magnetics
a. Ozalid. b. From 10˚ South to 50˚ North and 65˚ to 165˚ East.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670583 0027 Scripps Institution Magnetic Profiles
a. Ozalid. b. From 5˚ South to 10˚ North and 155˚ to 160˚ East.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670583 0028 Magnetic Profiles
a. Ozalid. b. From 3˚ to 22˚ North and 157˚ West to 173˚ East. Data from the Glomar Challenger.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670583 0029 Magnetic Anomalies from the Glomar Challenger
a. Ozalid. b. From 3˚ to 15˚ North and 157˚ West to 173˚ East. Data from the Glomar Challenger.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670583 0030 Magnetic Anomalies from the Glomar Challenger
a. Ozalid. b. From 15˚ to 25˚ North and 157˚ West to 173˚ East. Data from the Glomar Challenger.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670571 0031 Residual Magnetic Intensity Profile Chart of NP-9
a. Paper. b. From 29˚ to 49˚ North and 115˚ to 150˚ West. Proprietary map for Navy Ocean Area Region – 9 (off the west coast of the United States). Plate 8A.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670571 0032 Magnetics South of Australia
a. Ozalid paper. b. From 15˚ to 65˚ South and 70˚ to 165˚ East.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670571 0033 SIO Magnetic Profiles
a. Ozalid paper. b. From 10˚ to 20˚ North and 115˚ to 180˚ West.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670571 0034 Magnetic Anomaly 500 Gamma / Inch
a. Tracing paper. b. From 10˚ to 20˚ North and 145˚ to 180˚ East. 5195, 17 December 1970. By J.L. Matthews.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670571 0035 Magnetic Anomaly 500 Gamma / Inch
a. Tracing paper. b. From 20˚ to 30˚ North and 135˚ to 180˚ East. 5195, 17 December 1970. By J.L. Matthews.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670571 0036 Magnetic Anomaly 500 Gamma / Inch
a. Tracing paper. b. From 10˚ to 20˚ North and 145˚ to 180˚ East. 5982, 5 December 1970. By J.L. Matthews.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670571 0037 Magnetic Anomaly 500 Gamma / Inch
a. Tracing paper. b. From 30˚ to 45˚ North and 125˚ to 160˚ East. 5195, 17 December 1970. By J.L. Matthews.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670571 0038 East-Central Pacific Magnetics
a. Ozalid paper. b. From 30˚ South to 30˚ North and 60˚ to 150˚ West. 26 July 1966.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670571 0039 South East Pacific Magnetics
a. Ozalid paper. b. From 40˚ to 42˚ South and 80˚ to 172˚ West. 26 July 1966.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670571 0040 West Central Pacific Magnetics
a. Ozalid paper. b. From 30˚ North to 30˚ South and 120˚ East to 150˚ West.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275670571 0041 South West Pacific Magnetics
a. Ozalid paper. b. From 30˚ to 72˚ South and 120˚ East to 150˚ West. 26 July 1966.
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