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Series II: Pacific Ocean Special Projects (continued)
Group 25 - Pacific Ocean Special Projects Soundings (continued)
A0015 [Glomar Challenger Navigation Sheet] (continued)
a. Tracing paper. b. From 10˚ to 17˚ North and 140˚ to 150˚ East.
Holding: 17691758 Group 26 - Pacific Ocean Special Projects Precision Depth Recordings
34 items
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677917 A0001 [Vema Profile]
a. Ozalid. b. Vema 34-01. From 22 February to 20 March 1977. Reduced paper copy.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677917 A0002 [Vema Profile]
a. Ozalid. b. Apra, Guam. Vema 34-02. 25 March 1977. Reduced paper copy.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677917 A0003 [Vema 18 Profile]
a. Ozalid. b. Vema 18, 1154-1176. 5-8 August 1962. Reduced paper copy.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677917 A0004 [Vema 18 Profile]
a. Ozalid. b. Vema 18, 1179-1196. 8-10 August 1962. Reduced paper copy.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677917 A0005 [Vema 18 Profile]
a. Ozalid. b. Vema 18, 1756-1768. 1-3 December 1962. Reduced paper copy.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677917 A0006 [Vema 18 Profile]
a. Ozalid. b. Vema 18, 1770-1781. 3-5 December 1962. Reduced paper copy.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677917 A0007 [Glomar Challenger Profile]
a. Positive print. b. 14-20 July 1968. Strip #14.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677917 A0008 [Glomar Challenger Profile]
a. Positive print. b. 12-14 September 1968. Strip #10.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677917 A0009 [Glomar Challenger Profile]
a. Positive print. b. 16 September - 2 October 1968. Strip #13.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677917 A0010 [Glomar Challenger Profile]
a. Positive print. b. July 1968.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677917 A0011 [Glomar Challenger Leg VI Profile]
a. Positive print. b. Air Gun Record #1, 11-13 June 1969.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677917 A0012 [Glomar Challenger Leg VI Profile]
a. Film negative. b. Air Gun Record #1, 13-15 June 1969.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677905 A0013 [Glomar Challenger Leg VI Profile]
a. Positive print. b. Air Gun Record #2, 15-16 June 1969.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677905 A0014 [Glomar Challenger Leg A-C VI Profile
a. Film Negative. b. Air Gun Record #3, 16-23 June 1969.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677905 A0015 [Glomar Challenger Leg VI Profile]
a. Positive print. b. Air Gun Record #3, 20-23 June 1969.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677905 A0016 [Glomar Challenger PDR Record]
a. Film negative. b. 24 June 1969.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677905 A0017 [Glomar Challenger PDR Record]
a. Film negative. b. 25-26 June 1969.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677905 A0018 [Glomar Challenger Leg A-C VI Profile
a. Film Negative. b. Air Gun Record #4, 26 June 1969.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677899 A0019 [Glomar Challenger Leg A-E VI Profile]
a. Positive print. b. End A.G.R. Roll #7, 4-8 July 1969.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677899 A0020 [Glomar Challenger Leg A-B VI Profile]
a. Film negative. b. 11 July 1969.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677899 A0021 [Glomar Challenger Leg A-B VI Profile]
a. Film negative (A) and positive print (B). b. Air Gun Record #8, 10-13 July 1969.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677899 A0022 [Glomar Challenger Leg A-C VI Profile]
a. Film negatives. b. Air Gun Record #9, 16-17 July 1969.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677899 A0023 [Glomar Challenger Leg VI Profile]
a. Film negative. b. 21 July 1969.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677899 A0024 [Glomar Challenger Leg VI Profile]
a. Film negative. b. 23 July 1969.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677899 A0025 [Glomar Challenger Leg VI Profile]
a. Film negative. b. 28 July 1969.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677899 A0026 [Glomar Challenger Leg VI Profile]
a. Film negative. b. Air Gun Record #14, 3 August 1969.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677887 A0027 [Glomar Challenger Leg VI Profiles]
a. Tracing paper. b. From 35˚ to 37˚ North Argo and Challenger records. 23-25 May.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677887 A0028A [Glomar Challenger Leg VI Scan/Profile]
a. Theromfax paper. b. From 9˚ to 14˚ North and 144˚ to 152˚ East.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677887 A0028B [Glomar Challenger Leg VI Scan/Profile]
a. Theromfax paper. b. At 11˚ 7' North and 148˚ 30' East. "This is the best I can do. The upper transparency layer looks pretty clear."
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677887 A0029 [Glomar Challenger -20 Profile]
a. Ozalid. b. Cruise Number 124, 20 March 1972.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677887 A0030 [Glomar Challenger -20 Profile]
a. Ozalid. b. Cruise Number 124, 28 March 1972.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677887 A0031 [Glomar Challenger -Leg VI Profile]
a. Graph paper. b. From 9˚ 12' to 20˚ 55' North and 142˚ 52' East to 160˚ West. Near Guam. Original record, 11 June to 5 August 1969.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677887 A0032 [Glomar Challenger -Leg 20 Profile]
a. Graph paper. b. From 6˚ 2' to 34˚ 54' North and 139˚ 40' to 162˚ 17' East. Original record, 17 September to 30 October 1971.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677887 A0033 [Thomas Washington Topographic Profile with Magnetics]
a. Graph paper. b. From 20˚ 45' to 34˚ 48' North and 140˚ 8' to 158˚ West. Original record, 1971. "It was unusual for Heezen to go on a Scripps vessel but here he was making a site survey for the Glomar Challenger."
Holding: 17691570 Group 27 - Pacific Ocean Special Projects Cores
12 items
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677875 A0001 Site 44 Cores
a. Frosted acetate. b. Water depths and Tertiary and Cretaceous layers. Final publishing form.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677875 A0002 Site 44 Cores
a. Positive print. b. Water depths and Tertiary and Cretaceous layers. Published graphic.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677875 A0003 Lithology and Sediment A&B Cores from Glomar Challenger
a. Frosted acetate. b. Final publishing form. "Heezen gathered these cores together for legs on the Glomar Challenger."
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677875 A0004 Glomar Challenger Sedimentary Logs for Drill Sites 44-51
a. Positive print. b. Printed version of 3A&B.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677875 A0005 Glomar Challenger Sedimentary Logs for Drill Sites 44-60
a. Paper. b. From the Shatsky Plateau to Marianas Trench.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677875 A0006 Seismic and Geologic Columns for Seamounts
a. Positive print. b. From Eniwetok to Canary Basin.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677875 A0007 [Drill Sites]
a. Tracing paper. b. From 7˚ to 14˚ North and 142˚ to 148˚ East. 21 July to 2 August 1969.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677875 A0008 [Drilling Recorder Record]
a. Graph paper. b. Glomar Challenger Leg VI Site 57, 27 July 1969.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677875 A0009 [Drilling Recorder Record]
a. Graph paper. b. Glomar Challenger Leg VI Site 54, 17 July 1969.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677875 A0010 [Drill Site Track]
a. Ozalid. b. Glomar Challenger Leg VI Sites 44-60.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677875 A0011 [Drill Site 158]
a. Ozalid. b. From 6˚ to 7˚ North and 84˚ 30' to 85˚ West. Glomar Challenger Site 158. Includes detailed contours.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677875 A0012 [Leg III Scan]
a. Ozalid. b. From 31˚ to 34˚ North and156˚ to 161˚ East. Shatsky Rise. Glomar Challenger Sites 13 and 14, 27 May to 2 June. Sites for cores, camera lowering and heat flow.
Holding: 17691551 Group 28 - Pacific Ocean Special Projects Indexes
3 items
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677863 A0001 [Dill Project Status Graphic According to US Navy Index Numbers]
a. Ozalid. b. From 4˚ South to 23˚ North and 80˚ to 160˚ West.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677863 A0002 Index to the Dill (Mineral Assessment) Project Area
a. Ozalid. b. World Navy Index Map with Glomar Challenger areas highlighted.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677863 A0003 [Navy Index Numbers Plotted on Heezen/Tharp Western Pacific Ocean Map]
a. Paper. b. World Navy Index Map with Glomar Challenger areas highlighted.
Holding: 17691549 Group 29 - Pacific Ocean Special Projects Contours
7 items
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677851 A0001 Dill Project Contour Map for U.S. Navy Index Number 1204N
a. Film negative. b. Scale: 1:2,500,000. 7 January 1977.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677851 A0002 Dill Project Contour Map for U.S. Navy Index Number 1204N
a. Positive print. b. Scale: 1:2,500,000. 7 January 1977.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677851 A0003 Dill Project Contour Map for U.S. Navy Index Number 1204N
a. Ozalid. b. Enlargement of A0001 & A0002, 7 January 1977.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677851 A0004 DSDP Proposed Site 20- 2, Chart #3
a. Ozalid. b. At 29˚ North and from 159˚ to 161˚ East. Glomar Leg 20, soundings from Thomas Washington, 7 August 1971.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677851 A0005 [Glomar Leg VI]
a. Tracing paper. b. From 23˚ to 27˚ North and 178˚ West to 176˚ East. Pencil copy.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677851 A0006 [Glomar Leg VI]
a. Tracing paper. b. From 29˚ to 35˚ North. Covers the Shatsky Rise. Pencil copy.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677851 A0007
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