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Series VII: World (continued)
Group 36 - World/Miscellaneous Atmospheric Circulation and Water Currents (continued)
0011 Bottom Currents for the World’s Oceans (continued)
a. Ozalid paper. b. World map, with pencil sketch.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275679355 0012 Ocean Currents
a. Frosted acetate. b. Probably goes with item 0009.
Holding: 17580442 Group 37 - World/Miscellaneous Atmospheric Circulation and Water Currents - Part II
13 items
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677462 0001 Chart of the Depth of the Deep Salinity Maximum in the World Ocean
a. Negative print. b. South polar projection. Data in meters. Figure 1(a).
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677462 0002 Chart of the Salinity at the Depth of the Deep Salinity Maximum
a. Negative print. b. South polar projection. Data in parts per mille., Figure 1(b).
FOLDER Barcode: 00275679343 0003 Sketch of the Distribution of Dissolved Oxygen in the World Ocean at a Depth of 4000 meters
a. Negative print. b. South polar projection. Shows elevated oxygen values in the western North Atlantic and near the Weddell Sea. Figure 3.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275679343 0004 German Map of Potential Bottom Temperatures
a. Negative print. b. By G.Wust. Gerlands Beilrage 54, Table 1, 1938.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275679343 0005 Chart of Ocean Currents
a. Negative print. b. World map, from Kirchers, Mundus Sub-Terraneus, 3rd ed, 1678.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275679343 0006 Areas Accessible to Turbidity Currents
a. Negative print. b. World map.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275679331 0007 Areas of the World Inaccessible to Turbidity Currents from Shallow Water
a. Positive print. b. World map, based on the general bathymetric map of the oceans, from Monaco.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275679331 0008 Effects of Increasing Current on the Visual Seascape.
a. Tracing paper. b. World map. Schematic diagram.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275679331 0009 Currents Based on Drifting Buoy Studies
a. Frosted acetate. b. Final inked diagrams.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275679331 0010 Water Data for TSO 2, at 4000 Meters
a. Negative print. b. Global perspective, A10P 1957.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275679331 0011 Water Data for TSO 2, at 4000 Meters
a. Negative print. b. Global perspective, A10P 1957.
FOLDER Barcode: 0027567932A 0012 Pre-WWII Bottom Temperature Data from G.Wost
a. Positive print. b. World Map, 1936. Used by Heezen for his post-WWI cable work.
FOLDER Barcode: 0027567932A 0013 Areas of the World Inaccessible to Turbidity Currents from Shallow Water
a. Negative print. b. World Map, shows historical turbidity currents.
Holding: 17698783 Group 38 - World/Miscellaneous Indexes
35 items
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0001 World Aeronautical Chart Index for 1:1,000,000 Series
a. Paper. b. Shows total number of copies for each chart of Heezen-Tharp inventory. May 1945
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0002 Plotting Sheet Index for U.S. Navy Numbers
a. Ozalid. b. Reduced version with color-coded project areas highlighted and named for each investigator/scientist.
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0003 Plotting Sheet Index for U.S. Navy Numbers
a. Ozalid. b. Large size version with color- coded project areas highlighted.
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0004 Plotting Sheet Index for GEBCO Commitments
a. Ozalid. b. Small version of U.S. Navy Index showing color-coded GEBCO commitments for Bruce Heezen, Johnson, Udintsev, Laughton, Scripps, Fisher, Leonard and Ulrich.
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0005 Contours Position Plotting Sheets and Charts
a. Paper. b. From 0˚ to 82˚ North and 70˚ West to 90˚ East. Index BC-2, showing Navy Index numbers.
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0006 Contours Position Plotting Sheets and Charts
a. Paper. b. From 0˚ to 82˚ North and 110˚ West to 90˚ East. Index BC-1, showing Navy Index numbers.
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0007 Index of plotting Areas for Ocean Soundings.
a. Positive print. b. World map, X.6387. Shows 2 and 3 digit block numbers.
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0008 Plotting sheet Index Showing Maps Ordered and Received
a. Ozalid paper. b. World map, compiled 14 January 1971.
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0009 Plotting sheet Index for Single Scale Master Sheets
a. Ozalid paper. b. World map, shows areas that Hester or others have made master sheets for. Index PS-1.
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0010 Outline chart of the World
a. Ozalid paper. b. World map 1262b.
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0011 Outlined Chart of the World, showing Master and Obsolete Sheets
a. Ozalid paper. b. World map, complied 9 March 1965.
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0012 Plotting Sheet Index, showing Cable Ship Long Lines
a. Ozalid paper. b. World map, index PS-1.
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0013 Supplementary Method for Finding Courses
a. Paper. b. Great Circle sailing chart of the N. Atlantic Ocean. 1280, Sheet 1
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0014 Supplementary Method for Finding Courses
a. Paper. b. Great Circle sailing chart of the N. Atlantic Ocean.
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0015 Atlantic Grid Index
a. Paper. b. From 70˚ North to 60˚ South and 20˚ East to 110˚ West. Chart HO misc. 9901.
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0016 Atlantic Grid Index
a. Paper. b. From 60˚ North to 20˚ South and 10˚ East to 100˚ West.
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0017 Index to Double-Scale Master Sheets
a. Paper. b. World map.
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0018 Worksheet for Double-Scale Index
a. Tracing paper. b. Pencil sketch.
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0019 Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Index
a. Paper. b. From 60˚ North to 20˚ South and 10˚ East to 100˚ West.
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0020 Caribbean Sea Index
a. Paper. b. From 0˚ to 60˚ North and 20˚ East to 100˚ West.
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0021 Double Scale Index Map for the Atlantic and the Caribbean
a. Paper. b. From 0˚ to 65˚ North and 20˚ East to 100˚ West. Shows dates for completed sheets in the margin.
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0022 Atlantic, Mediterranean, and Indian Ocean Index
a. Paper. b. From 50˚ North to 60˚ South and 130˚ East to 100˚ West. HO misc. 9789.
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0023 Atlantic Grid Index
a. Ozalid paper. b. From 78˚ North to 69˚ South and 100˚ East to 90˚ West.
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0024 Index to Map Sheets Covering Lamont Ship Tracks, 1965 – 19--
a. Ozalid paper. b. World map with multiple color-coded index annotations.
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0025 Index of Plotting Areas for Ocean Soundings
a. Ozalid paper. b. World map, showing annotated 2 and 3-digit blocks.
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0026 Receiving Sheet Index
a. Ozalid paper. b. World map, showing sheets on order and received.
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0027 GEBCO Index
a. Ozalid paper. b. World map showing GEBCO sheets.
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0028 Slide Index for Physiographic Diagrams of the South Atlantic
a. Ozalid paper. b. World map.
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0029 Photo Index for the South Atlantic and SW Indian Ocean
a. Ozalid paper. b. World Map.
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0030 Index to Canadian GEBCO sheets
a. Ozalid paper. b. World map, showing items held, color- coded, and transferred.
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0031 GEBCO Sheet Index
a. Ozalid paper. b. World map, showing location of GEBCO sheets.
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0032 Western Pacific Index
a. Ozalid paper. b. From 40˚ North to 40˚ South and 100˚ to 150˚ East.
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0033 US Navy Plotting Sheet Index
a. Negative print. b. World map, showing US Navy index numbers.
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0034 Index of Plotting Areas for Oceanic Soundings
a. Negative print. b. World map, X-6387, showing 2 and 3 digit index numbers.
FOLDER Barcode: n/a 0035 US Navy Index Number, Master Plotting Sheet Index
a. Frosted acetate. b. World map, master re-production.
Holding: 17699134 Group 39 - World/Miscellaneous Bathymetry
8 items
FOLDER Barcode: 00275679215 0001 Southeast Atlantic and Southwest Indian Ocean
a. Film negative. b. From 0˚ to 60˚ South and 30˚ West to 75˚ East. Contours and isobaths at 500 meter intervals plus the 200 meter isobaths. Compiled and drawn by Susan M. L. Purser. Chart 125A (Bathymetry), 1st Edition, June 1974. 1:10,000,000
FOLDER Barcode: 00275679215 0002 Bathymetric Chart of South Oceanic Areas
a. Film negative. b. From 20˚ to 50˚ South and 10˚ West to 55˚ East. April 1964. Includes six bathymetric profiles along lines of soundings in South African Oceanic areas. Depths in fathoms. Isobaths in 250 fathom intervals.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275679215 0003 Bathymetric Sketch - Continental Margins of Mexico
a. Positive print. b. From 15˚ to 30˚ North and 82˚ to 120˚ West. Contour interval - 500 meters.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275679215 0004 Bathymetry Chart of the SE Atlantic and SW Indian Oceans
a. Positive transparency. b. From 0˚ to 60˚ South and 30˚ West to 75˚ East. Chart 125a, First Edition, June 1974.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275679215 0005 Predicted Occurrence of Mid-Ocean Canyons based on Bathymetric map of the World by Bourcart (1949)
a. Tracing paper. b. Covers Atlantic, Indian, and SW Pacific. Pencil sketch.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275679215 0006 Bathymetry of the South Pacific and South Atlantic
a. Paper. b. From 49˚ to 64˚ South and 50˚ to 90˚ West. Sheet SP – 9a, and SA-5a. July 1976.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275679215 0007 Bathymetry Chart of the South Atlantic and South Pacific Ocean
a. Ozalid paper. b. From 29˚ to 49˚ South and 50˚ to 90˚ West. Sheet SA-3a, and SP-6a. April 1975.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275679215 0008 Bathymetry Chart of the SE Atlantic and SW Indian Ocean
a. Ozalid paper. b. From 0˚ to 60˚ South and 30˚ West to 75˚ East. Bathymetry and all available soundings from the Univ. of Berlin. Chart 125a, 1st ed, June 1974.
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