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Series VII: World (continued)
Group 29 -World Selected Soundings (continued)
0004B Number Sheet for the World Ocean Floor Map (continued)
a. Tracing paper b. Note: "Suggestion for areas where more depth and elevation should be added."
Holding: 17694050 Group 30 - World/Miscellaneous Precision Depth Recordings and Profiles
40 items
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677164 0001A [Profile Across Africa and Madagascar]
a. Negative print. b. Crosses the Kalahari Desert, Bechuanaland, Southern Rhodesia, Mozambique, and Mozambique Channel.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677164 0001B [Profile Across Africa and Madagascar]
a. Negative print. b. Crosses Mozambique and Madagascar.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677164 0002 [Profile Across Chile and Peru]
a. Negative print. b. No other identification information.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677164 0003 Sea Floor Profiles, Sheet 1, North- South
a. Positive print. b. Index map shows profiles from Antarctica. Profiles NS-1 - NS-8. Covers South Atlantic and South Indian Oceans. Folio 4 of Antarctic Map Folio Series, American Geographical Society, 1966.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677164 0004 Sea Floor Profiles, Sheet 2, East- West
a. Positive print. b. Index map shows profiles from Antarctica. Profiles EW-1 - EW-5. Covers South Atlantic and South Indian Oceans. Folio 5, Antarctic Map Folio Series, American Geographical Society, 1966.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677164 0005 Profiles
a. Acetate. b. Profiles 29 through 49.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677164 0006 Profiles
a. Acetate. b. Profiles 17 through 28.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677164 0007 AB2J Profile
a. Paper. b. Duplicate.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677164 0008 5 Profiles
a. Positive print. b. no other information.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677164 0009 Topographic Profiles of Iceland
a. Negative print. b. 3 profiles by the British Admiralty.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677164 0010 Typical Cross Sections Showing Rift Valleys around the World
a. Negative print. b. Descriptive text on reverse.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677164 0011 Typical Seismic Ridges Around the World
a. Negative print. b. Covers the Walvis, Rockall, Madagascar, Carneigie, Nasca, and Iquique Ridges.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677164 0012 Four Profiles
a. Negative print. b. Profiles over the Congo, Somalia, Greenland, and the Flemish Cap.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677164 0013 Photostats of PDR Records
a. Negative print. b. No other identification information.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677164 0014 Photostats of PDR Records
a. Negative print. b. No other identification information.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677164 0015 Photostats of PDR Records
a. Negative print. b. No other identification information.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677152 0016 6 Atlantic and African Profiles
a. Negative print. b. Covers the Congo, Ethiopia, Somalia, Greenland, New Finland, and Recife.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677152 0017 Profiles of the S. Atlantic, Indian Ocean, and Pacific
a. Negative print. b. number 70.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677152 0018 Rift Valley Profile
a. Negative print. b. Also shows old rift mountains.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677152 0019 Tracings of the Continental Slope
a. Linen. b. Unknown areas. Profiles 1 through 53.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677152 0020 Typical Continental Slop Profiles
a. Frosted acetate. b. Covers Perth, Cape Town, Kenya, and New York.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677152 0021 Profiles in Fathoms
a. Frosted acetate. b. Possibly shows the east coast of the Atlantic. Profiles A through J.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677152 0022 Vema 10 Profile
a. Positive print. b. No other identification information.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677152 0023 Vema 10 Profile
a. Positive print. b. 5 August.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677152 0024 Vema 10 Profile
a. Positive print. b. No other identification information.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677140 0025 Vema 17 Profile
a. Graph paper. b. Colon – original December 3rd.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677140 0026 Vema 17 Profile
a. Graph paper. b. Colon to Valparaiso. Original copy.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677139 0027 Vema 17 Profile
a. Graph paper. b. Valparaiso to Buenos Aires. Original copy.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677139 0028 Vema 17 Profile
a. Graph paper. b. Buenos Aires to Dakar. Original copy. Includes gravity data.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677127 0029 Vema 17 Profile
a. Graph paper. b. Dakar to Halifax. Original copy.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677127 0030 Vema 17 Profile
a. Graph paper. b. Halifax to New York. Original copy.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677127 0031 Vema 17 Profile
a. Graph paper. b. Bermuda to Colon. Original copy.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677115 0032 Vema 18 Profile
a. Graph paper. b. San Juan to Recife. Original copy.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677115 0033 Vema 18 Profile
a. Graph paper. b. Recife to Buenos Aires. Original copy.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677115 0034 Vema 18 Profile
a. Graph paper. b. Buenos Aires to Punta Arenas. Original copy.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677115 0035 Vema 18 Profile
a. Graph paper. b. Ushuaia to Puerto Belgrano. Original copy.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677103 0036 Vema 18 Profile
a. Graph paper. b. Wellington to Freemantle. Original copy.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677103 0037 Vema 18 Profile
a. Graph paper. b. Tahiti to Panama. Original copy.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677097 0038 Vema 18 Profile
a. Graph paper. b. Panama to Nassau. Original copy.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677097 0039 Vema 18 Profile
a. Graph paper. b. Nassau to New York. Original copy.
Holding: 17694176 Group 31 - World/Miscellaneous Cores
37 items
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677085 0001 [Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Cores]
a. Frosted acetate. b. Shows magnetic polarity and species abundance. Data collected from V21-48, RC 8-93, RC 9-99, RC 10-95, V 16-66, V 12-18, V 16-205, V 16-39.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677085 0002 [Atlantic Ocean Cores]
a. Frosted acetate. b. Shows magnetic polarity and species abundance. Data collected from V 16-36, V 10-90, V 16-23, V 10-91, A 185-7, V 16-21, V 12-5.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677085 0003 [World Ocean Core Locations]
a. Ozalid b. Done by Martine Dreyfus Rawson
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677085 0004 [Lamont Cores-Western Pacific and North Indian Oceans]
a. Ozalid b. From 10˚ South to 60˚ North and 65˚ to 165˚ East. Sheet 5. Vema cruises 19, 20, 21, 24, 28, 29, 32 and Robert D. Conrad cruises 10, 11, 12, 14, 17.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677085 0005A [Lamont Cores-Northern and Central Pacific]
a. Ozalid b. From 10˚ South to 65˚ North and 165˚ East to 95˚ West. Sheet 6. Vema cruises 18, 20, 21, 24, 28 and Robert D. Conrad cruises 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677085 0005B [Lamont Cores-Northern and Central Pacific]
a. Ozalid b. From 10˚ South to 65˚ North and 165˚ East to 95˚ West. Sheet 6. Vema cruises 18, 20, 21, 24, 28 and Robert D. Conrad cruises 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17. Core locations annotated with principal core material.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677085 0006 [Lamont Cores-Atlantic Ocean]
a. Ozalid b. From 10˚ South to 65˚ North and 0˚ to 90˚ West. Vema cruise 1-32 and Robert D. Conrad cruise 8-13. Sheet 7A
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677085 0007 [Lamont Cores-Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico and Gulf of Panama]
a. Ozalid b. From 10˚ South to 65˚ North and 0˚ to 90˚ West. Sheet 7B. Robert D. Conrad cruises 1-13 and 15-19.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677085 0008 [Lamont Cores-North Atlantic]
a. Ozalid b. From 10˚ South to 65˚ North and 0˚ to 90˚ West. Sheet 7C.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677085 0009 [Lamont Cores-Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, and North Indian Ocean]
a. Ozalid b. From 10˚ South to 65˚ North and 5˚ to 105˚ East. Vema cruises 10, 14, 19, 27, 29 and Robert D. Conrad cruises 9, 12, 13, 14, 17. Sheet 8.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677085 0010 [Lamont Cores-Vicinity of Australia]
a. Ozalid b. From 10˚ to 70˚ South and 65˚ to 165˚ East. Vema cruises 16, 18, 19, 20, 24, 28, 29, 32, 33 and Robert D. Conrad cruises 8, 9, 11, 12, 14. Sheet 9.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677073 0011A [Lamont Cores-Southwestern Pacific]
a. Ozalid b. From 10˚ to 70˚ South and 95˚ to 165˚ West. Vema cruises 16, 18, 19, 21 and Robert D. Conrad 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18. Sheet 10.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677073 0011B [Lamont Cores-Southwestern Pacific]
a. Ozalid b. From 10˚ to 70˚ South and 95˚ to 165˚ West. Vema cruises 16, 18, 19, 21 and Robert D. Conrad 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18. Sheet 10. Core sites are annotated with principal materials.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677073 0012 [Lamont Cores-Southwestern Atlantic]
a. Ozalid b. From 10˚ to 70˚ South and 0˚ to 90˚ West. Yelcho cruises 1, 2 and Vema cruises 12, 14-20, 22, 24, 26, 27, 29 and Robert D. Conrad cruises 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16. Sheet 11A.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677073 0013 [Lamont Cores-Southwestern Atlantic]
a. Ozalid b. From 10˚ to 70˚ South and 0˚ to 90˚ West. Vema cruise 31 and Robert D. Conrad cruises 17 and 18. Sheet 11B.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677073 0014 [Lamont Cores-Southeast Atlantic and Southwest Indian Oceans]
a. Ozalid b. From 11˚ to 70˚ South and 59˚ to 105˚ East. Vema cruises 12, 14, 16, 18-20, 22, 22, 24, 27, 29 and Robert D. Conrad 8, 11-14, 17. Sheet 12.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677073 0015 [World Core Map-North Pacific]
a. Ozalid b. From 10˚ South to 65˚ North and 155˚ East to 95˚ West. Sheet 12/5.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677073 0016 [World Core Map-West Pacific]
a. Ozalid b. From 10˚ South to 65˚ North and 65˚ to 165˚ East. Sheet 12/8.
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677073 0017 [World Core Map-Southwest Indian Ocean]
a. Ozalid b. From 10˚ to 70˚ South and 95˚ to 105˚ East. Sheet 12/10.
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