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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Series VII: World (continued) | |||||||||||||
Group 31 - World/Miscellaneous Cores (continued) | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677073 | 0019 [Atlantis and Vema Cores of Mediterranean, Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico | ||||||||||||
a. Linen. b. From 10˚ to 50˚ North and 10˚ East to 120˚ West. Ready for publication. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677061 | 0020 Position of Core Stations | ||||||||||||
a. Negative print. b. From 40˚ to 55˚ North and 0˚ to 20˚ West. Figure 3. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677061 | 0021 Summary of Velocity-Pressure, Relations for All Experiments | ||||||||||||
a. Negative print. b. Figure 16. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677061 | 0022 Velocity – Pressure, Relation for Experiment 4 | ||||||||||||
a. Negative print. b. Figure 17. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677061 | 0023 Variation of Velocity with Hydrostatic Pressure | ||||||||||||
a. Negative print. b. Figures 19 and 20. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677061 | 0024 Density – Pressure Relations from Experiments 4 and 9 | ||||||||||||
a. Negative print. b. Figure 26. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677061 | 0025 Variation of Pressure with Depth | ||||||||||||
a. Negative print. b. Figure 27. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677061 | 0026 Derived Variation of Velocity with Depth | ||||||||||||
a. Negative print. b. Figure 42. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677061 | 0027 Graph Indicating Shear Strength vs. Sediment Type | ||||||||||||
a. Graph paper. b. Shows depths for fine-grain natural deposits. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677061 | 0028 Sediment Graph | ||||||||||||
a. Graph paper. b. Shows samples and distance from the top of the core. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677061 | 0029 Shear Strength Graph | ||||||||||||
a. Graph paper. b. Shows radial and axial disturbed and undisturbed deposits. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677061 | 0030 Shear Strength vs. Depth | ||||||||||||
a. Graph paper. b. Shows radial and axial disturbed and undisturbed deposits. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677061 | 0031 Graphs for Carbonate Free Mud | ||||||||||||
a. Graph paper. b. Multiple core samples. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677061 | 0032 Atlantis 180-74, Percent CO3 | ||||||||||||
a. Graph paper. b. Indian Ocean, work by Joseph M. Soll. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677061 | 0033 Thickness of Sediments Deposited in 100-Year Segments | ||||||||||||
a. Tracing paper. b. Pencil data on world map. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677061 | 0034 World-wide Sediment Data | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. World map. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677061 | 0035 World Sketch Map with Core Locations | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. Color-coded data and core spot locations. | |||||||||||||
Holding: 17694063 | Group 32 - World/Miscellaneous Geology (Rocks and Sediments) | ||||||||||||
132 items | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027567705A | 0001 [Worldwide Plate Boundaries] | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid b. Note: "Special Paper #65" | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027567705A | 0002 [Cross Section of Continental Margins in Europe, Caribbean, and Andes] | ||||||||||||
a. Tracing paper b. Historical document | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027567705A | 0003 Tectonic and Volcanic Activity of the Arctic and Antarctic Regions | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. Goddard Space Flight Center, 1980, Paul D. Lowman Jr. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027567705A | 0004 Global Tectonic and Volcanic Activity of the Last One Million Years | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. Goddard Space Flight Center, September 1980, Paul D. Lowman Jr. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027567705A | 0005 [Worldwide Tektite Locations] | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. Locations include Texas, Georgia, Martha's Vineyard, Czechoslovakia, Ivory Coast, and Australasia. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027567705A | 0006 [Cores With and Without Micro tektites] | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027567705A | 0007 [Sediment Rates in Centimeters per Thousand Years] | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027567705A | 0008 [Geologic Graph Showing Data During Pliocene and Pleistocene Periods] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate. b. Includes climate curve and age in millions of years. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027567705A | 0009 [Australian and Ivory Coast Micro tektites] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate. b. Cruises V19-153, RC 8-52, RC 8- 53, RC 9-137, RC 9-143, V 16-70, V 19-297. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027567705A | 0010 [Magnetic Stratigraphy for the Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic Oceans] | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid b. Data collected from V 21-48, RC 8-93, RC 10-95, V 16-66, V 12-18, V 16-39, V 16-205, RC 9-99. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027567705A | 0011 [Magnetic Stratigraphy Chart] | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid b. Data collected from V-132. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 0027567705A | 0012 [Early Plot of Volcanoes] | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. Historical document includes volcanic explosion year when known. Located in Bruce Heezen's file. 17 March 1962. Plotted on Chart of the World H.O. 1262A. 1:39,000,000 | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677048 | 0013 World Distribution of Potential Sub- Sea Petroleum Resources | ||||||||||||
a. Acetate b. Compiled by Vincent E. McKelvey, Frank F. H. Wang, and Ray G. Martin Jr. June 1969. 1:39,283,200 | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677048 | 0014 World Distribution of Potential Sub- Sea Mineral Resources other than Petroleum, Saline Minerals, and Sulfur | ||||||||||||
a. Acetate b. By Frank F. H. Wang, V. E. McKelvie, and Taw Rho Alpha. Overlay for sheet #1, World Sub-Sea Mineral Resources, Sheet # 4. 1:39,283,200 | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677048 | 0015 World Distribution of Potential Sub- Sea Sulfur and Saline Mineral Resources | ||||||||||||
a. Acetate a. Note: "Deep sea mineral locations." Compiled by V. E. McKelvie and Frank F. H. Wang. June 1969. 1:39,283,200 | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677048 | 0016 Selected Depths and Distance Lines Discussed Among Other Alternatives as Possible Boundaries of National Jurisdiction | ||||||||||||
a. Acetate b. Note: "Overlay sheet 1-4 for the World Sub-Sea Mineral Resources sheet #5." Compiled by Taw Rho Alpha. Published by the U.S. Geological Survey. 1:39,282,200 | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677048 | 0017 [Radiometric Ages of a Portion of the Polar Cap] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677048 | 0018 [Magnetic Stratigraphy for the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate. b. Data from cruises V21-48, RC8- 93, RC10-95, V16-66, V12-18, V16- 39, V16-205, A179-4, V12-122, V16-36, V10-90, and V10-91, A185- 7, V16-21, V12-5, V16-23, RC9-99. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677048 | 0019 Sediment and Fossil Studies of Cores Throughout the World | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677048 | 0020 [NGS Compilation with Suggested Fracture Zone Trends] | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid b. Note: "Based on the bathymetric studies by Bruce Heezen and Marie Tharp, painted by Heinrich Berann and assisted by Heinz Vielkind." | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677048 | 0021 [Geology of the World's Continental Shelf] | ||||||||||||
a. Frosted acetate. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677048 | 0022 [Mid-Oceanic Ridge Rift and Fracture Zones] | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid b. Done by Martine Dreyfus Rawson | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677048 | 0023 [Rate of Sedimentation] | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid b. Done by Martine Dreyfus Rawson | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677048 | 0024 [Sediment Thickness of the World Ocean Floor] | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid b. Done by Martine Dreyfus Rawson | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677036 | 0025 Cross-Section of a Subduction Zone | ||||||||||||
a. Paper. b. Pencil sketch. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677036 | 0026 Cross-Section of a Subduction Zone | ||||||||||||
a. Tracing paper. b. Pencil sketch. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677036 | 0027 Cross-Section of a Subduction Zone | ||||||||||||
a. Tracing paper. b. Pencil sketch. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677036 | 0028 Cross-Section of a Subduction Zone | ||||||||||||
a. Tracing paper. b. Pencil sketch. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677036 | 0029 Cross-Section of a Subduction Zone | ||||||||||||
a. Linen. b. Ink sketch. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677036 | 0030 Cross-Section of a Subduction Zone | ||||||||||||
a. Tracing paper. b. Pencil sketch. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677036 | 0031 Cross-Section of a Subduction Zone | ||||||||||||
a. Ozalid paper. b. Ink sketch – final copies [?]. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677036 | 0032 Cross-Section of a Subduction Zone in the Alps | ||||||||||||
a. Tracing paper. b. Ink Sketch | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677036 | 0033 Areas Accessible to Volcanic Ash Falls | ||||||||||||
a. Positive print. b. Final graphic. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677036 | 0034 Successive Stages of Convection Currents in the Youthful Stage of the Earth’s Development | ||||||||||||
a. Positive print. b. Final graphic. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677036 | 0035 Map of the World for Three Periods According to the Displacement Theory | ||||||||||||
a. Positive print. b. Figure one, final graphic. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677024 | 0036 Crustal Section, and Heat-Flow Profiles | ||||||||||||
a. Positive print. b. Final graphic. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677024 | 0037 Unknown Geologic Graphic | ||||||||||||
a. Positive print. b. No other information. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677024 | 0038 World Tectonic Map | ||||||||||||
a. Positive print. b. Figure 19. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677024 | 0039 Distribution of Rock Clans | ||||||||||||
a. Negative print. b. Final graphic. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677024 | 0040 The Role of the Fossa | ||||||||||||
a. Negative print. b. Final graphic. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677024 | 0041 German Graphics | ||||||||||||
a. Negative print. b. Figure 6e and 6f. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677024 | 0042 German Graphics | ||||||||||||
a. Negative print. b. Figure 6c and 6d. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677024 | 0043 Continental Flow | ||||||||||||
a. Negative print. b. Figure 3, show velocity of the continental movement. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER Barcode: 00275677024 | 0044 Continental Flow | ||||||||||||
a. Negative print. b. Figure 1 and 2, show velocity of the continental movement. | |||||||||||||
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