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Muriel H. Parry map collection

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Series I: World
84 items
FOLDER 1 Atlas International Larousse
50 x 116 cm
Book jacket.
Map of the world on the cover.
FOLDER 2 A Child's Geography of the World, circa 1929
The Century Co.
472 pages.
FOLDER 3 Air France
52.2 x 89.7 cm
Map shows the world with Air France air routes marked . Major cities are marked. The continents have stylized pictures of natives and wildlife. The oceans are marked with ships, fish, and sea monsters.
FOLDER 4 [Destinations Unlimited World Map], circa 1952
44.5 x 79.5 cm
Denver: Jefferson and Company
Lucien Boucher
The map shows the world shaded in relief with the Pan American World Airways routes listed. From a pamphlet entitled, "Destinations Unlimited."
FOLDER 5 Flight Folder Eastern Air Lines The Routes of the Great Silver Fleet, circa 1947
American Air Lines, Inc.
Booklet of maps showing the many routes of Eastern Air Lines.
FOLDER 6 Pan American World Airways the Round-the-World Airline, circa 1951
7 x 5 cm
Pan American World Airways, Inc.
Map is a "globe" with the airline routes marked on it. It is part of a calendar, February 1952.
FOLDER 7 Routes of the Flagships -- At Your Service., circa 1946
26 x 37.5 cm
Dmitri, Ivan
Shows a woman sitting behind a counter and in front of a large wall map labeled "Air Routes of the World"
FOLDER 8 Know the United Nations - Their Flags, Capitals, Populations, circa 1942
43.5 x 58.4 cm
Greyhound Corporation
Shows the outline of Allied countries, their flags, capitals, populations, and the date they entered World War II.
FOLDER 9 Ambassadors of Peace, 1948
25 x 26.5 cm
Life Magazine
Outline of North America and Europe/Africa with an American Serviceman in front. This appears in the sky over a small midwestern town. An advertisement for the U.S. Army - U.S. Air Force Recruiting Service.
FOLDER 10 [Circular Map with Angel and Cow]
73 x 59.5 cm
Map is a copy of a circular map centered on Jerusalem at the top, Europe on the left, Africa on the right. Around the map runs a calendar of months with days marked off in red. The text at the base of the map appears to be Italian.
FOLDER 11 [Furs of the World]
49.5 x 87 cm
Paris: S.N.E.P. Imprimerie Bobigny
Based on a map "Index Geographius Tum Veteris Tum Novae Cognitae Terrae." 1770. On each continent the desired fur-bearing animal is marked with a small picture. Interestingly enough there are polar bears marked over Antarctica.
FOLDER 12 Pan American World Airways Calendar, 1944-45
29 x 35 cm
Calendar containing ancient maps of the New and Old World.
FOLDER 13 Bergi Regio, circa 1598
34.5 x 45 cm
Bernardo, Wilhelmo
Map reproduced from Hakluyt Society's volume No. LIV. The Voyages of William Barents to the Arctic Regions (1594, '95, '96). Gerrit DeVeer, 1876. Map shows the North Pole and the edge of the land surrounding the Arctic Ocean.
FOLDER 14 Steamship Tracks 'C' and 'B' on the North Atlantic Ocean New York - Bishop Rock.
37.5 x 61.5 cm
New York: General Drafting Co., Inc.
Map shows land masses of Eastern America, Northwest Africa, and Europe. Major islands and port cities are marked.
FOLDER 15 The 'Time and Tide' Map of the Atlantic Charter., circa 1942
38.5 x 51 cm
London: George Philip and Son, Ltd.
The map is a partially colored reproduction of a considerably enlarged edition, size approximately 35 x 45 inches.
FOLDER 16 Tabula Ter Nove or Ocean Occidentalis Seu Terrae Novae:Reduced from the Ptolemy of 1513
28.5 x 36.5 cm
Map shows the Atlantic Ocean and the islands strewn across her. The west coast of Africa and Spain are shown. Florida, the Gulf Coast and Cuba are recognizable. 2 copies; positive and negative. 2 copies.
FOLDER 17 The World Makes An Automobile, circa 1961
43. 5 x 82 cm
New Jersey: General Drafting Co., Inc.
The map identifies what parts of a car originate in various areas of the world.
FOLDER 18 Typo de la Carta Cosmographica De Gaspar Vepello Medebn Rgense
28 x 41 cm
Reproduction of original. Map of the world in 2 hemispheres showing a rough sketch of Europe, Africa, and Asia, as well as the New World.
FOLDER 19 A World of Good Wishes at Christmastime, circa 1955
41.5 x 84.5 cm
General Drafting Co., Inc.
A map of the world showing Santas relaxing all over the world.
FOLDER 20 Close Up
36 x 26.5 cm
Photograph shows a man looking at a globe while sitting in front of a Koppen classification map of "Climatic Regions of the World."
FOLDER 21 Any Time Anywhere is Coffee Time With Nescafe
17.5 x 18 cm
Advertisement shows a globe surrounded by clocks with different times on them.
FOLDER 22 Dog Map of the World, circa 1933
43.5 x 55.5 cm
Sims, Joseph
For Spratt's, a pet food company.
Map shows the world with annotations concerning the origin of different types of dogs. The map border is one of dogs recognized by the American Kennel Club.
FOLDER 23 Weltwirtschaft [World Economy], circa 1945
87 x 128 cm
Berne: Kummerly and Frey Geographischer Verlag
World map labeled with symbols identifying natural resources, or major products of various regions.
FOLDER 24 Mariner's Chart
19.5 x 27.5 cm
Sweden: III Tre Tryckare
Chart shows various types of boats and identifies them. Map is a world map of the voyages of discovery. Chart shows various types of knots and constellations.
FOLDER 25 Portugal - the country that has contributed most to geographical knowledge of the globe
39.5 x 57 cm
Lithografia Nacional
Aranjo, Roberto
Map shows the various routes of Portugese explorers and the dates of their voyages.
FOLDER 26 The Prudential Map of Discovery and Exploration 1000-1961, circa 1961
61.5 x 89 cm
New Jersey: General Drafting Co., Inc.
Shows the routes of explorers of land, sea both above and below the surface, and air. Small inset maps depicting "Early Spanish and French Explorations" in North and Central America, "Antarctica," and "North Pole Region."
FOLDER 27 A New and Correct Map of the World from the Latest Observations, 1741
15.5 x 29 cm
Senax, John
Two circles represent the New and Old Worlds. In North America California is depicted as an island, and the west coast is not drawn in as well as the rest of the northwest of the continent. Australia, or "New Holland" as it is marked is connected to N.
FOLDER 28 McCormick's Map of the World, circa 1955
59.5 x 87.5 cm
Baltimore: McCormick and Co., Inc.
Map shows the world in 2 hemispheres along with the routes of explorers around and across the globe. Areas of spices and herbs are labeled in red. Map border consists of the flags of all nations.
FOLDER 29 Around the World with the 58 Ford
43 x 61 cm
Advertisement for the Ford Motor Company Pictorial map shows the route of the 58 Ford around the world. Sales pitch on reverse.
FOLDER 30 Little Friends From Many Lands, circa 1935
33 x 30.5 cm
Wisconsin: Whitman Publishing Company
Windsor, Mary
Short storybook for the children describing children and their customs from other countries. Drawing of the globe on the cover and back with children in different costumes.
FOLDER 31 Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica Ac Hydrographica Tabula
31 x 42 cm
Kerio[?], Pat; or Ianssonius, Ioannes
Map of the world with the rivers and bays of the coast of the Americas written in. Inset maps of the bays of the coast of the Americas written in. Inset maps of the polar projections North and South in the bottom corners.
FOLDER 32 All Over the World. . . That's Gin!
30 x 23.5 cm
Holiday [Magazine]
Advertisement for Gilbey's Gin. Shows a globe and a bottle of Gilbey's.
FOLDER 33 Likaglobe, circa 1943
22 x 47 cm
Fisher, Irving
20-sided [triangle shaped sides] ball with the continents drawn on. When folded to assemble it resembles a globe.
FOLDER 34 Nova et Accuratissima Totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula
35 x 48 cm
Blaeu, Ionne
Map shows the 2 hemispheres of the world, the borders are filled with gods and goddesses of myth. Colored by hand. Coloring appears to be done with magic marker.
FOLDER 35 Hereford Map
36 x 26.5 cm
De Haldingham
Originally drawn around 1280 this copy is a reproduction for a magazine article "A Medieval Map of the World.
FOLDER 36 Where the First Indians Came From, circa 1938
34.5 x 39.5 cm
Britain: American Weekly, Inc.
Newspaper map that shows the route taken by Asian Indians to Northern Russia across the Bering Land Bridge to Canada and the Americas. Accompanying article details the migration with evidence.
FOLDER 37 [Iron and Steel Growth], 1948
17 x 33 cm
Donovan: "Steelways."
Map of the World show the amount of steel produced and iron extracted from various areas and their movement around the world.
FOLDER 38 Noel Caudernillo Del Mappa Kelito
Buenos Aires: Noel and Cia., Inc.
Small booklet to accompany the Kelito map of the world previously listed in the collection.
FOLDER 39 The Key to the Map of the World
Wijga, Jan
List of drawings and their location on a map.
FOLDER 40 The Land.
33 x 26 cm
Harrison, Richard Edes
Map of the world representing the area of countries by the relative size of circles drawn. The circles are then colored and arranged in a polar projection.
FOLDER 41 A New Chart of the Vast Atlantic Ocean Exhibiting the Seat of War Both in Europe and America, circa 1739
30.5 x 42.5 cm
Bowen, Emmanuel
Published according to Act of Parliament. Shows the ownership of various land in the New World and Africa. Also shows the routes across the Atlantic and the Trade Winds.
FOLDER 42 The New Map of the World, circa 1928
80 x 91.5 cm
New York: Washington Square Book Shop
The world is mapped on two hemispheric circles. Colonial possessions are shaded according to the country that owns the land.
FOLDER 43 The Ingredients, circa 1930
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