Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Series II: Africa | |||||||||||||
25 items | |||||||||||||
FOLDER 85 | Africae Tabula Nova, circa 1570 | ||||||||||||
37 x 30.5 cm | |||||||||||||
Map of the Western half of Africa showing the rivers and mountains of the continent. The longitude lines are not curved, but rather they lie straight and meet at various angles along the Equator. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER 86 | Africa | ||||||||||||
46.5 x 31.5 cm | |||||||||||||
From the "Colleccion Billiken". Pictorial map shows the outline of Africa filled in with animals and scenes native to Africa. Beneath the map are drawings of Africans in native dress. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER 87 | July, 1946. Africa, circa 1946 | ||||||||||||
31 x 36 cm | |||||||||||||
Pan Ameican Airways, Inc. Calendar Outline of African continent with scenes of famous landmarks and scenes from African life. |
FOLDER 88 | Peoples of Africa Have Many Faces | ||||||||||||
35.5 x 27 cm | |||||||||||||
Petruccelli, A. Pictorial map of the African Continent with political boundaries marked. Drawings of the different tribal costumes and their locations in Africa marked. |
FOLDER 89 | With Italy Eying Tunesia Africa May Become World'd Next Trouble Spot, 1938 | ||||||||||||
42 x 34.5 cm | |||||||||||||
New York: The New York Sun Sparland, O. Cartoon map of the African continent showing the countries, their resources, interesting facts, and their political leanings ie, Pro- or Anti-Hitler. |
FOLDER 90 | Africa, 1953 | ||||||||||||
33.5 x 26.5 cm | |||||||||||||
The New York Times Magazine Advertisement for Farrell Lines "Happy Ships to Africa." Map shows West and South coasts of Africa, the animal, plant life, plus some of the cultural life of Africans. Some text. |
FOLDER 91 | Peregrinatio Israeli Tarum Per Desertum In Terram Promissam | ||||||||||||
33 x 42 cm | |||||||||||||
5.5 miles to the inch. Anachronistic map of Egypt and the wanderings of Moses. Duplicate, an original copy held in the Parry Collection. Hand colored. |
FOLDER 92 | Tabula Terrae Promissio Nis Haec est and Progressionis Filiorem Israel, Atque Gan[xx]eden Seu Paradisde Lineatio Secundum Sacrem Scripturam | ||||||||||||
32 x 41 cm | |||||||||||||
Shows the wanderings of Moses and the Jews in the desert. Map is similar to other map showing the 40 years of wandering by Moses. It shows Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER 93 | West Africa, circa 1948 | ||||||||||||
51 x 76 cm | |||||||||||||
90 miles to one inch. Nottingham: J. Howett and Son Ltd. Map highlights the West African British Colonies - Gambia, Sierra Leone, Gold Coast, and Nigeria, and their resources and products. |
FOLDER 94 | East Africa Land of Sunshine, circa 1949 | ||||||||||||
61.5 x 50.5 cm | |||||||||||||
50 miles to the inch. Glasgow: Robert MacLehose and Co., Ltd. Mathews, D.O. For the East Africa Tourist Travel Association. Map shows the major topography, towns, animal life, transport routes, and political boundaries of East Africa. On reverse, photographs of the area. |
FOLDER 95 | East Africa Land of Sunshine, circa 1954 | ||||||||||||
35 x 28 cm | |||||||||||||
88 miles to the inch. Great Britain: Glen Freebairn Mathews, D.O. Map labels major cities, the Rift Valley, transport routes, and the animals of the area. |
FOLDER 96 | East Africa Sous le Reine de Sidi Mohammed [sp?] Ben Yossif, circa 1947 | ||||||||||||
73 x 47 cm | |||||||||||||
1 inch= 55 miles London: Fosh and Cross, Ltd. Vernon, Leo The map shows the basic rail, road, and air routes within and out of the country. The natural resources and products of the region are indicated, as well. |
FOLDER 97 | Maroc, circa 1947 | ||||||||||||
64.5 x 90.5 cm | |||||||||||||
Casablanca: G.Carriat-Rolant A Moroccan street scene behind which a map shows the major Moroccan cities and rivers. |
FOLDER 98 | Carte Touristique du Sud-Marocain | ||||||||||||
67 x 72.5 cm | |||||||||||||
Paris Delaq, Theophile Jean Stylized map of Marocco showing major towns, landmarks, roadways, and mileages. |
FOLDER 99 | Philip's Pictorial Maps Union of South Africa., circa 1957 | ||||||||||||
81 x 106.5 cm | |||||||||||||
45 miles to the inch. London: George Philip and Son, Ltd. Gill, MacDonald Map shows products and resources using small symbols. Insets show the seal of South Africa bearing the motto "ex unitate vires" and an inset map of England to show relative size. |
FOLDER 100 | South Africa | ||||||||||||
45 x 56 cm | |||||||||||||
65 miles to the inch. Holland: Rotogravure Mij. Leiden For the South African Tourist Corporation. Map shows the major towns and the air and land routes connecting them. |
FOLDER 101 | Praetoria Pictorial Guide | ||||||||||||
38 x 52.5 cm | |||||||||||||
Rostra Printers, Ltd. For the Praetoria City Council and South African Railways. Map of central Praetoria. Tourist sights are highlighted and labelled. Reverse of pamphlet gives more information. |
FOLDER 102 | Tunisie | ||||||||||||
35 x 19 cm | |||||||||||||
Paris. Farion, H. Tourist map of Tunesia showing the location of major cities. |
FOLDER 103 | Isle de Djerba | ||||||||||||
22.5 x 21 cm | |||||||||||||
Pais: SCIP Map shows the towns and the recreation available on the island. From a tourist brochure. |
FOLDER 104 | Tanganyika Road Services | ||||||||||||
17.5 x 16.5 cm | |||||||||||||
England: Broadwater Press of Welwyn Garden City Map shows the major towns and the types of road service connecting them. Smaller map of "Uganda Road Services." |
FOLDER 105 | Uganda | ||||||||||||
17.5 x 16.5 cm | |||||||||||||
45 miles to on inch. England: The Vandyke Printers, Ltd. Tourist brochure for "Uganda…Pearl of Africa." for the Uganda Department of Information. Shows the animals and the vegitation of the region. The major towns and the connecting roads are marked. |
FOLDER 106 | Belgian Congo and Rwanda-Urundi | ||||||||||||
53 x 56 cm | |||||||||||||
Map shows major towns and small pictures of Africans in native dress. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER 107 | The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, circa 1955 | ||||||||||||
91 x 66 cm | |||||||||||||
35 miles to the inch. Salisbury: Federal Department of Printing and Stationary Maps shows the resources, products, and animals native to the country. Inset map of Africa giving the location of Rhodesia. |
FOLDER 108 | A Pictorial Map of Southern Rhodesia, circa 1938 | ||||||||||||
92 x 59.5 cm | |||||||||||||
1:2,000,000 Salisbury: Government Lithographic Press Major towns are marked, some resources, and everyday scenes from life in Southern Rhodesia. School, airports, roads, police camps, and crops are identified. |
FOLDER 109 | Southern Rhodesia | ||||||||||||
46.5 x 70 cm | |||||||||||||
25 miles to the inch. Great Britain: British Information Services Nicholls, Denys A. Pictorial map shows resources and products of the country roads and some river drainage indicated. |
Series III: Asia | |||||||||||||
63 items | |||||||||||||
FOLDER 110 | Exacta and Accutata Delineacio cum Maricima cum Criam Locorum Terrestrium Quae in Regionibus China, Cauchinchina, Cambioa sive Chamapa, Syao, Malacca, Arracan, and Pegu… | ||||||||||||
39.55 x 52.5 cm | |||||||||||||
45 Militaria Germanica, quorum uni gradui respondent per inch. Marked in pencil "1st proof Sept. 1, 1925." and "exhibit 1 1595." |
FOLDER 111 | Asia, circa 1626 | ||||||||||||
33.5 x 42.5 cm | |||||||||||||
Goos, Abraham Map of Asia from West Africa to the Pacific Islands, part of America is just visible as a piece in the upper right-hand corner. "Are to be sold by Tho. Bassett in Fleet Street and Richard Chiswell in St. Paul's Churchyard." |
FOLDER 112 | Asia Noviter Delineata [1640?] | ||||||||||||
43 x 56 cm | |||||||||||||
Holland Blaeuw, Guiljelmo Antique Mounted on cloth. The map shows eastern mediterranean, Middle East, and Western America (Alaska, and Canadian coasts). The coast of China and Eastern Russia is missing, as well as the Aleutian Island chain, Japan is missing a few islands. |
FOLDER 113 | Asie | ||||||||||||
16 x 22 cm | |||||||||||||
800 km to the cm. Pan American Airways, Inc. Liozu, Jacques Menu Pictorial map shows the different countries of Asia the animals, people, and way of life there. |
FOLDER 114 | G-Eye View of the Pacific, 1944 | ||||||||||||
35 x 54.5 cm | |||||||||||||
Collier's Petruccelli, Antonio Map shows the human and animal life that populate the Pacific and Asians regions. 2 copies. |
FOLDER 115 | Armenia | ||||||||||||
36 x 26 cm | |||||||||||||
From a magazine article. Shows the major towns, products, and resources of the area. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER 116 | Pictorial Map of the New War Region in South-East Asia, circa 1942 | ||||||||||||
27.5 x 42 cm | |||||||||||||
The Crown Colonist Keyte, W.H. Map shows the Pacific Islands/SE Asia regions centering on Borneo. Shows the air, rail, and road networks of the islands. Inset map of England to the same scale so as to compare the two. |
FOLDER 117 | Pleasure Map of Celyon, circa 1948 | ||||||||||||
51 x 34.5 cm | |||||||||||||
Ceylon: Survey Dept. Map shows the recreational and senic areas of Ceylon. Wildlife and vegitation are shown too. |
FOLDER 118 | Ceylon the Technicolour Isle | ||||||||||||
23 x 61 cm | |||||||||||||
Map shows Ceylon and small symbols representing the products and resources of the country. The text of the pamphlet explains in more detail the wonders of Ceylon. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER 119 | Tung-su Tui Ch'eng-ya T'ieh-lu (Popular Map:Chentu/Chungking Railroad), circa 1956 | ||||||||||||
48.8 x 72.4 cm | |||||||||||||
Shanghai: Ti-Tu' Ch'u-pan She Map shows major towns, roads, mountains, rivers, resources, and products of this area of China. Inset map of China identifying the area covered in the main map. |
FOLDER 120 | September, 1946. China, circa 1946 | ||||||||||||
31 x 36 cm | |||||||||||||
Pan American Airways, Inc. Calendar Outline of China with a mosaic of scenes from the country. |
FOLDER 121 | India and Southeastern Asia, circa 1946 | ||||||||||||
54.5 x 36.5 cm | |||||||||||||
Pan American Airways, Inc. Calendar Shows a mosaic of scenes from everyday life, famous monuments, both past and present. From a PAA calendar, 1946. |
FOLDER 122 | Carte des Voyages de Mr. Tavernier, dans les Indes, par Diverses Routes. Dressee Surses Ecrits. | ||||||||||||
21.5 x 29 cm | |||||||||||||
Desbruslins, F. Antique Map shows India --"Empire de Grand Mogol," "Golfe de Bangale," "Golfe de Siam." and the "Mer de Indes." The map is decorated with an elephant, cow, ships, it shows major cities, rivers, and some mountain chains. |
FOLDER 123 | India Gives Britain Men and Materials -- and Trouble, 1940 | ||||||||||||
21 x 24.5 cm | |||||||||||||
260 miles to the inch The New York Times Newspaper cartoon map gives a general idea of the topography of the region, the resources, and products of the area. Second map shows India divided into political jurisdictions. Accompanying article. |
FOLDER 124 | Holiday in Kashmir, circa 1958 | ||||||||||||
9 x 14 cm | |||||||||||||
Calcutta: Sree Saraswaty Press, Ltd. For Directory of Advertising and Visual Publicity, Minstry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India for the Ministry of Transport. Map shows the major towns in Kashmir and the passability of the roads that connect them,motor road or footpath. |
FOLDER 125 | National Park Akan | ||||||||||||
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