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Muriel H. Parry map collection

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Series VI: Europe
171 items
FOLDER 204 Europe, circa 1930
25.5 diameter cm
"Rossig Educational Charts" similar to a "star-gazer." There are two disks joined in their centers. When the arrow of the top disk is alligned with the spaces in the bottom disk information about countries in Europe are revealed -- imports, exports,
FOLDER 205 Europe A Pictorial Map, circa 1938
44.5 x 59.6 cm
150 miles to the inch
Chase, Ernest Dudley
FOLDER 206 February, 1946. France, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, and Luxembourg, circa 1946
31 x 36 cm
Pan American Airways, Inc.
Map shows the outline of this region of Europe and scenes from life there past and present.
FOLDER 207 March, 1946, circa 1946
31 x 36 cm
Pan American Airways, Inc.
Mosaic shows of life in Europe past and present.
FOLDER 208 Irish Cultural Influence in Europe Vith Century to XIIth Century
95.5 x 58 cm
Dublin: Hely's Limited
Map uses symbols to depict monastaries, centers of learning, churches, etc. Printed for the Cultural Relations Committee if Ireland.
FOLDER 209 Carte d'Europe, circa 1946
52.5 x 71 cm
180 miles to the inch
France: Jacque-Petit
Map of Europe showing the products and resources of the countries within Europe.
FOLDER 210 Olans Magnus' Map of Scandinavia, 1572
35 x 36 cm
Original size 805 x 533 cm. Map shows Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark. 2 copies.
FOLDER 211 Stamps as an Aid in Teaching, 1934
10 x 13 cm
Silberstein, Elias
From "The Brooklyn Teacher." Map of Western Europe with stamps placed according to country of origin. A tool to teach geography.
FOLDER 212 An Up to Date Map Showing Some Places and Events and People to Amaze and Delight You on Your Travels this Summer. Europe, 1938
26.5 x19 cm
Scholastic Magazine
Map of Europe marking the various festivals occuring in Europe that summer.
FOLDER 213 Bennett Tours Time Planner Guide to Europe, circa 1957
102 x 69 cm
Bennett Tours, Inc.
Map labels air/sea routes between major European cities and the length of time it takes to travel by various modes of transport.
FOLDER 214 Pictorial Guide to Happy Motoring in Western Europe and Adjacent North Africa
95 x 62.5 cm
New York: General Drafting Co., Inc.
Map shows the sights and products of Europe and Northern Africa. On verso, a conventional road map of Europe.
FOLDER 215 France (Northwest), Belgium (West and Central), and Holland (Part of). Sheet A.
73 x 73.5 cm
Map on silk. Sheet A also contains a map of "The Pyrenees." On verso, Sheet B "German-Swiss Frontier." and "France (Southwest) and Spain (North)." Shows transportation network. Printed for aviators and parachutists during WWII.
FOLDER 216 Holland, Belgium (except west coast), France (North East), and Germany (West and Central). Sheet C.
72.5 x 74 cm
Map on silk. Shows the transportation network of Europe. On verso Sheet D maps of "France (South East), Germany (South West), Switzerland (except the South East)," and "Belgium and Germany (New Frontier)."
FOLDER 217 [European Theatre of War -- Napoleon and Hitler], 1945
24 x 54 cm
Thompson, Kenneth
Political map shows Europe and the lines of Napoleon and Hitler's furthest control over land. Within each country is a figure dressed in traditional garb. A benevolent Uncle Sam is shown watching from over the horizon.
FOLDER 218 Europe in the Sunset: the Dark Continet
35.5 x 57 cm
Shows Europe looking from Turkey to Britian at the resources of the various countries and their ability to continue to wage war. Emphasis is placed on the German need to import many raw materials to continue to fight.
FOLDER 219 Am. 1. Mai fur Ein Freies Osterreich!, circa 1951
59 x 84.5 cm
Outline of Austria, inside the outline is a photograph of a large crowd of people. Campaign poster for a new President and Vice Present[?] of Austria.
FOLDER 220 Standorte der Osterreichischen Papier =, Zellulose=, Holzstoff=, und Pappenindustrie, circa 1933
57 x 97 cm
Wien: Druck-Steyrermuhl
Coreth, M.
Map of Austria identifying the various locations and types of plants/factories involved in paper/publishing industry.
FOLDER 221 Die Osterreichische Wirtschaft und das ERP 'Marshall Plan'
24 x 34 cm
Vien: Druck F. Adametz
Pictorial map shows the agricultural and industrial areas as well as transport networks and topography of Austria.
FOLDER 222 As Hitler Casts an Eye on the Resources of Eastern Europe, 1939
22.5 x 20.5 cm
Thomas: "Thomas: "The Detroit News" from The New York Times
Map of the resources of Central and Eastern Europe.
FOLDER 223 A Reich Link for Two Great Rivers
21 x 26 cm
Map of Central Europe and the currently under construction Rhine-Danube Canal
FOLDER 224 Folklore Map of Czechoslovakia, circa 1948
51.5 x 85 cm
Prague: Ministry of Information
Map shows people in native dress, and their major towns, folksongs of various regions are illustrated and noted.
FOLDER 225 Oversigtshort over Danmark med Badestederne, circa 1932
57.5 x 48.5 cm
18 miles to the inch
Winther and Winther
Map shows the major towns and the roads and sea routes connecting them.
FOLDER 226 Bornholm
16 x 16 cm
Ceramic tile hotplate showing the island of Bornholm, the towns, churches, and landmarks.
FOLDER 227 Automobile Routes in Finland, circa 1934
14.5 x 9.5 cm
Map shows the roads connecting the major towns of Finland and certain auto routes are highlighted for further description. Inset map of Western Europe.
FOLDER 228 Mikkeli, circa 1956
38 x 53 cm
Helsinki: Frenckellin Kirjapaino Osakeyhtio
Granberg, N.
Map shows the town centre of Mikkeli, Finland and the pictures drawn on the map highlight historical and cultural points of interest.
FOLDER 229 Mapas Escolares Billiken Francia Trajes Regionales u Costubres
32 x 46.5 cm
From "Colleccion Billiken." Map shows the regions of France as well as the costumes traditionally worn in those areas.
FOLDER 230 France, 1937
8.5 x 8.5 cm
The New York Times
Published for Scholastic Magazine. Map shows the areas in which various economic activities take place within France and also ranks them according to relative importance.
FOLDER 231 La France Touristique et Gastronomique, circa 1948
44 x 43 cm
France: Jacques Petit
Map of the recreational and historic facilities in France as well as the food that is produced there.
FOLDER 232 Groupement des Hoteliers et Restauranteurs de la Route, circa 1947
45.5 x 24 cm
France: JacquesPetit a Angers
Landelle, W.
A map locating hotels and restaurants along the Western area of France from Paris to the Pyrenees.
FOLDER 233 [Pictorial Map of France]
61 x 58.5 cm
France: French National Railways
Shows major rivers, towns, and points of interest.
FOLDER 234 Stations Savoyardes De Sports D'Hiver
22 x 21.5 cm
Foullier, Ilse
Map of the major ski resorts in the French Alps.
FOLDER 235 Ile de France, circa 1947
44 x 52 cm
2.5 km to one cm.
France: French Government
Noles, Jean
Tourist map shows travel routes that are explained on the verso. Map highlights historical sites.
FOLDER 236 La France Viticole
85 x 106 cm
Paris: Marcel A[missing]t Louis Larmat
Map shows France, her rivers, and topographical features with some regions shaded in various colors and patterns. These areas may be the different wine regions of France. The area surrounding the map is crowded with family or city crests.
FOLDER 237 The Castles of the Loire, circa 1940
20.5 x 51.5 cm
Map shows the major landmarks, castles, and rivers of the Loire Valley. Part of a tour guide pamphlet.
FOLDER 238 Nice Cannes Menton de les Routes Du Littoral
18 x 46 cm
Paris: The French Government, Ministere des Travaux Publics, des Transports dt deu Tourisme
Map shows the topography of the French Riviera on the Mediterranean north to the French Alpes.
FOLDER 239 Plan De Paris a Vol D'Oiseau, 1947
12.5 x 15.5 cm
Map on the back of an envelope highlighting the location and address of "Blondel la Roughery Editeur.
FOLDER 240 La France Paris et les Provinces, circa 1944
Paris: Ode
Ogrizek, Dore
The book is a history of Paris, France, and the French people.
FOLDER 241 A Cartograph of the Centre of the City [of Paris]
35.5 x 53.5 cm
Holiday [Magazine]
Areno, Arno
Map in two halves. Map shows the city centre with tourist sites marked.
FOLDER 242 Haute et Basse Alsace Suntgou, Brisgou et Ortenor, circa 1705
35.5 x 23.5 cm
1 1/2 Grand Lieves d'Allemagne or 3 petit Lieues de France
Starckman, P.
Map centers on the Rhine River as it passes by Strasbourg, shows the topography, rivers, cities, etc. of the area. On the verso written in pencil, "N. de Fer 1705."
FOLDER 243 Weissburg mit Umbligender Landtschafft Auff das Allerfleissigest Mach Aller Gelegenheit Contrafehtet
32 x 41 cm
Hand colored. From the chapter "Die Statt Weissenburg" in the book, "Don Deutch Lande" the 5th volume. Birds-eye view of the city of Weissenburg. Shows the red-roofed, walled city and its cathedral. Surrounding countryside and mountains are included.
FOLDER 244 Mapa Escolares Billiken Alemania Trajes Regionales Y Costumbres
25.5 x 42.5 cm
Map shows the traditional costumes and regional division of Germany in the "between the wars era."
FOLDER 245 Germany the Beautiful Travel Country, circa 1937
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