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Muriel H. Parry map collection

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Series IX: North America (continued)
A New Map of America Septentrionale, 1680 (continued)
32 x 43.5 cm
London: Richard Blome
Sanson, Monsior
Map of America and eastern Canada up to Hudson's Bay. California is represented as an island.
FOLDER 449 Nouvelle France, 1684
34 x 44.5 cm
Map of America showing mainly the rivers and coastlines of lakes and shores of the land. Concentrating on the St. Lawrence River as far south to Cape Henry, and west to the Great Lakes.
FOLDER 450 Pontiac Official 1963 Cross Country Map, circa 1963
42 x 53.5 cm
125 miles to the inch
Churchill: Adland Publishers Inc.
Map of the U.S. and Southern Canada showing the major interstate routes and their state of completion.
FOLDER 451 America, circa 1716
32.5 x 43.5 cm
Map of North America showing eastern Canada and the Hudson Bay area. California is shown as an island.
FOLDER 452 Spring Migrants sixty-six American Birds, 1947
35 x 52.5 cm
Holiday [Magazine]
Abbott, Jacob Bates
Map of the U.S, Mexico, Canada shows diagrams of birds with varying types of migration. Map in 2 halves.
Series X: Canada
18 items
FOLDER 453 December 1946. Canada, Alaska, and Newfoundland, circa 1946
54.5 x 36.5 cm
Pan American Airways, Inc.
Mosaic of life past and present, landmarks, and historical events.
FOLDER 454 Philip's Pictorial Maps Canada, circa 1957
78 x 106 cm
95 miles to the inch
London: George Philip and Son, Ltd.
MacDonald, Gill
Major towns are marked, rivers and water bodies labelled. Resources of the country are identified with symbols and lettering on the map. Vegitation and both domestic and wild animals noted.
FOLDER 455 Canada
25 x 27 cm
Embroidered map shows Canada and her provinces, major towns, a skiier and a totem pole.
FOLDER 456 Canadian National Railways
35.5 x 48.5 cm
Map of Canada marking the provinces and their products, resources, animal life, and recreation areas.
FOLDER 457 Canada's Water Power Wealth, circa 1941
26 x 35.5 cm
Dominion Water and Power Bureau, Surveys and Engineering Branch, Department of Mines and Resources
From a pamphlet on power generating capacity and other Canadian resources. Pictorial map shows the location of water power centers, industry, and transportation routes. On the verso, "Water Power of the Dominion of Canada."
FOLDER 458 Canada and Newfoundland--Their Natural and Industrial Resources, circa 1942
49 x 73 cm
1 inch=130 miles
England: A.C. Ltd.
Gill, Macdonald
The map identifies the products and resources of Canada and Newfoundland.
FOLDER 459 Historical Map of the Province of Alberta Canada
33 x 21 5 cm
Map shows the rivers, trails, and sights of historic Alberta.
FOLDER 460 The Banff/Lake Louise Welcome Map Summer 1989, circa 1989
40 x 30.5 cm
Map of streets locating the major landmarks and scenic areas in the Banff areas. On the verso, are advertisements by area businesses.
FOLDER 461 [Jasper to Calgary, Canada], 1988
15.5 x 13 cm
Modern Maturity Magazine
Valko, Diane
Map of Canada at the border between Alberta and British Columbia Provinces. Shows an auto route between the major towns, and a larger map of Canada is included as a locator map.
FOLDER 462 Okanagan Valley
54.5 x 39.5 cm
Victoria, BC: Don McDiarmid
Pictorial map shows the major towns along the lakes and the recreational activities available there. Some photographs show the sights of the region. On the verso, a conventional road map of the area.
FOLDER 463 [Gaspe Peninsula -- Quebec], circa 1931
18 x 36 cm
Maw, S.H.
Map shows the towns and countries of the Gaspe Peninsula. Topography and vegitation cover are alluded to. On the verso, tourist information.
FOLDER 464 Pictorial Map of the Province of Manitoba
69 x 47 cm
Canada: Department of Mines and Natural Resources
The rivers, towns, and wildlife are highlighted. Small pictures of people, animals, and the area decorate the map. The map comes from a promotional pamphlet titled "Manitoba in the Heart of the Continent.
FOLDER 465 Recreational Attractions at a Glance of Scenic Historic New Brunswick Nature's Playground by the Sea. Cool Pine Forests Sandy Beaches.
31 x 40 cm
20 miles to the inch
Canada: New Brunswick Government Publications
Map shows the towns and the routes connecting them. Recreational attractions highlighted.
FOLDER 466 [Nova Scotia]
23 x 30 cm
Halifax: Nova Scotia Industrial and Tourist Promotion
Pictorial map of Nova Scotia showing the recreational facilities of the area. Inset map showing the relative location of Nova Scotia to the major U.S. and Canadian cities.
FOLDER 467 Sable Island Graveyard of the Atlantic Known Wrecks Since 1800 AD, circa 1938
56 x 29 cm
1 2/5 miles to the inch
Johnson, D.
Map shows Sable Island and the wrecks off her coast both plane and ship. The different types of ships are labelled and titled with the year they sank.
FOLDER 468 Brading's Vacation Map Published to Show the Tourist Attractions of the Ottowa Valley and Eastern Ontario, circa 1946
65.5 x 49.5 cm
8 miles to 1 inch
Ottawa: Brading's Capital Brewery Ltd.
Map highlights areas of historical and other points of interest, indicates fish and game areas, and resort locations. Highways, road, ferries, and rivers are indicated.
FOLDER 469 Province of Quebec, circa 1967
12 x 17.5 cm
Map shows the St. Lawrence River area and divides the region into different areas. Shows recreational activities.
FOLDER 470 Map of Yukon Territory
24 x 19 cm
Map accompanies the adventures of "Sgt. Preston of the Yukon." on CBS-TV.
Series XI: United States of America
293 items
FOLDER 471 Connecticut and Parts Adjacent
35 x 40.5 cm
10 miles to the inch
Covens, Mortier, and Covens, Jr.
Map centers on Connecticut and Long Island. Hand colored with wax crayon.
FOLDER 472 Whirlaway on Your Vacation
12 x 12.5 cm
Holiday [Magazine]
Advertisement for oldsmobile Whirlaway [sedan?]. Map shows scenic route to recreation areas from Boston to Rockland, Maine.
FOLDER 473 A Parade of the States, circa 1932
Garden City, New York: Double Day, Doran and Company, Inc.
Barton, Bruce
This book is a history of each state in the U.S. with facts about each state and events and people associated with it. A map of each state is included.
FOLDER 474 Good Earth, circa 1930
15.5 x 26 cm
Corvinus, Bernard
Map of the U.S. showing the agricultural resources of each area. On the verso, a small article "River Source is Lost" a re-defining of the headwaters of the Mississippi River. Hand colored.
FOLDER 475 Air Maps of United Air Lines Main Line Airway
Denver: Jeppesen and Co. and W.H. Kistler Stationary Co.
Shelton, Hal
Booklet of maps produced at various scales covering different air routes over America to Hawaii.
FOLDER 476 America Airlines System Map Route of the Flagships
59 x 79 cm
1 inch=100 miles
New York: General Drafting Co., Inc.
The map shows the resources, products, and places of interest of the United States. Overlain on top of this is the mark of the air routes by American Airlines and other airlines. On the verso, a number of individual route maps, i.e. "Chicago-Washington."
FOLDER 477 Go North Go South by Eastern Route of the Great Silver Fleet
33 x 35 cm
Map shows cities of the East and Mid-West where Eastern Airlines flies. Historical and recreational sites are highlighted.
FOLDER 478 TWA Trans World Airline Air Routes, circa 1948
40 x 60 cm
Map shows TWA air routes in the United States as well as routes across the U.S. that connect to TWA hubs. On the verso, the TWA routes in Europe and Asia.
FOLDER 479 Map of Home Arts of the United States of America, 1938
34 x 26 cm
Home Arts Needlecraft
Jones, Mary Sherwood Wright
Map shows the U.S. and the various arts and crafts native to different regions of the country.
FOLDER 480 Land of Our Fathers
56.5 x 83.5 cm
New York: Associated American Artists
Davis, Lottie, Moskie
Biblical names from the Old Testament as American place names.
FOLDER 481 Birds of the States, circa 1946
36 x 52.5 cm
Stores Publishing Co., Inc.
Reprinted from the "Women's Day -- the A + P Magazine." Shaded map of the U.S. with the state birds drawn overlying it.
FOLDER 482 State Bird and Flower Map of the United States
38 x 58.5 cm
Baltimore: Barton-Cotton, Inc.
Hilton, Fritz
Map of the U.S. with each state containing the official state bird and flower.
FOLDER 483 A Birthday Map Filled With Good Wishes
30 x 49 cm
New York: Norcross, Inc.
Outline of the U.S. with various flowers.
FOLDER 484 Symbols of Summer, 1946
35 x 53 cm
Harrison: "Holiday"
Williams, Roswel
"A cartograph of seventy species of butterflies characteristic of the various regions of the U.S." An outline map of the U.S. with various butterflies placed on top. Map in two halves.
FOLDER 485 Civil War Centennial, circa 1960
71 x 104.5 cm
Creative Merchandizers, Inc.
Map shows the location of battles and places of Civil War interest. Inset map of the Virginias and Maryland shows in greater detail the location of events. Accompanying "Chronological History" of the Civil War with sketches of Confederate leaders.
FOLDER 486 A Pictorial Map Showing Historic Shrines and Battlefields of the Civil War 1861-1865, circa 1961
64 x 95.5 cm
New Jersey: General Drafting Co., Inc.
FOLDER 787 A New Map of the English Plantations in America Both Continent and Islands Showing Their True Situations and Distance from England or With One Another
27 x 32.5 cm
225 miles to the inch
London: Robert Mordeu and William Berry
2 copies. See attached note.
FOLDER 488 Map of the American Colonies and Adjacent Country as Known in 1776, circa 1875
40.4 x 58 cm
110 miles to 1 inch
New York: Asher and Adams
Map shows the various states and principal towns, mountains, rivers, etc. A heavy black line on the map indicates "in part the Post Routes and the National Road constructed by the United States Government."
FOLDER 489 Conservation Map of the United States of America, 1936
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