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Muriel H. Parry map collection

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Series VI: Europe (continued)
FOLDER 288 Carta Touristica Figureata Dell Provincia de Savaona
17 x 29.5 cm
Genova: AGIS
Cigheri, Aldo
For the Antorizzazione Commissario Tourismo. Map shows the Savona Province and the major towns therein. Some landmarks are noted as well as the recreation available.
FOLDER 289 Scilia Paradiso del Mediterraneo
20.5 x 21 cm
Genova: Saiga gia B and G
Cigheri, Aldo
Small pictorial map of Sicily showing the products and landmarks of the small island.
FOLDER 290 La Cucina Trevisana
24 x 34 cm
Treviso: Arti Grafiche Longo and Zopelli
"Map" shows a region with mountains and various foods and wines spread out about the area.
FOLDER 291 Treviso, circa 1942
34 x 48.5 cm
Treviso: Offset Longo and Zopelli S.A.
Map shows the towns, rivers, and recreation of the area.
FOLDER 292 Umbria -- Carta Stadale Geografico -- Turistica, circa 1965
62 x 44 cm
Spoleto: Panetto and Petrelli
Pictorial map shows the regions of Umbria, Italy, and the location of famous buildings and landmarks of the region. Also shows the location of major camping grounds and tourist information offices. On verso, a general road map of the region.
FOLDER 293 Grand-Duchy de Luxembourg
45 x 30 cm
2 km to one cm
Luxembourg: Helio Buck
Map shows major cities, historic sights, rivers, and recreatonal facilities.
FOLDER 294 April 1946. The Mediterranean Countries., circa 1946
54.5 x 36.5 cm
Pan American Airways, Inc.
Mosaic of scenes from life on the shores of the Mediterranean, both ancient and modern.
FOLDER 295 The Chart of the Vagabond Cruises
33.5 x 55.5 cm
New York: American Export Lines
Stylized map showing the major ports and vacation areas along the shores of the Mediterranean. On verso, a listing of cruises, their rates, and a floor plan of a ship deck. Map is ripped.
FOLDER 296 The Chart of the Vagabond Cruises
20.5 x 25.5 cm
Mildwoff: American Export Lines
Duplicate of a paper map in the Parry Collection.
FOLDER 297 Clothing Industy in Noorholland, circa 1959
48.5 x 36 cm
Economische-Technologische Dienst Voor Noorholland
Map shows the location of different clothing factories in North Holland.
FOLDER 298 [Part of the Netherlands]
20.5 x 32 cm
Part of a map of the Netherlands showing Delft and the outer islands on the North Sea coast. Two copies.
FOLDER 299 Norge
25 x 25 cm
Embroidered map shows the outline of Norway and the major towns and scenes from Norwegian daily life.
FOLDER 300 Esso Bergen
21 x 30.5 [?] cm
Bergen: R. Beyer A.S.
Map of the center city of Bergen highlighting embassy locations and Esso service stations. On verso, a pictorial map of greater southwest Norway.
FOLDER 301 Touristkart Fjordane, circa 1952
45.5 x 64.5 cm
Norway: Travel Association of Fjordane
Map shows major towns and the bus routes to and from these scenic and historic areas.
FOLDER 302 Oslo the Capital of Norway Welcomes You
19 x 24.5 cm
175 m to 1 cm,
Norway: The Oslo Travel Association
Center city Oslo street map with major tourist attractions labelled. Second map is of the greater Oslo area, with tourist sites marked. Surrounding both maps is a border of advertisements.
FOLDER 303 Sorlands = Banen
30 x 42 cm
Norway: Grondahl and Son
Map shows the towns and tourist sights of southern Norway. List of mileages for various pairs of cities. On verso, the text of a tourist pamphlet.
FOLDER 304 Bird's-Eye Map of Trondheim (Norway).
21.5 x 24 cm
Trondheim: Aktietr. Litografiske Aud.
Map shows the city and labels the main historic sites, and tourist attractions.
FOLDER 305 Poland's Place in the World
49.5 x 36 cm
Map of Poland with major towns marked. Resources and production areas of Poland are labelled. The border of the map consists of interesting facts about Poland's production and resources.
FOLDER 306 Poland, circa 1957
46 x 52 cm
Map shows the major cities of Poland. From a tourists pamphlet "Poland."
FOLDER 307 Portugalliae, 1560
39 x 38.5 cm
Reproduction. Shows the towns of Portugal with river network.
FOLDER 308 Portugal 1937 Exposition Internationale de Paris, circa 1937
59 x 43.5 cm
Portugal: Litho
Pictorial map of the food of Portugal. Part of a pamphlet in Portugese.
FOLDER 309 Coimbra e a sua Regiao, circa 1944
46.5 x 59.5 cm
Portugal: Litografia Of. Art. Reuniodos
Map shows the towns, connecting roads, tourists sites, orchards, and forests of an area in Portugal.
FOLDER 310 [Torre-Covilha], circa 1959
31 x 47 cm
Lito of. Artistas Reunidos-Poro
Lopes, Antonil
Pictorial map shows the area in Portugal with skiing, sights to see, main towns, etc. in a tourist brochure "Serra da Estrella."
FOLDER 311 Algarve, Portugal
23 x 40 cm
Lisboa: Lito De Portugal
Brochure gives tourist information about the Mediterranean Coast of Portugal, the towns, roadway, and recreation available there.
FOLDER 312 VIII Centenario de Tomada de Lisboa Aos Moiros
35.5 x 48 cm
Lisboa: Berttand (Irmaos. Lda.)
For Socony-Vacuum. Map shows the center of Lisbon. Places identified and named on accompanying list on verso.
FOLDER 313 Lisbon-Fatima, circa 1951
23 x 20 cm
Lisbon: Lito De Portugal
Map shows the major towns and connecting roads of the region. The place of the sighting of "Fatima" is marked as well as a locator map to identify this region of Portugal.
FOLDER 314 Banco Portuguese Do Atlantico
23 x 20 cm
Portugal: Anvario Commercial de Portugal
Map of center city Lisbon[?] with the branches of Banco Portugues do Atlantico marked. On verso, a pictorial map of Portugal.
FOLDER 315 [Rumania]
28 x 41.5 cm
Map is faint labels main cities, road and rail networks, major resources, and products of the area.
FOLDER 316 Rumanien Touristische Karte
40.5 x 59.5 cm
Pictorial map of Romania shows major towns, rivers, resources. On verso, is tourist information in German.
FOLDER 317 May 1946. Scandinavia., circa 1946
31 x 36 cm
Pan American Airways, Inc.
Outline of Scandinavia with a mosaic of scenes from life there.
FOLDER 318 Mapas Escolares Billiken Espana Trajes Regionales Y Costumbros
32 x 46.5 cm
The traditional regions and costumes of Spain.
FOLDER 319 The Story Map of Spain, circa 1935
34.5 x 43 cm
Chicago: Colortext Publications, Inc.
Map of Spain showing the different regions, their main towns, some topographical features, and historical sites and landmarks. Historical text included. The map border consists of city crests.
FOLDER 320 A Pictorial Map of Spain and Portugal, circa 1935
48 x 63.5 cm
35 miles to the inch.
Chase, Ernest Dudly
Map shows the regions of Spain and Portugal, their major cities, some of the topography of the region and sketches some of the more famous buildings of the area.
FOLDER 321 Pizarra -- Plano de Espana para Seguir el Curso de las Operaciones
67.5 x 94.5 cm
Map of Spain showing major towns, rivers, mountains. Small sketches of historic buildings highlight cities.
FOLDER 322 Sverige, circa 1953
100 x 71 cm
Map of Sweden showing the historical and cultural places of interest. Small table of Swedish statistics at bottom of map in Swedish and English. 2 copies of the map.
FOLDER 323 Carta Marina et Descripto Septem Trionalium Terrarum ac Mirabilium Rerum in eis Continentarum Diligentissime Elaborata. Anno Dni 1539, circa 1959
78 x 196.5 cm
Stockholm: Gerealstabens Litografiska Anstalt [?]
Reprint of a Latin of a Latin map of Scandinavia.
FOLDER 324 Turistkarta Over Skane Utarbetad av Skanes Turisttrafikforening
58.5 x 58 cm
Malmo: Skanska Litho
Map shows many towns, tourist sight, recreation facilities, and roads in Sweden. Shows the Chateau Country of Sweden and on the verso gives short texts about various areas within the region.
FOLDER 325 Mora Hotel
29.5 x 21 cm
Advertisement pamphlet for the Hotel Mora in Mora, Sweden shows roads, major towns, and the woods of the area. The pamphlet is in English and Swedish.
FOLDER 326 Ostergotland, Sweden, 1950
51.5 x 41.5 cm
Main map shows major towns of the region, transportation routes, and major tourist sights. Two inset locator maps.
FOLDER 327 Shopping Guide to Stockholm, circa 1958
25 x 50 cm
Stockholm: General Stabens Litografiska Anstalt
Map shows a street map of the center city of Stockholm. On the verso, a pictorial map of the Swedish countryside.
FOLDER 328 Sverige, circa 1931
90.5 x 58 cm
Stockholm: A.B. Kartografiska Institutet
For the Swedish Traffic Association. Map highlights the recreation and resources of Sweden. Includes a bit of text by Linton R. Wilson. On the verso, there are articles describing various regions regions of Sweden.
FOLDER 329 Schweitz -- Suisse -- Switzerland, circa 1950
37 x 58 cm
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