| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Series I: Country, Region, State,
and City Maps
(continued) |
BOX 50 |
Lexington (KY)-Long Beach
(CA) |
Barcode: 00530600634 |
Extent: 131 |
Geographic areas: Lexington (KY), Lincoln
(NE), Little Rock (AR), London (England), Long Beach (CA) |
Additional oversize materials for Long Beach (CA) and London (England)
in Series IV, Box 6
- Lexington: AAA
- Lincoln: Conoco, Mobil, Phillips 66
- Little Rock: Conoco, D-X, Mobil
- Lincoln: Conoco, Mobil, Phillips 66
- London: Automobile Association, A4, British Petroleum, Cleveland
Petroleum, Esso, London Transport, Total, Shell, Regent, National Road Maps,
National Benzole, Mobil
- Long Beach: Associated, Bekins Van and Storage, Chevron, Flying A, Gulf,
Mobil, Phillips 66, Richfield, Shell, Signal, Texaco, Union 76
BOX 51 |
Longview (WA)-Los Angeles
(CA) |
Barcode: 00530600646 |
Extent: 88 |
Geographic areas: Longview (WA), Los Andes
(Venezuela), Los Angeles (CA) |
Additional oversize materials for Los Angeles (CA) in Series IV, Box
- Longview: Union 76
- Los Andes: Creole
- Los Angeles: American Oil, Associated, Arco, Automobile Club of Southern
California, Bekins Van and Storage, Chevron, Flying A, Gousha Chek-Chart,
Enco, Exxon, Mobil, Phillips 66, Richfield, Shell
BOX 52 |
Los Angeles
(CA)-Maine |
Barcode: 00530600658 |
Extent: 105 |
Geographic areas: Los Angeles (CA),
Louisville (KY), Luzern (Switzerland), Maine |
Additional oversize materials for Los Angeles (CA) in Series IV, Box
- Los Angeles: Signal, Hancock, Standard Oil, Texaco, Union 76
- Louisville: Chevron, Conoco, D-X, Gulf, Enco, Exxon, Mobil, Shell,
Standard Oil
- Luzern: Shell
- Maine: Calso, Chevron, Cities Service, Conoco, Flying A, Gulf, Maine
State Highway Commission, Maine Department of Transportation, Mobil,
BOX 53 |
Maine |
Barcode: 0053060066A |
Extent: 87 |
Geographic areas: Maine |
Tydol, Tidewater, AAA, Amoco, American Oil, Atlantic, Chevron, Citgo, Getty
Oil, Marathon, Mobil, Mobilgas, Olixir, Shell, Sinclair, Sunoco, Texaco, Esso,
Calso, Amoco, Crown |
BOX 54 |
Provinces |
Barcode: 00530600671 |
Extent: 62 |
Geographic areas: Malaysia, Manitoba,
Maritime Provinces |
Additional oversize materials for Malaysia in Series IV, Box
- Malaysia: Mobilgas, Standard-Vacuum Oil, Esso
- Manitoba: Manitoba Department of Public Works, Manitoba Highways
Department, Manitoba Department of Highways and Transportation, Manitoba
Department of Highways, North Star Oil, AAA, B-A (British American Oil),
Esso, Shell, Texaco, Imperial, Manitoba Department of Tourism, Recreation,
and Cultural Affairs
- Maritime Provinces: Esso, Fina, White Rose, Irving Oil
BOX 55 |
Maryland |
Barcode: 00530600683 |
Extent: 76 |
Geographic areas: Maryland |
Additional oversize materials for Maryland in Series IV, Box
Maryland State Roads Commission, Maryland Economic Development Commission,
Maryland Department of Transportation, Arco, AAA, Beth O Line, Sinclair,
Mobilgas |
BOX 56 |
Massachusetts |
Barcode: 00530600695 |
Extent: 111 |
Geographic areas: Massachusetts |
Additional oversize materials for Massachusetts in Series IV, Box
Massachusetts Department of Highways, Massachusetts Department of Public Works,
Mobil, AAA, Amoco, Atlantic, Calso, Chevron, Cities Service, Citgo, Crown,
Esso, Flying A, Getty Oil, Gulf, Hess, Richfield, Shell, Sunoco, Texaco,
Tidewater, Tydol |
BOX 57 |
Mexico |
Barcode: 00530600701 |
Extent: 95 |
Geographic areas: Mexico |
Additional oversize materials for Mexico in Series IV, Box
AAA, Chevron, Conoco, Gulf, Humble, Enco, Exxon, Mobiloil, Mobil, Pemex,
Phillips 66, Shell, Texaco, American Oil, Premier Oil Refining, Rand
McNally |
BOX 58 |
Michigan |
Barcode: 00530600713 |
Extent: 105 |
Geographic areas: Michigan |
AAA, Ashland, Boron, Brilliant Bronze, Cities Service, Citgo, Conoco, Deep
Rock, D-X, Fleet Wing, Flying A, Bonded Gas, Gasteria, Gulf, Hicks Atomic,
Enco, Leonard, Marathon, Michigan State Highway Department, Michigan State
Highway Commission, Michigan State Department of Transportation |
BOX 59 |
Michigan |
Barcode: 00530600725 |
Extent: 136 |
Geographic areas: Michigan |
Michigan Department of Transportation, Mobilgas, Mobil, Paraland, Pennzip,
Perfect Power, Phillips 66, Power Flight, Pure, Rand McNally, Red Head, Royal
Supreme, Super America, Shell, Sinclair, Skelly, Sovereign Service, Speedway,
Spur, Standard Service, Standard Oil, Texaco, Travel Vision, Tydol, Union 76,
White Rose, Sunoco, Super Par, Zephyr, Crown |
BOX 60 |
Mid-Atlantic-Minnesota |
Barcode: 00530600737 |
Extent: 120 |
Geographic areas: Mid-Atlantic States,
Minnesota |
- Mid-Atlantic States: Best Western, Shell
- Minnesota: AAA, Apco, Carter, Cenex, Cities Service, Conoco, Deep Rock,
D-X, Gulf, Holiday, Marathon, Midland Cooperative, Midway Oil, Minnesota
Department of Highways, Minnesota Department of Transportation, Mobilgas,
Mobil, Paraland, Perfect Power, Phillips 66, Pure, Sears and Roebuck, Shell,
Sinclair, Skelly
BOX 61 |
Minnesota-Missouri |
Barcode: 00530600749 |
Extent: 140 |
Geographic areas: Minnesota, Mississippi,
Missouri |
Additional oversize materials for Mississippi in Series IV, Box
- Minnesota: Skelly, Sovereign Service, Spur, Standard Oil, Sunoco, Super
Par, Texaco, Tydol, Western Oil and Fuel, Westland Oil, AAA, Gulf, Sinclair
- Mississippi: AAA, Amoco, Cities Service, Conoco, Gulf, Mississippi State
Highway Department, Mississippi State Highway Commission, Mississippi
Department of Transportation, Pan-Am, Shell, D-X
- Missouri: AAA, Ashland, Bay Petroleum, Brilliant Bronze, Champlin, Cities
Service, Conoco, Deep Rock, Dixcel, D-X
BOX 62 |
Missouri |
Barcode: 00530600750 |
Extent: 129 |
Geographic areas: Missouri |
Fina, Flying A, Gulf, Marathon, Phillips 66, Pure, Rand McNally, Super America,
Shell, Sinclair, Skelly, Sovereign Service, Standard Service, Standard Oil,
Sunoco, Texaco, Tydol, Vickers, Wilcox Oil, Wood River Oil and Refining,
Zephyr, Arco, Lion, Missouri State Highway Commission, Missouri Highway and
Transportation Department, Mobilgas, Mobil, Paraland |
BOX 63 |
Montana-Miami (FL) |
Barcode: 00530600762 |
Extent: 117 |
Geographic areas: Montana, Morocco, Madison
(WI), Manassas (VA), Manhattan (NY), Medford (OR), Melbourne (Australia),
Mexico City, Miami (FL) |
Additional oversize materials for Montana, Morocco, and Melbourne
(Australia) in Series IV, Box 7
- Montana: American Oil, Calso, Chevron, Conoco, Flying A, Mobilgas,
Montana State Highway Commission, Phillips 66, Shell, Standard Oil, Texaco,
Tydol, Utoco, Union 76, Husky, Mobil, Sovereign Service, Carter, Sears and
- Morocco: British Petroleum, Esso, Michelin
- Madison: D-X
- Manassas: Virginia Craft Publishing
- Manhatten: NYC MTA
- Medford: Union 76
- Melbourne: British Petroleum, Golden Fleece
- Memphis: Esso, Exxon, Mobil, Shell, Texaco
- Mexico City: Petroleos Mexicanos
- Miami: AAA
BOX 64 |
Miami (FL)-Milwaukee
(WI) |
Barcode: 00530600774 |
Extent: 126 |
Geographic areas: Miami (FL), Milwaukee
(WI) |
- Miami: Amoco, American Oil, Atlantic, Atlantic Richfield, Arco, Gulf,
Enco, Exxon, Mobil, Phillips 66, Pure, Richfield, Shell, Sinclair, Standard
Oil, Chevron, Sunoco, Texaco, Union 76
- Milwaukee: AAA, Arco, Cities Service, Conoco, D-X, Gousha, Enco,
Mobilgas, Mobil, Pure, Shell, Standard Oil, Super America, Texaco
BOX 65 |
Minneapolis (MN)-Montreal
(Canada) |
Barcode: 00530600786 |
Extent: 82 |
Geographic areas: Minneapolis (MN),
Mississauga (Canada), Missoula (MT), Montreal (Canada) |
Additional oversize materials for Minneapolis (MN) in Series IV, Box
- Minneapolis: AAA, Cenex, D-X, Mobil, Phillips 66, Shell, Standard Oil,
Super America, Texaco, Tydol, Western Oil and Fuel
- Mississauga: AAA
- Missoula: Union 76
- Montreal: AAA, B-A (British American Oil), Cities Service, Shell, Sunoco,
BOX 66 |
Nebraska-Netherlands |
Barcode: 00530600798 |
Extent: 129 |
Geographic areas: Nebraska,
Netherlands |
Additional oversize materials for the Netherlands Series IV, Box
- Nebraska: Carter, Champlin, Chevron, Cities Service, Conoco, Deep Rock,
D-X, Flying A, Marathon, Mobilgas, Nebraska Department of Roads and
Irrigation, Nebraska Department of Roads, Nebraska Game, Forestation, and
Parks Commission, Paraland, Phillips 66, Shell, Sinclair, Skelly, Sovereign
Service, Standard Oil, Sunoco, Texaco, Tydol, Exxon
- Netherlands: Aral, British Petroleum, Caltex, Esso, Michelin,
BOX 67 |
Nevada-New Brunswick
(Canada) |
Barcode: 00530600804 |
Extent: 120 |
Geographic areas: Nevada, New Brunswick
(Canada) |
Additional oversize materials for Nevada in Series IV, Box
- Nevada: Chevron, Conoco, Nevada Department of Highways, Nevada Department
of Transportation, Shell, Phillips 66, Texaco, Exxon, AAA, American Oil,
Amoco, Co-Op, Fina, Husky, Mobil, Randall Motor Club, Richfield, Sears and
Roebuck, Signal, Sovereign Service, Union 76, Mobilgas, Gulf
- New Brunswick: New Brunswick Bureau of Information and Tourist Travel,
New Brunswick Travel Bureau, New Brunswick Tourist Information Services, New
Brunswick Department of Tourism
BOX 68 |
New England-Southern New
England |
Barcode: 00530600816 |
Extent: 109 |
Geographic areas: New England, Southern New
England |
Additional oversize materials for New England in Series IV, Box
- New England: AAA, Amoco, Atlantic, Bay State, Calso, Esso, Exxon, Ford
Dealers of New England, Keystone Automobile Club, Mobilgas, Shell, Sinclair,
Sunoco, Gulf
- Southern New England: AAA, Esso, Mobilgas, Mobil
BOX 69 |
Northern New England-New
Hampshire |
Barcode: 00530600828 |
Extent: 96 |
Geographic areas: Northern New England, New
Hampshire |
Additional oversize materials for New England and New Hampshire in
Series IV, Box 8
- Northern New England: Mobil, Mobilgas, AAA
- New Hampshire: New Hampshire State Highway Department, New Hampshire
State Planning and Development Commission, National Survey, New Hampshire
Division of Economic Development, New Hampshire Department of Resources and
Economic Development, Calso, Chevron, Cities Service, Conoco, Flying A,
Phillips 66, Shell, Tydol, Richfield, Gulf
BOX 70 |
New Jersey |
Barcode: 0053060083A |
Extent: 119 |
Geographic areas: New Jersey |
Additional oversize materials for New Jersey in Series IV, Box
American Map Corporation, AAA, Amoco, American Oil, Atlantic, Atlantic
Richfield, Arco, British Petroleum, Calso, Chevron, Cities Service, Citgo,
Conoco, Crown, Esso |
BOX 71 |
New Jersey |
Barcode: 00530600841 |
Extent: 120 |
Geographic areas: New Jersey |
Additional oversize materials for New Jersey in Series IV, Box
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