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Charles B. Peterson III road map collection, 1911-2007

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Series I: Country, Region, State, and City Maps (continued)
BOX 67 Nevada-New Brunswick (Canada)
Barcode: 00530600804
Extent: 120
Geographic areas: Nevada, New Brunswick (Canada)
Additional oversize materials for Nevada in Series IV, Box 8
  • Nevada: Chevron, Conoco, Nevada Department of Highways, Nevada Department of Transportation, Shell, Phillips 66, Texaco, Exxon, AAA, American Oil, Amoco, Co-Op, Fina, Husky, Mobil, Randall Motor Club, Richfield, Sears and Roebuck, Signal, Sovereign Service, Union 76, Mobilgas, Gulf
  • New Brunswick: New Brunswick Bureau of Information and Tourist Travel, New Brunswick Travel Bureau, New Brunswick Tourist Information Services, New Brunswick Department of Tourism
BOX 68 New England-Southern New England
Barcode: 00530600816
Extent: 109
Geographic areas: New England, Southern New England
Additional oversize materials for New England in Series IV, Box 8
  • New England: AAA, Amoco, Atlantic, Bay State, Calso, Esso, Exxon, Ford Dealers of New England, Keystone Automobile Club, Mobilgas, Shell, Sinclair, Sunoco, Gulf
  • Southern New England: AAA, Esso, Mobilgas, Mobil
BOX 69 Northern New England-New Hampshire
Barcode: 00530600828
Extent: 96
Geographic areas: Northern New England, New Hampshire
Additional oversize materials for New England and New Hampshire in Series IV, Box 8
  • Northern New England: Mobil, Mobilgas, AAA
  • New Hampshire: New Hampshire State Highway Department, New Hampshire State Planning and Development Commission, National Survey, New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, New Hampshire Department of Resources and Economic Development, Calso, Chevron, Cities Service, Conoco, Flying A, Phillips 66, Shell, Tydol, Richfield, Gulf
BOX 70 New Jersey
Barcode: 0053060083A
Extent: 119
Geographic areas: New Jersey
Additional oversize materials for New Jersey in Series IV, Box 8
American Map Corporation, AAA, Amoco, American Oil, Atlantic, Atlantic Richfield, Arco, British Petroleum, Calso, Chevron, Cities Service, Citgo, Conoco, Crown, Esso
BOX 71 New Jersey
Barcode: 00530600841
Extent: 120
Geographic areas: New Jersey
Additional oversize materials for New Jersey in Series IV, Box 8
Exxon, Chevron, Calso, Flying A, Gulf, Hess, Keystone Automobile Club, Marathon, Mobilgas, Mobil, New Jersey Department of Transportation, Olixir, Phillips 66, Rand McNally, Red Head, Richfield, Sears and Roebuck, Shell
BOX 72 New Jersey
Barcode: 00530600853
Extent: 101
Geographic areas: New Jersey
Additional oversize materials for New Jersey in Series IV, Box 8
Sinclair, Sunoco, Texaco, Tydol, Socony-Vacuum Oil, Mobilgas, AAA, McDonalds, Mobil, Red Head, Texaco
BOX 73 New Mexico-New York (State)
Barcode: 00530600865
Extent: 118
Geographic areas: New Mexico, New South Wales, New York (State)
Additional oversize materials for New Mexico, New York (State), and New South Wales (Australia) in Series IV, Box 8
  • New Mexico: Chevron, Carter, Conoco, D-X, Exxon, Humble, New Mexico State Highway Department, Phillips 66, Shell, Skelly, Texaco
  • New South Wales: Ampol, British Petroleum, Caltex, Golden Fleece, Vacuum Oil
  • New York: AAA, Amoco, American Oil, Ashland, Atlantic
BOX 74 New York (State)
Barcode: 00530600877
Extent: 100
Geographic areas: New York (State)
Additional oversize materials for New York (State) in Series IV, Box 8
Atlantic Richfield, Arco, Boron, Calso, Chevron, Crown, Conoco, Cities Service, Citgo, Esso, Fleet Wing, Frontier, Getty Oil, Gulf, Hess, Mobil
BOX 75 New York (State)
Barcode: 00530600889
Extent: 110
Geographic areas: New York (State)
Additional oversize materials for New York (State) in Series IV, Box 8
Mobilgas, Marathon, Keystone, Kendall, Pennzip, Rand McNally, Red Head, Richfield, Flying A, New York Department of Public Works, New York Department of Economic Development, New York Department of Commerce, Shell, Sterling, Rotary, Sears and Roebuck, Socony, Sunoco, Texaco, Sinclair, Hess
BOX 76 New York (State)-North Atlantic States (U.S.)
Barcode: 00530600890
Extent: 92
Geographic areas: New York (State), New Zealand, Newfoundland, Nicaragua, Nigeria, North Atlantic States (U.S.)
Additional oversize materials for New York (State), New Zealand, and Nigeria in Series IV, Box 8
  • New York: Gulf, Amoco, Rotary, Exxon, Esso, Socony Mobil Oil, Tydol, Kendall, Wolf's Head Gas and Oil Refining, United Oil
  • New Zealand: Caltex, Esso
  • Newfoundland: Esso, Newfoundland Department of Highways, Newfoundland Tourist Development Office, Newfoundland Department of Tourism, Newfoundland Department of Tourism and Recreation
  • Nicaragua: Esso, Texaco
  • Nigeria: Esso, Mobil, Texaco
  • North Atlantic States: Shell
BOX 77 North Carolina
Barcode: 00530600907
Extent: 100
Geographic areas: North Carolina
Additional oversize materials for North Carolina in Series IV, Box 8
North Carolina State Highway and Public Works Commission, North Carolina State Highway Commission, North Carolina Department of Transportation, Shell, AAA, Amoco, American Oil, Arco, Atlantic, British Petroleum, Chevron, Cities Service, Citgo, Colonial, Conoco, Crown, Esso
BOX 78 North Carolina
Barcode: 00530600919
Extent: 139
Geographic areas: North Carolina
Additional oversize materials for North Carolina in Series IV, Box 8
Esso, Exxon, Gulf, Fina, Etna, Hess, Marathon, Mobilgas, Mobil, Phillips 66, Richfield, Sears and Roebuck, Shell, Republic, Rand McNally, Pure, Sinclair, Super SOC, Spur, Sunoco, Tenneco, Texaco, Union 76, Super Speed, Amoco, Service + Quality, Travelers, Wilco
BOX 79 North Central U.S.-North Dakota
Barcode: 00530600920
Extent: 120
Geographic areas: North Central U.S., North Dakota
  • North Central U.S.: AAA, Cities Service, Shell, American Oil, Standard Oil, TraveLodge
  • North Dakota: Conoco, Husky, Mobilgas, North Dakota Department of Highways, North Dakota State Highway Department, North Dakota Department of Transportation, Standard Oil, AAA, Bay Petroleum, Cenex, Champlin, Chevron, Deep Rock, D-X, Flying A, Frontier, Marathon, Mobil, Paraland
BOX 80 North Dakota
Barcode: 00530600932
Extent: 56
Geographic areas: North Dakota
Phillips 66, Exxon, Pure, Shell, Sinclair, Skelly, Sovereign Service, Standard Oil, Sunoco, Texaco, Tydol, Direct Service, Westland Oil, Enco, Gulf, Mobil
BOX 81 Northeastern U.S.
Barcode: 00530600944
Extent: 79
Geographic areas: Northeastern U.S.
AAA, American Oil, Amoco, Arco, British Petroleum, Calso, Citgo, Cities Service, Consolidated Tours, Marathon, Randall Motor Club, Shell, Skelly, Sohio, Standard Oil, Sunoco, TraveLodge, Tydol, Gulf, Keystone Automobile Club
BOX 82 Northern Scotland-Newark (NJ)
Barcode: 00530600956
Extent: 81
Geographic areas: Northern Scotland, Northern Territory (Australia), Northwest Territories (Canada), Northwestern U.S., Norway, Nova Scotia (Canada), Naples (Italy), Nashville (TN), Newark (NJ)
Additional oversize materials for Norway and Naples (Italy) in Series IV, Box 8
  • Northern Scotland: Esso
  • Northern Territory: Ampol
  • Northwest Territories:
  • Northwestern U.S.: AAA, Carter, Shell, Skelly, TraveLodge, Tydol
  • Norway: British Petroleum, Esso, Shell
  • Nova Scotia: Nova Scotia Bureau of Information, Nova Scotia Travel Bureau, Nova Scotia Department of Tourism
  • Naples: Aquila
  • Nashville: Esso, Exxon, Mobil, Texaco
  • Newark: Atlantic, Atlantic Richfield
BOX 83 New Orleans (LA)-New York City (NY)
Barcode: 00530600968
Extent: 88
Geographic areas: New Orleans (LA), New York City (New York)
  • New Orleans: AAA, Conoco, Esso, Gulf, Mobil, Texaco
  • New York City: AAA
BOX 84 New York City (NY)
Barcode: 0053060097A
Extent: 93
Geographic areas: New York City (NY)
American Oil, Amoco, Automobile Club of New York, Automobile Legal Association, Calso, Chevron, Cities Service, Citgo, Esso, Exxon, Flying A, Gulf, Hess, Mobil
BOX 85 New York City (NY)
Barcode: 00530600981
Extent: 91
Geographic areas: New York City (NY)
New York City Board of Transportation, New York City Transit Authority, NYC MTA, Rand McNally, Shell, Sinclair, Sunoco, Texaco, Travel Vision, Tydol, Hagstrom Company, West Side YMCA, William Sloane House YMCA, McDonalds
BOX 86 Norfolk (VA)
Barcode: 00530600993
Extent: 25
Geographic areas: Norfolk (VA)
AAA, American Oil, Amoco, Atlantic, Esso, Exxon, Gulf, Mobil, Pure, Shell, Sunoco, Texaco
BOX 87 Ohio
Barcode: 00530601006
Extent: 133
Geographic areas: Ohio
Additional oversize materials for Ohio in Series IV, Box 8
Aetna, AAA, Amoco, American Oil, Ashland, Atlantic, Atlantic Richfield, Arco, Bonded Oil, Boron, Brilliant Bronze, Canfield, Cities Service, Citgo, Conoco, Deep Rock, D-X, Exxon, Fleet Wing, Flying A, Gulf, Hi-Speed Gas, Humble, M. McMillen and N. Cypher, Johnson Oil Refining, Keystone Gasoline, Marathon
BOX 88 Ohio
Barcode: 00530601018
Extent: 115
Geographic areas: Ohio
Additional oversize materials for Ohio in Series IV, Box 8
Mobilgas, Mobil, Ohio Department of Highways, Ohio Department of Transportation, Pennzip, Phillips 66, Pure, Quaker State, Red Head, Richfield, Super America, Sears and Roebuck, Shell, Sinclair, Skat Oil, Sohio
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