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Select papers from the George Kleine film collection, 1886-1946

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Series 1. Subject Files (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 5/22 End of the Road
Empty folder.
See: Scarlet Road
BOX-FOLDER 5/23 England, Scenic
Empty folder.
See: In Old England, 250 Feet
BOX-FOLDER 5/24 Errol, Leon
Empty folder.
See: Nearly Spliced (Musty Suffer)
BOX-FOLDER 5/25 European Airship, Army Officers and Soldiers (European Armies in Action)
Summary, notes, prints sold.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/26 The Evening Son, NY
Not in catalog
BOX-FOLDER 5/27 The Execution of Colgosz
Summary, notes.
Correspondence transferred to Manuscript
BOX-FOLDER 5/28 Everybody Loves a Fat Man, Ed. H. Griffith
Script, intertitles, summary, notes, prints sold.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/29 Factory
Summary, notes.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/30 Fantasma, Edison rights (copy)
Not in catalog
BOX-FOLDER 5/31 [Farm and Mine Workers]
Summary, notes.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/32 Farmer Al Falfa and His Wayward Pup
Summary, notes, script, prints sold.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/33 The Feud
See: Blackjack Bargainer
BOX-FOLDER 5/34 Final Curtain
Summary, notes, clipping, prints sold.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/35 Fire Drill, Martin Park High School
Summary, notes.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/36 Fire Prevention Parade
Summary, notes.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/37 Fire Ruins, Rochester N.Y.
Summary, notes, correspondence.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/38 Fire Scenes
Cutting continuity, summary, prints sold.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/39 Fire Scenes, Collins Fire Scenes
Not in catalog.
BOX-FOLDER 5/40 Fire Scenes, Ruins of Edison Factory
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/41 Fireboat New Yorker Answering Alarm
Summary, notes.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/42 Fireman's Parade, Scranton PA
Summary, notes.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/43 First Aid for the Injured
See: Red Cross Bandages
BOX-FOLDER 5/44 First Citizen for Next Four Years
In catalog as Miscellaneous Kleine no. 5.
BOX-FOLDER 5/45 The First Liberty Loan Campaign in the Thomas A. Edison Interests, June 1917
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/46 Fish
Several films.
Summary, prints sold.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/47 Fitz Maurice, Group (Onida Berjere) Film author and director: Who's Who in Society
Empty folder.
See: Who's Who in Society
BOX-FOLDER 5/48 The Fixer
Summary, notes, intertitles, press book, script.
See: Goodhue, Willis M
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/49 Flagg, James Montgomery--Girls You Know series
Summary, notes, film list, report of collections.
See: Girls You Know series
See: The Bride
Correspondence transferred to Manuscript Division
BOX-FOLDER 5/50 Flags
Summary, notes, prints sold.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/51 Floral Fiesta
Summary, notes.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 6/1 For Napoleon and France
Scuola di Eroi in catalog.
Summary, notes, certificate of copyright registration, press book, dope sheet, script.
Correspondence transferred to Manuscript Division
BOX-FOLDER 6/2 For the Honor of the School
Not in catalog.
Intertitles, prints sold, summary, insection report, notes, correspondence.
Correspondence transferred to Manuscript Division
BOX-FOLDER 6/3 Forbes, James--author
Empty folder.
See: The Commuters
BOX-FOLDER 6/4 Forests
See: Man's Triumph Over the Mighty Forest
BOX-FOLDER 6/5 Found--A Flesh Reducer
Not in catalog.
Inspection report.
BOX-FOLDER 6/6 The Foundling--1 reel, Harry Forniss, author
Not in catalog.
Inspection report.
BOX-FOLDER 6/7 The Four "R's"
Script, prints sold, summary.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 6/8 The Fox Hunt
Summary, notes.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 6/9 Franchise Parade, Tarrytown N.Y.
Film can ticket, summary.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 6/10 French Group
Summary, notes.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 6/11 Friends, Romans and Leo
Summary, notes, prints sold, script.
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