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Select papers from the George Kleine film collection, 1886-1946

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Series 1. Subject Files (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 13/19 Red Cross First Aid Bandages
Summary, notes.
BOX-FOLDER 13/20 Red Man in Canada
Summary, notes, inspection report, prints sold.
BOX-FOLDER 13/21 Religious Customs in British India - A Ramble Through Ceylon
Summary, notes.
BOX-FOLDER 13/22 The Resurrection of Dan Packard
Summary, notes, film can ticket, prints sold, script, cutting continuity, intertitles, inspection report, newspaper with story (Saturday Evening Post, 10/19/14).
Correspondence transferred to Manuscript Division
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 13/23 Revolution in Russia
Summary, notes, leaflet?
BOX-FOLDER 13/24 The Rhine from Cologne to Coblenz
Summary, notes.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 13/25 Rival Engineers
Not in catalog.
Summary, notes.
BOX-FOLDER 13/26 Road Scenes from Automobile
Not in catalog.
Summary, notes.
BOX-FOLDER 13/27 Robinson Crusoe
Summary, notes, film can ticket, script, prints sold.
BOX-FOLDER 13/28 Roosevelt in Paris
Summary, notes.
BOX-FOLDER 14/1 Royal Gorge (Colorado)
Summary, notes.
BOX-FOLDER 14/2 Royal Pauper
Summary, notes, film can ticket, script, cutting continuity, intertitles, press book, prints sold.
BOX-FOLDER 14/3 Ruby of Kishmoor
Not in catalog.
Summary, notes, inspection report, prints sold.
Correspondence transferred to Manuscript Division
BOX-FOLDER 14/4 Ruinas del Edifico de la Compania Equitativa de Seguros Sobre la Vida Nueva York
Summary, notes.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 14/5 A Sad Dog's Story
Not in catalog.
Inspection report, intertitles.
BOX-FOLDER 14/6 St. Patrick's Day Parade
Not in catalog.
Film can ticket, summary, notes.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 14/7 Salt of the Earth
BOX-FOLDER 14/8 San Francisco Chinese Funeral
Summary, notes.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 14/9 San Francisco Earthquake and Fire
Not in catalog, several titles?
Summary, notes, intertitles.
BOX-FOLDER 14/10 Sante Fe Tour
Summary, notes, correspondence.
BOX-FOLDER 14/11 The Scarlet Road
Summary, notes, prints sold, press book, intertitles.
Correspondence transferred to Manuscript Division
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 14/12 Scenes and Incidents, Russo Japanese Peace Conference
Summary, notes.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 14/13 Schenectady, N.Y. Fire Dept.
Summary, notes.
BOX-FOLDER 14/14 Science Education
Several titles?
Summary, notes.
BOX-FOLDER 14/15 Scouting for Washington
Summary, notes, correspondence, script, inspection report, prints sold.
Correspondence transferred to Manuscript Division
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 14/16 Screen Fan
Prints sold, script, intertitles.
BOX-FOLDER 14/17 Sea Horse
Summary, notes, prints sold, script, inspection report.
BOX-FOLDER 14/18 Sea Lions
BOX-FOLDER 14/19 Searching Ruins on Broadway Galveston for Dead Bodies
Not in catalog.
Summary, notes.
BOX-FOLDER 14/20 Sentimental Lady
Summary, notes, press book, intertitles, prints sold.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 14/21 Shad, One Dollar
Summary, notes, prints sold.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 14/22 The Shamrock and the Palm
Inspection report, notes, intertitles.
See: Henry, O
BOX-FOLDER 14/23 Shipping Live Fish in Sealed Bottles
Summary, notes, script, intertitles, film can ticket.
BOX-FOLDER 14/24 Ships
Summary, notes.
BOX-FOLDER 14/25 Shubert, Lee and Sam - Lew Fields
Summary, notes, correspondence.
BOX-FOLDER 14/26 Shut Out in the Ninth
Summary, notes, film can ticket, script, inspection report, prints sold.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 14/27 Shylock
Summary, notes, press book, prints sold, intertitles, script, correspondence.
BOX-FOLDER 14/28 Il Siero del Dottor Kean
Summary, notes.
BOX-FOLDER 14/29 Sight Seeing from an Auto
Not in catalog.
Summary, notes.
BOX-FOLDER 14/30 The Silent Tongue
Not in catalog.
Inspection report.
BOX-FOLDER 14/31 The Simp and the Sophomores
Not in catalog.
Inspection report.
BOX-FOLDER 14/32 Skating in Montreal, Canada
Summary, notes.
BOX-FOLDER 14/33 Skidoo-12
Summary, notes.
BOX-FOLDER 14/34 Skirmish Between Russian and Japanese Advance Guards
Summary, notes.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 14/35 Smith, Al Ira - Girl Alaska
See: Girl, Alaska
BOX-FOLDER 14/36 Skylarking on the Skiis
Summary, notes, correspondence.
BOX-FOLDER 14/37 Smithson, Frank - Soap
Film can ticket?
See: Soap
BOX-FOLDER 15/1 Snow Scenes
Not in catalog.
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