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Select papers from the George Kleine film collection, 1886-1946

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Series 1. Subject Files (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 17/6 Unidentified Kleine #2 - Ambrosio period drama
Summary, notes.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 17/7 Unidentified Kleine #1 - comedy
Summary, notes.
BOX-FOLDER 17/8 U.S.S. "Maine" - Wreckage, Spanish American War
Not in catalog.
Summary, notes.
Correspondence transferred to Manuscript Division
BOX-FOLDER 17/9 Unwritten Code
Not in catalog.
Summary, notes.
Correspondence transferred to Manuscript Division
BOX-FOLDER 17/10 Up Against It
BOX-FOLDER 17/11 Vance, Joseph - Sheep's Clothing, Destroying Angel
BOX-FOLDER 17/12 A Vanishing Race
Summary, notes, prints sold, script.
BOX-FOLDER 17/13 Vanity Fair
Summary, notes, press book, certificate of copyright registration, local newspaper (Roselle Separator 3/11/32).
Correspondence transferred to Manuscript Division
BOX-FOLDER 17/14 Vaudeville, Lumiere
Summary, notes.
BOX-FOLDER 17/15 Venetian Isles
Summary, notes.
BOX-FOLDER 17/16 Verrot, Henry - Our Daily Bread
See: Our Daily Bread
BOX-FOLDER 17/17 Vesta Victoria Singing Poor John
Not in catalog.
Summary, notes, film can ticket.
BOX-FOLDER 17/18 A Village King Lear
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 17/19 A Villain Unmasked
Summary, notes.
BOX-FOLDER 17/20 The Voice of Conscience
Not in catalog.
Inspection report, cutting continuity.
BOX-FOLDER 17/21 Volcano Eruption "His Majesty"
Summary, notes.
BOX-FOLDER 17/22 Waifs of the Sea
Not in catalog.
Inspection report.
BOX-FOLDER 17/23 Wake Up America Parade
BOX-FOLDER 17/24 The Wall Invisible
See: Unwritten Code
BOX-FOLDER 17/25 "War"
See: Italy
BOX-FOLDER 17/26 War Horses
Summary, notes.
BOX-FOLDER 17/27 Water Babies
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 17/28 Water Dam
Summary, notes.
BOX-FOLDER 17/29 Water Scenes and Waves
Summary, notes.
BOX-FOLDER 17/30 Watson, George - Apple Tree Girl, Putting the Bee in Herbert
See: Apple Tree Girl
See: Putting the Bee in Herbert
BOX-FOLDER 17/31 Watson, Harry - Musty Suffer Series
See: Musty Suffer series
BOX-FOLDER 17/32 Wave Machine
Not in catalog.
Summary, notes.
BOX-FOLDER 17/33 The Way Back
Not in catalog.
Inspection report.
BOX-FOLDER 17/34 West Point
Not in catalog.
BOX-FOLDER 18/1 What Form Means to an Athlete
Summary, notes, cutting continuity, prints sold.
BOX-FOLDER 18/2 When Conscience Sleeps
Inspection report.
BOX-FOLDER 18/3 When Love is King
Summary, notes, cutting continuity, prints sold.
BOX-FOLDER 18/4 The Whirligig of Life
Summary, notes, intertitles, inspection report.
See: Henry, O
BOX-FOLDER 18/5 Whitelaw, David--Heart of the Hills, Girl from the East
See: Girl from the East
See: Heart of the Hills
BOX-FOLDER 18/6 Who's Who in Society
Not in catalog.
Press book, clipping, prints sold.
BOX-FOLDER 18/7 Wild Arnica
Summary, notes, script, prints sold.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 18/8 Wild Oats
Summary, prints sold, intertitles.
Correspondence transferred to Manuscript Division
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 18/9 Wilder, James A. - Knights of the Square Table
See: Knights of the Square Table
BOX-FOLDER 18/10 Willful Peggy
Not in catalog.
Summary, notes, film report.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 18/11 Williams, Sumner--Shut Out the Night, When Love is King
See: Shut Out in the Ninth
See: When Love is King
BOX-FOLDER 18/12 Willow Plate
See: Story of the Willow Plate
BOX-FOLDER 18/13 A Woman's Revenge
Not in catalog.
Inspection report.
BOX-FOLDER 18/14 Woman Who Dared
Not in catalog.
Summary, notes, press book.
Correspondence transferred to Manuscript Division
BOX-FOLDER 18/15 The Wonders of Magnetism
Not in catalog.
BOX-FOLDER 18/16 Woodcraft for Boys
Summary, notes, script, prints sold.
BOX-FOLDER 18/17 Woodmen at Coney Island
Summary, notes.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 18/18 World War I
See: Euro Airships
BOX-FOLDER 18/19 World War I Balloons and Floods
Not in catalog.
Summary, notes.
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