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Select papers from the George Kleine film collection, 1886-1946

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Series 1. Subject Files (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 4/7 Crossing the Bar
Summary, notes.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 4/8 Crowd Coming from Crystal Theater, Denver
Summary, notes.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 4/9 Crowds--Ruins--New York
Summary, notes.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 4/10 Croy, Homer--A Duke for a Day
See: A Duke for a Day
BOX-FOLDER 4/11 Crystals and Their Beauties
Summary, notes.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 4/12 Curious Scenes in Far Off India
Summary, notes, script.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 4/13 The Customary Two Weeks
Intertitles, summary, notes, script, newspaper (Saturday Everning Post; with original story), prints sold.
Correspondence transferred to Manuscript Division
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 4/14 Cy Whittaker's Ward--Joseph C. Lincoln
Summary, notes, cutting continuity, script, alterations (for cutting), press book, photos, intertitles, prints sold.
Correspondence transferred to Manuscript Division
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 4/15 Dance, Apache
Summary, notes.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 4/16 [Dancehall Scenes]
Summary, notes.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 4/17 Danger Signal - Hughes sales contract, story rights
Not in catalog.
Prints sold, press book.
BOX-FOLDER 4/18 Daughter of the Hills
Not in catalog.
Summary, notes.
BOX-FOLDER 4/19 Davis, E.M.--The Little Chevalier
See: The Little Chevalier
BOX-FOLDER 5/1 De Soucha, H.A.--My Friend from India
See: My Friend from India
BOX-FOLDER 5/2 Death Valley--Life In
Life in Death Valley
Partial intertitles.
BOX-FOLDER 5/3 Deliverance
Summary, notes, press book, prints sold, daily film reports, shot log?
See also: "Contracts" negative, location etc.
Correspondence transferred to Manuscript Division
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/4 The Devil's Prayer Book
Intertitles, prints sold, notes.
BOX-FOLDER 5/5 Dick Whittington's Cat--Silhouette
Script, intertitles, prints sold, summary, notes.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/6 Dinosaur and the Missing Link--Willis H. O'Brien
Summary, notes, script.
See: O'Brien, Willis
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/7 [Dogs]
Summary, notes.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/8 Doing His Bit
Not in catalog
Intertitles, notes.
BOX-FOLDER 5/9 Down the Old Potomac
Script, clipping (The Georgetowner), summary, prints sold, correspondence, intertitles, inspection report.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/10 Draining a Meadow
Not in catalog
Summary, notes.
BOX-FOLDER 5/11 Dressing Room Scenes--Adolf Zinc
Summary, notes.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/12 Du Barry
Script, summary, notes, footage count.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/13 Duke for a Day
Summary, notes, prints sold, tinting card, cutting continuity, script.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/14 Dude Operator--F. Lowell Coombs
Summary, notes, prints sold, intertitles, script, inspection report.
See: Coombs, F. Lowell
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/15 East Liverpool, Ohio, Fire Department
Summary, notes.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/16 Easter Sunday, Atlantic City Boardwalk
Summary, notes.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/17 Edison Party
Summary, notes, correspondence.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/18 The Effects of New Wine
Summary, notes.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/19 The Election of Pope Benedict XV
Summary, notes.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/20 The Elks Late for Rehearsal
Summary, notes.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/21 Empire State Express the Second, Taking Water on the Fly
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/22 End of the Road
Empty folder.
See: Scarlet Road
BOX-FOLDER 5/23 England, Scenic
Empty folder.
See: In Old England, 250 Feet
BOX-FOLDER 5/24 Errol, Leon
Empty folder.
See: Nearly Spliced (Musty Suffer)
BOX-FOLDER 5/25 European Airship, Army Officers and Soldiers (European Armies in Action)
Summary, notes, prints sold.
See: Moving Image materials
BOX-FOLDER 5/26 The Evening Son, NY
Not in catalog
BOX-FOLDER 5/27 The Execution of Colgosz
Summary, notes.
Correspondence transferred to Manuscript
BOX-FOLDER 5/28 Everybody Loves a Fat Man, Ed. H. Griffith
Script, intertitles, summary, notes, prints sold.
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