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Richard Koszarski collection of research material on the early history of Universal Pictures Corporation, 1906-1996

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Series 1. Early History of Universal Pictures Corporation, 1906-1974 (continued)
Individual Motion Pictures (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 4/25 Air Mail, 1932
By John Ford. Publicity file including national clippings, pressbook, and promotional releases.
BOX-FOLDER OSD 1/3-4 Air Mail
BOX-FOLDER 4/26 Diamond Jim, 1935
Screenplay by Preston Sturges; producer James Grainger's copy, with blue pages.
Series 2. Financials gathered in connection with 1935-1936 corporate sale.
These are graphs, charts, tables, reports and memos, most of which were apparently gathered and/or created by J. Cheever Cowdin of Standard Capital Corp. They present a detailed picture of Universal's operating structure and financial history. Each exhibit contains multiple pages.
Mimeographed documents
BOX-FOLDER OS1/1 Coast contracts, 1935
Exhibits 1-2.
BOX-FOLDER OS1/2 Feature financing schedule, 1934-1935
Exhibits 3-5.
BOX-FOLDER OS1/3 Schedule of depreciation, overhead, payroll
Exhibits 6-11.
BOX-FOLDER OS1/4 Schedule of average negative cost, 1924-1934
Exhibits 13-14.
BOX-FOLDER OS1/5 Universal Pictures payroll and operating expenses, 1932-1934
Exhibits 16-20.
BOX-FOLDER OS1/6 Universal Pictures and subsidiary companies, profit and loss, thru 1935
Exhibits A-P (subset of above series?).
BOX-FOLDER 3/2 Report of findings, 1935
Executive summary of above materials.
BOX-FOLDER 3/3 Confidential memo, 1935
J. Cheever Cowdin's ideas on how Standard Capital should proceed.
Veloxed documents
BOX-FOLDER OS1/7 Universal features, profit and loss, 1926-1936
Spread sheets with detailed costs, grosses and profits for all features (23 pp.).
BOX-FOLDER OS1/8-13 Fold-out hand colored graphs
These oversized pages (67 sheets) chart all aspects of Universal's income and operating expenses during the 1920s and 1930s, and cover inventories, salaries, foreign business, studio operations, theater and exchange income, etc. Some begin as early as 1921 and most end in the mid-1930s, but others extend through 1940.
Series 3. Corporate publications, 1914-1917, 1920, 1925-1927, 1929-1965
BOX-FOLDER 5/1 Universal Film Manufacturing Company, semi-annual report, November 15, 1916
Extremely detailed report listing all assets and liabilities, with production cost of all negatives both released and unreleased (approximately 200 pages).
BOX-FOLDER 5/2 Bluebird Photoplays, Inc. balance sheet, January 21, 1917
BOX-FOLDER 5/3 Bluebird Photoplays, Inc. semi-annual report, July 22, 1917
These two reports document all aspects of Bluebird's financial operations, including costs of films with grosses broken out by territory, as well as inventories, accounts receivable, etc.
BOX-FOLDER 5/4-8 Consolidated balance sheets/annual reports, Universal Pictures Company, Inc., 1925-1927, 1929-1931, 1933-1965
Plus additional mid-year report for 1934. Sometimes these are bare-bones CPA summaries, but certain periods, especially the 1940s, are elaborately illustrated with color stills and detailed charts and graphics.
BOX-FOLDER 5/9 Universal Pictures Company and MCA, Inc. agreement of purchase and sale, dated December 16, 1958
45 pages.
BOX-FOLDER 5/10 MCA, Inc. and Universal Pictures Company, lease and facilities agreement, dated December 16, 1958
80 pages. These two documents record the sale of the studio property to MCA, and the conditions under which the facilities were leased back to Universal by MCA.
BOX 6 New Universal News Flashes, June 17, 1939--November 4, 1939
16 pamphlets; 4 x 9 inches; staple-bound
BOX 6 The Motion Picture Weekly/Universal Weekly, October 31, 1914--January 28, 1933
38 loose issues, plus one issue (February 1, 1916) of El Anunciador Universal, the Spanish-language version of The Universal Weekly (content not identical to English-language version).
Title Vol. No. Date
The Universal Weekly n/a n/a Oct. 31, 1914
The Universal Weekly n/a n/a Nov. 14, 1914
The Universal Weekly n/a n/a Dec. 26, 1914
The Universal Weekly n/a n/a Jan. 9, 1915
The Universal Weekly n/a n/a Jan. 16, 1915
The Moving Picture Weekly 1 1 July 3, 1915
The Moving Picture Weekly 1 3 July 17, 1915
El Anunciador Universal 2 12 Feb. 1, 1916
The Moving Picture Weekly 3 18 Dec. 16, 1916
The Moving Picture Weekly 4 4 Mar. 10, 1917
The Moving Picture Weekly 4 5 Mar. 17, 1917
The Moving Picture Weekly 4 6 Mar. 24, 1917
The Moving Picture Weekly 4 8 Apr. 7, 1917
The Moving Picture Weekly 4 9 Apr. 14, 1917
The Moving Picture Weekly 4 10 Apr. 21, 1917
The Moving Picture Weekly 4 11 Apr. 28, 1917
The Moving Picture Weekly 4 13 May 12, 1917
The Moving Picture Weekly 4 14 May 19, 1917
The Moving Picture Weekly 4 15 May 26, 1917
The Moving Picture Weekly 11 12 Nov. 6, 1920
The Moving Picture Weekly 11 13 Nov. 13, 1920
The Moving Picture Weekly 11 14 Nov. 20, 1920
The Moving Picture Weekly 12 15 Nov. 27, 1920
The Moving Picture Weekly 12 16 Dec. 4, 1920
Universal Weekly 21 18 June 13, 1925
Universal Weekly 23 13 May 8, 1926
Universal Weekly 23 16 May 29, 1926
Universal Weekly 24 18 Dec. 11, 1926
Universal Weekly 29 24 July 20, 1929
Universal Weekly 31 23 Nov. 19, 1932
Universal Weekly 31 25 Dec. 3, 1932
Universal Weekly 32 1 Dec. 17, 1932
Universal Weekly 32 2 Dec. 24, 1932
Universal Weekly 32 3 Dec. 31, 1932
Universal Weekly 32 4 Jan. 7, 1933
Universal Weekly 32 5 Jan. 14, 1933
Universal Weekly 32 7 Jan. 28, 1933
Series 4. Richard Koszarski's various Universal projects, 1971-1978, 1996
BOX-FOLDER 7/1-9 American Film Institute Universal Pictures project, 1971-1977
Notes on screenings, archival sources and interviews. Correspondence file focuses on dispute over AFI's claim of ownership of all scholarship funded by Louis B. Mayer Oral History Program.
Oral history interviews, 1972-1974
BOX-FOLDER 7/10 Gertrude Astor, July 12, 1973
Interview transcript; photocopies of news articles.
See audiocassette RYR 2034
BOX-FOLDER 7/11 Harry Burke, August 15, 1974
Interview transcript; permission form.
See audiocassette RYR 2042
BOX-FOLDER 7/12 Leslie Carey, August 7, 1974
Permission form.
See audiotape reel RXK 0309
BOX-FOLDER 7/13 David Garber, August 9, 1974
Interview transcript; permission form.
See audiocassettes RYR 2041-2042
BOX-FOLDER 7/14 Tay Garnett, June 7, 1973
Interview transcript.
See audiocassette RYR 2029
BOX-FOLDER 7/15 Ted Kent, January 20, 1972
Interview transcript.
See audiocassette RYR 2024
BOX-FOLDER 7/16 Ted Kent, June 5, 1973
Interview transcript.
See audiocassettes RYR 2027-2028
BOX-FOLDER 8/1 Paul Kohner, August 14, 1974, and August 28, 1974
Interview transcript; copy of document on realignment of exective staff.
See audiocassettes RYR 2040 and 2044
BOX-FOLDER 8/2 Ann Little, September 3, 1973
Interview transcript.
See audiocassette RYR 2032
BOX-FOLDER 8/3 Mary MacLaren, September 17, 1973
Interview transcript.
See audiocassettes RYR 2037-2038
See MacDonald vs. Universal lawsuit file
BOX-FOLDER 8/4 George Marshall, June 12, 1973
Interview transcript.
See audiocassettes RYR 2031-2032
BOX-FOLDER 8/5 Ted McCord, July 15, 1973
Interview transcript.
See audiocassette RYR 2033
BOX-FOLDER 8/6 George Robertson, August 5, 1974
Interview transcript; permission form.
See audiocassettes RYR 2039-2040
BOX-FOLDER 8/7 Henry Tiedmann, August 7, 1974
Interview transcript; permission form.
See audiocassette RYR 2041
BOX-FOLDER 8/8 Charles Van Enger, July 29, 1973
Interview transcript.
See audiocassettes RYR 2035-2036
BOX-FOLDER 8/9 Grant Whytock, May 27, 1973
Interview transcript.
See audiocassettes RYR 2025-2026
BOX-FOLDER 8/10 Irvin Willat, August 10, 1973
Interview transcript.
See audiocassette RYR 2037
BOX-FOLDER 8/11 William Wyler, August 18, 1974
Interview transcripts (3 copies/generations); correspondence; permission form.
See audiocassette RYR 2043
BOX-FOLDER 9/1-2 NYU Cinema Studies Department: Carl Laemmle's Universal Pictures, 1975
Syllabi, lecture notes, hand-outs, grading for first such graduate-level film class.
BOX-FOLDER 9/3-7 Universal Pictures: 65 Years, 1976-1978
Correspondence, notes, hand-outs and original manuscript of monograph written for Museum of Modern Art retrospective under contract to Universal. Includes file on microfilming of NYPL run of The Universal Weekly and correspondence with Phil Riley.
BOX-FOLDER 9/8-11 The Universal Story, 1996
Script drafts, contracts, correspondence, press information and VHS copy of feature length documentary on history of Universal, written for Top Hat Productions.
See videocassette VAS 9811
Series 5. Audiovisual materials, 1972-1974, 1976, 1996
Sound Recordings
CASS RYR 2024 Oral history interview with Ted Kent, 1972-01-20
Local ID number: 3571
1 sound cassette
See interview transcript
CASS RYR 2025 Oral history interview with Paul Ivano, part 3, 1973-05-26 ; Oral history interview with Grant Whytock, part 1, 1973-05-29
Local ID number: 3571
1 sound cassette
See Grant Whytock interview transcript
CASS RYR 2026 Oral history interview with Grant Whytock, parts 2-3, 1973-05-29
Local ID number: 3571
1 sound cassette
See interview transcript
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