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National Broadcasting Company history files, 1922-1986

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Topical Folders, 1922-1986 (continued)
FOLDER 84 NBC Executive Duties and Responsibilities, Statements. [194?].
1 item.
Original and onionskin reports of the duties and responsibilities assigned to NBC executives.
FOLDER 85 Executive Manager of Transportation 6-22-43. 1943 - 1945.
2 items.
Mimeographed memoranda concerning Transportation Department personnel and policies.
FOLDER 86 Executive Night Executive Officer 9-28-45. 1945 - 1948.
4 items.
Mimeographed memoranda concerning night, weekend, and holiday operations.
FOLDER 87 Executive Offices 7-12-40. 1940 - 1949.
16 items.
Onionskin and mimeographed memoranda and press releases on changes in the corporate hierarchy.
FOLDER 88 NBC Executive Order 1932.
1 item.
Mimeographed "Executive Order Number 17" gives Mr. John Royal the responsibility of assigning time and "the building of all programs in the fields of religion, politics, international broadcasting, and education."
FOLDER 89 NBC Executives. 1986.
2 items.
Photocopied report and article on NBC executives.
Highlights: List of NBC presidents, chairmen of the board and vice-chairmen of the board. August 27, 1986, Daily News article about the appointment of Robert Wright as NBC president.
FOLDER 90 Executives Past. 1959 - 1981.
67 items.
Photocopied and onionskin memoranda and reports on personnel matters, including dates of employment and termination.
FOLDER 91 Historical Facts and Figures (1 of 3). 1923 - 1961.
55 items.
Photocopied, onionskin, and mimeographed memoranda, letters, newspaper clippings, press releases, and reports on the history of NBC.
Highlights: 1940 chronology of NBC achievements from 1922-1940. November 29, 1961, 21-page report, "NBC Highlights 1926-1961." June 27, 1938, letter from an AT & T; historian to NBC listing NBC achievements to which the Bell System contributed. October 7, 1936, memo from H. M. Beville Jr. to Miss Bertha Brainard stating that the Capitol Theatre Family is the oldest continuous NBC network radio program. July, 1931 20-page report, "Questions and Answers on the National Broadcasting Company's Organization and Facilities." Highly detailed history of WEAF (now WNBC) from April 19, 1922, to July 4, 1923. May 15, 1936, 55-page report, "The First Ten Years: a Study of the Growth of the National Broadcasting Company 1926 to 1936." August 8, 1952, 15-page report, "Historic Highlights in Developing the Radio Broadcasting and Television Arts" by the American Institute of Electrical Engineers.
FOLDER 92 Historical Facts and Figures (2 of 3). 1922 - 1948.
12 items.
Original, onionskin, and mimeographed reports and a leaflet on NBC history.
Highlights: [1938?] 15-page (1st page missing) technical history of NBC. May 26, 1949, 27-page "History of the National Broadcasting Company."
Printed items: March 25, 1924, 4-page pamphlet from AT & T; The Situation of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company with Reference to Radio Broadcasting." [1931?] 1-page RCA/NBC leaflet, Some Significant Dates in Broadcasting History."
FOLDER 93 Historical Facts and Figures (3 of 3). 1923 - 1988.
9 items.
Onionskin, photocopied, and mimeographed reports and an excerpt from the October, 1944 edition of Radio Age concerning NBC History.
Highlights: A 1923 66-page report, "An Analysis of Radio Broadcasting as a Medium of Establishing and Maintaining a Contact with the Public 1923," a lengthy, bound WEAF handbook detailing a commercial strategy for the radio. 1962 19-page report, "Highlights of NBC'S Contributions to Broadcasting 1954-1962."
FOLDER 94 Historical Facts Radio & TV. 1960 - 1988.
4 items.
Photocopied and mimeographed memoranda and a newspaper clipping concerning NBC history.
FOLDER 95 Facts and Figures Television. 1944 - 1989.
10 items.
Original, onionskin, photocopied, and mimeographed memoranda, letters, press releases, and reports touting NBC television.
Highlights: December 22, 1989, memo from Robert C. Wright to NBC employees laying out NBC's strategy in regards to cable and international broadcasting. "Quo vadis whither goest thou, NBC?," a 96-page report from June 1, 1945, by John F. Royal. This report includes an assessment of early television, maps, newspaper clippings, and an angry letter from an outraged advertiser complaining of WNBT's increase of spot ads from $13 to $50. September 20, 1944, 25-page report, "Resume of NBC Television Operations." December, 1949 24-page report by Niles Trammell mentions RCA's 1947 development of Ultrafax, which is a "television-mail system, capable of sending letters, business documents, checks, photographs, newspapers, magazines or books over great distances at incredible speed and with absolute accuracy."
FOLDER 96 NBC "Firsts" Facts and Figures. 1922 - 1988.
80 items.
Original, onionskin, photocopied, and mimeographed memoranda, letters, reports, and scripts from NBC radio and television.
Highlights: October 10, 1938, 19-page report, "Outline of WEAF History and Events Leading to Formation of Red Network." 1956 17-page report, "A Network is Born," describes events leading up to the initial broadcast of November 15, 1926. Undated 6-page report, "The First Dramatic Serials of Radio," which named Real Folks, Amos 'n' Andy, and the Rise of the Goldbergs as the first three dramatic serials on radio. September 12, 1952, 33-page address by O. B. Hanson, "Historic Highlights in Developing the Radio Broadcasting and Television Arts." Undated 17-page report, "Some NBC Firsts." November 3, 1986, memo, "NBC News TODAY Begins Transmitting in Stereo." August 26, 1939, article from unidentified newspaper which credits NBC for broadcasting the first major league baseball game. Photograph of the script of the first radio ad which aired on WEAF in the summer of 1922. October 20, 1938, report, "History of Commercial Broadcasting Over WEAF."
Printed items: 1949 2-page NBC pamphlet, Television Puts to Sea. April, 1940 46-page RCA/NBC pamphlet, Television's First Year, which features numerous photographs. November 1, 1926, 2-page leaflet, "A Synopsis of Program Features Broadcast by the National Broadcasting Company."
FOLDER 97 Fashion Programs Television. 1941.
1 item.
Mimeographed memo, "Television Fashion Program Civil Rights," which dictates the terms under which a celebrity can be named in a script and copyright protection for fashion designers.
FOLDER 98 FCC. 1970 - 1973.
2 items.
A newspaper article and a photocopied memo concerning the FCC.
Highlights: January 11, 1973, New York Times article, "Whitehead Asserts Nixon Bill does not Seek to Curtail Television Freedom."
FOLDER 99 Film. 1933 - 1953.
15 items.
Onionskin and mimeographed letters and memoranda concerning film on television.
Highlights: November 28, 1941, memo from Arthur Hungerford to A. H. Morton about the desire of television stations to acquire the broadcast rights to 3-minute film shorts being shown on motion picture juke boxes. August 25, 1939, 3-page memo from E. A. Hungerford to N. E. Kersta, "NBC Film Possibilities in Television." September 27, 1935, 5-page report from O. B. Hanson, "Approximate Cost of Operating a 16-Millimeter News Reel Service."
Printed items: April, 1953 8-page pamphlet, NBC Commercial Film Standards.
FOLDER 100 Film & Television Archives CBS/MOB (Archives). 1984 - 1985.
5 items.
Handwritten technical notes and photocopied reports on the CBS News Archive and the Film and Television Archives.
Highlights: Draft minutes from the Film and Television Archives Advisory Committee meeting. Guide to the CBS news archives.
FOLDER 101 Film Clearance. 1936 - 1941.
4 items.
Onionskin and mimeographed letters, memoranda, and a press release on a demonstration of an electronic television system and film clearance issues.
Highlights: July 7, 1936, memo from Ligon Johnson to R. P. Myers of NBC recommending the accumulation by NBC of plays and fiction, including works out of copyright, before dramatists and writers recognize the potential of television and boost the prices of their work.
FOLDER 102 Film Contracts. 1938 - 1940.
6 items.
Original, onionskin, and mimeographed letters, memoranda, and contracts concerning the acquisition of films to be broadcast on television.
Highlights: September 18, 1940, agreement with Monogram Pictures agreeing to supply NBC one feature and one western per week for a weekly cost of $325. Original nine-page blank contract, with pencil corrections, for the purchase of films intended for television broadcast. Letters of agreement between RCA and RKO Radio Pictures, Inc., Pathe News, Inc., and the Van Beuren Corporation.
FOLDER 103 Film Newsreels. 1941.
1 item.
Onionskin and mimeographed memoranda and letters about newsreels.
Highlights: July 18, 1941, memo from E. A. Hungerford Jr. to T. H. Hutchinson analyzing various proposals submitted to NBC by individuals seeking to produce freelance newsreels for NBC, and Hungerford's subsequent recommendation to produce newsreels in-house.
FOLDER 104 Film Routine For Handling & Storage. 1931 - 1939.
6 items.
Onionskin and mimeographed memoranda addressing the safety issues involved with handling film.
FOLDER 105 Film Royalty rates. 1941.
1 item
Mimeographed memoranda and a letter about royalty rates on television.
Highlights: November 28, 1941, memo from Arthur Hungerford to A. H. Morton regarding RCA's proposal to NBC regarding music royalty rates for films shown on television.
FOLDER 106 Finance Department 11/24/42. 1942 -1949.
7 items.
Mimeographed memoranda of personnel moves in the Finance Department
FOLDER 107 Finance Department Authorities 11/24/42. 1945 - 1947.
3 items.
Mimeographed memoranda concerning NBC personnel, hiring policies, and travel vouchers.
FOLDER 108 Fire. 1935 - 1940.
4 items.
Original and onionskin memoranda and letters regarding fire safety.
FOLDER 109 GE / RCA Merger. 1986.
2 items.
Photocopied press release and a Wall Street Journal article about the General Electric/RCA merger.
FOLDER 110 General Service Department. 1935 - 1948.
31 items.
Original, onionskin, and mimeographed memoranda and a report on the General Services Department, which was responsible for building maintenance, P.B.X., reception duties, and the Guest Tour Department.
Highlights: July 19, 1935, 32-page report, "Resume of Service Department Operations," which includes an organization chart and extensive salary information.
FOLDER 111 General Service Department Authorities. 1934 - 1940.
16 items.
Original, onionskin, and mimeographed memoranda concerning policies and personnel of the General Service Department, including one about internal disputes.
FOLDER 112 General Service Department Building Maintenance Division. 1935 - 1948.
6 items.
Onionskin and mimeographed memoranda regarding personnel moves and policies in the Building Maintenance Division.
FOLDER 113 General Service Department Central Files. 1937 - 1948.
15 items.
Onionskin and mimeographed memoranda regarding NBC's plans for revamping their filing system.
FOLDER 114 General Service Department Central Files Central Files Manual 1950-.
4 items.
Onionskin and mimeographed secretarial and filing manuals.
Highlights: Undated "File manual" contains the modus operandi of the NBC filing system. September, 1955 "Central Files Manual Reference Recordings File" explains the system for recordings.
FOLDER 115 General Service Department Central Files Central Files Manual 1943-.
2 items.
Original and mimeographed "Central Files Manual," which explains how master books, logs, scripts, and recordings are filed includes samples of filing forms.
FOLDER 116 General Service Department Central Files Central Files Manual 1931- .
7 items.
Original, onionskin, and mimeographed reports, manuals, and a memo regarding NBC filing methods.
Highlights: December, 1931 Remington Rand 6-page report on work performed on NBC's central files.
FOLDER 117 General Service Department Central Files Special Jobs. 1939 - 1943.
16 items.
Onionskin and mimeographed memoranda, letters, and invoices pertaining to filing and supplies; such as folders, filing cabinets, and index cards.
FOLDER 118 General Service Department Duplicating & Bindery Section. 1942 - 1946.
4 items.
Onionskin and mimeographed memoranda regarding personnel and policies of the Duplicating and Bindery Section.
FOLDER 119 General Service Department First Aid Section 11/24/42. 1934 - 1942.
5 items.
Onionskin and mimeographed memoranda concerning the First Aid Room and injury reports.
FOLDER 120 General Service Department Guest Relations Division 1933-42.
14 items.
Onionskin and mimeographed memoranda and a report on the Guest Relations Division.
Highlights: 1938 41-page report, "Analysis of Guest Relations Operations."
Printed items: Undated NBC 39-page pamphlet, Guest Relations Division, that describes the duties of the Department and includes an organizational chart.
FOLDER 121 General Service Department Guest Relations Division 1942-49.
13 items.
Mimeographed memoranda concerning personnel and policies of the Guest Relations Division.
FOLDER 122 General Service Department Mail & Messenger Section. 1935 - 1946.
10 items
Original, onionskin, and mimeographed memoranda and surveys of the Mail and Messenger Section.
FOLDER 123 General Service Department Personnel Division 11/24/42. 1936 - 1942.
10 items.
Onionskin and mimeographed memoranda announcing policies and staff changes in the Personnel Division.
FOLDER 1 General Service Department Stenographic. 1936 - 1947.
7 items.
Onionskin and mimeographed memoranda about the central Stenographic Section.
FOLDER 125 General Service Department Supply Room. 1936 - 1949.
6 items.
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