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National Broadcasting Company history files, 1922-1986

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Board of Directors, 1926-1956 (continued)
NBC Board of Directors Reports to Board of Directors (Extra Copies) 1943. (continued)
January 8, 1943, 12-page onionskin report mentions the FCC's order for all domestic broadcast transmitters to reduce power by 20% to extend the life of scarce vacuum tubes during the war.
FOLDER 939 NBC Board of Directors Biographical Data. 1941.
2 items.
Onionskin and mimeographed biographical sketches of board members.
FOLDER 940 NBC Board of Directors Agenda and Resolutions 1942.
46 items.
Original, onionskin, and mimeographed memo and minutes from board of directors meetings.
FOLDER 941 NBC Board of Directors Correspondence 1942.
70 items.
Original, onionskin, and mimeographed letters, reports, and memoranda concerning the board of directors.
FOLDER 942 NBC Board of Directors Reports to Board of Directors 1942.
22 items.
Onionskin and mimeographed memoranda and reports to the board of directors.
FOLDER 943 NBC Board of Directors Reports to Board of Directors (extra copies) 1942.
24 items.
Onionskin and mimeographed memoranda and reports to the board of directors.
FOLDER 944 .NBC Board of Directors Correspondence 1941
57 items.
Original, handwritten, onionskin, and mimeographed reports, letters, and memoranda from the board of directors.
FOLDER 945 NBC Board of Directors Agenda & Resolutions 1941.
18 items.
Onionskin minutes from board of directors meetings.
FOLDER 946 NBC Board of Directors Reports to Board of Directors 1941.
22 items.
Onionskin and mimeographed memoranda and reports to the board of directors.
FOLDER 947 NBC Board of Directors Reports to Board of Directors (extra copies) 1941.
11 items.
Onionskin reports to the board of directors.
FOLDER 948 NBC Board of Directors Agenda & Resolutions July-December 1940.
12 items.
Onionskin and mimeographed memoranda and minutes from board of directors meetings.
FOLDER 949 NBC Board of Directors Agenda & Resolutions January-June 1940.
8 items.
Onionskin and mimeographed memoranda and minutes from board of directors meetings.
FOLDER 950 NBC Board of Directors Reports to Board of Directors 1940.
10 items.
Onionskin memoranda and reports to the board of directors.
FOLDER 951 NBC Board of Directors Reports to Board of Directors (extra copies) 1940.
9 items.
Onionskin reports to the board of directors.
FOLDER 952 NBC Board of Directors Correspondence 1940.
77 items.
Original, onionskin, handwritten, and mimeographed letters, memoranda, and reports to the board of directors.
FOLDER 953 NBC Board of Directors Correspondence 1939.
77 items.
Original, onionskin, handwritten, and mimeographed letters, memoranda, and reports to the board of directors.
Highlights: October 10, 1939, letter from Lenox R. Lohr to General James G. Harbord, chairman of the Board of RCA regarding the Al Jolson case. May 25, 1939, 7-page report by O. B. Hanson, "Problems of Relocation of WEAF."
FOLDER 954 NBC Board of Directors Agenda & Resolutions January-June 1939.
14 items.
Onionskin and mimeographed memoranda and minutes from board of directors meetings.
FOLDER 955 NBC Board of Directors Agenda & Resolutions July-December 1939.
10 items.
Onionskin and mimeographed memoranda and minutes from board of directors meetings.
FOLDER 956 NBC Board of Directors Reports to Board of Directors 1939.
7 items.
Onionskin memoranda and reports to the board of directors.
FOLDER 957 NBC Board of Directors Reports to Board of Directors (extra copies) 1939.
2 items.
Onionskin reports to the board of directors.
FOLDER 958 NBC Board of Directors Correspondence 1938.
17 items.
Onionskin, handwritten, and mimeographed letters, memoranda, and reports to the board of directors.
Highlights: October 20, 1938, 3-page analysis of NBC coverage of the Czechoslovakian situation. August, 1938 24-page "Analysis of Program Audiences and Listening Habits in Rural Areas vs Large Cities."
FOLDER 959 NBC Board of Directors Agenda & Resolutions 1938.
23 items.
Onionskin and mimeographed minutes from board of directors meetings.
FOLDER 960 NBC Board of Directors Reports to Board of Directors 1938.
1 item.
Onionskin report to the board of directors.
FOLDER 961 . NBC Board of Directors Correspondence 1937
3 items.
Original, onionskin, and mimeographed letters and memoranda related to the resignation of Newton D. Baker from the RCA board of directors and his subsequent death.
FOLDER 962 NBC Board of Directors Agenda & Resolutions 1937.
8 items.
Onionskin minutes from board of directors meetings.
FOLDER 963 NBC Board of Directors Correspondence 1936.
7 items
Onionskin, and mimeographed memoranda and reports to the board of directors.
FOLDER 964 NBC Board of Directors Agenda & Resolutions 1936.
1 item (clipped).
Mimeographed and onionskin memoranda and minutes from board of directors meetings.
FOLDER 965 NBC Board of Directors Reports to Board of Directors 1936.
1 item.
Onionskin report to the board of directors mentions ASCAP problems and NBC's rejection of a program, Liberty at the Cross Roads, submitted by the National Republican Committee.
FOLDER 966 NBC Board of Directors Correspondence September-December 1935.
31 items.
Original, onionskin, and mimeographed memoranda, an article, and reports to the board of directors.
Highlights: December 30, 1935, memo announcing Merlin H. Aylesworth's resignation as president of NBC and the election of Lenox R. Lohr as his replacement.
FOLDER 967 NBC Board of Directors Correspondence May-August 1935.
20 items.
Original, handwritten, onionskin, and mimeographed memoranda, an article, and reports to the board of directors.
Highlights: Undated 2-page report describes NBC's ordeal in preventing the Palmolive program from jumping to CBS. Spanish lyrics from the March 21, 1935, Mexican Government Program, furnished by the FCC and a Father Parsons:
But my greatest delight
Was when she stood naked
Of her flowing garment;
And like a bending branch
Of a willow, uncovered to me
Her beauty, an unfolding rose
Which breaks its bud
And displays all its loveliness.
FOLDER 968 NBC Board of Directors Correspondence January-April 1935.
42 items.
Original, handwritten, onionskin, and mimeographed memoranda, and reports to the board of directors.
Highlights: 1935 5-page report mentions the Louis-Baer fight causing the "Mount Everest" of electrical consumption, more than doubling the amount used during the April 28 "Fireside Chat" by President Roosevelt. Excerpt from a 1935 report shows that 563,631 pieces of audience mail were received in November, 1934.
FOLDER 969 NBC Board of Directors Agenda & Resolutions September-December 1935.
31 items.
Original, mimeographed, and onionskin memoranda and minutes from board of directors meetings.
FOLDER 970 NBC Board of Directors Agenda & Resolutions May-August 1935.
36 items.
Original, handwritten, mimeographed, and onionskin memoranda, an article, and minutes from board of directors meetings.
Highlights: May 25, 1935, 18-page "Report of the Activities of the Washington Division."
FOLDER 971 NBC Board of Directors Agenda & Resolutions January-April 1935.
12 items.
Original, mimeographed, and onionskin memoranda and minutes from board of directors meetings.
FOLDER 972 NBC Board of Directors Reports to Board of Directors September-December 1935.
7 items.
Original, onionskin, and mimeographed memoranda and reports to the board of directors.
FOLDER 973 NBC Board of Directors Reports to Board of Directors May-August 1935.
5 items.
Original, onionskin, and mimeographed memoranda and reports to the board of directors.
FOLDER 974 NBC Board of Directors Reports to Board of Directors January-April 1935.
12 items.
Original, onionskin, and mimeographed memoranda and reports to the board of directors.
FOLDER 975 NBC Board of Directors Reports to Board of Directors (extra copies) 1935.
6 items.
Onionskin reports to the board of directors.
FOLDER 976 NBC Board of Directors Executive Vice Presidents Report 1932-35.
1 item.
Mimeographed 15-page report to David Sarnoff.
FOLDER 977 NBC Board of Directors Correspondence July-December 1934.
77 items.
Original, onionskin, handwritten, and mimeographed letters, memoranda, and reports to the board of directors.
Highlights: December 20, 1934, 5-page report discusses conflicts between radio, theaters, and motion pictures regarding NBC and Columbia inviting audiences to watch at on charge broadcasts at studios and theaters. Undated excerpt from a report where Walter Damrosch is asked if the quality of music has improved. He replies: "True, it certainly iss true. It iss so true that those dregs of civilization, the manachers of advertising achencies, and the vice presidents of automobile companies, haf begun to realize it." [sic] September, 17, 1934, congratulatory letter from M. H. Aylesworth to David Sarnoff on the occasion of Sarnoff's acceptance as chairman of the board of NBC.
FOLDER 978 NBC Board of Directors Agenda &Resolutions July-December 1934.
19 items.
Original, mimeographed, and onionskin memoranda and minutes from board of directors meetings.
FOLDER 979 NBC Board of Directors Reports to Board of Directors 1934.
20 items.
Original, onionskin, and mimeographed memoranda, letters, and reports to the board of directors.
FOLDER 980 NBC Board of Directors Agenda & Resolutions January-June 1934.
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