Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Board of Directors, 1926-1956 (continued) | |||||||||||||
NBC Board of Directors Agenda & Resolutions January-June 1934. (continued) | |||||||||||||
19 items. | |||||||||||||
Original, mimeographed, and onionskin memoranda and minutes from board of directors meetings. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER 981 | NBC Board of Directors Correspondence January-June 1934. | ||||||||||||
37 items. | |||||||||||||
Original, onionskin, handwritten, and mimeographed letters, memoranda, and
reports to the board of directors. Printed items: January, 1934 10-page pamphlet, NBC Program Policies. |
FOLDER 982 | NBC Board of Directors Correspondence July-December 1933. | ||||||||||||
36 items. | |||||||||||||
Original, onionskin, and mimeographed letters, memoranda, and reports to the board of directors. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER 983 | NBC Board of Directors Agenda & Resolutions July-December 1933. | ||||||||||||
28 items. | |||||||||||||
Onionskin and mimeographed memoranda and reports to the board of directors. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER 984 | NBC Board of Directors Correspondence January-June 1933. | ||||||||||||
33 items. | |||||||||||||
Onionskin and mimeographed memoranda and reports to the board of directors. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER 985 | NBC Board of Directors Agenda & Resolutions January-June 1933. | ||||||||||||
21 items. | |||||||||||||
Onionskin and mimeographed memoranda and reports to the board of directors. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER 986 | NBC Board of Directors Reports to Board of Directors 1933. | ||||||||||||
4 items. | |||||||||||||
Onionskin, handwritten, and mimeographed reports to the board of directors. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER 987 | NBC Board of Directors Agenda & Resolutions 1932. | ||||||||||||
14 items. | |||||||||||||
Original, onionskin and mimeographed memoranda, reports, and telegrams of resignation to the board of directors. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER 988 | NBC Board of Directors Agenda & Resolutions 1931. | ||||||||||||
10 items | |||||||||||||
Onionskin, handwritten, and mimeographed memoranda and reports to the board of directors. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER 989 | .NBC Board of Directors Agenda & Resolutions 1930 | ||||||||||||
14 items | |||||||||||||
Onionskin and mimeographed memoranda and reports to the board of directors. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER 990 | NBC Board of Directors Correspondence 1930. | ||||||||||||
4 items | |||||||||||||
Onionskin and mimeographed memo and reports to the board of directors. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER 991 | NBC Board of Directors Agenda ≈ Resolutions 1929. | ||||||||||||
19 items. | |||||||||||||
Onionskin and mimeographed memoranda and reports to the board of directors. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER 992 | NBC Board of Directors Agenda & Resolutions 1928. | ||||||||||||
21 items. | |||||||||||||
Onionskin and mimeographed memoranda and reports to the board of directors. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER 993 | NBC Board of Directors Correspondence 1928. | ||||||||||||
3 items. | |||||||||||||
Mimeographed memoranda concerning the board of directors. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER 994 | NBC Board of Directors Agenda & Resolutions 1927. | ||||||||||||
14 items. | |||||||||||||
Original, onionskin and mimeographed memoranda and reports to the board of directors. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER 995 | NBC Board of Directors Correspondence 1927. | ||||||||||||
56 items. | |||||||||||||
Onionskin and mimeographed memoranda and reports to the board of directors. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER 996 | NBC Board of Directors Agenda & Resolutions 1926. | ||||||||||||
14 items. | |||||||||||||
Original, onionskin and mimeographed memoranda and reports to the board of directors. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER 997 | NBC Board of Directors Correspondence 1926. | ||||||||||||
56 items. | |||||||||||||
Original, onionskin, and mimeographed telegrams, letters, memoranda, and reports to the board of directors. | |||||||||||||
Network Affiliates, 1923-1983 | |||||||||||||
44 folders. | |||||||||||||
Memoranda, correspondence and reports. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER 998 | NBC Network Affiliates. 1935 - 1989. | ||||||||||||
41 items. | |||||||||||||
Original, onionskin, mimeographed, and photocopied letters, memoranda, reports,
maps, press releases, and telegrams related to the NBC network and affiliates. Highlights: February 5, 1937, 42-page "Report on the Study for Improving National Broadcasting Company Network Facilities." April 17, 1939, NBC network facilities map. June 28, 1934, 3-page letter from WSYR of Syracuse, New York to NBC complaining of NBC's neglect of the Blue Network in favor of the Red Network. May, 1951 4-page report on the growth and development of the NBC television network. June, 1941 11-page report on the Pacific Coast Blue network, "Let's Do Something About the Blue." March 25, 1941, 25-page report, "The Growth of the Blue Network During 1940." |
FOLDER 999 | NBC Affiliates Station Contracts 1935. | ||||||||||||
6 items. | |||||||||||||
Original, onionskin, and mimeographed memoranda, contracts, a letter, and a
report on station contracts. Highlights: Undated 5-page report from the "NBC Contract Committee." |
FOLDER 1000 | NBC Affiliates Radio. 1923 - 1946. | ||||||||||||
11 items. | |||||||||||||
Original, onionskin, handwritten, and mimeographed letters, fan mail, articles,
and reports related to radio stations WCAP and WRC, as well as unrelated
correspondence concerning NBC's attempts to receive permission to distribute
transcriptions of speeches to schools. Highlights: July 17, 1925, letter from F.P. Guthrie to Dr. Alfred N. Goldsmith about WCAP's reluctance at WRC signing on immediately following their sign off. November 7, 1924, letter from David Sarnoff to F.P. Guthrie praising him for taking "criticism in the proper and manly way" after Guthrie's apology for sending an indiscreet letter to the phone company and the Department of Commerce that could have hindered RCA's radio plans. October 2, 1923, letter from RCA to Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, requesting exclusive rights to the Army-Navy football game. April 30, 1946, letter from Madame Chiang Kai-shek's secretary granting NBC permission to include her speeches in a NBC educational catalogue. March 28, 1946, letter from Winston Churchill's private secretary denying NBC request to include Churchill's speeches in the catalogue. March 20, 1946, letter from the White House granting NBC permission to include the President's speeches in the catalogue. |
FOLDER 1001 | NBC Affiliates Radio Executive Committee 1958. | ||||||||||||
41 items. | |||||||||||||
Original, onionskin, and mimeographed letters, memoranda, telegrams, contracts,
and reports from the NBC radio affiliates executive committee. Highlights: June 23, 1958, letter from WOOD radio & television to NBC urging the dropping of daytime drama from the weekday schedule. May 1, 1958, 11-page "Station Affiliate List." Printed items: April 15, 1958, 35-page booklet, Clearances, reports the number of affiliates that clear network programming as well as the adverse effects of non-clearance. January 1, 1958, 8-page booklet, Station Affiliate List NBC Radio Network. Four 1958 charts listing ratings of NBC network radio shows, major market clearance problems, profit analysis of major programs, and recommendations of program changes |
FOLDER 1002 | NBC Affiliates Radio Program Advisory Committee 1959. | ||||||||||||
9 items. | |||||||||||||
Original and mimeographed press releases, reports, a memorandum, and a letter
concerning the committee. Highlights: December 17, 1959, 3-page committee report recommends, among other things, to minimize the offbeat and "egghead" segments and to "take the bedroom out of the weather" by removing Miss Monitor from the Monitor program because "all were in agreement that her technique was not desirable." |
FOLDER 1003 | NBC Affiliates Radio Executive Committee 1959. | ||||||||||||
27 items. | |||||||||||||
Original, onionskin, and mimeographed memoranda, letters, press release,
telegrams, and reports from the executive committee. Highlights: October, 1959 closed circuit speech to radio affiliates. 1959 8-page NBC speech from NBC radio to its affiliates demanding their 100% clearance on News on the Hour, Monitor, and Analysis or risk the loss of NBC affiliation. October 13, 1959, 3-page NBC radio network present and proposed network sale schedule. |
FOLDER 1004 | NBC Affiliates Radio Agenda Minutes 1960. | ||||||||||||
73 items. | |||||||||||||
Original, onionskin, and mimeographed letters, speeches, telegrams, memoranda,
reports, and an article regarding NBC radio affiliates. Highlights: December 5, 1960, NBC telegram to affiliates not clearing enough network programming. |
FOLDER 1005 | NBC Affiliates Radio Executive Committee 1960. | ||||||||||||
11 items. | |||||||||||||
Original, onionskin, and mimeographed press releases, memoranda, a speech and
reports from both radio and television affiliates. Highlights: November, 1960 Robert W. Sarnoff speech to NBC Television affiliates. NBC television program listings from May 1 through September 7, 1960. |
FOLDER 1006 | NBC Affiliates Radio Executive Committee 1961. | ||||||||||||
8 items. | |||||||||||||
Onionskin and mimeographed memoranda and press releases from NBC radio affiliates meetings. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER 1007 | NBC Affiliates Radio Executive Committee 1962. | ||||||||||||
6 items. | |||||||||||||
Original and mimeographed memoranda, reports, and a press release from NBC radio affiliates meeting. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER 1008 | NBC Affiliates Radio Executive Committee 1957. | ||||||||||||
59 items. | |||||||||||||
Original, onionskin, handwritten, and mimeographed letters, reports, memoranda,
a telegram, and an affiliation contract from the executive committee meeting. Highlights: November, 1957 7-page report to affiliates, "How to Understand the New Simplified NBC Radio Compensation Plan. September 12, 1957, 11-page speech by Robert W. Sarnoff to NBC radio affiliates. August 6, 1957, letter from KVOO radio to NBC requesting an increase in local ad rates. August 5, 1957, 5-page report compares NBC radio & television with the competition. Printed items: October 1, 1957, 16-page booklet, Station Affiliate List NBC Radio Network. |
FOLDER 1009 | NBC Affiliates Radio Executive Commitee 1956. | ||||||||||||
34 items. | |||||||||||||
Original, onionskin, and mimeographed letters, memoranda, telegrams, reports,
an article, and a speech from the executive committee meeting. Highlights: November 5, 1956, 11-page report from the radio affiliates meeting. October 19, 1956, 4-page report outlines the 46 tasks that need to be done in preparation for the November 19, 1956, affiliates meeting. |
FOLDER 1010 | NBC Affiliates Radio Agenda Minutes 1955. | ||||||||||||
1 item. | |||||||||||||
Onionskin memo and letter concerning changes in NBC network radio. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER 1011 | NBC Affiliates Radio Agenda Minutes 1954. | ||||||||||||
4 items. | |||||||||||||
Original, handwritten, onionskin, and mimeographed memoranda, reports, and a telegram from the NBC radio affiliates meetings. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER 1012 | NBC Affiliates Radio Agenda Minutes 1953. | ||||||||||||
2 items. | |||||||||||||
Mimeographed and onionskin reports from the NBC radio affiliates meetings. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER 1013 | NBC Affiliates Radio Conventions 1947. | ||||||||||||
13 items. | |||||||||||||
Original, onionskin, photocopied, and mimeographed memoranda, reports, press
releases, a speech, and a telegram regarding NBC affiliates conventions. Highlights: 1938 15-page report, "NBC Network Facilities 1926-1938." Printed items: November, 1951 8-page NBC program, the Fifth Annual Convention. September, 1948 10-page NBC program, NBC Convention. September, 1947 8-page NBC program, First Annual Convention of the National Broadcasting Company and its Affiliated Stations. |
FOLDER 1014 | NBC Affiliates Convention Atlantic City 1947. | ||||||||||||
16 items. | |||||||||||||
Original, onionskin, and mimeographed letters, reports, and speeches from the affiliates convention. | |||||||||||||
FOLDER 1015 | NBC Affiliates Convention Greenbrier 1950. | ||||||||||||
31 items. | |||||||||||||
Original, onionskin, handwritten, and mimeographed memoranda, reports,
speeches, and letters relating to the affiliates convention. Highlights: October, 1950 11-page convention speech by Niles Trammell, "The Radio-Television Challenge." 1950 5-page report, "List of Possible TV Questions and Their Answers Which May be Raised by Affiliates at Greenbrier." |
FOLDER 1016 | NBC Affiliates Convention Chicago 1949. | ||||||||||||
11 items. | |||||||||||||
Mimeographed and onionskin letters, memoranda, press releases, speeches, a
telegram, and a report from the affiliate convention. Highlights: March 1, 1949, 25-page speech by Wayne Coy of the FCC to the affiliates convention. March 1, 1949, telegram mentions the CBS talent raids. Printed items: March 28, 1949, 25-page booklet, Charts Shown During NBC Affiliates Business Meeting. |
FOLDER 1017 | NBC Affiliates Convention Greenbrier 1949. | ||||||||||||
38 items. | |||||||||||||
Original, onionskin, handwritten, and mimeographed memoranda, letters,
speeches, an article, and reports from the affiliates convention. Highlights: October 18, 1949, 13-page summary of Hugh M. Beville's speech and slide presentation at the September affiliates convention. October, 1949 speech by Sylvester J. Weaver at the convention. |
FOLDER 1018 | NBC Affiliates Convention Sun Valley 1948. | ||||||||||||
10 items. | |||||||||||||
Original, onionskin, and mimeographed letters, memoranda, speeches, and reports
from the affiliates meetings. Highlights: September, 1948 11-page report, "Sales Outlook for Sound Broadcasting and Television." Printed items: 1948 brochure, Behind Your Radio Dial, describes the NBC documentary film of the same name that serves to popularize radio and facilitates the selling of radio as an advertising medium. |
FOLDER 1019 | NBC Affiliates Convention Atlantic City 1950. | ||||||||||||
4 items. | |||||||||||||
Mimeographed and handwritten reports from the affiliate meetings. Highlights: March 17, 1950, 12-page report includes list of proposed NBC radio programs, their stars, and the cost of each program. |
FOLDER 1020 | NBC Affiliates Convention Boca Raton-Speeches 1951. | ||||||||||||
27 items. | |||||||||||||
Original, onionskin, and mimeographed speeches, articles, and a memo from the affiliates meetings. | |||||||||||||
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