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National Broadcasting Company history files, 1922-1986

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Election News, 1962-1988 (continued)
Election Night 1984. (continued)
Original, handwritten, and photocopied coverage of the 1984 elections; includes schedules, technical requirements and arrangement, budgets, control room plans, remotes, graphics, and computer assignments. This was the last election night broadcast from Studio 8H. Contents removed from original generic, black three ring binder.
FOLDER 1344 Election Displays 1984 [white ring binder].
1 item.
Photocopied handbook for the use of NBC news personnel. Computer graphics guide.
FOLDER 1345 NBC News Decision 84; June 5 Primaries. 1984.
1 item.
Photocopied 77-page handbook for the use of NBC news personnel.
FOLDER 1346 NBC News Decision 84; Ohio, North Carolina, Indiana and Maryland Primaries, May 8, 1984.
1 item.
Photocopied 74-page handbook for the use of NBC news personnel.
FOLDER 1347 NBC News Decision 84; Pennsylvania Primaries, April 10, 1984.
1 item.
Photocopied 33-page handbook for the use of NBC news personnel.
FOLDER 13 48 NBC News Decision 84; New York and Wisconsin Primaries, April 3, 1984.
1 item.
Photocopied 36 page handbook for the use of NBC news personnel.
FOLDER 1349 NBC News Decision 84; Illinois Primaries and Minnesota Caucuses, March 20, 1984.
1 item.
Photocopied 40 page handbook for the use of NBC news personnel.
FOLDER 1350 NBC News Decision 84; March 13 Primaries and Caucuses. 1984.
1 item.
Photocopied 88-page handbook for the use of NBC news personnel.
FOLDER 13 51 NBC News Decision 84; New Hampshire Primaries, February 28, 1984.
1 item.
Photocopied 38-page handbook for the use of NBC news personnel.
FOLDER 1352 NBC News Decision 84; Iowa Caucuses, February 20, 1984.
1 item.
Photocopied 32-page handbook for the use of NBC news personnel.
FOLDER 1353 Decision 84; 1984 U.S. House Races [white ring binder].
1 item.
Handbook for the use of NBC news personnel.
FOLDER 1354 Decision 84; 1984 General Elections Handbook [white ring binder].
1 item.
Handbook for the use of NBC news personnel; contains state by state summaries and statistics about the general election.
FOLDER 1355 Actual and Estimate Cost Report Summary [clear ring binder]. 1984.
1 item.
Extensive budget data for the coverage of the presidential race.
FOLDER 1356 Photograph album [unlabeled red ring binder]. 1984.
1 item.
Photo album contains numerous color photographs of NBC personnel during 1984 election night coverage, this was the last election broadcast from studio 8H.
FOLDER 1357 1984 Election Graphics Equipment & Financial [white ringbinder].
1 item.
Handbook for the use of election graphic displays by NBC news personnel; includes budgets, system requirements, personnel assignments, and vendor contracts.
FOLDER 1358 1984 National Democratic & Republican Convention Budget.
1 item.
Itemized budget data for NBC coverage of both conventions.
FOLDER 1359 Results by Design; Vol. 1 (Preliminary). 1985.
1 item.
Election Graphics System overview and operation analysis of it's performance during the 1984 election night coverage.
FOLDER 1360 Results by Design (Unlabeled graphics. 1984.
6 items.
Sample graphics.
FOLDER 1361 1984 Election Coverage Preemptions.
2 items.
Photocopied memo and a printout of station clearances.
FOLDER 1362 Election Night 1984; Volume 1.
1 item.
Handbook for the use of NBC news personnel. Contents removed from original generic oversize black ring binder.
FOLDER 1363. 1984 Election Graphics Plan Tom Wolzien.
1 item.
Memos, budget analysis, grant proposals, system requirements, and descriptions of electronic graphics display system used to cover 1984 elections.
FOLDER 1364 Decision 82 [white ring binder]. 1982.
2 items.
General elections handbook for the use of NBC news personnel, organized by state it provides basic information about the candidates for governor, the U.S. Senate, and the House of Representatives. (2 copies).
FOLDER 1365 NBC News; 1980 Republican National Convention [white ring binder].
1 item.
Basic reference handbook for the use of NBC news personnel with editorial responsibilities, includes information about the convention site (Detroit), the schedules, committees, the candidates, state by state descriptions of the delegations, a GOP "who's who," and a brief history of the party.
FOLDER 1366 NBC News; 1980 Democratic National Convention [white ring binder].
1 item.
Basic reference handbook for the use of NBC news personnel with editorial responsibilities, includes information about the convention site (New York City), the schedules, committees, the candidates, state by state descriptions of the delegations, a summary of Democratic convention rules, a Democratic "who's who," and a brief history of the party.
FOLDER 1367 Decision 80; NBC News 1980 General Election Handbook.
1 item.
Handbook for the use of NBC news personnel covering the general elections, provides basic state by state information about both the Republican and Democratic contests for President, the U.S. Senate, state governor and key House of Representative seats
FOLDER 1368 Decision 80; U.S. House Races 1980.
1 item.
Handbook for the use of NBC news personnel covering the U.S. House of Representatives contests, provides state by state basic information about both parties candidates in 435 districts and includes information about independent or third party candidates whose support might possibly be strong enough to result in their election to the House.
FOLDER 1369 Local News Primary Handbook 1978 [brown ring binder].
1 item.
Handbook for the use of NBC news personnel covering local elections in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut.
FOLDER 1370 Local News Primary Election Handbook 1978 [black ring binder].
1 item.
Handbook for the use of NBC news personnel covering the major primary elections in New York and Connecticut.
FOLDER 1371 Decision 78; General Elections Handbook [grey ring binder]. 1978.
1 item.
Handbook for the use of NBC news personnel covering the midterm elections, it provides state by state analyst and information about the various House, Senate, and gubernatorial elections.
FOLDER 1372 Local News Election Handbook New York & New Jersey 1977 [black ring binder].
1 item.
Handbook for the use of NBC news personnel.
FOLDER 1373 NBC News; 1976 Republican National Convention [small cream-colored ring binder].
1 item.
Photocopied handbook for the use of NBC news personnel, state by state analysis of delegates, details of schedules, descriptions of convention site and facilities, lists of possible vice-presidential candidates and their backgrounds.
FOLDER 1374 Decision 76; Local News Election Handbook [black ring binder]. 1976.
1 item.
Photocopied fact book for the use of NBC news personnel covering the New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut primary elections, contains information about U.S. House and Senate contests, local elections, a special section on women in politics, demographic and geographic analysis, maps, and a synopsis of election and campaign funding laws. Dated August 31, 1976.
FOLDER 1375 1776/1976 NBC Celebrates America [white ring binder.
1 item.
Bicentennial handbook for the use of NBC news personnel covering the year long salute to America's Bicentennial, describes special programs and dramas to be presented during the course of the celebration.
FOLDER 1376 Decision 74 [black ring binder]. 1974.
1 item.
Handbook for the use of NBC news personnel covering the elections in the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate, and governorships. Information is organized by state.
FOLDER 1377 NBC News; Democratic Convention, Miami Beach, 1972 [small black ring binder].
1 item.
Photocopied handbook for the use of NBC news personnel, contains general information about the convention, effects of delegate selection reforms, state by state profiles of the delegations, information on various party voting blocs, biographical information of major and minor candidates plus their advisors, and background information on events leading up to the convention.
FOLDER 1378 NBC News Elections; November 3, 1970 [blue ring binder].
1 item.
Handbook for the use of NBC news personnel, contains state by state background information about all U.S. Senate, Governor, and some selected U.S. House of Representative contests.
FOLDER 1379 NBC News Elections; November 4, 1969 [blue ring binder].
1 item.
Mimeographed handbook for the use of NBC news personnel covering local elections in New York City and state, Connecticut, New Jersey, Virginia, and the elections of mayors in Cleveland, Detroit, and Pittsburgh.
FOLDER 1380 New York City Primary [blue ring binder]. 1969.
1 item.
Handbook for the use of NBC news personnel covering the June 17th primary election in New York City, the New York suburbs, and the Jersey City Mayoral run-off.
FOLDER 1381 NBC News Election Year '68 [blue ring binder]. 1968.
2 items.
Mimeographed handbook for the use of NBC news personnel covering the presidential, gubernatorial, senatorial, and House contests. Contains state by state analysis of voting districts, candidates, and important local issues (2 copies).
FOLDER 1382 NBC News; Republican Convention, Miami Beach, 1968 [small black ring binder].
1 item.
Photocopied handbook for the use of NBC news personnel, contains general information about the convention, effects of delegate selection reforms, state by state profiles of the delegations, information on various party voting blocs, biographical information of major and minor candidates plus their advisors, and background information on events leading up to the convention.
FOLDER 1383 Elections '66 [blue ring binder]. 1966.
1 item.
Handbook for the use of NBC news personnel covering the midyear general elections. Includes state by state description of candidates, issues, and effects of recent redistricting.
FOLDER 1384 Inauguration. 1965.
3 items.
Original and mimeographed history of Presidential Inaugurations for NBC staff covering the event, included are interesting facts, origins of inaugural traditions, and biographies of all the presidents. (3 copies).
FOLDER 1385 NBC News Political Handbook; Congress. 1964.
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