The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Louisiana hayride collection, 1904-2006
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Series 3. KWKH Radio and the Louisiana Hayride, 1942-2005 (continued)
Photographs, 1942–circa 1980s , undated (continued)
Louisiana Hayride, primary run, 1926, 1942-1969 , undated (continued)
Individual performers and performing groups, 1942 , 1950-1969 , undated (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 9/3 Johnny Horton and unidentified woman, circa 1954-1960
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P19
BOX-FOLDER 9/3 Johnny Horton performing on stage at the Louisiana Hayride, circa 1954-1960
Photographer: McEachern, Langston, 1918-2004
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P20
BOX-FOLDER 9/3 David Houston and sixteen-year-old James Burton performing on stage at the Louisiana Hayride, 1956
Photographer: McEachern, Langston, 1918-2004
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P21
Autographed on front by James Burton: "To Joey [Kent]. Peace & [illegible]. God bless."
For additional photographs of James Burton, see also Concert to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Elvis Presley's first appearance on the Louisiana Hayride, at the Municipal Auditorium, Shreveport, 2004 October 16
BOX-FOLDER 9/3 Van Howard publicity photographs, circa 1950-1956
3 photographic prints :
ID: RS 13857 P22–RS 13857 P24
BOX-FOLDER 9/4 Louisiana Hayride cast on stage, 1954 August 15 , undated
Photographer: McEachern, Langston, 1918-2004
2 photographic prints :
ID: RS 13857 P25
ID: RS 13857 P25 (copy 2)
Attached to the KWKH Louisiana Hayride banner above the stage is a smaller banner advertising Tube Rose Snuff, Brown & Williamson Tobacco Co.
BOX-FOLDER 9/4 Louisiana Hayride cast on stage, 1958
3 photographic prints :
ID: RS 13857 P26–RS 13857 P27 (copy 2)
Two of the photographic prints are duplicates.
BOX-FOLDER 9/4 The Maddox Brothers & Rose performing on the Louisiana Hayride stage, circa early 1950s
Photographer: McEachern, Langston, 1918-2004
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P28
BOX-FOLDER 9/4 Military band assembled on stage at Barksdale Field, Louisiana, for KWKH VE Day program, [1945 May?]
Photographer: Army Air Forces
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P29
Caption on front of photograph: "VE Day program transcription, Barksdale Field, LA."
BOX-FOLDER 9/5 Snapshot of Frankie Miller, Shelby Singleton, Margie Singleton, Dee Mullins, and Merle Kilgore, backstage at the Louisiana Hayride, 1959 November
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P30
BOX-FOLDER 9/5 Dolly Parton publicity photograph, circa 1967
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P31
BOX-FOLDER 9/5 Minnie Pearl performing on stage at the Louisiana Hayride, 1950s
2 photographic prints :
ID: RS 13857 P32; RS 13857 P33
BOX-FOLDER 9/5 Webb Pierce and unidentified woman holding Southern Maid donuts, 1949-1952
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P34
see also Norm Bale, Webb Pierce, and Jeff Dale, 1950s
BOX-FOLDER 9/5 Johnny Seay publicity photographs, circa 1958-1961
3 photographic prints :
ID: RS 13857 P35–RS 13857 P37
BOX-FOLDER 9/6 Nat Stuckey performing on stage at the Louisiana Hayride, 1960
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P38
BOX-FOLDER 9/6 Ernest Tubb publicity photograph, circa 1950s
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P39
Autographed, with handwritten message on front: "Good luck to everyone connected with the Hayride."
Slim Whitman, circa early 1950s
BOX-FOLDER 9/6 Slim Whitman and Mrs. [Horace?] Logan snapshot, circa early 1950s
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P40
Handwritten on back of photograph: "Mrs. Logan, Slim Whitman."
BOX-FOLDER 9/6 Slim Whitman performing for KWKH, 1953
Photographer: McEachern, Langston, 1918-2004
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P41
Hank Williams photographs, 1952 , undated
see also Tommy Hill, Hank Williams, "Socko" Sokolowski, and Johnny Horton, 1949-1953
BOX-FOLDER 9/6 Publicity photograph of Hank Williams on stage at the Louisiana Hayride, 1952 November
Photographer: Patterson, A. C.
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P42
BOX-FOLDER 9/6 Hank Williams snapshot with [Ray Carlisle?], between 1949 and 1953
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P43
BOX-FOLDER 9/6 Portrait photograph of Hank Williams, circa 1949
Photographer: McEachern, Langston, 1918-2004
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P44
BOX-FOLDER 9/7 Photographs of unidentified performers, undated
3 photographic prints :
ID: RS 13857 P45–RS 13857 RS 47
One of the photographs is credited to Langston McEachern.
Hosts and announcers, circa late 1940s–1950s , undated
Norm Bale photographs, 1950s
Most of the photographs show Norm Bale with Louisiana Hayride performers.
see also Louisiana Governor Jimmie Davis sits at a piano while Norm Bale, [Horace Logan?], and a group of musicians look on, at Davis's home, 1953 and Frank Page with Louisiana Hayride performers and hosts, [between 1948 and 1958?]
BOX-FOLDER 9/8 Norm Bale displays a box of Southern Maid donuts, circa 1950s
Graham's Studio
Graham's Studio , Shreveport, Louisiana
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P48
BOX-FOLDER 9/8 Norm Bale with child, late 1940s–early 1950s
Photographer: Eschenfelder, Cliff
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P49
The child appears to have drawn a sweepstakes ticket from a revolving drum to which a Holsum bread advertisement is attached.
BOX-FOLDER 9/8 Norm Bale, Ferlin Husky, and Tillman Franks posing informally, circa 1950s
Graham's Studio
Graham's Studio , Shreveport, Louisiana
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P50
BOX-FOLDER 9/8 Norm Bale, Webb Pierce, and Jeff Dale, 1950s
Graham's Studio
Graham's Studio , Shreveport, Louisiana
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P51
For an additional photograph of Webb Pierce, see also Webb Pierce and unidentified woman holding Southern Maid donuts, 1949-1952
BOX-FOLDER 9/8 Snapshot of Tex Ritter, Norm Bale, and unidentified man, circa 1950s
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P52
BOX-FOLDER 9/8 Snapshot of Norm Bale posing with three unidentified young women [performers?], circa 1950s
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P53
BOX-FOLDER 9/9 Jeff Dale Louisiana Hayride publicity photograph, circa 1948-1958
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P54
Biography: Dale was a Louisiana Hayride announcer during the period 1948-1958.
see also Frank Page with Louisiana Hayride performers and hosts, [between 1948 and 1958?]
Handwritten message on front of photograph: "To Evelyn: In this business I meet a host of people. Some I remember, some I forget. I remember those because of good things others have said about them. You are one that I remember. In friendship, Jeff."
BOX-FOLDER 9/9 Horace "Hoss" Logan publicity photographs and snapshot, 1953 , undated
3 photographic prints :
ID: RS 13857 P55–RS 13857 P57
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