The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Louisiana hayride collection, 1904-2006
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Series 4. Elvis Presley and the Louisiana Hayride, 1956-1994
RPA 00456, RPA 00459 (boxes 3, 9)
Series 4 includes ephemera, photographs, and newspaper articles regarding Elvis Presley's performances at the Louisiana Hayride.
Ephemera, 1994
BOX-FOLDER 3/3 KWKH's Louisiana Hayride : souvenir album
Reproduction of an original Louisiana Hayride souvenir program from March 1956 featuring Elvis Presley as a performer. The program was probably reproduced in 1994 in honor of the 40th anniversary of Presley's initial performance at the Louisiana Hayride.
BOX-FOLDER 3/4 Elvis at the Louisiana Hayride, 40th anniversary : October 16, 1954 to October 16, 1994, 1994
Program for a commemorative concert.
BOX-FOLDER 3/5 Newspaper articles, 1956-1987, undated
Includes a photocopied article from The Shreveport Times describing Elvis Presley's departure from the Louisiana Hayride, various original and reproduced retrospective articles highlighting Presley's ties to the Louisiana Hayride, and articles in honor of Presley after his death in 1977.
Photographic prints, circa 1954-2006 January
BOX-FOLDER 9/26 Elvis Presley portrait photographs, circa 1954-1956
2 photographic prints :
ID: RS 13857 P141–RS 13857 P142
Elvis Presley and his band performing on stage at the Louisiana Hayride
For additional photographs of D.J. Fontana, see also Concert to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Elvis Presley's first appearance on the Louisiana Hayride, at the Municipal Auditorium, Shreveport, 2004 October 16 . For additional photographs of Scotty Moore, see also Scotty Moore performing on stage, circa late 1990s or early 2000s
BOX-FOLDER 9/27 Elvis Presley performing with Scotty Moore and Bill Black, circa 1954-1955
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P143
BOX-FOLDER 9/27 Elvis Presley performing with Scotty Moore, D.J. Fontana, and Bill Black, 1955 January 2
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P144
Elvis Presley on stage with Scotty Moore, D.J. Fontana, and Bill Black in their final Louisiana Hayride performance, at the Hirsch Youth Building, Louisiana State Fairgrounds, Shreveport, 1956 December 15
BOX-FOLDER 9/27 Elvis Presley on stage with Scotty Moore, D.J. Fontana, and Bill Black, 1956 December 15
Photographer: Kinel, Ben
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P145
From left to right: Scotty Moore, Elvis Presley, D.J. Fontana, Bill Black, Norm Bale, unidentified man, Frank Page.
Handwritten on back of photographic print: "Norm Bale, Frank Page, Elvis Presley, Scotty Moore (guitar), Bill Black (bass), D.J. Fontana (drums)."
BOX-FOLDER 9/27 Elvis Presley on stage, 1956 December 15
Photographer: [Kinel, Ben?]
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P146
Handwritten on reverse: "To Gentry: From Claudia. El at Louisiana Hayride about 1958."
Written on reverse, in a different hand: "12-15-56."
BOX-FOLDER 9/27 Elvis Presley on stage with Scotty Moore, D.J. Fontana, and Bill Black, 1956 December 15
Photographer: Kinel, Ben
1 contact sheet :
ID: RS 13857 PC1
Sheet contains three images, each about 5 x 3 3/4 inches, including the image that corresponds to Ben Kinel 10 x 8-inch print (RS 13857 P145).
BOX-FOLDER 9/27 Elvis Presley on stage with the Jordanaires, 1956 December 15
Photographer: [Kinel, Ben?]
1 contact sheet :
ID: RS 13857 PC2
Sheet contains three images, each about 3 3/4 x 5 inches.
BOX-FOLDER 9/27 Elvis Presley with girlfriend, [Shirley Delgado?], circa 1955
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P147
BOX-FOLDER 9/28 Elvis Presley interacting with fans and giving interviews, circa 1956
2 contact sheets :
ID: RS 13857 PC3; RS 13857 PC4
BOX-FOLDER 9/29 Scotty Moore performing on stage, circa late 1990s or early 2000s
2 photographic prints :
ID: RS 13857 P148; RS 13857 P149
see also Elvis Presley and his band performing on stage at the Louisiana Hayride .
BOX-FOLDER 9/30 Concert to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Elvis Presley's first appearance on the Louisiana Hayride, at the Municipal Auditorium, Shreveport, 2004 October 16
16 photographic prints :
ID: RS 13857 P150–RS 13857 P1165
Photographs show various performers on stage and individuals assembled backstage. Included are longtime Hayride announcer Frank Page, who emceed the show; members of the TCB Band (Taking Care of Business), a band that toured with Presley from circa 1969-1977 and included James Burton (guitar), Terry Mike Jeffrey (vocals), Jerry Scheff (bass), Ronnie Tutt (drums), and Glen D. Hardin (piano, not shown); D.J. Fontana (being interviewed by concert producer Darwin Lamm); and the Jordanaires. There are also photographs of the Elvis Presley statue in front of the Shreveport Municipal Auditorium and an Elvis Presley museum display.
The photographs were in an envelope labeled: "E.P. 50th." The specific date written on the back of some of the photographs is 2006 January 6.
For additional photographs of James Burton, see also David Houston and sixteen-year-old James Burton performing on stage at the Louisiana Hayride, 1956. For additional photographs of Frank Page, see also Frank Page with Louisiana Hayride performers and hosts, [between 1948 and 1958?] For additional photographs of D.J. Fontana, see also Elvis Presley and his band performing on stage at the Louisiana Hayride .
BOX-FOLDER 9/31 Frank Page and Tillman Franks at a celebration honoring Elvis Presley's 71st birthday, at the Municipal Auditorium, Shreveport, 2006 January 8
5 photographic prints :
ID: RS 13857 P166–RS 13857 P170
For additional photographs of Frank Page, see also Frank Page with Louisiana Hayride performers and hosts, [between 1948 and 1958?]
Series 5. Radio and Country Music Periodicals and Publications, 1916-2003
RPA 00456-00458 (boxes 3-5)
Series 5 includes various radio, music, and local Louisiana periodicals. The country and rock and roll music periodicals and the local Louisiana periodicals feature articles related to the history of the Louisiana Hayride and KWKH radio.
All materials were arranged alphabetically and chronologically within groupings.
Radio periodicals, 1916-1933
BOX-FOLDER 3/6 The Air Pilot, 1931 June-1932 February
BOX-FOLDER 3/7 Andrew's Radio Directory and Log-Book, 1926 summer
BOX-FOLDER 3/8 Horseless Age, 1916 December 1
BOX-FOLDER 3/9 International Radio Atlas, 1928-1933
QST Magazine, 1921 March-1926 December
BOX-FOLDER 3/10 1921 March-December
BOX-FOLDER 3/11 1922 November-December
BOX-FOLDER 4/1 1923 August-September
BOX-FOLDER 4/2 1924 September-1925 September
BOX-FOLDER 4/3 1926 August-September
BOX-FOLDER 4/4 1926 October-December
BOX-FOLDER 4/5 Radio Age, 1923 September-1924 September
BOX-FOLDER 4/6 Radio Broadcast, 1926-1929
BOX-FOLDER 4/7 Radio Digest, 1926 January 2-1930 January
Radio News, 1929 February-1932 December
BOX-FOLDER 4/8 1929 February-March
BOX-FOLDER 4/9 1929 May-December
BOX-FOLDER 5/1 1930 July-1932 December
BOX-FOLDER 5/2 What's on the Air, 1930 October
Country and rock and roll music periodicals, 1953-2003
BOX-FOLDER 5/3 Blue Suede News, 1999 winter
BOX-FOLDER 5/4 Country Music, 1998 July-August
BOX-FOLDER 5/5 Country Music People, 2003 September
BOX-FOLDER 5/6 Country Song Roundup, 1953-1956
BOX-FOLDER 5/7 Cowboy Songs, number 22
BOX-FOLDER 5/8 Folk and Country Songs, 1958 March-April
Local Louisiana periodicals, 2000-2003
BOX-FOLDER 5/9 Louisiana Life, 2002-2003 winter
BOX-FOLDER 5/10 SB Magazine, 2000
Series 6. Songbooks and Sheet Music, 1931-1948 , undated
RPA 00458 (box 5)
Series 6 includes collections of sheet music for various country music and gospel songs.
Materials were arranged alphabetically by title.
BOX-FOLDER 5/11 Favorite Song Hits of the Rice Brothers and Their Radio Gang, 1942
BOX-FOLDER 5/12 "Louisiana Hayride" from the Musical Comedy Flying Colors, undated
Flying Colors was a musical revue (book, lyrics, and music by Arthur Schwartz and Howard Dietz) that ran on Broadway from September 1932 until January 1933 and included the song "Louisiana Hayride."
BOX-FOLDER 5/13 National Baptist Song Special, number one, 1941
BOX-FOLDER 5/14 Songs of the Southland: as Presented by Buddy Jones, the Singing Cowboy, 1931
BOX-FOLDER 5/15 The Bailes Brothers Song Folio, number 2, 1948
Series 7. Accompanying Descriptive Documentation, 1956-1987 , undated
RPA 00456, RPA 00458 (boxes 3, 5); RPB 00012-00013 (boxes 6-7)
BOX 5 "The Louisiana Hayride Archives, Including the KWKH Archives and the Early Shreveport Radio and Television Archives: an Illustrated Sampling of Assets," undated
BOX 7 Louisiana Hayride payroll ledger, 1960s
Collection catalogs and indices, 1951-1987
BOX-FOLDER 3/1 Graham Louisiana Hayride Audio Tape Collection catalog, 1956-1961
BOX-FOLDER 3/2 Kent Louisiana Hayride Digital Audio Tape Collection index, 1951 October 13-1985 October 17
BOX 6 The Louisiana Hayride, the David Kent shows, 1977-1987
BOX-FOLDER 3/12 The Louisiana Hayride, secondary run playlists, circa 1977
Additional playlists from the David Kent shows. These lists document radio program numbers 852, 854, 856-858, 860, 863-865.

Contents List