The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Louisiana hayride collection, 1904-2006
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Series 3. KWKH Radio and the Louisiana Hayride, 1942-2005 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 2/10-11 Programs, 1950-1974 , undated
Some programs include performer autographs.
Ephemera, 1948-1972 , undated
Includes KWKH administrative documentation, memorabilia, and an assortment of peripheral material associated with the radio station and its history. Notable items include a KWKH listener appreciation concert ticket stub, a group of official KWKH EKKO radio reception stamps, and a small notebook with autographs of several early Louisiana Hayride performers.
BOX-FOLDER 2/12 Ephemera, 1948-1972 , undated
BOX 7 Polly Waldron's Open House Cook Book, 1962 August
Program notes, 1954-1957
BOX-FOLDER 2/13 1954
BOX-FOLDER 2/14 1955
BOX-FOLDER 2/15 1956
BOX-FOLDER 2/16 1957
Newspaper advertisements, 1960-1967
BOX-FOLDER 2/17 1960-1963
BOX-FOLDER 2/18 1964-1967
BOX-FOLDER 8/3 Johnny Cash advertisement, The Billboard's Popularity Charts, 1956 July 7
BOX 10 The Louisiana Hayride: the glory years, 1948-60: a compilation of newspaper articles, pictures, and advertisements, compiled by Robert Gentry, 1998
Photographs, 1942–circa 1980s , undated
Louisiana Hayride, primary run, 1926, 1942-1969 , undated
Photographs predominantly show performers and hosts from the Louisiana Hayride country music show. Also represented are various individuals and events associated with this period of KWKH radio history.
Individual performers and performing groups, 1942 , 1950-1969 , undated
Publicity photographs, snapshots, and performance images.
BOX-FOLDER 9/1 Gene Autry at Municipal Auditorium, 1951
LSU-Shreveport Archives
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P1
BOX-FOLDER 9/1 Linda Brannon performing on stage at the Louisiana Hayride, 1958
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P2
Johnny Cash photographs, circa late 1950s–1969
BOX-FOLDER 9/1 Johnny Cash and Johnny Horton, circa late 1950s
2 photographic prints :
ID: RS 13857 P3; RS 13857 P4
One of the photographs is credited to Graham's Studio, Shreveport.
For additional photographs of Johnny Horton, see also Johnny Horton photographs, circa 1954-1960
BOX-FOLDER 9/1 Johnny Cash with unidentified man at the Louisiana State Fair, 1969
Photographer: Paul Ambrico Photography
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P5
Jimmie Davis photographs, circa 1926-1929 , 1942
BOX-FOLDER 9/1 Professor J.H. Davis, Dodd College portrait photograph, between 1926 and 1929
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P6
Biography: Davis taught history and social studies at the Dodd College for Girls in Shreveport for one year in the late 1920s.
BOX-FOLDER 9/1 Jimmie Davis in performance at KWKH, 1942
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P7
BOX-FOLDER 9/1 Louisiana governor Jimmie Davis sits at a piano while Norm Bale, [Horace Logan?], and a group of musicians look on, at Davis's home, 1953
Film Arbor Studio
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P8
For additional photographs of Norm Bale, see also Norm Bale photographs, 1950s
BOX-FOLDER 9/2 Sonny Frommel, Ray Leckie, Dickie French, Fats Povis, and Frankie Miller posing with their instruments, California, 1952
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P9
Handwritten on back of photographic print: "The band Sonny and I played with when we were in the army."
BOX-FOLDER 9/2 Harold Gay, Frankie Miller, and Felton Pruitt performing on stage, circa 1960
Graham's Studio
Graham's Studio , Shreveport, Louisiana
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P10
BOX-FOLDER 9/2 Dale Hawkins performing on stage, 1958
LSU Shreveport Archives
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P11
BOX-FOLDER 9/2 Tommy Hill, Hank Williams, "Socko" Sokolowski, and Johnny Horton, 1949-1953
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P12
For additional photographs of Hank Williams, see also Hank Williams photographs, 1952, undated. For additional photographs of Johnny Horton, see also Johnny Horton photographs, circa 1954-1960
Johnny Horton photographs, circa 1954-1960
see also Johnny Cash and Johnny Horton, circa late 1950s and Tommy Hill, Hank Williams, "Socko" Sokolowski, and Johnny Horton, 1949-1953
BOX-FOLDER 9/2 Johnny Horton and Frank Page snapshot, circa 1954-1960
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P13
For additional photographs of Frank Page, see also Frank Page with Louisiana Hayride performers and hosts, [between 1948 and 1958?]
BOX-FOLDER 9/2 Johnny Horton portrait snapshots, circa 1954-1960
2 photographic prints :
ID: RS 13857 P14; RS 13857 P15
BOX-FOLDER 9/2 Johnny Horton seated in automobile, [between 1955 and 1960?]
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P16
Duplicate of original photographic print with handwriting on front: "His car he was killed in, November 5th, 1960."
This image appears on the cover of Horton's album Done Rovin' (Briar 104, 1966).
BOX-FOLDER 9/3 Johnny Horton portrait photograph with mirror, circa 1954-1960
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P17
Autographed on front of photograph (quoting the song "Done Rovin'" from the Horton single (Cormac 1193, 1951) and album of the same title): "To Mom and Dad, I'm 'Done Rovin' down that lonesome road. Love & kisses, Johnny Horton."
BOX-FOLDER 9/3 Johnny Horton portrait photograph with guitar, circa 1954-1960
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P18
BOX-FOLDER 9/3 Johnny Horton and unidentified woman, circa 1954-1960
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P19
BOX-FOLDER 9/3 Johnny Horton performing on stage at the Louisiana Hayride, circa 1954-1960
Photographer: McEachern, Langston, 1918-2004
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P20
BOX-FOLDER 9/3 David Houston and sixteen-year-old James Burton performing on stage at the Louisiana Hayride, 1956
Photographer: McEachern, Langston, 1918-2004
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P21
Autographed on front by James Burton: "To Joey [Kent]. Peace & [illegible]. God bless."
For additional photographs of James Burton, see also Concert to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Elvis Presley's first appearance on the Louisiana Hayride, at the Municipal Auditorium, Shreveport, 2004 October 16
BOX-FOLDER 9/3 Van Howard publicity photographs, circa 1950-1956
3 photographic prints :
ID: RS 13857 P22–RS 13857 P24
BOX-FOLDER 9/4 Louisiana Hayride cast on stage, 1954 August 15 , undated
Photographer: McEachern, Langston, 1918-2004
2 photographic prints :
ID: RS 13857 P25
ID: RS 13857 P25 (copy 2)
Attached to the KWKH Louisiana Hayride banner above the stage is a smaller banner advertising Tube Rose Snuff, Brown & Williamson Tobacco Co.
BOX-FOLDER 9/4 Louisiana Hayride cast on stage, 1958
3 photographic prints :
ID: RS 13857 P26–RS 13857 P27 (copy 2)
Two of the photographic prints are duplicates.
BOX-FOLDER 9/4 The Maddox Brothers & Rose performing on the Louisiana Hayride stage, circa early 1950s
Photographer: McEachern, Langston, 1918-2004
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P28
BOX-FOLDER 9/4 Military band assembled on stage at Barksdale Field, Louisiana, for KWKH VE Day program, [1945 May?]
Photographer: Army Air Forces
1 photographic print :
ID: RS 13857 P29
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