The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Louisiana hayride collection, 1904-2006
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Series 5. Radio and Country Music Periodicals and Publications, 1916-2003 (continued)
Local Louisiana periodicals, 2000-2003
BOX-FOLDER 5/9 Louisiana Life, 2002-2003 winter
BOX-FOLDER 5/10 SB Magazine, 2000
Series 6. Songbooks and Sheet Music, 1931-1948 , undated
RPA 00458 (box 5)
Series 6 includes collections of sheet music for various country music and gospel songs.
Materials were arranged alphabetically by title.
BOX-FOLDER 5/11 Favorite Song Hits of the Rice Brothers and Their Radio Gang, 1942
BOX-FOLDER 5/12 "Louisiana Hayride" from the Musical Comedy Flying Colors, undated
Flying Colors was a musical revue (book, lyrics, and music by Arthur Schwartz and Howard Dietz) that ran on Broadway from September 1932 until January 1933 and included the song "Louisiana Hayride."
BOX-FOLDER 5/13 National Baptist Song Special, number one, 1941
BOX-FOLDER 5/14 Songs of the Southland: as Presented by Buddy Jones, the Singing Cowboy, 1931
BOX-FOLDER 5/15 The Bailes Brothers Song Folio, number 2, 1948
Series 7. Accompanying Descriptive Documentation, 1956-1987 , undated
RPA 00456, RPA 00458 (boxes 3, 5); RPB 00012-00013 (boxes 6-7)
BOX 5 "The Louisiana Hayride Archives, Including the KWKH Archives and the Early Shreveport Radio and Television Archives: an Illustrated Sampling of Assets," undated
BOX 7 Louisiana Hayride payroll ledger, 1960s
Collection catalogs and indices, 1951-1987
BOX-FOLDER 3/1 Graham Louisiana Hayride Audio Tape Collection catalog, 1956-1961
BOX-FOLDER 3/2 Kent Louisiana Hayride Digital Audio Tape Collection index, 1951 October 13-1985 October 17
BOX 6 The Louisiana Hayride, the David Kent shows, 1977-1987
BOX-FOLDER 3/12 The Louisiana Hayride, secondary run playlists, circa 1977
Additional playlists from the David Kent shows. These lists document radio program numbers 852, 854, 856-858, 860, 863-865.

Contents List