The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Tony Schwartz collection, 1912-2008
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Series 2. Business and Professional Materials, 1940-2005 (continued)
Client projects: political campaigns, 1956-1997 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 88/4 Miscellaneous political client correspondence, 1972-1986, undated
BOX-FOLDER 88/5 Miscellaneous political scripts, 1980-1997, undated
BOX 222 Lever voting machine model, undated
Instructional model, 13x10x1 inches, of a metal, lever-style voting machine made by AVM (Automatic Voting Machine) Corporation of Jamestown, New York.
Client projects: public service announcements (PSAs), circa 1940s-2002, undated
Business materials, arranged by client, for public service announcements and non-profit radio and television advertisements produced by Tony Schwartz. The clients range from single issue campaigns, such as the Rent Stabilization Association, to national movements, such as anti-smoking (Doctors Ought to Care, Patrick Reynolds Foundation for a Smokefree America, American Cancer Society, etc.), fire safety (New York Fire Department, First Alert), AIDS awareness, and crime prevention (Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, Crimestoppers, etc.). The bulk of the material consists of scripts, correspondence, and research materials, such as newspaper clippings, surveys, and brochures. Other material includes photographs, posters, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists HR reports, receipts, and contracts.
Please note that some PSA clients might also be found in other series.
Anti-smoking materials may be found throughout the collection under names of specific clients, but there are also more general anti-smoking files. In the alphabetical listing of clients and topics below, look under entries beginning with "Anti-smoking ..." for interview transcripts; photographs, postcards, posters, and drawings; research materials; and PSA scripts. In Series 4, see the anti-smoking subject files for a variety of published materials on the topic.
BOX-FOLDER 89/1 911 scripts, correspondence, and research, 1979-04-1981-01-05
BOX-FOLDER 89/2 1010 WINS radio scripts and correspondence, 1992-12-21-2001-09-21
Relates to "World Trade Center heroes."
See also Patrolmen's Benevolent Association and New Sounds, Inc.
BOX-FOLDER 89/3 ABC Radio Network scripts, correspondence, and research, 2000-09-26-2000-12-05
Includes material on distracted driving.
Action Committee for Higher Education, 1982-1983
BOX-FOLDER 89/4 Correspondence and research, 1982-06-15-circa 1982
BOX-FOLDER 89/5 Scripts, correspondence, and research, 1982-03-18-1983-01-10
Advocacy Institute anti-smoking materials, 1984-1990
BOX-FOLDER 89/6 Smoking Control Advocacy Resource Center, 1987-06-1989-05-03
See also Kids Against Public Smoking .
BOX-FOLDER 89/7 Research, 1986-09-1987-05-01
BOX-FOLDER 89/8 Correspondence and research, 1984-12-21-1987-12-28
BOX-FOLDER 89/9 Research, 1989-02-17-1990-09-20
BOX-FOLDER 90/1 AIDS book scripts, 1992-04-16-1992-04-17
Intended voice actor: Bob Landers.
See also Children's Defense Fund .
BOX-FOLDER 90/2 AIDS Medical Foundation scripts, correspondence, and research, 1985-01-08-1986-11-03
BOX-FOLDER 90/3 AIDS, Proposition 102 scripts, correspondence, and research, 1988-09-16-1988-11-01
BOX-FOLDER 90/4 Alliance for Consumer Rights scripts, 1985-11-05-1985-11-15
BOX-FOLDER 90/5 Alliance for Quality Education scripts, correspondence, and report, 1993-04-20-1993-05-17
Includes an American Federation of Television and Radio Artists HR report.
American Cancer Society anti-smoking materials, 1983-1995
See also Roswell Park Cancer Institute , David Goerlitz PSA file , Doctors Ought to Care scripts , and City University of New York anti-smoking initiative in Schwartz's teaching materials.
BOX-FOLDER 90/6 Scripts, correspondence, and research, 1983-01-25-1991-10-15
Includes interviews and contacts.
BOX-FOLDER 90/7 Scripts and correspondence, 1985-08-27-1995-06-19
Includes contracts and child abuse campaign.
BOX-FOLDER 90/8 American Marketing Association, 1996-05-31
Protest correspondence concerning the Marlboro Man advertising campaign's induction into the Marketing Hall of Fame. Includes DOC "barf bags."
See also Doctors Ought to Care scripts .
BOX-FOLDER 229/5-6 American Cancer Society posters, 1985, undated
Folder 5 contains multiple copies of a 1985 color poster, 23 1/2x17 inches, of a cigarette, the end of which looks like the muzzle of a gun. The cigarette is bent back on itself so that the smoking "gun" is pointing at the smoker. The posters are buckled and stuck to one another, possibly due to water damage.
Folder 6 contains three copies of a poster, 22x17 inches, showing the belly and hands of a pregnant woman holding a lit cigarette. The primary text reads, "Some people commit child abuse before their child is even born."
American Civil Liberties Union, 1987-1997
Acronym is ACLU.
Intended for voice actor: Bob Landers.
BOX-FOLDER 90/9 Scripts, correspondence, and research, 1989-03-21-1997-06-03
Abortion rights.
BOX-FOLDER 90/10 Scripts and research, 1987-1989-07-06
Abortion rights.
BOX-FOLDER 91/1 American College of Emergency Physicians scripts, 1989-09-15-1991-09-15
Intended voice actor: Bob Landers.
BOX-FOLDER 91/2-3 American Committee on East West Accord scripts, research, and correspondence, 1982-12-23-1984-01-25
BOX-FOLDER 91/4 American Council on Education scripts, research, and correspondence, 1985-01-06-1985-08-30
BOX-FOLDER 91/5 American Council on Science and Health research and newsletters, 1986-03-1987-03-06
BOX-FOLDER 91/6 American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations scripts and correspondence, 1981-06-01-1981-07-09
BOX-FOLDER 91/7 American Federation of Teachers correspondence, 1988-12-19
BOX-FOLDER 91/8 American Foundation for AIDS Research scripts and research, certificate of appreciation, 1987-02-05-1990-05-13
Includes a certificate of appreciation.
BOX-FOLDER 91/9 American Heart Association anti-smoking script, 1989-02-20-1989-02-24
See also Martin Himmel Health Foundation .
BOX-FOLDER 91/10 American Hospital Association scripts and research, 1987-06-05-1988-06-14
BOX-FOLDER 91/11 American Lung Association contract, 1998-08-21-1998-08-24
BOX-FOLDER 91/12 Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights scripts and research, 1984-08-15-1987-12-02
Includes material relating to Massachusetts governor Michael Dukakis.
BOX-FOLDER 91/13 American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 1982-08-23-1985-12-03
The acronym for the society is ASPCA.
BOX-FOLDER 91/14 Animals in Research research and correspondence, 1989-06-23-1989-06-30
BOX-FOLDER 91/15 Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith scripts, 1979-10-03
BOX-FOLDER 92/1 Anti-smoking interview transcripts, 1986-05-22-1991-11-21
Transcripts of interviews with Ken McFeeley, New York City mayor Ed Koch, Chou Wen-Chung, Hugh Wyatt of the New York Daily News, Robert Oxnam, Logan, Bruce, Bill Taylor, Herbert Marshall McLuhan, Dr. Josephs, various firemen, George Bernard Shaw, Reverend Calvin D. Butts, Victor Crawford, Lynn Schwartz, Sandy Stewart, Mark Porterfield, Bill Ellett, Frank Veteran, Dr. C. Everett Koop, and Bob Landers.
BOX 201 Anti-smoking color photographs, circa 1980s
Seventeen 4x6 inch and smaller color photographs showing a Marlboro "cowboy" bus billboard with graffiti, "Hi ho cancer;" convenience store window ads for Ritz, Winston, Salem, and other cigarette brands; store shelves filled with cigarette cartons; a boy selling cigarettes behind a convenience store counter; Tony Schwartz being interviewed at a smoking and health event; a Salem cigarettes ad offering a "free T-shirt with 1 pack purchase;" and a receptacle filled with cigarette butts and displaying sign," Please deposit cigarette butts in the receptacles."
BOX-FOLDER 220/6 Anti-smoking postcards, posters, and photographs, circa 1980s-1990s
Three copies of a postcard (6x4 inches) and two copies of a small poster (12x9 inches) linking smoking with impotence; two photographs of Tom Funk anti-smoking cartoons (approximately 8 1/2x11 inches); a photograph of a Marlboro ad showing a cowboy with horses (9x12 inches); a contact sheet of images showing a large Marlboro sign placed above the entrance to a grocery store (and other unidentified shots); a contact sheet containing fisheye lens images of a large "Marlboro Country Music" banner and a photographic print (14x 11 inches) made from one of those images; and a "Smoking Prohibited" sign (torn along upper edge).
See also the Lincoln Center scripts and research file concerning the Marlboro Country Music event.
BOX-FOLDER 225/8-10 Anti-smoking artwork, [1980s?]
Copies of anti-smoking drawings (and one printed item), possibly to be used in posters.
BOX-FOLDER 225/11 Anti-smoking posters and greeting card, 1982, undated
One color poster (13 1/2x9 inches) and one color greeting card (7x10 inches, open) featuring a Far Sidedrawing by Gary Larson of three dinosaurs smoking, with the caption, "The real reason dinosaurs became extinct." The file also contains a color poster (11x17 inches) showing a color photographic image of an unhappy man sitting at a desk, with the captions, "Cigarettes are killing me, and I don't even smoke" and "Rich Croland: he's too young to die" (additional text also included).
BOX-FOLDER 92/2 Anti-smoking research materials, 1960s-1993-09-08
Vintage TV and radio smoking ads in script form, interviews with smoking victims, and an essay by Rachel Lynn, "The Effects of Secondhand Smoke on the Non-smoker."
Anti-smoking scripts, 1985-1993
BOX-FOLDER 92/3 No sponsor, 1988-01-25-1993-08-30
General scripts without a sponsor.
BOX-FOLDER 92/4 Sponsors, 1985-08-27-1986-12-03
Scripts from the following sponsors: American Cancer Society, R.J. Reynolds, WMCA, American Lung Association, American Heart Association, People for a Smoke-Free Indoors, Doctors Ought to Care, Bantron, Bowery Savings Bank, CUNY (City University of New York), and Empire Blue Cross and Blue Shield. This group of scripts was purposefully kept together by Tony Schwartz.
Copies of the scripts may also be found in their related client folders.
BOX-FOLDER 92/5 Arlington County, Virginia, Police Department letters, 1981-02-27-1987-04-07
Two letters.
BOX-FOLDER 92/6 Arson on W. 56th Street scripts and correspondence, 1984-10-27-1984-11-14
Concerns an arsonist who set a fire that killed a three-year-old girl.
Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Massachusetts, 1980-1986
The association's acronym is AICUM.
BOX-FOLDER 92/7 Scripts, correspondence, and research, 1982-02-07-1986-07-21
BOX-FOLDER 92/8 Correspondence and research, 1980-09-18-1985-11-12
BOX-FOLDER 92/9 Bantron scripts and correspondence, 1983-12-31-1986-11-03
See also Compoz in Schwartz's commercial clients material.
BOX-FOLDER 93/1 Rabbi Jack Bemporad correspondence, 1992-04-1992-02-19
Bemporad was rabbi of Temple Israel in Lawrence, New York.
BOX-FOLDER 93/2 Biotechnology Industry Organization scripts, 1993-05-25-1993-05-28
BOX-FOLDER 93/3 Bowery Savings Bank anti-smoking scripts, 1986-04-28
BOX-FOLDER 93/4 Bread for the World Educational Fund scripts, 1983-08-02
BOX-FOLDER 93/5 Brooklyn College Students scripts, 1992-10-30
BOX-FOLDER 93/6 Reverend Calvin Butts scripts regarding a Phillip Morris billboard, 1990-06-16-1990-06-19
BOX-FOLDER 93/7 Center for Auto Safety scripts and research, 1980-07-10-1980-08-26
BOX-FOLDER 93/8 Center for Science in the Public Interest script, research, and correspondence, 1982-02-12-1995-04-12
BOX-FOLDER 93/9 Center to Prevent Handgun Violence scripts and report, 1987-08-27-1990-06-12
Scripts and an American Federation of Television and Radio Artists HR report.
Intended for voice actors: Dan Ingram, Bob Landers, and Maureen Donnelly.
See also Handgun Control, Inc.
Children's Defense Fund, 1990-1992
BOX-FOLDER 93/10 Scripts, 1991-12-12-1992-10-02
See also AIDS book .
BOX-FOLDER 93/11 Correspondence and research, 1991-03-14-1992-10-02
BOX-FOLDER 93/12 Research, 1990-03-19-1990-07-28
BOX-FOLDER 93/13 Citizens Against Casino Gambling scripts, 1994-10-21
Directed by Joe Napolitan; voice actor: Bob Landers.
Citizens Against Tobacco Smoke
See Citizens for a Tobacco Free Society .
BOX-FOLDER 93/14 Citizens for a Nuclear Freeze, and Sane script, 1983-05-10
"Brought to you by Citizens for a Nuclear Freeze, and Sane."
BOX-FOLDER 93/15 Citizens for a Safer New York scripts, 1990-09-12-1990-09-14
Intended for voice actor: Bob Landers.
See also the Media Peace Corps .
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