The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Tony Schwartz collection, 1912-2008
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Series 1. Biographical and Personal Materials, 1931-2008 (continued)
Awards, honorary degrees, 1960-2001 (continued)
BOX 215 National ALS Foundation plaques awarded to Tony Schwartz, 1980 , 1982
Two framed "thank you for caring" plaques: 1980 award, 7x5x 3/4 inches; 1982 award, 10x8x7/8 inches.
BOX 216 United Nations Department of Public Information finalist award to New Sounds, Inc., for "Linda B.," 1992
Framed 10x13x1 1/2 inch UNDPI award "... presented in conjunction with the International Advertising Association and the New York Festivals for outstanding achievement in Public Service Advertising which best exemplifies the ideals and goals of the United Nations."
BOX 224 CLIO awards for Vick's Formula 44 cough syrup radio commercials, 1970
Two framed 16 1/2x9 1/4x1/2 inch awards presented to Benton & Bowles (advertising agency) and New Sounds, Inc. (Tony Schwartz's production company), at the American Television and Radio Commercials Festival, 1970 CLIO Awards, New York City. One award was for the cough syrup ad "Close Places," the other for "Elevator 1." Both were originally aired in 1969.
BOX-FOLDER 225/3 Kentucky Colonel commission for Tony Schwartz, 1979-02-09
Two copies (each 17x11 inches) of a Kentucky Colonel commission for Schwartz from commonwealth of Kentucky Governor Julian M. Carroll.
BOX 201 "A Salute to Tony Schwartz" color photographs, 1998-04-07
Eighty-seven color, 5x7 inch photographic prints taken of participants and family members at "A Salute to Tony Schwartz," a seminar held in 1998 at the Museum of Television and Radio. Included are images of Tony Schwartz; his wife Reenah Schwartz; his colleague and friend Ann Weiss; seminar moderator Jennifer Lewis; and seminar participants David Hoffman, Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Charles Osgood, Burt Manning, Joe Napolitan, and Mike Pertschuk.
See box 5/1 for the program describing the event.
BOX-FOLDER 5/3 Pratt Institute honorary degree forms, 1964-11-25-2000-11-20
Pratt Institute honorary degree recommendation form; letter of recommendation from Bill Moyers; letter of recommendation from Kevin Gatta to Thomas F. Schutte; Pratt Alumnus profile on Tony Schwartz.
BOX-FOLDER 5/4 Awards of merit from Communication Arts, circa 1969-circa 1970
Certificates for awards of merit for 1969 and 1970 from Communication Arts magazine.
BOX-FOLDER 5/5 Materials relating to an honorary doctorate from Stonehill College, 1986-05-18-1986-05-20
Commencement programs, announcement, thank-you letter from Tony Schwartz, all related to Schwartz's honorary doctorate from Stonehill College.
BOX 217 Tony Schwartz's honorary doctorate in communication arts from Stonehill College, 1986-05-18
Leather-bound 11x11 inch honorary doctor of communication arts degree. Features a color photograph of Schwartz receiving the degree during the college's May 18, 1986, commencement ceremony on the inside left of the folder and a typed tribute to Schwartz signed by Stonehill College president Rev. Bartley MacPháidín on the right.
BOX 201 Color photographs of Tony Schwartz and officials at Stonehill College commencement ceremony, 1986-05-18
Two color 8x10 inch photographic prints of Tony Schwartz, Stonehill College president Rev. Bartley MacPháidín, and an unidentified college official taken at the 1986 Stonehill College commencement ceremony during which Schwartz was awarded an honorary doctorate in communication arts.
BOX-FOLDER 5/6 Resolution honoring Tony Schwartz from AICUM, 1985-06-08
Resolution recognizing Tony Schwartz from Frank A. Tredinnick, Jr., for the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in Massachusetts (AICUM).
Two photocopies.
BOX-FOLDER 5/7 List of awards presented to Tony Schwartz, circa 1960-circa 1992
Two lists of awards presented to Tony Schwartz.
BOX-FOLDER 5/8 Tony Schwartz letter regarding an award from the Gleitsman Foundation, 1998-06-24
Letter from Alan L. Gleitsman regarding Citizen Activist award. Enclosure (certificate) not in folder.
See also Gleitsman Foundation file .
BOX-FOLDER 5/9 Material related to NYMRAD (New York Market Radio Association) awards, 1983-03-16-1983-03-28
Programs, photographs from NYMRAD awards ceremony; articles and press about Tony Schwartz winning awards for local new advertiser and local public service.
See also box 5/1 for general awards materials, New York City Fire Department , and Patrolmen's Benevolent Association .
Publications about Tony Schwartz, 1951-2008
Magazines, clippings, and photocopies of articles about Tony Schwartz, as well as photographs and publicity material. The bulk of material was arranged alphabetically by publication title (when known).
Tony Schwartz biographies, 1979-1994
Drafts of biographies, including stand-alone works and brief biographical publicity materials.
BOX-FOLDER 5/10 Tony Schwartz biographical introduction manuscript
BOX-FOLDER 5/11 Tony Schwartz biographical articles, press releases, 1979-1988-10-99
Includes a Tony Schwartz biography from Who's Who in Writers, Editors and Poets; a statement of purpose written by Schwartz; "Tony Schwartz, Genius," by Mill Roseman, Communication Arts; press releases for Guerrilla Media and the "Schwartz Project" with David Hoffman; and a brief biography in PAC Manager newsletter.
BOX-FOLDER 225/4 Tony Schwartz brief biography in PAC Manager newsletter, 1979
Three copies, each 15x11 inches. From the National Association of Manufacturers.
BOX-FOLDER 5/12 Tony Schwartz resume material, circa 1990
Includes biographical texts and computer-rendered portraits of Tony Schwartz; also includes promotional material for Bell Labs remote lecturer equipment.
BOX-FOLDER 5/13 Tony Schwartz brief biography, circa 1990
The original typewritten copy is included. Photocopies of four brief biographies of Tony Schwartz; a biography by Kathleen Jamieson (1992-04-27).
BOX-FOLDER 6/1 Tony Schwartz biographical pieces, 1991-04-26-1993-10-04
Includes a fax, with a six-page biography, from Tony Schwartz to Loretta Barrett and a fax from Michael Dainard Associates to Loretta Barrett with a chapter list and names.
Note on Dainard fax: "F.Y.I.: You never saw this T.O.C. - Tony had me delete it. He said 'This book is supposed to be about me, not them.' I have to explain that it is him as seen and glorified by other people. Best, Michael."
BOX-FOLDER 6/2-5 Tony Schwartz biography drafts from Michael Rowan, 1992-07-09-1992-08-05
Includes three copies of a biographical narrative sketch by Michael Rowan; memo to Tony Schwartz and Loretta Barrett about the structure of Schwartz's biography.
BOX-FOLDER 6/6 Partial draft of untitled book by Michael Rowan, 1989-04
Includes a chapter on Tony Schwartz.
BOX 6-7 Drafts of a Tony Schwartz biography by Michael Dainard, circa 1994-circa 1996
BOX 6 (4 folders)
BOX 7 (4 folders)
Photocopy of Evoked Recall, an unpublished biography of Tony Schwartz; three photocopies of "Tony Schwartz (an Overview)," a brief biography of Schwartz; notes on the biography by "Lisa"; multiple drafts of the body of the biography; and an "overview" document labeled "seeking publisher."
BOX-FOLDER 219/1 Photographs relating to Evoked Recall by Michael Dainard, 1993-06
Six color images (each in several copies), produced by a laser printer, of Tony Schwartz posing or working in his home studio; two of the images include [Michael Dainard?]. Prints are 8 1/2x11 inches or smaller, and some are stapled or pasted together. The pictures were probably intended for inclusion in Dainard's Tony Schwartz biography, Evoked Recall.
BOX-FOLDER 7/5 David Hoffman interview with Father John Culking, undated
Interview about Tony Schwartz and Marshall McLuhan.
BOX-FOLDER 7/6 Ann Weiss interview about internship with Tony Schwartz, 1994-06-05
Interview with Ann Weiss about her experiences as Tony Schwartz's intern. Recorded by phone; interviewer not identified.
BOX-FOLDER 7/7 CBS interview with Senator Warren Rudman about Tony Schwartz, 1988-07-06
Interview with Senator Warren Rudman about Tony Schwartz.
BOX-FOLDER 7/8 Egalton Inst. [Eagleton Institute of Politics?] student report, undated
Article about a student's experience working for Tony Schwartz. Consists of both typed pages and hand written journal entries as well as two Doonesbury cartoons.
BOX-FOLDER 7/9 Campaigns & Elections interview with Tony Schwartz and correspondence, 1980-06-08-1981-07-06
Correspondence between Tony Schwartz and Stanley Foster Reed concerning an interview in Campaigns & Elections, spring 1981. File includes a copy of the publication.
BOX-FOLDER 7/10 Luisa Kreisberg essay on Tony Schwartz, undated
Luisa Kreisberg essay titled "Daisy: Twenty Years Later."
BOX-FOLDER 7/11 Raymond Dasher closing remarks on the New York World's Fair, 1964-1965
A printout of Dasher's remarks and a program from the New York World's Fair.
BOX-FOLDER 7/12 Gossip column about Tony Schwartz, 1961-09-18
Photocopy of a clipped gossip column; publication title unknown.
BOX-FOLDER 8/1-3 Published articles about Tony Schwartz, A-M, 1951-2008
BOX-FOLDER 219/2 "Selling the Product Named Hubert Humphrey" by Thomas J. Fleming, New York Times Magazine, 1968-10-13
An article on Joe Napolitan that prominently featured Tony Schwartz. One copy of the article was taken from the newsprint magazine, the other is a photocopy.
BOX-FOLDER 225/5 "Personal Crusade to Help Charities Use the Media," by Holly Hall, in Chronicle of Philanthropy, v.3, no. 10, 1991-03-12
File includes various copies of the article in published original newsprint (clipping), 17x11 inch photocopy, and 8 1/2x11 inch photocopy versions. Also includes a 14x11 inch color photographic print (possibly printed on an inkjet printer) of the photo of Schwartz used in the article.
BOX 8-9 Published articles about Tony Schwartz, N-Z, 1951-2008
BOX 8/4 (1 folder)
BOX 9/1-2 (2 folders)
BOX-FOLDER 225/6 "Media Expert Tony Schwartz: A Potent Ally of the PBA," by Miguel Ongay, in New York's Finest, [1980s?]
An encapsulated copy of the unidentified issue of New York's Finest that contains Ongay's article on Schwartz.
See also client files on the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association (PBA).
Articles by Tom Shales and related material
Includes articles about Tony Schwartz written by Tom Shales, a booklet compilation of several Shales articles, correspondence pertaining to Shales's articles, and correspondence between Shales and Schwartz.
BOX-FOLDER 9/3 Original art pages and related material for a Tom Shales booklet on Tony Schwartz, circa 1980s
Artwork pages are adhered to one another with deteriorating masking tape.
BOX-FOLDER 9/4 Articles and correspondence by Tom Shales, 1983-02-18-1988-04-11
BOX-FOLDER 9/5 Viewer's guide for a video documentary on political advertising, 1986
Viewer's guide for Classics of Political Television Advertising, a video documentary produced by Campaigns & Elections magazine.
BOX-FOLDER 9/6 Articles from Communication Arts, 1968-1988-09
Articles about Tony Schwartz.
BOX-FOLDER 9/7 Excerpt from The Duping of the American Voter, 1980
Excerpt from Robert Spero's The Duping of the American Voter, in which Tony Schwartz is mentioned.
BOX-FOLDER 9/8 Article on Tony Schwartz in Harper's, 1992-03
An essay titled "Playing the Primary Chords."
BOX-FOLDER 9/9 National Observer booklet, undated
"Involvement and Political TV" booklet from the National Observer.
BOX-FOLDER 9/10 Article on Tony Schwartz in a [Japanese?] newspaper, 2000
One original and one photocopy.
BOX-FOLDER 10/1-2 Bill Moyers, "The 30 Second President" and related materials, circa 1984
Correspondence, advertisements, clipped articles, etc. related to Bill Moyers and his production, "The 30 Second President."
See also Bill Moyers business correspondence and Bill Moyers subject file .
BOX-FOLDER 10/3-4 Center for Media Literacy, 1988-08-25-1992-08-25
Includes correspondence to Schwartz from the center as well as copies of center publications, some of which contain articles about or referencing Schwartz.
The organization was previously named the Center for Media and Values .
See also Citizens for Media Literacy file in Series 2.
BOX-FOLDER 10/5 Interview with Tony Schwartz for Personal Selling Power magazine, 1985-04-15
Draft of the interview and a letter from Laura B. Geschwandtner, editor-in-chief of the magazine. Two originals, clippings, and photocopies.
BOX-FOLDER 10/6 Excerpt from Packaging the Presidency by Kathleen Jamieson, 1996
Excerpt from Jamieson's book concerning Joe Napolitan, Tony Schwartz, and the Hubert Humphrey campaign.
BOX-FOLDER 11/1 Article on Tony Schwartz in People magazine, 1999-10-04
Article on Tony Schwartz titled "Ears Wide Open."
Three copies of the original and several photocopies.
See also "Ears Wide Open" proposal .
BOX-FOLDER 11/2 Material from Sponsor magazine, 1961-01-09-1964-06-08
BOX-FOLDER 219/3 "Tony Schwartz: Snaring Votes Means Hitting Emotions, Says 'King of Sound,'" Washington Post Magazine, 1979-02-25
A three-column piece on Tony Schwartz by "Front Page People" column writer Rudy Maxa. Includes two complete copies of the February 25, 1979, issue of the Washington Post Magazine (the newspaper's weekly magazine), two clippings of the piece removed from the magazine (pages 4-5), a photocopy of the column, and a February 21 letter to Tony Schwartz from Rudy Maxa.
Publicity and press files, 1978-1988
Files of articles about and references to Tony Schwartz, created by Schwartz.
Arranged by year.
BOX-FOLDER 11/3 1978
BOX-FOLDER 11/4 1980
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