The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Tony Schwartz collection, 1912-2008
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Series 2. Business and Professional Materials, 1940-2005 (continued)
Client projects: public service announcements (PSAs), circa 1940s-2002, undated (continued)
Photographs of police officers rescuing people, circa mid 1980s (continued)
Thirteen black and white photographic prints, 13x9 inches and smaller, relating to spots addressing the 1984 Eleanor Bumpers controversy.
BOX-FOLDER 225/13 Photographs of police officers in the line of duty, circa 1980s
Six black and white photographic prints, 14x11 inches and smaller, probably relating to spots addressing the 1984 Eleanor Bumpers controversy. Also includes a photocopy (17 x11 inches, in two pieces taped together) of an advertisement for the PBA that includes several of the photographs, and two copies (not identical) of a color poster or sign for the PBA (15x11 1/2 inches) that shows a police officer with blood on his shirt sprawled across a sidewalk.
BOX-FOLDER 106/5 Scripts, correspondence, and research materials, 1980-08-27-1983-06-29
Includes a list of PBA tapes made by Schwartz and letters from listeners agreeing about a certain campaign.
BOX-FOLDER 106/6 International Radio Festival of New York awards, 1984-07-1994-09-13
Articles on awards Schwartz received for his Patrolmen's Benevolent Association radio commercials, including "Two Cops" (aka "Two Officers"), 1984.
See also SmokeFree Educational Services and "Two Cops" photographs (below).
BOX-FOLDER 225/14 Photographs taken from "Two Cops" PBA spot produced by Tony Schwartz, circa 1984
Two 8x10 inch and four 11x14 inch black and white photographic prints taken from a Tony Schwartz PBA spot that garnered him an International Radio Festival of New York award in 1984. The spot was also known as "Two Officers."
See also International Radio Festival of New York award file, above.
BOX-FOLDER 106/7 Scripts, 1981-1984
BOX 228 Boxing Team jacket, undated
A purple satin jacket that presumably was given to Tony Schwartz. The front is embroidered "Champions of Cops, Ken McFeeley & Tony Schwartz." The back shows an image of a police badge and the text "The Fighting Finest, City of New York Police, PBA, Boxing Team."
See also Ken McFeeley files.
BOX-FOLDER 106/8 Peace Corps scripts and research, 1985-09-04-1985-10-14
BOX-FOLDER 107/1 Pennsylvanians for the Right to Choose Life scripts, correspondence, and research, 1981-06-18-1981-07-01
People for a Smoke-Free Indoors, 1986-1989
See also the Group Against Smoking Pollution (GASP) .
BOX-FOLDER 107/2 Scripts, correspondence, and interviews, 1987-10-29-1989-10-20
Includes materials relating to the group's chairman, Dr. William G. Cahan. Scripts include a message for Kansas Senator Robert Dole and Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis.
BOX-FOLDER 107/3 Scripts, correspondence, and research materials, 1986-03-04-1988-08-05
Two anti-smoking buttons are included.
BOX 202 Color photographs of People for a Smoke-Free Indoors members at Tony Schwartz's home studio, circa 1986
Six 4x6 inch color photographs of group members meeting in Tony Schwartz's home studio.
BOX-FOLDER 107/4 Scripts and correspondence, 1987-11-18-1988-12
BOX-FOLDER 107/5 Scripts, correspondence, and research materials, 1986-06-03-1988-07-03
Material on Joe Cherner and New York City Mayor Ed Koch.
BOX-FOLDER 107/6 Correspondence and research materials, 1986-10-16-1987-03-19
BOX-FOLDER 107/7 Scripts, articles, and correspondence relating to Mayor Ed Koch, 1986-03-22-1986-07-02
BOX-FOLDER 107/8 Anti-smoking contest, 1988-01-20-1988-04-22
BOX 202 Color photographs of posters exhibited for anti-smoking contest, circa 1988
Twenty-three 4x6 inch color photographs of anti-smoking posters.
People for the American Way, 1980-1990
BOX-FOLDER 108/1-2 Scripts and research materials, 1981-1987-09-15
Includes a large packet on the Peace Corps from 1981 celebrating its 20th anniversary.
BOX-FOLDER 108/3 Scripts, correspondence, and research materials, 1986-05-13-1990-06-14
BOX-FOLDER 108/4 Scripts, correspondence, and research materials, 1980-08-22-1980-11-09
BOX-FOLDER 108/5 People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals brochures and correspondence, 1986-1988-05-05
The organization's acronym is PETA.
BOX-FOLDER 108/6 People of Westpride, Inc. scripts, correspondence, and research materials, 1988-04-1988-05-17
BOX-FOLDER 109/1 Two script drafts for People Who Care about Preserving Williamstown as a Special Place for Living the Good Life, undated
Contact: Hal Zeiger.
BOX-FOLDER 109/2 Philadelphia unions script and report, 1990-11-08-1990-12-17
Includes material on the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 5, and the International Association of Firefighters, Local 22. Also includes an American Federation of TV and Radio Artists HR report.
Intended for voice actor: Dan Ingram.
See also Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 5 .
BOX-FOLDER 109/3 Phobia Society of America scripts, correspondence, and research materials, 1985-07-16-1986-05-14
BOX-FOLDER 109/4 Physicians for a Smoke Free Canada material, 1987-06-10-1987-11-26
BOX-FOLDER 109/5 Physicians for Social Responsibility scripts, correspondence, and research materials, 1983-10-21-1984-04-11
BOX-FOLDER 109/6 Attitudes survey for the Police Foundation of New York City, 1990-11
A Survey of Attitudes Toward Crime in New York City conducted by Napolitan Associates.
BOX-FOLDER 109/7 Police Superior Officer's Association of Newburgh materials, 1993-10-18
Intended for voice actor: Alan Bleviss.
BOX-FOLDER 109/8 Poor Americans for Fair Taxation scripts and research materials, 1985-05-31-1985-11-18
BOX-FOLDER 109/9 Processed Apples Institute script and report, 1989-02-23-1989-03-08
Includes an American Federation of Television and Radio Artists HR report.
BOX-FOLDER 109/10 Proposition 2 1/2 scripts and correspondence, 1980-10-01-1980-11-04
Intended for voice actor: Bob Landers.
Prudential Insurance Company of America, 1986-1990
BOX-FOLDER 109/11-12 Scripts, correspondence, research, survey, and contracts, 1986-02-18-1990-10-30
BOX-FOLDER 110/1 Surveys, 1990-09-25-1990-10-09
Two surveys on peoples' attitudes toward insurance companies.
BOX-FOLDER 110/2 Tony Schwartz public service announcements client list, undated
Compiled lists of clients for whom Tony Schwartz created public service announcements as well as political and commercial campaigns. The lists were compiled for the Library of Congress by Schwartz.
See also Commercial clients list .
BOX-FOLDER 110/3 The Public Agenda Foundation correspondence and research, 1978-02-06-1978-05-09
BOX-FOLDER 110/4 Public Citizen correspondence and reports, 1994-06-13-1995-05-02
Includes American Federation of Television and Radio Artists HR reports.
Intended for voice actors: Alan Bleviss, Michaela Schwartz.
BOX-FOLDER 110/5 Rainforest Alliance research and correspondence, 1986-11-04-1988-07-20
BOX-FOLDER 110/6 Rent Stabilization Association script and report, circa 1983
Includes an association survey report.
BOX-FOLDER 110/7 R.J. Reynolds family scripts, correspondence, and other material, 1986-10-1987-11-22
Anti-smoking scripts, correspondence, research materials, and photos.
Intended for voice actor: Bob Landers.
See also the Patrick Reynolds Foundation for a Smokefree America and WMCA .
BOX 203 Slides of Patrick Reynolds and Reynolds family members, 1987 and undated
Thirty-eight 35 mm color slides, taken on various dates, of Reynolds family members and related locations, as well as portrait shots of Patrick Reynolds.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation anti-smoking material, 1992-1997
BOX-FOLDER 110/8 Correspondence and research, 1992-08-27-1992-11-16
See also Center for Media in the Public Interest (CMPI) publication work .
BOX-FOLDER 110/9 Scripts, correspondence, and research, 1992-07-17-1997-08-08
See also CMPI.
BOX-FOLDER 110/10 Radio surveys, 1994-10-27
BOX-FOLDER 111/1 Roswell Park Cancer Institute anti-smoking scripts and correspondence, 1992-10-09-1992-10-13
Other sponsors include: Country Health Department and American Cancer Society .
Intended for voice actor: Bob Landers.
BOX-FOLDER 111/2 Janet Sackman anti-smoking scripts and interview, 1991-11-20-1998-05-08
Lucky Strike model Janet Sackman suffered throat and lung cancer.
See also Task Force for Tobacco-Free Women and Girls .
BOX-FOLDER 111/3 SAFE Coalition scripts regarding the Michigan tobacco law, 1994-10-20-1994-10-21
Intended for voice actor: Bob Landers.
BOX-FOLDER 111/4 Safeblood Foundation of America script, undated
BOX-FOLDER 111/5 Shoplifting script, undated
BOX-FOLDER 111/6 "Sidewalk to Salvation," Los Angeles Times anti-smoking article, 1993-06-11
BOX-FOLDER 111/7 Sierra Club scripts and contract, 1998-06-24-1998-08-11
Intended for voice actor: Bob Landers.
BOX-FOLDER 111/8 Smoke Free America interview and correspondence, 1988-07-25
Smokefree Educational Services, Inc., 1991-1997
Also known as Anti-Smoking Educational Services.
Joe Cherner, president.
See also First Alert , Patrolmen's Benevolent Association PSA awards , and City University of New York (CUNY) Health .
BOX-FOLDER 111/9 Scripts and reports, 1991-07-17-1994-03-08
Includes an American Federation of Television and Radio Artists HR report.
Intended for voice actor: Bob Landers.
BOX-FOLDER 111/10 Promotional materials and correspondence, 1993-01-1993-03-30
BOX-FOLDER 111/11 Scripts and correspondence, 1992-09-24-1997-07-02
BOX-FOLDER 111/12 Smoking Policy Institute correspondence and research, 1988-01-27-1988-08-01
Correspondence and research materials documenting Tony Schwartz's involvement on the board.
BOX-FOLDER 111/13 Solomon, Relihan, Blake reports, 1993-12-02-1994-02-24
American Federation of Television and Radio Artists HR reports.
Provider of legal services, Phoenix, Arizona.
Intended for voice actor: Alan Bleviss.
BOX-FOLDER 111/14 Star Foundation scripts, correspondence, and research materials, 1999-04-27-1999-05-05
BOX-FOLDER 111/15 St. John's Hospital anti-smoking scripts, 1986-03-27-1986-04-14
BOX-FOLDER 111/16 Stop Cancer Program anti-smoking script, 1989-01-10-1989-01-11
Intended for voice actor: Bob Landers.
BOX-FOLDER 111/17 Stop Teenage Addiction to Tobacco correspondence and research, 1979-1988-08
The organization's acronym is STAT.
BOX-FOLDER 111/18 The Taft Institute script and report, 1994-10-10-1994-10-14
Includes an American Federation of Television and Radio Artists HR report.
Intended for voice actor: Alan Bleviss.
See also WQXR.
BOX-FOLDER 111/19 Task Force for Tobacco-Free Women and Girls scripts, 1996-12-26-2000-01-05
Anti-smoking scripts for one-time Lucky Strike model Janet Sackman.
See also Janet Sackman .
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