The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Tony Schwartz collection, 1912-2008
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Series 2. Business and Professional Materials, 1940-2005 (continued)
Business correspondence, 1940-2005 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 51/29 Sid Savan, 1990
BOX-FOLDER 51/30 Edward Schiappa, 1991
BOX-FOLDER 51/31 Allon Schoener, 1980-1995
BOX-FOLDER 52/1 Pete Seeger, 1998
BOX-FOLDER 52/2 Ben Shahn, 1954-1958
See also the Ben Shahn subject file .
BOX-FOLDER 52/3 Sierra Club, 1998
BOX-FOLDER 52/4 Ike Skelton, 1998
U.S. representative (Democrat) from Missouri's 4th District, 1977-2010.
See also the Ike Skelton campaign .
BOX-FOLDER 52/5-6 E.A.W. Smith, 1968-2000
BOX-FOLDER 52/7 Smith College, 1983
BOX-FOLDER 52/8 Smithsonian Institution (Ralph Rinzler), 1988
BOX-FOLDER 52/9 George Soros, 1996
BOX-FOLDER 52/10 Sound Management, 1988
BOX-FOLDER 52/11 Gary South, 1991
President of Earworks, Inc.
BOX-FOLDER 52/12 Bob Spero, 1978
BOX-FOLDER 52/13 Scott Suhr, 1988
BOX-FOLDER 52/14 Michael Tannen & Associates, 1988
BOX-FOLDER 52/15 Bill Tatum, 1988
BOX-FOLDER 52/16 Time magazine, 1976
BOX-FOLDER 52/17 T.V. Stations, Inc., 1967-1968
BOX-FOLDER 52/18 United States Information Agency, 1992-1994
BOX-FOLDER 52/19 Universities and education, 1968-1999
BOX-FOLDER 52/20 VCA Teletronics Inc. (Gail Jeffee), 1988
BOX-FOLDER 52/21 Varied Directions, 1979-1996
The production company of Schwartz's friend and colleague David Hoffman.
See also Varied Directions files in Series 3 and links to works produced by Varied Directions, advertising for the company's videos relating to Tony Schwartz , and the Varied Directions subject file .
BOX-FOLDER 52/22 Video Monitoring Services of America, 1988
BOX-FOLDER 52/23 WBUR, Boston, 1996
BOX-FOLDER 52/24 WNYC, New York, 1968-2004
See also recordings of Schwartz's WNYC radio programs in the Schwartz Collection ; radio scripts, correspondence, and research material in Schwartz's public service clients material ; program guide, transcripts, and other publications-related material ; and the WNYC subject file .
BOX-FOLDER 52/25 Tom Weinberg, 1986
BOX-FOLDER 52/26 Peter Welch, 1987
BOX-FOLDER 52/27 Harry Wilmer, 1990
Client projects: advertising and marketing agencies, 1973-1999
Contains files related to Schwartz's work with other media consultants and advertising experts. The most consistent and important of these collaborators was Joseph Napolitan, with whom Schwartz joined in with numerous special projects over a three decade period.
BOX-FOLDER 53/1 Correspondence, clippings and other materials concerning the Bynum Consulting Group, 1989-1990, undated
Principal correspondent is Peter Bynum.
BOX-FOLDER 53/2 Correspondence, interviews and other materials concerning Dresner-Sykes and Associates, 1983-1984, undated
Contains an interview of Tony Schwartz by the Initiative News Report from June 7, 1983.
See also Dresner, Sykes, Jordan and Townsend .
BOX-FOLDER 53/3 J. Walter Thompson Company, 1982-1983
BOX-FOLDER 53/4 John Marttila, 1979-1980, undated
Includes proposal papers for the National Political Archives, as well as print ads for campaigns worked on by Marttila including those for Delaware Senator Joseph Biden and Detroit, Michigan, Mayor Coleman Young.
Joe Napolitan, 1973-1999
Material in this section consists of various business papers related in particular to Schwartz's frequent collaborator, Joe Napolitan.
See also Joe Napolitan correspondence and the Joe Napolitan subject file .
BOX 53-54 General files, 1975-1995
BOX 53 (5 folders)
BOX 54 (3 folders)
BOX-FOLDER 54/4-9 Memos, 1975-1980
BOX 55-56 Journals, 1979-1986
BOX 55 (4 folders)
BOX 56 (1 folder)
Copies of Joe Napolitan's personal journals for 1979, 1982-1984, and 1986.
Subjects, 1973-1999
Arranged alphabetically by subject or person.
BOX-FOLDER 56/2 "100 Things I Have Learned in 30 Years as a Political Consultant," 1986
Contains typewritten manuscripts and a published copy of Napolitan's pamphlet.
BOX-FOLDER 56/3-4 "1912 and 1916," circa 1996
Contains typewritten manuscripts and research material for an article by Napolitan comparing the 1912 and 1916 presidential elections to the 1996 election.
BOX-FOLDER 56/5 Casinos for Atlantic City campaign plan, 1976
BOX-FOLDER 56/6 Citizens for Economy in Government, 1973-1974
See also the Citizens for Economy in Government campaign .
BOX-FOLDER 56/7 Daily News, 1979, undated
BOX-FOLDER 56/8 Democratic Consortium, 1977-1987
BOX-FOLDER 57/1 Memo summarizing the Michael Dukakis presidential campaign, 1988
See also Michael Dukakis 1988 presidential election campaign materials and a subject file about the campaign .
BOX-FOLDER 57/2 Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1976-1979, undated
BOX-FOLDER 57/3 Memo to Dr. Ralph Hirschhorn, 1985-03-05
BOX-FOLDER 57/4 Correspondence with Michel Bongrand about the International Association of Political Consultants (I.A.P.C.), 1985
Language: In French and English.
BOX-FOLDER 57/5 Local Initiatives Support Corporation, 1999
Police recruitment file.
BOX-FOLDER 57/6-7 Memos concerning the Walter Mondale presidential campaign, 1984
See also Walter Mondale campaign .
BOX-FOLDER 57/8 National health, 1977-07-06-1977-08-04
BOX-FOLDER 57/9 New York, 1975
BOX-FOLDER 57/10 Correspondence with police Chief Dennis Nowicki concerning communications, 1995-04-08-1995-04-25
Original folder labeled "Charlotte-Mecklenburg correspondence."
BOX-FOLDER 57/11 Correspondence with Dan Overmeyer, 1979-04-08-1979-05-09
BOX-FOLDER 57/12 Memoranda to Valerie Giscard d'Estaing, President of France, During 1974 Presidential Election, 1974-04-18-1979-05-09
Typewritten manuscript and bound report by Napolitan.
BOX-FOLDER 220/5 Photograph of Joe Napolitan and Tony Schwartz at work in Schwartz's studio, 1981
Black and white photograph by Harvey Shaman, 10 3/4x7 1/2 inches.
BOX-FOLDER 58/1 Media Lobbying, Inc., 1980-1982
See also Planned Reactions, Inc.
BOX-FOLDER 58/2-5 Michael Rowan Group, 1988-1994
See also Rowan Group correspondence .
BOX-FOLDER 58/6 SFM Media Services, 1975-undated
Client projects: political campaigns, 1956-1997
Contains files related to Schwartz's work with politicians and other political clients. Types of material found include correspondence, radio and television advertisement scripts (including drafts), contracts, financial and legal documents, photographs, political campaign fliers, and surveys and other research conducted by outside media consultants.
Arranged by last name of client.
BOX-FOLDER 59/1 List of clients, 1956-1965, undated
Material consists of several lists of Tony Schwartz clients, political and commercial. Includes a set of index cards listing clients and fees between 1956 and 1965.
BOX-FOLDER 59/2 Correspondence and scripts for the Robert Abrams campaign, 1976-undated
Material for an unspecified Robert Abrams campaign for New York State attorney general.
BOX-FOLDER 59/3 Correspondence and client papers for the Joe Anastasi campaign, 1972, undated
Material for Joe Anastasi's 1972 campaign for U.S. representative from Maryland, including a survey of political attitudes and a separate survey of radio listenership in Montgomery County.
BOX-FOLDER 59/4 Correspondence, scripts, press releases, clippings, and client papers for the John B. Anderson campaign, 1980, undated
Material for Stewart Mott's independent campaign supporting Congressman John B. Anderson's bid to secure the 1980 Republican Party nomination for president.
BOX-FOLDER 59/5 Scripts and client papers for the Daniel Angiolillo campaign, 1993-1994, undated
Material for Daniel D. Angiolillo's 1993 campaign for judge of the court of Westchester, New York, including radio and TV scripts and an invitation for Angiolillo's induction ceremony.
BOX-FOLDER 59/6 Scripts and client papers for the Jose Arraras campaign, 1972, undated
Material for Jose Enrique Arraras's 1972 campaign for mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, primarily scripts for radio ads in manuscript form.
Most of the material is written in Spanish, with some English translation.
BOX-FOLDER 59/7-8 Correspondence, scripts, press releases, clippings, and client papers for the George K. Arthur campaign, 1985, undated
Material for George K. Arthur's 1985 campaign for mayor of Buffalo, New York, including a polling report for the election and a bound set of position papers by Arthur.
BOX-FOLDER 59/9 Correspondence, scripts, and client papers for the Sondra Bachety campaign, 1985, undated
Material for Sondra Bachety's 1985 campaign for the Suffolk County legislature, including campaign literature for opponent Paul Aniboli.
BOX-FOLDER 59/10 Correspondence, scripts, and client papers for the Max Bacon campaign, 1988, undated
Material for Max E. Bacon's 1988 campaign for U.S. representative from the state of Missouri.
BOX-FOLDER 59/11 Scripts, clippings, and client papers for the Don Bailey campaign, 1986, undated
Material for Donald A. Bailey's 1986 campaign for U.S. senator from the commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
BOX 59-60 Correspondence, scripts, and client papers for the Stewart Bainum campaign, 1986, undated
BOX 59 (1 folder)
BOX 60 (1 folder)
Material for Stewart Bainum's 1986 campaign for U.S. representative from the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, including an analysis of opponent Connie Morella's political vulnerabilities prepared by firm Scott Wolf & Associates.
BOX-FOLDER 60/2 Scripts and client papers for the Juane Baker campaign, circa 1970s-undated
Material for Juane A. Baker's campaign for Michigan State House of Representatives, including the transcript of an interview with Baker from which quotations were extracted for the radio scripts.
BOX-FOLDER 60/3-5 Correspondence, scripts, clippings, and client papers for the Bill Baxley campaign, 1986, undated
Material for William J. Baxley's 1986 campaign for governor of the State of Alabama, including a copy of a U.S. Department of Agriculture investigation into the conduct of Baxley's opponent Harold G. Hunt while Hunt was an official with the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service.
BOX-FOLDER 60/6 Scripts and other materials for the Birch Bayh campaign, 1973-1974, undated
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