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Program notes from the Voice of America Music Library Collection, 1946-1988

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Series 1. VOA Disc Paperwork, 1946-1968 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 18/3 Trinity Choir (program notes), 1947-1950
BOX-FOLDER 18/4 United States Army Band (program notes), 1948-1950
BOX-FOLDER 18/5 United States Composers (program notes), undated
BOX-FOLDER 18/6 United States Composers (program notes), undated
BOX-FOLDER 18/7 United States Composers (program notes), undated
BOX-FOLDER 18/8 United States Composers (program notes), undated
BOX-FOLDER 18/9 United States Composers (program notes), 1951-1952, undated
BOX-FOLDER 18/10 United States Information Agency program notes, undated
BOX-FOLDER 18/11 United States Navy Band (program notes), 1949
BOX-FOLDER 18/12 Utah Music (program notes), 1949
BOX-FOLDER 18/13 Vacation Symphonies (program notes), 1946
BOX-FOLDER 18/14 Van Damme Quartet (program notes), 1946-1948
BOX-FOLDER 18/15 Velada Musical (program notes), 1948
BOX-FOLDER 19/1 Voice of America - Biographical Notes, 1951
BOX-FOLDER 19/2 Voice of America - LP lists and Indices, 1958, undated
BOX-FOLDER 19/3 Voice of America - Miscellaneous program notes in Spanish, undated
BOX-FOLDER 19/4 Voorhees, Donald, Music of (program notes), undated
BOX-FOLDER 19/5 Waring, Fred (program notes), undated
BOX-FOLDER 19/6 Waring, Fred (program notes), undated
BOX-FOLDER 19/7 Waring, Fred (program notes), undated
BOX-FOLDER 19/8 Waring, Fred (program notes), undated
BOX-FOLDER 19/9 Warnow, Mark, Music of (program notes), undated
BOX-FOLDER 19/10 Weese, Buddy (program notes), 1946-1947
BOX-FOLDER 19/11 Whiteman, Paul, Music of (program notes), undated
BOX-FOLDER 19/12 Wings Over Jordan Choir (program notes), 1946-1947
BOX-FOLDER 19/13 WNYC Music Festival (program notes), 1949-02
BOX-FOLDER 19/14 Young American Artists (program notes), 1949-1950
BOX-FOLDER 19/15 Your Song and Mine (program notes), 1948-04--1948-05
BOX-FOLDER 19/16 Yours for a Song (program notes), 1948-11--1949-03
BOX-FOLDER 19/17 Miscellaneous - Multiple Programs (program notes), undated
BOX-FOLDER 19/18 Miscellaneous - Multiple Programs - VOA/OWI series without paperwork (lists, notes, inventories), undated
Series 2. VOA Tape Paperwork, 1947-1988
15 linear feet
RPA 00417-00451; RPB 00011 (boxes 1-35)
Arranged alphabetically by program title or performer’s name, then chronologically by date.
BOX-FOLDER 1/1 African Music File, undated
BOX-FOLDER 1/2 African Music File, undated
BOX-FOLDER 1/3 Ajemian Sisters (audition notes), 1952
BOX-FOLDER 1/4 Alive! (press release, promotional material), 1979-12
BOX-FOLDER 1/5 Alpert, Herb (biography), 1968-10-11
BOX-FOLDER 1/6 Amarillo Symphony Orchestra (programs, correspondence, biography of Dr. Thomas Hohstadt, conductor), 1970-1971
BOX-FOLDER 1/7 American Brass Quintet Tour Sampler (programs; sampler description), 1969, 1974-1975, undated
BOX-FOLDER 1/8 American Brass Quintet Tour Sampler (programs), 1979-1980
BOX-FOLDER 1/9 American Composers Alliance at the Museum of Modern Art, NY (program), undated
BOX-FOLDER 1/10 American Composers Orchestra (programs), 1977-1978, 1983
BOX-FOLDER 1/11 American Concert - Index and #1, 1965
BOX-FOLDER 1/12 American concert #2, Columbia Symphony Orchestra, 1965-07-28
BOX-FOLDER 1/13 American concert #3, Hartford Symphony Orchestra, 1965-07-29
BOX-FOLDER 1/14 American concert #4, Samuel Barber American Composer, 1965-08-03
BOX-FOLDER 1/15 American concert #5, Detroit Symphony Orchestra, 1965-08-03
BOX-FOLDER 1/16 American concert #6, 1965
BOX-FOLDER 1/17 American concert #7, Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, 1965-08-05
BOX-FOLDER 1/18 American concert #8, Douglas Moore-American composer, undated
BOX-FOLDER 1/19 American concert #9, Kansas City (MO) Philharmonic, 1965-08-06
BOX-FOLDER 1/20 American concert #10, Inter-American Performance Symposium, 1965-09-03
BOX-FOLDER 1/21 American concert #11, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, 1965-11-15
BOX-FOLDER 1/22 American concert #12, "Independence Day, July 4th", 1965-09-03
BOX-FOLDER 1/23 American concert #13, Third Inter-American Music Festival, 1965-08-06
BOX-FOLDER 1/24 American concert #14, Third Inter-American Music Festival, 1965-09-03
BOX-FOLDER 1/25 American concert #15, Third Inter-American Music Festival, 1965-10-11
BOX-FOLDER 1/26 American concert #16, Third Inter-American Music Festival, 1965-10-18
BOX-FOLDER 1/27 American concert #17, Special concert Pan American Union, 1965-10-19
BOX-FOLDER 1/28 American concert #18, undated
BOX-FOLDER 1/29 American concert #19, 1965 Casals Fest, 1965-10-12
BOX-FOLDER 1/30 American concert #20, Leonard Bernstein, 1966-02-28
BOX-FOLDER 1/31 American concert #21, undated
BOX-FOLDER 1/32 American concert #22, undated
BOX-FOLDER 1/33 American concert #23, undated
BOX-FOLDER 1/34 American concert #24, undated
BOX-FOLDER 1/35 American concert #25, undated
BOX-FOLDER 1/36 American concert #26, undated
BOX-FOLDER 1/37 American concert #27, undated
BOX-FOLDER 1/38 American concert #28, undated
BOX-FOLDER 1/39 American concert #29, undated
BOX-FOLDER 1/40 American concert #30, undated
BOX-FOLDER 1/41 American concert #31, undated
BOX-FOLDER 1/42 American concert #32, undated
BOX-FOLDER 1/43 American concert #33, undated
BOX-FOLDER 1/44 American concert #34, undated
BOX-FOLDER 1/45 American concert #35, undated
BOX-FOLDER 2/1 American concert #36, undated
BOX-FOLDER 2/2 American concert #37, undated
BOX-FOLDER 2/3 American concert #38, undated
BOX-FOLDER 2/4 American concert #39, 1965 Casals Festival Part III, 1966
BOX-FOLDER 2/5 American concert #40, undated
BOX-FOLDER 2/6 American concert #41, undated
BOX-FOLDER 2/7 American concert #42, undated
BOX-FOLDER 2/8 American concert #43, undated
BOX-FOLDER 2/9 American concert #44, undated
BOX-FOLDER 2/10 American concert #45, undated
BOX-FOLDER 2/11 American concert #46, undated
BOX-FOLDER 2/12 American concert #47, undated
BOX-FOLDER 2/13 American concert #48, undated
BOX-FOLDER 2/14 American concert #49, undated
BOX-FOLDER 2/15 American concert #50, undated
BOX-FOLDER 2/16 American concert #51, undated
BOX-FOLDER 2/17 American concert #52, undated
BOX-FOLDER 2/18 American Opera Auditions (audition notes), 19580504
BOX-FOLDER 2/19 American Educational Theatre Association Convention, 34th (program), 1970-08-23--1970-08-26
BOX-FOLDER 2/20 American Festival of Youth Orchestras, First (program, press releases), 1977
BOX-FOLDER 2/21 American Guild of Organists, National Convention Recital by Herman Berlinski and Yuval Waldman (program), 1982-06-30
BOX-FOLDER 2/22 American Liszt Society Festival (program), 1978-10-05--1978-10-08
BOX-FOLDER 2/23 American Music Conference (press releases), 1975-1976, undated
BOX-FOLDER 2/24 American Music Festival at Miami University, 4th Annual (program notes, history notes), 1963
BOX-FOLDER 2/25 American Society of University Composers: “Radiofest - New American Music” (promotional pamphlet) , undated
BOX-FOLDER 2/26 American Symphony Orchestra (programs), 1966
BOX-FOLDER 2/27 American Symphony Orchestra (programs, audition notes, program notes, scripts), 1967
BOX-FOLDER 2/28 American Symphony Orchestra (programs, audition notes), 1968
BOX-FOLDER 2/29 American Symphony Orchestra (programs), 1968-03--1968-05
BOX-FOLDER 2/30 American Symphony Orchestra (programs), 1968-11--1968-12
BOX-FOLDER 3/1 American Symphony Orchestra (programs), 1969
BOX-FOLDER 3/2 American Symphony Orchestra (programs, audition notes), 1969
BOX-FOLDER 3/3 American Symphony Orchestra (programs, clippings, audition notes), 1970-01--1970-05
BOX-FOLDER 3/4 American Symphony Orchestra (programs, audition notes), 1970-10--1970-12
BOX-FOLDER 3/5 American Symphony Orchestra (programs, program notes, bios, audition notes), 1971
BOX-FOLDER 3/6 American Symphony Orchestra (programs, audition notes), 1972
BOX-FOLDER 3/7 American Symphony Orchestra (programs), 1973-1974
BOX-FOLDER 3/8 American Symphony Orchestra (programs), 1975
BOX-FOLDER 3/9 American Symphony Orchestra (programs), 1976
BOX-FOLDER 4/1 American Symphony Orchestra (programs), 1977
BOX-FOLDER 4/2 American Symphony Orchestra (programs), 1978
BOX-FOLDER 4/3 American Symphony Orchestra (programs), 1979
BOX-FOLDER 4/4 American Symphony Orchestra (programs), 1980-10-25
BOX-FOLDER 4/5 American Symphony Orchestra (programs), 1982-03-07
BOX-FOLDER 4/6 American Symphony Orchestra (programs), 1983
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