The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Jim Metzner collection, 1979-2007
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Series III: Ready Files (continued)
Subseries I: Pulse of the Planet (continued)
Steuben Parade, German-American, 2002 (continued)
DAT 02.09.21-1-2
BOX-FOLDER 71/5 Thanksgiving Day Parade, 2002
DAT 02.11.27-1-2
BOX-FOLDER 71/6 Tibetan Festival, 2001
DAT 01.10.07
BOX-FOLDER 71/7 Ticha b'an
BOX-FOLDER 71/8 Toads, spade foot, 1998
DAT 98.8.4
BOX-FOLDER 71/9 Tracker, Tom Brown Jr., 2002
MD 02.04.10-1-2
BOX-FOLDER 71/10 Turtles, leatherback, 2004
DAT 04.11.06
BOX-FOLDER 71/11 Tuvan throat singing, 2000, 2001
DAT 00.12.16, DAT 01.11.14
BOX-FOLDER 71/12 Urban paleontologist, 2002
MD 02.05.30
BOX-FOLDER 71/13 West Indian carnival, 2002
DAT/MD 02.09.02
BOX-FOLDER 71/14 Whooping cranes, 2001
DAT 01.06.14
BOX-FOLDER 71/15 Wildlife conservation, Ghana, 2001
MD 01.11.09-3
BOX-FOLDER 71/16 Wolves in Yellowstone, 2001
DAT 01.11.09-1
BOX-FOLDER 71/17 Xavante, 2000
DV 00.10.16
BOX-FOLDER 71/18 Zoroastrian earthquake service, 2000
Tape 00.10.10, 00.10.11
Subseries II: Sounds of Science
BOX-FOLDER 71/19 Acoustical Society
BOX-FOLDER 71/20 Air bubbles
BOX-FOLDER 71/21 Air traffic controller Florida
BOX-FOLDER 71/22 American Indian vocal music
BOX-FOLDER 71/23 Appalachian dialects
BOX-FOLDER 71/24 Asthma, Colorado
BOX-FOLDER 71/25 Astronauts
BOX-FOLDER 71/26 Baby talk, New York City
BOX-FOLDER 71/27 Bagpipe
BOX-FOLDER 71/28 Bilingual speaker
BOX-FOLDER 71/29 Body sounds
BOX-FOLDER 71/30 Bosendorfer piano, Boston
BOX-FOLDER 71/31 Bullfrogs
Tape 394A
BOX-FOLDER 71/32 Carillon
Tape 383B
BOX-FOLDER 71/33 Chaos moon
Tape 24A
BOX-FOLDER 71/34 Children's articulation
Tape 289
RPA 03401
Tape 287
BOX-FOLDER 72/2 Concert craft
Tape 216
BOX-FOLDER 72/3 Dialects from rural to urban, 1985-09
BOX-FOLDER 72/4 East African pancake tortoise
Tape 390A
BOX-FOLDER 72/5 Electro-magnetic fields
BOX-FOLDER 72/6 Energy
BOX-FOLDER 72/7 Exploratorium
BOX-FOLDER 72/8 Football kick
BOX-FOLDER 72/9 Harpsichord
BOX-FOLDER 72/10 Hearing aid
BOX-FOLDER 72/11 Hearing test, newborn babies
BOX-FOLDER 72/12 Hearing and tinnitus
BOX-FOLDER 72/13 Helium voice
Tape 398A
BOX-FOLDER 72/14 Hindenburg
Tape 248B
BOX-FOLDER 72/15 Hole, 6 1/2 mile deep, 1984-11-25
BOX-FOLDER 72/16 Inuit, Canada
BOX-FOLDER 72/17 Insect
BOX-FOLDER 72/18 Laser induced sound, 1985-08-09
BOX-FOLDER 72/19 Loud noise confuses brain
BOX-FOLDER 72/20 Lovebirds
Tape 343A
BOX-FOLDER 72/21 Magnetic recordings
BOX-FOLDER 72/22 Mandolin, acoustic
Tapes 182 and 183
BOX-FOLDER 72/23 Marine mammals
BOX-FOLDER 72/24 Mealy parrot
BOX-FOLDER 72/25 Medicine
BOX-FOLDER 72/26 Meteorology
BOX-FOLDER 72/27 Microscope
BOX-FOLDER 72/28 Miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 72/29 Mole, 1979-09-19
BOX-FOLDER 72/30 Nasca panpipes
Tape 348B
BOX-FOLDER 79/12 Natural history stories, circa 1994
Show outlines, transcripts, and planning
BOX-FOLDER 72/31 New York Hall of Science, 1985
BOX-FOLDER 72/32 Perception of speech in early infancy
BOX-FOLDER 72/33 Perfect pitch
BOX-FOLDER 72/34 Phase locking
Tape 239A
BOX-FOLDER 72/35 Raccoons
BOX-FOLDER 72/36 San Diego Zoo vocalizations
Tape 213C and 213D
BOX-FOLDER 72/38 Shakuhachi
Tape 382A
BOX-FOLDER 72/39 Small animal clinic, 1985
BOX-FOLDER 72/40 Sonic guide, 1985
BOX-FOLDER 72/41 Soundroid San Francisco
BOX-FOLDER 72/42 Space astrophysics
BOX-FOLDER 72/43 Speech
Tape 321
BOX-FOLDER 72/44 Sports
BOX-FOLDER 72/45 Steel drum
Tape 383
BOX-FOLDER 72/46 Stirling engine
BOX-FOLDER 72/47 Storytelling
Tape 168A
RPA 03402
BOX-FOLDER 73/2 Thunder
BOX-FOLDER 73/3 Tibetan music
Tape 327
BOX-FOLDER 73/4 Tide
BOX-FOLDER 73/5 Train
BOX-FOLDER 73/6 Urban accents
BOX-FOLDER 73/7 Ultrasound
BOX-FOLDER 73/8 Vibroseis
BOX-FOLDER 73/9 Voice
BOX-FOLDER 73/10 Wave energy
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