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Series III. Peter Bergman, 1918-2005 (continued)
Subseries IV. Peter Bergman Periodicals Collection (continued)
BOX 80 Los Angeles free press V4n15. Birthday interview with a zen master, 1967-04-04
Roshi Joshu Sasaki
BOX 80 Flash of Pasadena issue no. 3. The last part of an interview with the Wizard of Oz, 1967-04-26
BOX 80 Mise-en-Scéne no. 1. American film issue, circa 1969
BOX 80 Synergy Access no. 2, 1973-10
BOX 80 Northeastern Ohio scene V4n42. Peter Bergman interview, 1973-11-01--1973-11-07
BOX 80 Main currents in modern thought V30n3, 1974-01--1974-02
BOX 80 Emergency illustrated no. 3. Proctor & Bergman interview, 1974-03
BOX 80 The daily orange V3n98. A firesign chat with Proctor & Bergman, 1974-03-07
BOX 80 Everyman flyer V1n2. 2 (or 4) crazy guys, 1974-12
BOX 80 Readers digest. Argio: surgeon of the rusty knife, 1975-03
BOX 80 Oshkosh advance-titan (University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh) V67n6. Proctor and Bergman, 1975-10-09
BOX 80 Extra (The independent Florida alligator magazine). Proctor and Bergman 'The jokes on us', 1975-10-24
BOX 80 Plain dealer Friday. Firesign's Bergman plans film and factory, 1976-07-09
BOX 80 Northeaster Ohio scene V7n28. Live in concert : Russ Ballard, Proctor & Bergman, Boots of destiny, 1976-07-15
BOX 80 Northeastern Ohio scene V7n41. Live in Concert : Proctor & Bergman, Finney Chapel, 1976-10-14
BOX 80 Hollywood reporter. Americathon, candy, gusher on 20th 1977 slate, 1976-11-03
BOX 80 Hollywood reporter, 1977-05-25
BOX 80 The Cleveland press TV showtime, 1977-07-29
BOX 80 The Cleveland press TV showtime. Starland Vocal Band, 1977-08-19
BOX 80 Laughing times V2n2. The Chicago Hysterical Society makes Soundstage funny with Proctor and Bergman, 1978-05
BOX 80 Taylor-made record report priority single and album project, 1978-05-05
BOX 80 Northeastern Ohio scene v9n20, 1978-05-25--1978-05-31
BOX 80 Chicago tribune TV week. Wacky comedy duo gets a break on Soundstage, 1978-05-28
BOX 80 Daily California Friday magazine [Berkeley] v7n10. Beyond Firesign Theatre: Comedy for the 80s, 1978-06-09
BOX 80 TV week, 1978-06-09--1978-06-15
BOX 80 Time. The inflation fighter: federal reserve chairman G. William Miller, 1978-07-17
Robert Grossman cover art
BOX 80 Northeastern Ohio scene V10n31. Americathon: underground comedy of the year?, 1979-08-30
BOX 80 Drama-logue. 'Help me out of this head' review, 1986-09-04--1986-09-10
BOX 80 Daily variety v217n31. Breakfast of champions Handmade Films ad, 1987-10-20
BOX 80 Village view v4n7. In search of experimental theater, 1989-09-22
BOX 81 Yale record v86n1. The I shall make Yale famous issue, 1957-09
BOX 81 Yale record v86n2. Movie issue, 1957-10
BOX 81 Yale record V86n3. YHP, 1957-11
BOX 81 Yale record V86n5. Christmas issue, 1957-12
BOX 81 Yale record V86n5. Playboy issue, 1958-02
BOX 81 Yale record V86n6. Square dance issue, 1958-03
BOX 81 Yale record V86n7, 1958-04
BOX 81 Yale record V86n8. Good old New Haven issue, 1958-05
BOX 81 Yale record V86n9. World's Fair issue, 1958-06
BOX 81 Yale record V87n3. The unrelated issue, 1958-11
BOX 81 Yale record V87n4. Sports illiterate, 1959-02
Sports Illustrated parody
BOX 81 Yale record V87n5. New-college-naming issue, 1959-03
BOX 81 Yale record V87n7. Bit two-in-one issue, 1959-05
BOX 81 Yale record V88n3. Yes, Lolita, there is a Santa Claus, 1959-12
BOX 81 Yale record V88n5. Timf (Time parody), 1960-04
BOX 81 Yale record V89n2. The great debate issue, 1960-10
BOX 81 Yale record V89n4. Doctor-I-have-visions-of-sugar-plums-ho-ho-issue, 1960-12
BOX 81 Yale record V89n5. New Yorker parody, 1961-02--1961-03
BOX 81 Yale record supplement. The dainty princetonian (parody issue), 1957-11-16
BOX 81 Yale record supplement. The Harvad crimson (parody issue)
Newspapers and clippings
Arranged alphabetically by title of newspaper.
BOX-FOLDER 117/1 Austin American-statesman. Firesign duo gives kinky comedy third dimension, 1977-05-04
BOX-FOLDER 117/2 Back stage shoot. Radio days, 1991-06-14
BOX-FOLDER 117/3 Chicago's American. What faiths believe about future life, 1966-04-10
BOX-FOLDER 117/4 [unknown publication]. Chinatown slaying: City's biggest, 1977-09-12
BOX-FOLDER 117/5 Cleveland plain dealer
Cleveland plain dealer. 19 Cleveland collegians win Wilson fellowship for graduate study, 1961-03-13
Cleveland plain dealer. Clevelander among theater bright hopes, 1962-10-29
Cleveland plain dealer. The mad, mad world: Life's been kind to little rag that bloomed in '52, 1977-07-31
Cleveland plain dealer Mary, Mary column ; From choir to 42nd street, 1985-11-24
Peter Bergman in town to play Firesign clips on local radio
BOX-FOLDER 117/6 Cleveland press
Cleveland press. 123 students here reach scholarship finals, 1957-01-09
Cleveland press Bill Dvorak column, 1974-08-20
Peter Bergman screening three films
BOX-FOLDER 117/7 Collier's, 1939-11-25
BOX-FOLDER 117/8 Columbus dispatch. Americathon hilarious spoof, 1979-08-16
BOX-FOLDER 117/9 Denver post. Ebbets duo truly bizarre, 1977-01-07
BOX-FOLDER 117/10 The Growl (South Hills high school, Covina, CA) V3n9. The road to Oz, 1967-05-12
BOX-FOLDER 117/11 Life, 1939-11-27
BOX-FOLDER 117/12 Los Angeles free press. Media cencorship swings to the right, 1969-07-25
BOX-FOLDER 117/13 Los Angeles times
Los Angeles times. New dragons clash in the gilded ghetto ; Today's strife evokes bitter memories, 1977-09-18
Los Angeles times Carter solos at White House jam session, 1978-06-19
Los Angeles times. Chicago festival jammed: Great lake cities find all's fair on waterfront, 1978-08-14
Los Angeles times calendar section F Monday. A Henry IV that's long on the gusto, 1995-07-03
Los Angeles times. Museum-quality yuks, 2004-09-30
Pg. E17
BOX-FOLDER 117/14 New Haven journal-courier
New Haven journal-courier front page, 1963-10-10
New Haven journal-courier. Commander is named for reserve centers, 1963-11-13
New Haven journal-courier. Integrity of Barghoon haild by Yale President, 1963-11-19
BOX-FOLDER 117/15 New York times Sunday. Lessons in socialism at a school for labor leaders, 1979-08-12
BOX-FOLDER 117/16 New York times book review. A love affair with German culture, 1978-01-29
BOX-FOLDER 117/17 The observer weekend review. Briefing who & why 'Outside: of English', 1964-10-18
Profile of James Saunders
BOX-FOLDER 117/18 Peninsula times tribune. The tired trend in movies gets down comedy level, 1979-08-17
By John McClintock
BOX-FOLDER 117/19 Rocky mountain news
Rocky mountain news. Proctor, Bergman at Ebbets Field ; Two carriers of multiple identies, 1973-12-06
Rocky mountain news. Proctor and Bergman back on bus, 1977-01-07
BOX-FOLDER 117/20 San Diego union. Show gorgeously insane, 1973-04-20
BOX-FOLDER 117/21 San Francisco chronicle. Chinatown massacre: 5 slain in restaurant, circa 1977-09-05
BOX-FOLDER 117/22 Saturday evening post, 1939-11-25
BOX-FOLDER 117/23 The scrawl V2n1, 1952-03
Shaker Heights Junior High School English Department
BOX-FOLDER 117/24 Shaker scroll
Shaker scroll V21n3, 1952-12-19
Shaker Heights Junior High
Shaker scroll V22n1. Ninth grade dramateers open season with comedy, 1953-10-16
Bergman as Poppy in Room for one more
Shaker scroll V22n2, 1953-11-18
Shaker scroll V22n4, 1954-02-04
BOX-FOLDER 117/25 Shakerite
Shakerite 26th year no.9, 1956-03-09
Shakerite Shaker Heights high school. Look and see with Peter B, 1957-02-08
BOX-FOLDER 117/26 Sidetracks. Proctor & Bergman in Firesign chat, 1977-05-20
BOX-FOLDER 117/27 Variety. Film production chart, 1978-12-22
BOX-FOLDER 117/28 Washington Post
Washington Post. Local vocals go prime time, 1977-06-23
In two parts
Washington post. Paul Weiss' eclectic banquet, 1978-06-03
Washington post. Americathon: Passing the hat for a bankrupt Uncle Sam, 1979-08-14
BOX-FOLDER 117/29 Yale daily news
Yale daily news V80n110. Students approve college seminars, urge wider choice, 1959-03-12
Picture of Peter Bergman in group of unidentified students, pg. 2
Yale daily news. Monday ad for 'Booth is back in town', 1961-05-01
Yale daily news. 'The aisle seat' Booth is back in town review, 1961-05-12
Newspapers and posters
Arranged chronologically by date.
BOX-FOLDER 111/2 Newspapers, 1960-04-29--1962-04-01
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