The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Yale Newman scripts collection, 1953-1963
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Series 1. Script Files, 1953-1963 (continued)
Radio and television scripts, 1953-1962 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 1/11 Parliament recesses for Easter, 1954-04-15
BOX-FOLDER 1/11 Bevan resigns [from] Shadow Cabinet, 1954-04-15
BOX-FOLDER 1/11 British outlook on Geneva, 1954-04-22
BOX-FOLDER 1/11 [Anthony] Eden flies to Paris, 1954-04-22
BOX-FOLDER 1/11 Bevan vs. Attlee, 1954-04-27
BOX-FOLDER 1/12 Churchill gambles on Indo China, 1954-05-02
BOX-FOLDER 1/11 Labor Party endorses National Executive Committee resolution, 1954-04-29
BOX-FOLDER 1/12 Jack Greggson show - Tourist season in Europe and interview with Moira Shearer, 1954-05-03
BOX-FOLDER 1/12 Britain to join Asian defense talks, 1954-05-06
BOX-FOLDER 1/12 Prospects on English-Welsh elections, 1954-05-06
BOX-FOLDER 1/12 Reaction to fall of Dien Bien Phu, 1954-05-07
BOX-FOLDER 1/12 British reaction to U.S. Munich charge, 1954-05-09
BOX-FOLDER 1/12 Jack Greggson show - Homecoming of Queen Elizabeth, 1954-05-10
BOX-FOLDER 1/12 Security measures for Queen's return, 1954-05-11
BOX-FOLDER 1/12 Disarmament talks, 1954-05-12
BOX-FOLDER 1/12 Gregson shows - Britain's zoot-suiters, 1954-05-17
BOX-FOLDER 1/12 Queen enters English Channel, 1954-05-13
BOX-FOLDER 1/12 Reaction to Eisenhower-Dulles press conference, 1954-05-16
BOX-FOLDER 1/12 Britain resents being scapegoat for American indecision, 1954-05-23
BOX-FOLDER 1/12 Jack Greggson show - Concern about Lady Churchill's health and visit of Ingrid Bergman's husband, 1954-05-24
BOX-FOLDER 1/12 Tory A-bomb question, 1954-05-28
BOX-FOLDER 1/12 Unofficial British rail strike, 1954-05-20
BOX-FOLDER 1/12 [Roger] Bannister runs for charity, 1954-05-31
BOX-FOLDER 1/12 Jack Greggson show - Story about Vicar's church being pulled down and Amie Tindall who knocked down a London Bobby, 1954-05-31
BOX-FOLDER 1/12 Attlee-Bevan Peiping trip, 1954-05-27
BOX-FOLDER 1/12 [Anthony] Eden goes all-out at Geneva, 1954-05-30
BOX-FOLDER 1/13 Jack Greggson show - Interview with Jacqueline James and Eli Wallach, 1954-06-07
BOX-FOLDER 1/13 Trooping the Color, 1954-06-09
BOX-FOLDER 1/13 Churchill and revolt on M.P's pay rise, 1954-06-03
BOX-FOLDER 1/13 Jack Greggson show - Command Performance at London's Palladium and Zsa Zsa Gabor, Vera Lynn, Sharman Douglas and Max Schmeling, 1954-06-14
BOX-FOLDER 1/13 Sir Winston Churchill installed as Knight of the Garter, 1954-06-14
BOX-FOLDER 1/13 British fear failure of Geneva conference, 1954-06-10
BOX-FOLDER 1/13 Visit of Austrian Chancellor, [Herr Raab], 1954-06-15
BOX-FOLDER 1/13 Jack Greggson show - Arrival in London of Deborah Kerr and Shelley Winters, Errol Flynn, Richard Widmark and Glyndebourne Opera season, 1954-06-21
BOX-FOLDER 1/13 U.N. disarmament talks end, 1954-06-21
BOX-FOLDER 1/13 [Anthony] Eden to open debate in Commons, 1954-06-22
BOX-FOLDER 1/13 Jack Greggson show - Social season in full swing and Princess Margaret no longer the same gay bird, Marlene Dietrich in London and the Gabor sisters, 1954-06-28
BOX-FOLDER 1/13 Churchill - Eden off to U.S., 1954-06-24
BOX-FOLDER 1/13 Bill Stern show - Wimbledon wash-out, 1954-06-25
BOX-FOLDER 1/13 End of British meat rationing, 1954-06-28
BOX-FOLDER 1/13 Britain reaction to meeting between Prime Minister Nehru and Premier Chou En Lai, 1954-06-28
BOX-FOLDER 1/14 Jack Greggson show - Interview with Marti Stevens, 1954-07-05
BOX-FOLDER 1/13 Bill Stern show - U.S. eclipse at Wimbledon, 1954-06-30
BOX-FOLDER 1/14 Reaction to end of meat rationing in Britain, 1954-07-05
BOX-FOLDER 1/14 Jack Greggson show - Interview with Sally Bazely, 1954-07-12
BOX-FOLDER 1/14 Bill Stern show - Interview with Peter Thomson, Australian golfer, 1954-07-09
BOX-FOLDER 1/14 Jack Greggson show - Duke and Duchess of Windsor and photo of Marilyn Monroe stolen, 1954-07-19
BOX-FOLDER 1/14 Exclusive interview with Prime Minister Mohammed Ali of Pakistan, 1954
BOX-FOLDER 1/14 London pessimistic on Indochina settlement, 1954-07-19
BOX-FOLDER 1/14 [Captain Waterhouse], Tory Party Defense Chairman to resign, 1954-07-20
BOX-FOLDER 1/14 Criticism on [Princess] Margaret's German holiday, 1954-07-21
BOX-FOLDER 1/14 Jack Greggson show - British publishers won't touch numbers by British composers and Princess Margarets new car, 1954-07-26
BOX-FOLDER 1/14 Moscow note confuses Labor's German policy, 1954-07-27
BOX-FOLDER 1/14 The Suez agreement, 1954-07-27
BOX-FOLDER 1/15 Jack Greggson show - London's missing summer and is it caused by high-flying jets and viist of King Hussein of Jordan, 1954-08-02
BOX-FOLDER 1/15 Trieste settlement, 1954-08-05
BOX-FOLDER 1/15 Marjorie Steel interview, 1954-08-09
BOX-FOLDER 1/15 Hector McNeil on Red China trip (interview with ABC), 1954-08-10
BOX-FOLDER 1/15 Hector McNeil on Red China trip (interview for ABC), 1954-08-09
BOX-FOLDER 1/15 Jack Greggson show - Princess Margaret to announce her engagement any day now, 1954-08-15
BOX-FOLDER 1/15 British storm over book censorship, 1954-08-18
BOX-FOLDER 1/15 Princess Margaret's matrimonial prospects, 1954-08-19
BOX-FOLDER 1/15 Jack Greggson show - Nora Kovach stabs herself accidentally while dancing Scheherezade and Emlyn Williams and Christine Jorgensen, 1954-08-23
BOX-FOLDER 1/15 Move to grant German sovereignty, 1954-08-26
BOX-FOLDER 1/15 Pressure in Britain to join E.D.C., 1954-08-30
BOX-FOLDER 1/15 Attlee trip to China ends, 1954-08-31
BOX-FOLDER 1/16 Conservative Party conference, 1954-10-06
BOX-FOLDER 1/16 Success of Nine-Power Conference, 1954-10-04
BOX-FOLDER 1/16 Haile Selassie state visit to London, 1954-10-13
BOX-FOLDER 1/16 London dock strike second week, 1954-10-11
BOX-FOLDER 1/16 Interview with Archbishop Makarios of Cyprus, 1954-10-18
BOX-FOLDER 1/16 Special Coombs report on Joe McCarthy, 1954-10-18
BOX-FOLDER 1/16 Labor M.P.'s on Lattimore case, 1954-10-27
BOX-FOLDER 1/16 Reaction to latest Russian note, 1954-10-26
BOX-FOLDER 1/17 New London dock crisis, 1954-11-08
BOX-FOLDER 1/17 British businessmen to visit Peiking, 1954-11-09
BOX-FOLDER 1/17 Labor Party has own McCarthy problem, 1954-11-16
BOX-FOLDER 1/17 Moscow running scared (latest Red note), 1954-11-15
BOX-FOLDER 1/17 "The Building of a Sure and Lasting Peace." Churchill birthday tribute, 1954-11-28
BOX-FOLDER 1/17 Churchill's gathering storm, 1954-11-30
BOX-FOLDER 1/17 Britain to honor Churchill, 1954-11-29
BOX-FOLDER 1/18 Labor Party at low political ebb, 1954-12-08
BOX-FOLDER 1/18 Pending flood disaster, 1954-12-09
BOX-FOLDER 1/18 [Anthony] Eden flies to Paris for NATO talks, 1954-12-15
BOX-FOLDER 1/18 Disappointment in Peiking's market square, 1954-12-14
BOX-FOLDER 1/18 London Conference: Key to West German re-armament, 1954-12-26
BOX-FOLDER 1/18 Parliament recesses for Christmas, 1954-12-22
BOX-FOLDER 1/18 Christmas in Britain 1954, 1954-12-23
BOX-FOLDER 1/18 British reaction to French vote, 1954-12-29
BOX-FOLDER 1/19 Malenkov resignation (special program), 1955-02-08
BOX-FOLDER 1/19 Overseas assignment - British views on Formosa (Commonwealth Ministers' Conference) and the resignation of Georgi Malenkov, 1955-02-12
BOX-FOLDER 1/19 Overseas assignment - Britain to make Hydrogen Bomb; general comments on Formosa; Royal Family photography ban, 1955-02-19
BOX-FOLDER 1/19 "Minority problems in Metropolitan areas" : Summary of situation in London and introduction of Councilor White, which follows MacVane's introduction of Mr. Yale Newman, 1955-02-25
BOX-FOLDER 1/19 British storm regarding Cockell-Marciano contract, 1955-02-28
BOX-FOLDER 1/20 Overseas assignment - Disarmament and nuclear warfare; general comments on Formosa, 1955-03-05
BOX-FOLDER 1/20 Labor Party leadership; and Princess Mararet, 1955-03-12
BOX-FOLDER 1/20 Bevan - Expulsion from Labor Party, 1955-03-19
BOX-FOLDER 1/20 Overseas assignment - Expulsion of Aneurin Bevan from the Labor Party; British views on Sir Winston Churchill's resignation, with comments by Mr. E. Leather, M.P., 1955-03-19
BOX-FOLDER 1/21 Overseas assignment - Newspaper strike; and Sir Winston Churchill's resignation, 1955-04-02
BOX-FOLDER 1/21 Overseas assignment - Sir Winston Churchill's resignation, 1955-04-09
BOX-FOLDER 1/21 The Afro-Asian Conference at Bandung, 1955-04-17
BOX-FOLDER 1/21 Overseas assignment - General comments on the British election; Adlai Stevenson's views on American intentions in the Far East, 1955-04-17
BOX-FOLDER 1/21 Overseas assignment - General comments on the British election, 1955-04-30
BOX-FOLDER 1/22 Overseas assignment - Austrian peace settlement; and the 10th anninversary of V-E Day, 1955-05-07
BOX-FOLDER 1/22 V.E. Day Tenth Anniversary Program, 1955-05-07
BOX-FOLDER 1/22 Overseas assignment - General comments on the British election, 1955-05-21
BOX-FOLDER 1/22 Special election program (domestic), 1955-05-23
BOX-FOLDER 1/22 Special election program no. 2, 1955-05-24
BOX-FOLDER 1/22 Third special election program, 1955-05-25
BOX-FOLDER 1/22 Bill Stern show - Three run 4-minute mile, 1955-05-31
BOX-FOLDER 1/22 Overseas assignment - Election wrap-up; and labor disputes, 1955-05-28
BOX-FOLDER 1/23 Overseas assignment, 1955-06-04
BOX-FOLDER 1/23 Overseas assignment Adenauer's visit to Russia, 1955-06-11
BOX-FOLDER 1/23 Geneva Conference, 1955-06-18
BOX-FOLDER 1/23 Overseas assignment - Criticism of the Royal Family; and the unveiling of a statue of Sir Winston Churchill in Guildhall, 1955-06-25
BOX-FOLDER 1/24 Big-Four Ministers conference, 1955-07
BOX-FOLDER 1/24 Overseas assignment: B.E.A. Viscount inaugural flight to Gibraltar and Tangier, 1955-07-02
BOX-FOLDER 1/24 Overseas assignment: Cyprus and Malta, 1955-07-10
BOX-FOLDER 1/24 Bill Stern show: Interview with Peter Thomson, 1955-07-12
BOX-FOLDER 1/24 Overseas assignment: Interview with Hector McNeil regarding the visit of Soviet leaders to the U.K., 1955-07-31
BOX-FOLDER 1/25 Bill Stern show: Interview with Marylin Bell, 1955-08-02
BOX-FOLDER 1/25 Overseas assignment: Interview with Walter Elliott; World Association of Parliamentarians for World Government, 1955-08-07
BOX-FOLDER 1/25 Town Meeting of the Air: The Chances for Peace--Report from Europe, 1955-08-07
BOX-FOLDER 1/25 Bill Stern show: Interview with Florence Chadwick, 1955-08-17
BOX-FOLDER 1/25 Town Meeting of the Air: The Atom - Its hazards and its benefits, 1955-08-21
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